mommy... ^^

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 34



Siwon’s pov


I was startled hearing what Sheila said, I've never heard her say like this before. Though Sungmin hyung once told me that Sheila had asked about her mother. But when we told her she was already in heaven, she never asked about her mom anymore. So, why is she suddenly saying 'I want my mommy?'


Sheila didn't let her hands go, still around my neck, but I heard her breathing is even again, indicating that she's asleep again. I decided to stay, I took off my slippers, and straighten my legs on her bed, and laid myself beside my baby. I lifted Sheila's tiny figure and put her on my chest. She snuggled on my chest, trying to find a good position for her head, and she dozed off soon afterwards. I hugged her., "I love you so much, baby girl..." I whispered and kissed her head, "I never know why your mother didn't want an angel like you. But don't worry, we can make it together..."




It was about 4 in the morning, I opened my eyes slightly, but not finding Sheila in my arms. It turns out, she was still asleep, her back facing me. She really moves a lot when she sleeps.


I pushed myself using my arm to get up from Sheila's bed. I pulled the blanket to cover Sheila's tiny body, it was apparantly kicked by Sheila, who knows when she kicked it. I got up. I went to Bella's room first, to check on her. She was still asleep, adorably cute, then I went to my own room. Last night wasn't my best sleep night, but I slept longer than usual. I decided to take a hot shower, remembering I didn't even change my clothes last night, moreover took a bath.


I was already done by 5, but because it's still to early, I just put on my t-shirt and pants, then went to my study to check some of my documents. And later, maybe about 7 o'clock I'll wake the girls up, play around awhile, kiss them before leave to the office. I was going downstairs to my study, when some of the maids greeted me, I just smile and slightly bowed my head at them. I reached my study, closed the doors, and focused on the documents.


I wasn't really aware how long I've been in the study, until I heard a knock on the door. Before I could answer I saw Jung Hoon hyung poked his head in, "Siwon, I think we should call the pediatrician, your mom said Sheila's temperature is high."


I was shocked, "Sheila's sick?" I immediately stood from my chair and rushed up the stairs towards Sheila's room, "She was fine, when I left her this morning." I said to Jung Hoon hyung who was following behind me.


"You slept with Sheila?" He asked, "But you didn't notice her body is burning?"


"Not that I remember, she was still sound asleep, I didn't touch or kiss her earlier... I was afraid that I would wake her up."


I opened the door to Sheila's room as quietly as possible, I saw my mom and Sungmin hyung on her sides. My mom was putting a small wet towel on her forehead. "What's wrong with Sheila, mom?" I asked worriedly, I sat on the edge of Sheila's bed, next to her, and touched her cheek, she was burning up, "M-mom..?"


"Don't worry, Siwon. Sungmin called the doctor already, he'll be here shortly." I turned to Sungmin, he smiled, bowed, then left us.


I laid next to Sheila, and looking at her peaceful face then hugged her small frame, "Mom, she'll be really okay, r-right?" I said without moving my gaze away from Sheila.


"It's just a fever, honey. She'll be okay..."


"I'm so worried..." My voice was shaking, and I don't know why, suddenly I feel so afraid of losing her.


"Siwon, dear, she'll be alright. Mmm... did she said something to you?"


"Say what, mom?" I asked glancing towards my mom over my shoulder.


"I don't know, she waited for you until late last night because she said she wanted to tell you something. I thought she had mentioned it to you and maybe it was something important to her."


Suddenly I remember, and changed to a sitting position, and looked at her face, worriedly, "Mom..." My voice really cracked this time, "She told me... that she wanted her mommy."


"Ooh... poor kid..." My mom said hugging me, "She doesn't understand yet that she was an orphan..."


O-orphan? Suddenly my eyes felt hot now, my heart hurts... I can't hold it anylonger, my poor baby girl... "M-mom..." I called her releasing her from my hug.


"Siwon... why are you crying?" She asked my confused, wiped my tears.


"Mom... I can't hold it any longer." I said, and I really don't know if this was the right time to say what I'm about to say, but I really can't hold it anylonger, "M-mom..."


"Siwon, what is it? You're worrying me, tell me..." My mom wiped my tears using her hand. I hold her hand, and put it on my chest.


"M-mom, first of all, I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but I promise, I'll explain everything to you and dad later. But you need to know this... now, Sheila... Sheila is not an orphan. Oh mom, I'm so sorry... but Sheila is not my adopted daughter, mom."




"Mom, Sheila is my real daughter." My mom just widened her eyes, holding tight my hands, as if she was trying to digest what I was telling her a second ago. "Mom, I'm really trully sorry, for never having the courage to tell you about this, but she is... Sheila is your real granddaughter, she is your flesh and blood granddaughter."


My mom, suddenly released my hands, and pushed me out of her way, I was blocking her vision to Sheila, I moved out. My mom was looking at Sheila and her tears fell. She wiped her tears over and over, but her tears constantly came out. I saw she widened her eyes again, looking at me and Sheila, and suddenly her gaze softened. She lifted Sheila into her arms put her on her embrace, “My baby... *sob* my granddaughter... *sob* oh God, thank you... *sob*  my granddaughter... *sob*  I love you *sob*.”


“Halmeoni~~~” I heard Sheila whispering, calling her grandma, she must have woken up.


“Yes, Sheila... *sob* oh my God, Sheila... *sob* my precious granddaughter...” My mom couldn't stop her tears, kissed Sheila's face here and there.


"Why is Halmeoni crying?" Sheila asked softly, but my mom was still crying.


"Sheila baby..." I called her and rubbed her back.


Sheila turned her head slowly to face me, "Appa... you're still here? Appa haven't gone to the office?" She asked surprised.


"Ne,appa is still here, sweety, not going to the office."


“Let's play, appa. B-but, why is halmeoni crying, appa? Did Sheila do something bad?” Sheila asked, afraid in her voice, afraid that she made a mistake.


“No baby... halmeoni is crying because Sheila seem to have a fever this morning.”


"I have a fever?" She asked while touching he own forehead to feel her fever.


She was so cute, I chuckled, "Ne baby, you have a fever. But the doctor will soon arrive, and you will get better soon."


Then Sheila cupped he grandmother's cheeks, "Halmeoni, you heard what my appa said, right? Sheila will be better soon. Don't worry halmeonni, don't cry, please. Sheila's sorry to make halmeoni worried. Please don't cry." Sheila was trying to reassure her grandmother with teary eyes.


My mom nodded, then hugged Sheila, "Ne... *sob* Sheila will be better soon... *sob* Halmeonni is sorry to for crying like this... *sob*, Halmeonni loves Sheila so much... *sob*"


“Sheila loves halmeonie so much too...”




Jung Hoon hyung went to the pharmacy to get Sheila's prescription from the doctor. The doctor said it was just a common fever, but I'm still worried.


Kim-jibsa and the other maid brought in a tray of porridge for Sheila, while I was still lying next to her and my mom was sitting near Sheila. Since I decided to not go in to the office, my dad has to go. Well, he left half an hour ago, dad was extatic, over joyed knowing the fact the Sheila is his real granddaughter. He even still has a big smile plesttered on his face while he was leaving, eventhough his granddaughter is sick, he was still smiling and being happy... now that the heir he has been waiting all his live is actually right in front of him all these times. I haven't revealed the whole story how Sheila is my real daughter, but I know they will give me some time until I'm really ready to say it all out. I just told them, there's no wife of me and no mother of Sheila.


"Madam, porridge for Sheila."


"Ah, ne... Sungmin made this? Where is he?" My mom wiped off her tears that seem to be flowing constantly. I know, my mom's tears is a happy tear.


"Yes, madam. And Sungmin-ssi is helping miss Bella to prepare for her school."


"I see. Thank you, Kim-jibsa." My mom put the porridge and glass of water on Sheila's side table, and tries to wake Sheila up by shaking lightly her arms, "Sheila, baby, wake up... time to eat the yummy porridge uncle Sungmin prepared for you. Uncle Jung Hoon will arrive soon with your medicines."


I pushed my body frontward toward Sheila, supporting it with my elbow, and my hand supporting my head, my other hand circled her waist.


"Sheila... c'mon, sweety." My mom tried to wake her up. Sheila opened her eyes a little bit, and shook her head slowly.


"Sheila... you said you don't want to make halmeonnie sad... please eat just a little bit, so later you can drink your medicine uncle Jung Hoon brought for you, ne?" I tried persuading her, carressing her cheek. Sheila suddenly looked at my face and her eyes tearing up.


And with her shaky voice, she said "Appa, Sheila wants mommy..." Sheila turned towards me and hugged me and burried her face in my chest. Oh dear God, what should I do...


I looked at my mom, who's now covering her face with her hands.


"I'm sorry my baby boo..." I carressed Sheila's head and kissed her, "But you know your mom is in heaven..."


"A-appa is lying..." she said sobbing againts my chest, "I want my mommy, *sob* please Appa... I miss my mommy..*sob* "


"Sheila... ssshhh... don't cry, baby.." I said soothing her back. "Appa is sorry, we can't meet your mommy, heaven is a place so far away."


"But appa... Sheila met mommy yesterday... *sob*" I was shocked hearing this. "Appa, I want my mommy..." Sheila looked at me with her red and now puffy eyes that was full of hope, "Please call mommy to come here...*sob* Sheila will eat a lot, appa... ne?" *sob*


"Oh my God" I heard my mom gasp and held her hand over and looked at me.


"Mom... who did Sheila meant by?" My mom didn't answer, and I became impatient, "Mom... who did Sheila met yesterday? Mom...?" I'm getting more worried, oh no... what if that woman is back in Seoul and tries to find out about Sheila and came to see her at school and talked to her? No... no... this can not happen. No one can take away Sheila from me... not ever.


"I'll call that person..." My mom whispered, and saw my mom stepped out from Sheila's bed room.


"Mom wait, who..." she left.





Sheila has calmed down, and she fell asleep in my embrace when she was sobbing earlier. Her head was still in my arms, I put her head on the pillow slowly, I got out from the bed.


After closing the door, I was going to find my mom, but I saw her walking towards me, smiling.


"Mom, please, tell me who did Sheila meet with yesterday? You know right? Tell me..." I asked her again, I was really worried.


My mom still has her wide smile plesterred oh her face, and she immediately hugged me, "I called that person already, and I took care of everything so that person can come as soon as possible, beacause there was a chance that person was out of town."


"But mom... who is that person? And is that person a goo--"


"Ne... ne..." My mom cut my words, "Indeed a good person... a really good person. Why don't you take some rest with Sheila, and don't worry." My mom patted my back cheerfully, let go of me from her hug and looked at me with her now teary eyes. A smile still on her face.


"Mom, that person is really a good person, right? Who is that person? I don't want Sheila to meet any random people." I said to her still sounding worried. Then, she took me to sit at the leather fainting couch near Sheila's room. I can see that she is very excited. She told me that yesterday, my girls and mom met my mom's acquantaince, and that Sheila immediately ran to that person and hugged that person. She didn't want to part with that person all through their meeting, mom told me. And what amazed me, is when mom said that person got Sheila to eat lots of vegetables... my Sheila?? Eats vegetables?? Wow, now I'm really curious to who that person might be.


After telling me a bit about 'Sheila's mommy' my mom and I went back to Sheila's room, and when she saw one of the maid passed by, she asked her to take out the bowl of porridge that's already cold from Sheila's room.


After the maid brought the bowl out, I climbed back to Sheila's bed, laid myself beside her and hugged her softly, "Please get well soon, my sweetheart Sheila... appa is very sorry. From now on, appa promise will spend more time with you, my baby boo." I whispered to her. I don't know who this person Sheila's talking about, calling that person as 'her mommy', but if Sheila cares so much for this person, and able to make Sheila eat and get well soon, I wouldn't mind to let Sheila meet that person.


Mom was still sitting in the chair next to Sheila's bed, and putting the wet towel on her forehead, dipping it once in a while in to a bowl of warm water, because Sheila still has a fever.




It seemed that I slept, and now I felt Sheila is no longer in my embrace, but I heard her voice, "Sheila is a good girl, right? Sheila already finished the poriedge and drink Sheila's medicine" she said cheerfully.


Huh... cheerfully? Eat? Has 'her mommy' arrived already? I opened my eyes, wanting to see who that person is, but my vision was blocked by Sheila's body. I wrapped my hands in Sheila's waist and moved her a bit so I can take a glimpse of 'her mommy' from behind her, "Appa... you're awake?" I heard Sheila asking me, but I ignored her...


I recognize that brunet hair...*my heart is beating faster*

"Appa, Sheila already finished the porridge."

I recognize that pale skin...*my heart is beating so much faster now*,



I was memerized when finally I was able to see his face, I pushed myself so fast to sit up, but I made a wrong move, so my head was hurting so much, "Oooh.." I said holding my head.


"Gwenchana..?" I heard that beautiful voice again after three long weeks, that seem forever, going crazy missing him. I felt a pair of hands caressing my head, "Wonnie, are you okay? Dizzy? You should've moved slower..." That beautiful voice said again, his hand still carressing my head.


"Appa... are you dizzy? Appa should eat some porridge too and drink medicine like me, so you can get well soon. Let mommy feed appa... like mommy feed Sheila, ne? KIM-JIBSA AJUSHIIIIII..." Sheila shouted while hurrying getting down from her bed, leaving me and 'her mommy', as if she was totally cured just after meeting 'her mommy'.


I was still sitting on the bed, head looking down, and those hands are still carressing my head, it feels really right, really comfortable... I don't feel dizzy anymore, and my heart... at peace. Without realizing myself, I grabbed his waist who was standing next to the bed, and placed my head on his warm body, "I miss babyKyu.." I whispered.





I was still enjoying that comfortable position when I heard the door opened, "Appa..." It was Sheila, "Appa..." And Bella walking behind her... but as soon as she came in, Bella ran towards Kyuhyun, "Uncle Kyuhyun..." With her face bright and cheerful voice. Sheila was soon on the bed again, and giving me a back hug, Bella was hugging Kyuhyun's waist from his side, "Appa, Sheila told me that you're dizzy, are you okay now?" Bella asked me concerned. "I'm okay sweety. Appa is okay..." I replied her and caressing that beautiful face and already in her school uniform.


"Appa, Kim-jibsa will come in a moment bringing your porridge." Sheila said. I just nodded and heard Kyuhyun replying her, "Thank you cutie pie... you're a smart girl."


Sheila chuckled, "And beautiful, too...?" She asked releasing her hug on me. "Ne, and beautiful, too..."


"Beautiful like mommy?" Why is Sheila calling Kyuhyun 'mommy'.


"Ne..." Kyuhyun answered.


I released my hands from Kyuhyun's waist and turned myself facing Sheila, lifting her and putting her on my lap, "Sheila... baby... why do you keep calling uncle Kyuhyun 'mommy'?"


Sheila just widened her smile, showing her neat of pearl teeth, Sheila was now looking at Kyuhyun who is now sitting beside me, caressing Bella's hair on his lap. Sheila's eyes were sparkling.


"Sheila, why do you call him mommy?" I repeated my question.


Sheila just looked at me, blinking her eyes cutely, "Because he is my mommy...?"


"Who told Sheila that uncle Kyuhyun is Sheila's mommy?"


"Nobody, appa..." She said looking at Kyuhyun again.


"So, why do you think that uncle Kyuhyun is Sheila's mommy?"


"Because he feels like my mommy." Sheila said giggling.


"This uncle feels like mommy?" I asked confused. I cupped her tiny face to make her look at me and answer me seriously.


"Appa... Uncle Kyuhyun feels like mommy when the first time Sheila saw him." she replied while nodding, "And Sheila sure that he is Sheila's mommy when Sheila hugged him. Appa can try to hug him again, appa will feel it." Sheila said giggling again. "Appa, please don't separate Sheila with mommy again... ne? I promise to be a good girl, I won't ask for more dolls, and Sheila cancels Sheila's request of a barbie doll house for Sheila's birthday next month, appa don't have to buy anything for me. But just let us stay with mommy... please, appa?" Oh my God... Sheila even would do anything just to be with Kyuhyun... I wish it could be like that, because appa would do anything for Kyuhyun to be with us, I need him too...


I hugged Sheila, "I love you baby Sheila."


"Appa..." Bella's voice broke my attention... "Yes, sweety.." and I saw Kyuhyun looking at Bella, put his arms around her waist, Bella was frowning, "Can't I just stay home today? Uncle Kyuhyun is here... I want to be with him, Sheila and appa, too."


Kyuhyun replied, "Tell you what, I'll still be here when you get home later. Okay? I promise..." And I saw Bella smiled and nodded. "C'mon Bella, let's get you downstairs, you'll be late for school... okay, sweety?"


"Okay, but uncle have to walk me downstairs." She said. "Arraso, princess Bella. Let's go. Say good bye and kiss your appa and your sister first." Bella gave me and Sheila a kiss and a hug. "I'll take Bella downstairs first. Be back in a minute.." Kyuhyun said, glancing at me.


I just nodded. And wave at Bella, I watched them both walking hand in hand, a very warming sight, a sight I want to see everyday for the rest of my life.


Not long afterwards, Kyuhyun was already in the room again. I was still holding Sheila who's still whining to let Kyuhyun stay with us, and I moved my gaze towards Kyuhyun now. He was wiping the traces of tears. "Hi... how's your headache, wonnie? Is it better now?" He asked. I just nodded and looked at him carefully. He is so beautiful, even though his chubby cheeks are gone, but he is still cute and adorable. And I miss him very very much.


"Kyu, are you alright...?" 





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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...