loving you

The same sky... different place...


Chapter 38
Eunhyuk’s pov
This is the last flight for today, I'll be off in two days. I’m so tired, but I want my Hae... I miss him too much.
Right now I'm lying in Donghae's bed, he told me that Kyuhyun fell in the pool yesterday, Siwon said that Kyuhyun is okay, but we want to check up on his condition this afternoon.
Donghae was in the shower when I got into his apartment, I've knocked on the bathroom door to let him know that I was here, I really missed him so much. When I was almost asleep, I heard the bathroom door opened, I sat abruptly, took a glance at the bathroom door... my Donghae... "Baby, why are you fully dressed? You're suppose to get out from the bathroom only wearing a towel on your waist, so that I could see your half- body and get arroused with the water still dripping from your wet hair." I protested with a slight whine.
Donghae chuckled, "I've been waiting for your arrival, Hyukie, but I think I should avoid a predator that had two days' of starvation... kkkkk. We have to see Kyuhyun now."
“But baby... I miss you...” I stood up and hugged him from behind, he was facing the mirror to arrange his hair and put a light moisturizer on his face. “Kyuhyun can wait... he won’t be going anywhere.” I whispered, I think I’m too to even think about my best friend who almost drowned yesterday.
Donghae sighed and turned around, cupped my face and I leaned trying to kiss his delicious lips, “Hyukie... We...”
Before he said anything else, I pulled him to my embrace, put my head on his shoulder, sniffed his neck “Hae... I really miss you.”
I pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed, and I climbed on his lap, I peck his cheeks, his lips but then pressed my lips on his. Initially he didn't respond to my kisses, but I don't care, I nibbled on his lower lip and then his upper lip, it feels so good, oh gosh I miss this feeling...
“Oh... Hyukie...” He moaned and let my tounge slipped into his cavern, I pushed him flat on the bed and kept attacking his mouth. Donghae’s lips were pressed hard on mine, I think my lips will be swollen later. I gasped out loud when I felt his hands went under my shirt and rubbed my s. He twirled, pinched, pulled at them and that alone was enough to arouse me. Then he moved, his bulge in his pants rubbing againts mine.
“H-Hae... aahhh...” I moaned as Donghae pressed my against his bulge, then he ed his hips. His move made me crazy, “P-please, my j-jeans, H-Hae.” He turned around, now my position is under his body.Oh this is it!I thought, but wait, I opened my eyes, he was already standing on the floor, he stopped? “Yah~~, why did you stop?” I groaned frustratingly.
He smiled and winked at me, “Siwon’s house... now! Hyukie, I don’t want to get there limping and couldn't carry my nieces because my 's sore.”
“I’m sorry sweety, let’s go.”
"You owe me, Hae... look what you've done here" I said bringing my eyes to my bulge.
He giggled, "I'll make it up to you later, baby... I promise."
We arrived at Siwon's house, we were greeted by his mother. And she said that Siwon and Kyuhyun was drinking tea in the back garden with the girls. Me and Donghae walked to the backyard, I held his hand,  though a little upset with what had happened, but I still love him nonetheless. Yeah, probably if I'll be good tonight, he'll let me do him after we go home later, as he promised earlier, and I could vent my desires in his apartment, assa...
I saw Siwon, Kyuhyun and Donghae's nieces sitting playfully, "Sheila... Bella..." Donghae shouted.
His nieces laughed outright, running and stretching out her hands, "My handsome uncle..."
Donghae laughed and hugged two little girls who were very pretty. "Ah... both of you got more beautiful... and taller, I see."
"Of course, we are..." replied his smaller niece, and then she said, “Uncle, who is he?" pointing at me, and then she whispered something to Donghae's ear.
And suddenly Donghae laughed out loud, "Hahaha... Sheila, this is uncle Hyukjae. And no, he doesn't have a girlfriend." Donghae said, still laughing while holding a little girl he called Sheila earlier.
I held out my hand, "Hi Sheila, my name is Hyukjae, and your uncle is right, I have no girlfriend, YET." Then I blinked my eyes at Donghae, yeah... of course I don't have a girlfriend.
“Nice to meet you, uncle Hyukjae.” Aigoo... she blinked cutely and blushed, so cute... although Donghae said that Sheila is an adopted daughter, but when Sheila was blushing, embarassed, her face looks a lot like Donghae's.
“Neh, nice to meet you too baby...” I shook her hand, “And who is this pretty young girl?” I scooted over to her.
“My name is Bella, Sheila’s eonni. Nice to meet you, uncle.” She said.
“Nice to meet you Bella...” I shook Bella's hand.
I saw Siwon and Kyuhyun walked hand in hand to our direction, "Hi, Hyung." Siwon said, releasing Kyuhyun's hand, he hugged Donghae and then took Sheila from  Donghae.
"Hi, Hyukjae... You look great." Siwon smiled.
"Appa, uncle Donghae said, uncle Hyukjae has no girlfriend yet, when Sheila is a big girl, may Sheila be uncle Hyukjae's girlfriend?" Sheila whispered, too loud obviously.
"Hahaha... uncle Hyukjae has no girlfriend huh?" Siwon glanced at me.
I glanced at Donghae who's now glaring at me, "What... you yourself said that earlier first." I whispered to Donghae.
"Hyuk, how are you?" This time it was Kyuhyun voicing out to greet me, and hugged me awhile.
"Tired, but great" I answered him, "Are you alright Kyu?"
"Yes, I'm fine now." He smiled.
"Good. Oh Kyu, everyone misses you back in Paris." I told him, but... I regret saying that the moment I saw his eyes changed to a gloomy state, I was foolish, I shouldn't have said it. He transfered to a domestic flight not because he wanted it, but his sacrifice to be near Siwon. "I'm sorry." I kind a whispered softly to him. 
"Naah... It's okay." He replied giving me his smile, and patted my shoulder, Siwon was looking at us with his scrunched eyebrows. "Donghae hyung, what have you done to my monkey? He looks so handsome after being with you." Kyuhyun changed the topic.
“Hahaha... I put a spell on him everyday. He looks great, more handsome doesn't he? Right Sheila?" Donghae asked Sheila looking for support, and Sheila nodded dramatically  in agreement. 
"Yah! My daughter is still 3y.o!" Siwon interrupted.
"Appa... I'm almost 4." Sheila protested innocently.
Kyuhyun caressed Sheila's hair and held his arms to her, Sheila moved to Kyuhyun's embrace now, seems everybody love that cutie pie, "Ne, my baby girl is almost 4, and when you grow bigger, why don't you find a boyfriend like your appa, instead of uncle Hyukjae..."
“Yah! What? Was there something wrong with me?" I protested to Kyuhyun.
They were all laughing merrily, and I was left with a pout on my face. Then Bella tugged Donghae's jacket, "Uncle, why don't we roast some marshmallows?"
Donghae looked at Bella, smiled childishly, and bent his body a little bit and poked Sheila's nose, "Great idea, princess. Uncle Hae loves marshmallows."
"Me too... me too..." Sheila was moving. And wiggling in Kyuhyun's embrace, and he let her down from his hold, then she quickly ran to the house, screaming so very loudly, "KIM-JIBSA AJUSSI... I WANT TO ROAST MARSHMALLOWS.” aaahh... so loud voice coming from such a small cute girl.
Kyuhyun and Donghae were busy lighting the fire, Bella and Sheila were busy putting the marshmallow on the iron stick. They were so excited because they're about to roast marshmallows. While Siwon and I were enjoying the sight of the girls and having a cup of coffee with a kahlua on the garden table not far from the fire. "So... you're together again?" I asked to Siwon.
"Yeah..." He answered while looking at Kyuhyun with full of love in his eyes, "Eventhough I haven't officially asked him to comeback to me, but I think we're starting all over again."
"Oh, that's wonderful. Worth the while for the sacrifice, right? I even heard he's going to donor his kidney, huh?" I asked and took a sipped of my coffee.
"That's Kyuhyun... well, frankly speaking, he forced me in getting the transplant, eventhough I'm really against it, but I couldn't say no anylonger." Siwon replied, head low, and his finger is playing at the tip of the coffee cup.
"I really envy you, Siwon. He loves you so much... first he let's go of his international carreer as a pilot, and transfered to a domestic one. And now he's leaving his world as a pilot just for you."
"Domestic? You mean he's no longer flying international flights anymore? And what do you mean by leaving his pilot carreer, I never asked him to do that." Siwon said frowning.
"Oh, you didn't know?" I'm now confused, did Kyuhyun deliberately hide those facts from Siwon? If so, what should I do? Thanks to my big mouth, aish!
"Hyukjae, please explain to me."
"Oh, uh... w-well, he asked for a transfer for a domestic flight, so he could always monitor and follow up on news about your health, besides, from what I kew, he wanted to make to make sure you were eating properly, so he prepared your breakfast and lunch daily." I explained to Siwon. I hope he wouldn't ask me anymore questions.
"Is that so?" He frowned, "Then what does it mean by leaving his pilot carreer?" Siwon asked with a very persistent tone of voice.
Oh great, now what I supposed to say, "M-maybe you should ask directly to Kyuhyun." I replied shortly.
But it seems, my answer is not enough, "Hyukjae, please tell me. We've been through a lot these past months, even broke up, so please, do me a favor, just tell me up straight. Please?"
I took a very deep breath, well... maybe I should tell him... "Siwon, a pilot must have a VERY healthy body, not able to have one tiny thing missing in our body, mmm... do you understand what I'm saying here?"
"Of course, I know that." He said still with a confused look.
"Not ONE single thing in our body." I repeated, giving a hrad emphasize on the word 'one'.
Sighed. "He's going to be your DONOR, Siwon. Thats mean..." He gasp, he finally understood, and suddenly his eyes were widened.
"Y-you mean, he has to resign? Not able to continue doing the job he loves?" He coveres his mouth, then redirecting his hand to hold his backside of his neck, that I guessed, suddenly became stiff. I just shook my head.
"Why hadn't I thought of that?"
“I’m sorry, Siwon.” I said weakly. 
"W-what should I do, Hyukjae?" This time Siwon covered his face with both hands, "I'm tired of fighting and refusing Kyuhyun's wishes, and I just can't see Kyuhyun crying again, and suffer to lose him again. But I can't be selfish like this, too, he sacrificed everything that is important to him... for me, who am I to let Kyuhyun do that? Sacrificed his life, Hyukjae." He looked at me, I can clearly see sadness in Siwon's eyes, that already is b with red and tears, despite it is already sunset and the lighting in the garden is poor.
I saw Kyuhyun walking toward us, Siwon was backfacing Kyuhyun, "Kyuhyun is coming towards us." I whispered to Siwon, and he nodded slightly.
"Hi, you two... do you want some marshmallows, too?" Kyuhyun asked looking at me, standing next to Siwon then caressing Siwon's hair. Siwon turned his body sllightly while still sitting on the chair, reach for Kyuhyun's waist, and put his head on Kyuhyun's stomach, "Hey... Wonnie... what's wrong, honey?" Kyuhyun asked worriedly.
I cleared my throat, "Kyu, you guys better talk for awhile, I'll go help Hae and the girls to roast more marshmallows." I left them both.
Our pov
"Wonnie, baby... hey... what's wrong, love?" Kyuhyun asked again lovingly, slightly bending his body and kissed Siwon's head. Siwon pulled Kyuhyun's waist, and put Kyuhyun on his lap. Kyuhyun cupped his face, while Siwon's hand still hold Kyuhyun's waist. "Hey, baby... are you crying? What's wrong baby? Tell me, please..."
"Kyu, is it true, that if you donor your kidney for me, it means also the end of your pilot career?" Asked Siwon weakly, face full of sadness.
Hearing Siwon's questing, Kyuhyun was slightly shocked, not anticipating the question. "Oh... did Hyukjae said it?"  Siwon nodded. "Wonnie, listen to me, promise me you won't change your mind about the transplant." Kyuhyun circled his hands on Siwon's neck, hugging him. "I told you already, I would do ANYTHING for you, remember? And I don't want anything else in this world as long as you're beside me. So just love me all my life, all your life, don't ever leave me, Siwon. I really mean it, when I say this... *kiss Siwon's cheek* I have nothing left in this world if you stopped loving me and leave me."
Suddenly, Siwon burst in tears, hold Kyuhyun's shirt so tightly, "K-kyu..I lov... love... you."
"Thank you, my Love... shhh... don't cry now... Bella and Sheila will hear you... sshh..." Siwon deepened his head in Kyuhyun's shoulders, and hold him so tight. "And I love you too, Wonnie... so much."


hi my dear subscribers and readers, I'm so sorry... its late and short update :( really sorry, i just 've lack of idea lost my mood a bit but i promise you that i'll finish this story to the end. bear with me, ne?
please leave ur comment, give me an idea for next chap, perhaps? ;)
i love you guys...


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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...