don't give up, son

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 22


Mrs. Choi’s pov


I came to my husband's office, he was talking with someone on his phone, I'm waiting for him to finish talking on the couch. Sometimes I wiped the tears running on my cheeks. I came to his office because I wanted to talk about our son.


“Darling...what is it?” He came up to me, sat beside me on the couch and hugged me, “Why are you crying...?” Yes, I can’t stop crying since this morning, after seeing my son’s condition.


*sob* “S-siwon appa... please help our son...” I cried on his shoulder, he rubbed my back.


“Darling... don’t worry, our son was only drunk once, it won't be harmful to his kidney, he'll be fine...” I looked to my husband’s face now, and he wiped my tears with his finger, “His kidney can bear it, he is a strong man... I promise.”


*sob* “N-no... I think he frequently drinks lately, and i think he drinks secretly behind Junghoon, because, I-I talked to his doctor, and he said that our son’s kidney is not in a good condition anymore...” I’m crying like crazy now, I can’t imagine if I loose my son, I’ll kill my self if something bad happens to Siwon, my precious baby...


“Hmm... that means he drank oftenly? Behind Junghoon’s back? I think Jung Hoon knows about this, but hides the fact that Siwon has been drinking so much lately from us. But still kept a close watch on Siwon.”


*sob* “This is my fault... I hate myself!”


“Shhh...darling, why do you say that, it's not your fault...” My husband said.


*sob* “I-I’m the one who made his heart broken, I was so selfish...”


“But, we know that Siwon’s dream is having children, right? You were just protecting his dreams, you helped him to make it happen, you’re not a selfish mother... you’re a good mom.”


*sob* “NO... NO... I am a bad mom... because I just realized that he already changed his dream... Having children was his dream before he met Kyuhyun... I’m so selfish, I acted and did something without asking our son first.”


“Are you sure?”


*sob* “Yes...” I looked at my husband seriously.


“How about our family, they won’t be able give us a grandchildren if Siwon is to be together with Kyuhyun.” He looks sad now.


*sob* “Siwon appa... but we will loose our son, if we don't ask Kyuhyun to come back.” I wiped my tears again, *sob* “And, the fact that we already have two adopted granddaughters... its enough for me.”


*sigh* “So, what do you want to do?” My husband frowned.


*sob* “Please... p-please consent our son to have a relationship with the person he loves, and that is Kyuhyun. I’ll find him, I’ll apologize and beg him if necessary for him to come back to our son.” I pleaded while still crying.


“Darling, there are so many women and even men out there that are crazy about our son, why should you apologize to him? Don’t do that, we are the Choi family.”


*sob* “I-I know there are so many people who wanted to love our son, but our son only wants and loves Kyuhyun-ssi so very much. He is the only one... It’s been a couple months, but our son still can’t get over and forget Kyuhyun. He is ruining himself... ” I cupped my husband’s face, *sob* “I only have you and our son in this life, I-I’ll protect the both of you no matter what... I don’t want to loose you or our son. S-so help me, to bring him back... and please let them be together... Ne?”


*sigh* “I don’t want to loose both of you too...” I saw my husband's eyes are teary now, “Okay, I’ll let our son have the relationship he wants. I will support you, support Siwon, you know that, don't you?.” My husband kissed my forehead.


I nodded, “Thank you Siwon appa... I love you.” I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth of love of my husband, ‘My baby... I’m sorry. Be strong, wait for mommy, mommy will do anything to make you happy.


After I calm down my self, my husband started to help me. He called his assistant, asking him to find Kyuhyun, my husband gave his assitant 3 hours time to find Kyuhyun. My husband is a very strict and scary person if it comes to business and giving instructions to his staffs or partners, he knows what he wants. And that’s why he became a succesful man, but he only shows his soft heart and can be melted only by me, not even Siwon.




I was in my car on the way to my son’s favorite restaurant when my husband called me, he said that he has Kyuhyun's mobile phone number already, and his assistant will text it to me, I thanked him.


I’ll call Kyuhyun later, after my lunch date with my son. I don’t understand why the doctor discharged my son already, but perhaps my son insisted to be discharged because he hates hospital. He was so sick of being in a hospital because he once stayed in one for months when he was a teenager.


My son called me before, to join him and Jung Hoon for lunch, I think he misses me, and I miss him too... but I hope I won’t cry in front of him later.




There he is, my beautiful sunshine... he stood up, walked to me when he saw me entering the restaurant, he stretched his arms and then hugged me. I hugged him back, tightly, omg I love him so much... please be healthy... stay with mommy... don’t leave mommy.


“I miss you mom.” My son told me.


“Me too...” and then he raised my body while still hugging me.


“Aigoo... my mom is so light, you have to eat more, mom...” He laughed.


“Honey... put me down.” I’m also laughing, sometimes my son acts just like a child, doesn’t care about his image. And even I know that my son is so sad right now, but he just kept smiling, laughing and looks excited to see me.


Then he put me down and drag me to our table, “Mom, hyung said he will treat us...” I saw Jung Hoon bowed, and I smiled to him.


“Siwon dear, how could you ask Jung Hoon-ssi to treat you?”


“But hyung told me he will treat me if I eat a lot, right hyung?” Siwon looked at Jung Hoon seriously.


“Yes, Siwon... I’ll treat you if you eat a lot.” Jung Hoon nodded, he then glanced at me but his eyes are like signaling that he wants to say something.


“See, mom...?” now Siwon looks at me.


I smiled, “Okay son... but I know that you always eat a lot in this restaurant.” As I said that, I noticed Junghoon-ssi frowned, but why?


Hahaha... Mom, Hyung, let’s order.” My son said and raised his hand to call the waiter, “Better you prepare for paying a big tab on your credit card, Hyung...”




We chit-chat for awhile, and then the waiter came with our orders, I smiled when seeing my son looks happy with his filet mignon, like the times when he was still a kid,  he cut it in a small pieces then put the meat in his mouth and chewed it happily, but when he ate the second slice, suddenly...


Hoaaaeeeek....” my son vomitted, he grabbed a napkin, closed his mouth and then run to the rest room. Omg, w-what happened? I froze to my chair. I saw Jung Hoon catching up to my son, but I didn’t move a bit, I didn’t understand. May be Jung Hoon want to tell me about this earlier...


But then I recall something, *gasp* omg.. NO! No! M-my son... my Siwon..  I can't hold it anymore, I put my palms on my face, I started crying, crying like crazy. I remembered to what the doctor had said to me in the hospital this morning, a-about the symptoms... ...


Now, I feel lifeless...




Siwon’s pov


I feel sorry that my mom had to see me vommit like that, “Hyung, I’m okay now.” I washed and dryed my face with a small towel that hyung gave me.


“Your condition is getting worse, Siwon.” He looked at me through the mirror, he looks pale, I think he looks more pale then I am. I kept silent, and fixed my tie.


“Siwon, let’s check your condition intensively.” Jung Hoon embracing my shoulder, “And don’t runaway, let doctor Leeteuk finish his job this time.”




“How about tomorrow?”


“I’m busy Hyung.” I gave an excuse, “I have a meeting with the share holders tommorow, very important meeting, remember? Maybe next week?”


“Siwon... please? Don’t be stubborn... Please, do it for hyung?” He sighed, “Day after tommorow?”


“Aissh... annoying, you are like an ahjumma...” I joked, but I felt guilty when I saw his worrying face, “Arghh... okay...”


“Thank you..” I saw him sigh in relief, and continued “...but you need IV, your stomach refused the food, that means you can’t take your medications, Siwon.”


Huuh’, “NO! You know I hate hospitals... and I hate needles, hyung~!”


“Okay, no hospitals, for now... but I’m sorry I can’t do anything about the needle, cause you still need IV. And I have to call doctor Leeteuk tonight, we’ll ask him to stop by home, okay?” He turned my body to face him, “Okay...?”


“I hate you... hyung.” I looked down.


“Siwon... Okay?”


“Arasso...” I know he just wants what’s best for me, after all, he’s like a brother to me.


“I love you Siwon...” He hugged me tightly, “Come on, your mom must be worried...” then we got out from the rest room... Junghoon hyung still have his arms around my shoulder.




I saw my mom still on her chair, but I’m sure that she cried just now, her eyes looks red and swollen, did she know something about my condition?


I sat next to her, “Mom... are you okay, I’m sorry just now... I...”


“It’s okay, dear, I think the food were less tasty, may be it’s a new chef, and I’ve complained to the manager already.” My mom holds my hands, her eyes looks so sad, I glanced at her food, she haven’t even touched it yet.


“M-mom...” I almost cried.


“Come on... let’s get out of here, your father told me that you have a meeting later.” My mom smiled, hugged me then kiss my cheek, “I love you, son.” I’m receiving a lot of hugs today.


We stood up, my mom looked at Jung Hoon hyung, “Jung Hoon-ssi, no need to pay, the food were not tasty.” Jung Hoon bowed, but then I glanced that my mom nodded slightly to the restaurant’s manager.


The manager bowed and said, “We apologize Sir... Please stay healty.” He looks sad too, ‘Huh...?


“Yesung-ssi... it’s okay. I’ll visit your restaurant next time, and make sure that you’ll prepare a tasty food for me, ne? Hahaha...” I patted his shoulder, I joked, because I know for a fact this restaurant’s foods is always delicious, nothing wrong with the food, it was me.


Yesung kept his head low, he didn’t want to see my eyes, only said, “Y-yes Sir.” I think my mom explained something to him, since he is my friend, but he always acted formal when he’s on duty as the manager at his restaurant, ‘I’m sorry Yesung-ah... don’t feel sad for me, I’m okay...’ I said in my mind.




~Two days later~


I hate hospitals so much *sigh* but I promised Jung Hoon hyung to go see doctor Leeteuk who told me to get a general check up, I won’t runaway today, maybe next time?


The nurses already took a bucket of blood of mine, well... a lot, I mean. And now, the doctors put a lot of devices and wires on me, I hate it! Reminds me to what happened when I was a teenager.


I haven’t drank alcohol in these past two days, hyung made me promised him, he’s just too annoying, so I just obeyed him this time. Well... I know that because he loves me.


And my poor appetite is getting worse. I think I look skinnier now. But don’t worry, I won’t lose my abs *smile*.




Jung Hoon pov


I’m very grateful that Siwon is not stubborn lately as he always has been when it comes to hospitals, and he didn’t go to bars again. But I feel sorry to him, I kept forcing him to eat. I kept trying giving him all kinds of food that his stomach might be able to handle, such as crackers, cookies, porridge, crème soup, anything… but it looks like his stomach was still not able to accept the food. He only drinks juice with a lot of sugar for carbohydrate intake and two spoons of oatmeal, nothing more.


Siwon's doctor injected his medication into the IV since Siwon can't swallow the medication anymore, yes, these past two days, every night until morning he got infusion at home. I hated myself, because I don’t know what to do to help him.


But at least I was a little relieved, yesterday Mrs. Choi told me that she would contact Kyuhyun-ssi. I still don’t know what the plan is, but she just told me to take care of Siwon, and keep silent about Kyuhyun.




Siwon has completed his general check up, we will get the results tomorrow. Hope all is fine, even though I have my doubts, looking at his condition for the past weeks...


I saw Siwon already wearing his suit, and smiled at me, "Hyung, let’s go to Seongbuk-dong district.”


"Siwon, you should rest at home, I've emptied your schedule today."


"I can’t Hyung, I want to meet with the villagers, they said they would wait for me even till night. Hyung, they just want to treat me a bite to eat, barbeque time... come will fun. They were so glad I quickly resolve the land acquisition problem." He pleaded with his puppy eyes.


“Siwon, but you won’t be able to swallow a piece of meat.” I sighed.


“Ooh... hyung... You can eat my food then, ne?” He squeezed my hand assuring me that’s what he wants.


*Sigh* “Okay, but for an hour only, after that we should go home!”


“Neee... arraso, thank you hyung. You’re the best brother” and I saw his eyes lit up for a while.




Mrs. Choi’s pov


My son got a general check up earlier morning, we will get the results tomorrow, hope all is fine, even though I have my doubts, looking at his condition at the restaurant last time...


I was sitting on the couch in our living room, it's about a couple days I thinking about what words to say to Kyuhyun and I almost make a phone call to him, suddenly I get a telephone call from Jung Hoon, “Ne, Jung Hoon-ssi.”


: “S-siwon... c-collapse... h-hospital... n-now” his voice trembling, “I-I’m sorry...”




I'm sorry Siwon's lover :( don't hate me... aah poor Siwon...
Kyu, where are you...?

@purpleungu : 매우 감사합니다 ^^

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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...