
The same sky... different place...

Chapter 29


Siwon’s pov ~ on the way home


Today is really a hard day... so busy, my head and back hurt so bad now, and luckily we’re on our way home. I rested my head on the head seat, and closed my eyes. JungHoon hyung was softly caressing my head. I know his heart, eventhough I play jokes on him, and pisses him off due to my perfectionist habit, he loves me like his own brother. He worries about me, especially when I’m in pain, “Don’t worry, Hyung... even if I get sick, I’ll still allow you to get your days off.” I said to him still closing my eyes and smile lightly.  


He tapped on my forehead slowly, “Yaah! Even you’re in pain, you’re still making fun of me?” I glanced to look at him while holding in my pain in my head “I’m just having a slight headache, hyung... I’m fine.” I lied.


“Siwon-ah, you look so pale today, and you only had the juice and sandwich Kyuhyun made for you this morning. And how could you throw up that delicious lunch we had? But, I bet it’s not as delicious as the sandwich Kyuhyun made for you, hmmm?” He chuckled.


“I really don’t know, Hyung... whatever he made for me, feels so right, even my body knows that and supported my babyKyu.” I replied and closed my eyes again.


 “You know what, Siwon-ah... you shouldn’t be so stubborn you know? You should just choose the easier way, get the transplant, and live happily ever after with Kyuhyun. Why should you choose the hard and complicated way, huh?” Yeah...I don’t  understand it myself, why can’t I just choose to have the transplant, but I guess the guilt from the previous operation still lingers in me until now.


“Siwon-ah... I can feel that you’re happy with Kyuhyun beside you. Well, you know... if you find  happiness, hang on to it tight, don’t loose it, because it’s so hard to find it in the first place.”


He patted my shoulder lovingly, and just let me be, to think about his words... babyKyu is 100% my happiness, I’ve known that since long ago, that’s one reason why I was willing to throw myself pride begging him to comeback to me. Because, I know, when he left me, he took away my happiness with him. I was desperate... when he asked me to get married with a woman and have kids and live happily with them...how could he be so naive? He took my happiness away, how could he expect I can live happily without him? I was going crazy because I thought I could never have him back, so I started to distract myself... but it was my fault... I shouldn’t have touched alcohol back then. And now, when I’m dying, he comesback to me... I still don’t know the real reason why he cameback to me... is it just out of  pitty and just want to try to safe my life or is it really because he wants to be with me for the rest of our lives as my lover, as my other half.


But if he really cameback to be my lover as before, I couldn’t accept him...I can’t accept him! I can’t be selfish, I have to think what’s best for babyKyu’s happiness. I can’t think about my own happiness for this time, cause I will not live a long time, it will only bring sorrow and pain for my babyKyu.




~at home~


As soon as I arrived in the living room, my mom greeted me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back but my eyes were wandering to find a special figure, where is he?


“How was your day, dear?” my mom asked while caressing my cheek, “Very busy, mom, but I’m fine, don’t worry.” I answered.


“No, he’s not fine, mam. He’s having headaches and back pains again, he couldn’t eat anything without throwing it out again”, suddenly JungHoon hyung babbled everything to my mom, “The only thing his stomach was able to receive were the juice & sandwich Kyuhyun-ssi made for his breakfast today.”


“Youuu... tattletale!” I gave him my death glare, and he just went passed me and my mom, sticking out his tongue, walking towards my study. Probably going to put the documents that haven’t been signed earlier at the office.


My mom looked at me and squinting her eyes, “Hmmm... so the food that your stomach is willing to accept is the food made by Kyuhyun?”


I chuckled, “ It’s not like that, mom... you know that my stomach can only accept juice, oatmeal and sandwiches.”


 “Alright then. Siwon, I ordered your favorite filet mignon, do you think you’ll be able to eat it?”


“I’ll try, mom.” I smiled at her and kissed her forehead, “I’m going to my study first.” My eyes were still wandering, looking for the figure I missed, babyKyu’s figure. I wanted to ask mom where he is, but I was a bit embarrased asking her.


It’s like she can read my body language, she said, “Siwon, honey, IF you’re looking for Kyuhyun-ssi... he went out since 10 this morning. He has some things to do. But don’t worry, he’ll be home to have dinner with you.”


 “I-I’m not looking for him...” I replied turning away my face, slightly blushing and walking towards my study.


 ‘Well, I said ‘IF’... didn’t I?” I can hear her giggling, I gave her a smile and left her.



Kyuhyun’s pov


After doing all kinds of tests needed to be a donor, finally I got the results back from doctor Leeteuk, and I was satisfied and happy with the outcome. I’ve tried contacting my parents to ask their permission, but unfortunately their mobile phones can’t be reached. Probably they were still in a digging site. They are scientists, my father is an archeologist and my mother is an anthropologist. They’re more interested in finding out bones and ceramics from Cleopatra or the Ming Dynasty than their own son. *sigh*


I was used to being left alone because they have to do research or dig up some artifacts and bones, so I was basicly raised by my mom’s older sister, who actually was already full taking care of her two children, my cousins. So, since I was a kid, I’ve been able to take care of myself.


But ever since I met Siwon, he always treated me as if I’m the prince. Everything was taken care by him. Even he took care of my flight schedules, he was able to cut some of my schedules in order for us to have some more quality time. Geez Siwon... so cheesy. And because of how Siwon always put me first in everything he does, I was a bit overwhelmed, when we separated. I was like a lost kid again, couldn’t get everything done as fast and perfect as when I was still with Siwon.


“Sir, we’ve arrived.” The driver startled me, “Oh really? O-okay. Thank you Lee-unjeonsa, for today.”, Kim-jibsa opened the door for me and I walked towards Siwon's house. 'Is he home yet?' I wondered.


I was in the living room, Kim-jibsa took my coat, ”Thank you. Where is Mrs. Choi, Kim-jibsa?” I asked him. “She’s in the dining room, preparing young master’s Siwon and your dinner.” He answered  and bowed.


I headed to the dining room, Siwon’s mom was still arranging the cutleries, it all looks high end and I’m pretty sure it was very expenssive, there were unlit candles on the table, and two beautiful lilies in a vase that were laid out matching to the color of the plates. What special occasion is it?


When I approached her, she looked at me and smiled, “You’re home... just in time for dinner." She hugged me, "You must be tired. Go take a shower first and then come downstairs for dinner, dear.”


“Mom... is there any special occasion tonight?” I asked curiously.


“Aaahh... It’s nothing. I’m just setting the tables for the two of you.” Siwon’s mom answered while back to arranging the spoons, fork and knives near the plates. “You don’t mind, do you?”


 “The two of you... meaning as in Siwon and me?” I asked nervously.


“Yes, of course, dear... who else?” Siwon’s mom winked at me.


Truthfully, I was excited to hear about this, but when I recall this morning’s incident, “But, mom... will Siwon agree to this? You know... since in the morning, h-he...” I couldn’t get myself to finish the sentence.


“He agreed. I just said that I ordered his favorite fillet Mignon for dinner. And don’t worry about this morning, Kyuhyun-ah.” She smiled wider, “He drank the juice and ate the sandwich you made for him, without him throwing up.”


Huh...? “Really?” I asked. It was a relief. Eventhough he acted cold towards me, but he ate the food I prepared for him.


“Of course, Jung Hoon told me.” Siwon’s mom replied and continued placing the cutleries on the other side of the table. “From now on, your duty is preparing Siwon’s breakfast and lunch, and I’ll prepare for dinner? How’s that? A deal?” She continued looking at me with her happy face.


“L-lunch too?” Why do I have to prepare his lunch, doesn’t Siwon always have lunch with his colleagues or other important people?


“Yes, dear.. .you should know, that all these times, Siwon wasn’t able to consume any of the meals he had for lunch, he’s just counting on IV fluids to survive.” Suddenly her eyes turned sad, “So I was thinking, if you could help me to make his lunch. We can consult about the menu to his nutriotionist. I’m pretty sure he can eat it if you’re the one making his lunch.”


”Well... I don’t know about that, I can’t guarantee. But we can try.” I said, “So, will you excuse me for awhile, I’ll go take a quick shower first, mom.”


“Go ahead, Kyuhyun-ah. And after you’re done, could you please ask Siwon to join you for dinner, he’s in his study.” She finished the tables and walked towards me, held both of my hands, “Siwon’s dad and myself, we’re putting our hopes in you... we can’t persuade him anymore. He still won’t change his mind. He’s our only son, so we ask you to help us keep him healthy... don’t make us loose him. Please, Kyuhyun-ah... will you do it? For this old woman?” She asked me with her teary eyes.


“Don’t worry, mom... I’ll try my best. As you and Siwon’s father love him, I do love him, too.”


Siwon’s mom hugged me, and leaned her head on my chest, “Gomawo, Kyuhyun-ah... and please be patient with Siwon. I don’t know why he acted cold again towards you. Please be patient, ne?” Siwon’s mom let go of the hug, kissed my cheek softly and looked at me with full of hope in her eyes. I nodded, and smiled at her, then walked to my room, the guest room.




After shower, I wore my favorite jeans and my salem V neck, long sleeve shirt, spray some perfume on my body and neckline, then combed my brunet hair with my fingers.


Now, I’m walking toward Siwon’s bedroom, located not far from the guest room. Just in case he’s already in his room, so I don’t have to go back and forth to get him. I knocked slowly, no anwer. But I wanted to make sure that he’s really not in his room. I opend the door and stepped inside, “Siwon, are you in here?”


It seems empty, but before I turned my body towards the door, I noticed there were picture on the side table. I walked towards it, sat in Siwon’s bed and looked at the beautiful framed pictures. There was a picture of Siwon’s parents, and next to it was another picture in a cute girly frame. Why didn’t I notice these pictures yesterday? Maybe it was due to too much drama that occured last night. In the cute girly frame, I think it’s Siwon’s adopted daughters.


I reached for that frame, these girls are so adorable. Especially the younger one, she is very cute. Even in her young age, 3 years old maybe, if I have to guess, she looks charming. I fell in love instantly with that little girl. I smiled... I bet Siwon will absolutely look adorable walking together with his daughters at the mall or at a park, and a lot of women will immediately line up to be Siwon’s wife... but, poor them... I chuckled, Siwon’s only interested in me. Hmmm..., so these girls will be my daughters too, in the future. Aaaww...how lucky I am. I think back to Siwon’s cold attitude again, but I reminded myself  of what Siwon’s mom told me, Siwon still cares for me. I have to be patient with him... for him, because I have my faults too, I was the one who left him at first. I didn’t even give him a chance when he asked me to comeback to him. I put back the framed picture and went out of Siwon’s room.


I went downstairs, walked straight towards Siwon’s study, knocked at the door. I heard he answered ‘Yes’ and I opened the door slowly, poked my head, “Hi... Can I come in?”


Siwon glaced at me and nodded, then he continued looking at the papers on his desk. “Your mom asked me to ask you to have dinner. She already prepared your favorite dish.”


“Okay, I’ll be out in 10 minutes.” He replied still with his eyes on the papers in front of him. Hmmm... still giving his cold atittude, huh..? I looked around his study. On the left side of the room, were bookshelves with thick books on it, neatly placed and I bet it’s also in alphabetical order, he is so perfectionist. On the right side of the room, there was a LED TV installed, some abstract paintings on the wall and a painting of two little, sweet, beautiful girls. Siwon’s daugthers. “Your daughters are beautiful, Siwon.” I commented on the painting to Siwon, “The painter really made them as princesses.”


“Huh...?” Siwon mumbled. I looked at him who’s now looking at me, and I pointed to the painting, “I said your daughters are beautiful.” I repeated what I said to him. “Oh yeah...” and he immediately focused back on the papers.


“Siwon, don’t you want to see them grow up, them to the altar and hand them to their future husbands?” I suddenly spoke what I was thinking out loud to him when I was still admiring the painting of his cute daughters.


“I don’t know...”


I walked up to his desk, and stood in front of him, “Siwon, please...let me help you, ne?” I pleaded softly to him.



leave ur comment please ^_* thanKYU

@pupleungu: fighting... :p

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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...