the auction

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 12


Mrs. Choi’s pov


When I saw Lee Tae Hee-ssi in the corner of my eyes, I got an idea, “I want you to do something for me...” I approached Jung Hoon and whispered something to him.


“A-are you sure, Madam...?” His eyes widened so much...” I smiled and pat his shoulder to assure him.


“Yes Madam...” He bowed and left me.


I turned to Tae Hee's direction, she smiled sweetly with her beatiful face and elegant dress. I like her, and I really hope that my son keeps dating her. My husband said awhile back, that Siwon and Tae Hee had dinner as their first date, but he asked me not to talk about the date to both Siwon or Tae Hee, avoiding making them feel embarrassed. Well, I understand...


“Hi dear... How are you? Ooow... you look very lovely tonight.” I gave her a kiss on her cheeks, “Where are your parents?”


“I’m fine Mrs.Choi, and thank you.” she smiled while I was still holding her arms, “I am sorry, but my parents can not attend this dinner Mrs. Choi, they are still in London, visiting my sister.”


“I see... that’s alright, dear. I’ll call them later.” I said, “Dear, would you do something for me?”


“Sure... what is it Mrs. Choi?” she asked.


“Well, we have auction later, and we will donate all the money for the children. Would you please join the auction, dear?”


“Sure... that’s why I'm here, Mrs. Choi.”


“Besides the items we have, namely, paintings, branded clothing, jewelry, antiques and others... we have something very special on our  auction list. I hope you will give the highest bid for that spesial item, Tae Hee-ssi...” I smiled happily, but she frowned, “Would you, dear...?”


“Mmm.. I will, I will... But, may I know what your spesial item is?”


“My son...”



Donghae’s pov


I was standing in front of the main entrance, talking with my cousin, Siwon, he deliberately hung around there. He kept glancing at the drop off area and his watch, Is he waiting for someone?


After a couple of minutes, I tried pulling him in, but his attention was immediately drawn to the limo that had just stopped, Huh?? Is that the Choi’s limo. Uncle and aunty are already in the ballroom, Siwon here, so... who is using the limo?


The driver opened the door, and that time I saw a beautiful man came out, Hmm... is he Siwon’s boyfriend that he told me earlier?I almost dragged Siwon, when I saw the second man come out of the limo. Dark red hair, contrast with his milky white skin, he smiled to the first man, wooow... gummy smile huh? His one eyelid is so cute, even it shapes like a half moon when he smiled like that, awesome.


When they move... oh gosh, I think I was turned on by his sensual movement... OH COME ON... he's just walking!! Why am I turned on?? Aiissh... my stupid ie brainjust shoot me... I think I am drooling right now .


Our eyes met for a second, but I quicky looked to Siwon because it was too dangerous if I keep looking at that guy. I did’nt realize it before, but now I know, Siwon and I, we're both were drooling, Kyaaaaa... what a shame,’ there are so many guests there, aigoo.


I asked Siwon to go inside, “Siwon, I think we have to go in now, soon the party will start.”


“Ne... hyung...” usually, I always blabber to everyone that my cousin is the most handsome man in Korea, but right now... his face looks like a donkey, and I should drag him to come inside, aigoo...





About 10 minutes after we  got inside the ballroom, Siwon tugging me to the two guys from earlier, they were sipping a welcome drink. My heart was beating faster, Siwon smiled widely like a donkey, My poor cousin, you can’t act cool now, huh?


He patted the hot guy’s shoulder and looked at me, “Hyung, let me introduce you to my friend...this is Lee Hyukjae, he is a pilot...” I shook his hand with my trembling hand, “C-Choi Donghae...nice to meet you ho- Hyukjae ssi...” , I almost slipped my tongue, ‘hottie?’ I must be crazy.


“Hyung, please release his hand...” Siwon chuckled, the hot guy smiled... showing his gummy smile, ‘ cute’.


Siwon pat my arm, “Ehm, hyung, please...?” now Siwon turn to prince-look again, but I... I believe I just turned my face to look like a donkey. “Aah... Ye, I’m sorry...” my face feels hot, I don’t care... as long as I could look at him closely.


“Hyung, and this is Cho Kyuhyun.” he only gesture his hand, and then whispered to me, “My lover, hyung...”


I smiled and shook his hand properly, “Hi, I am Choi Donghae, nice to meet you Kyuhyun-ssi...”


“Me too, Donghae-ssi.” Kyuhyun smiled sweetly, showed his perfect teeth ‘Oh definitely yes, he is Siwon’s type’, "You can call me hyung, if you like."


"Ne, hyung."


“Hyung, please accompany them, while I join my parents, ne?” Siwon pleaded, “Don’t leave them...”


“Don’t worry Siwon, he is save with me.” I winked to Kyuhyun.


“No hyung, I mean Hyukjae too... and don’t flirt with him until the dinner is finished, chit-chat only! Okay hyung?”


“Shut up...!” They laughed at me and I just scratched my head, ‘How could he possibly know? Is it to obvious?


When Siwon’s father and his colleagues gave boring speeches... me, Kyuhyun and the hottie, Hyukjae, were happily chatting. But actually I don't know what we were talking about, since I was too busy looking at the red-hair’s lips.


How could I concentrate with our conversation if he keeps and biting his lower lips while he was talking and sipping his champagne, aigoo...


And the torturing increased when he started eating some snack, well... I have no idea but why is that whip cream always being left on his lips, and that make him his lips again and again,  ’Dear my finger, my lips... be patient, we will touch and his red lips, later...’


Suddenly, I saw Kyuhyun's eyes sparkling, ‘Huh...? What is he looking at?’ , “Hi Hyukjae ssi... Nice to see you again. I didn't get the chance to thank you for coming accompanying Kyuhyun-ssi...” Oh, of need to turn my head, I know who it was...


Siwon extended his hand to shake my hottie’s hand, ’Kyaaa...>my hottie<’  But, why is Siwon acting like that? We already talk before the event began. I turned my head and ‘Oh yeah... his mom is keeping her eyes on him from afar... poor Siwon.


Then Siwon switched his gaze to Kyuhyun, “And you too Kyuhyun ssi, enjoying your champagne?” he smiled and try to make conversation, ‘Aigoo...if there are no guests in this place, I think Siwon will attack Kyuhyun’s lips and touch him here and there, everywhere...’. Oh my poor brain..for having that idea of Siwon & Kyuhyun.




“Ladies and gentlemen, we've almost reached to the end of the event and the auction, all items are almost sold and we've get a lot of donations for helping the children. But there are still more items, very special items to be auctioned..." The guests started whispering wondering what it was, "You will surely love it...” The MC/auctioneer smiled and continued, “Well, honored guests... at the corner of this ballroom, as you can see, there are four handsome angels." and everyone's eyes suddenly turned to look at Siwon, me, Kyuhyun and Hyukjae's position.


 ‘Huh...? Why, us...?’I started to  panic, “S-Siwon...what's going on?”


Before Siwon could answered, the auctioneer started talking, "You may be curious, but we will offer you a #one hour date, dancing and drinking wine with the angel# Hahaha... very interesting, right? We will give this chance to win a special date with these four handsome angles  to the highest bidder, and let's start with Hyukjae-ssi to be our auction ‘item’.” The auctioneer looked at his note then to us, Forgive me, but which one is Hyukjae-ssi? Aaah...there he is, please step foward, Sir.” Hyukjae was like shaking his head to say 'No', “Hahaha...I’m sorry Sir, but this is donation for children, don’t worry..." the auctioneer continued as he saw Hyukjae's gestures.


Oh shiiiiit...whose idea is this! Letting my hottie being on a date with someone else in front of my nose? Big NO, step over my dead body first!’ Hyukjae standing there handsomely, biting his lip, ‘What should I do? What should I do...


“Let’s start $1,500?” the auctioneer said, “Oh yes, there our first bidder... ...B-but Donghae ssi?”


“I’ll pay $5,000 for him and $5,000 for myself. So I’ll donate $10,000 for the children. How’s about that?” I said out loud.


The auctioneer looked around, and "$10,000 going once..” he looked around the room, “Twice…” Taking glaces to the people in the ballroom... “Hyukjae-ssi and Donghae-ssi SOLD to Donghae-ssi” he said, and the guests were clapping and laughing cheerfully, “Thank you, Donghae-ssi...Hahaha.”


Ah, no...thank you...  Hyukjae, you are MINE!’ I smirked when Hyukjae walked approaching me with his super cute smile.


“Now, let’s move on to the second ‘special item’. I can feel it... that our guests here want Siwon-ssi to be the  next ‘special item’, right?” then Siwon walked to the podium, “Okey, since he is perfect, how about we start with the price of $2,500?”



Kyuhyun’s pov


Should I do what Donghae did before? But when I glanced to Siwon, our eyes met, like he knew what I had in mind, he shook his head slowly. Of course, I should not be too obvious.. .indicating that  Siwon's my lover.


I lowered my head, starred to the champagne in my hand, and my stomach starts to feel uncomfortable.  Just by imagining that Siwon will be dancing and drinking wine with somebody else, makes my heart hurt. This is just a fake date for the charity, but why do I feel pain? I love you Siwon, I'll never let you go, you’ll be mine forever. Hopefully, the highest bidder is an old woman who was longing to dance with her ​​grandson *sigh*.


I got caught up in my own thoughts, and when I raised my head, the auctioneer said “Siwon-ssi SOLD, wuaaah...fantastic price, Hahaha...that must be the most expensive one hour date, $25,000 , thank you to miss Lee Tae Hee, Hahaha...”


I heard the guests clapping their hand and cheering to the couple, “L-Lee Tae Hee...?’ I’ve heard that name before... b-but, I can’t remember, my brain went blank.


I saw Siwon walked with his dimpled smile, he approached a woman, shook her hand, and stood beside her. She looked very pretty and graceful, she didn’t stop smiling and looked at my Siwon. Siwon touched his forehead then he glance at me, I immediately looked down, I won't let him see that I almost cried.


Oh gosh, now I remember, Lee Tae Hee is the woman who was introduced by his parents to Siwon. Tae Hee is the reason why I attend the event tonight... I turned around, I want to go out, but then, “Our last ‘special item’ is Kyuhyun-ssi over there... Please come forward Kyuhyun-ssi...” The auctioneer called me, “Come.. Hahaha...”


I walked slowly, I feel my head is spinning, but  I can't fall in front of these people… not in front of Siwon and Lee Tae Hee, “Our angel is so handsome right here, well..let’s start with $2,000 price? Hahaha...”


But I can’t do that...I can’t dance and drink wine with somebody else except my Siwon, “S-Sir... excuse me...”


“Oh sorry... do you want to say something before we start?” The auctioneer asked me.


“Since I can’t dance and can’t enjoy having a wine other than with my lover, may I just auction my voice? I-I’ll sing for the highest bidder...” I smiled weakly.


“Hahaha... I think that would be a good idea. Kyuhyun-ssi will sing for the highest bidder while the two new couple dance, perfect!! So, who's the first bidder...?” The auctioneer keeps laughing when doing his job.


Finally, he ‘sold’ me with $8,130 price after a tough and  fierce bidding between the two men, named Hangeng-ssi and Changmin-ssi. I smiled to the chiness handsome man, the higest bidder, he came up to the stage, approached me and shook my hand, “Hello Sir, thank you for you participation to this charity. What song do you want me to sing?” I said.


He smile cutely and said,  “I just want to hear your voice, so please sing whatever you want me to hear...” then he sits to a stool beside me.


I saw Hyukjae and Donghae on the dancing floor, they look excited to start dancing. A-and another couple, just standing there... face to face, but Siwon glanced at me, Tae Hee put her hand on Siwon’s shoulder, I almost faint...


I walked slowly to the keyboard player, whispered him my tittle song, then I went back facing the guest, breathe in, and I avoided looking at Siwon and Tae Hee's position... ”I’ll sing for Hangeng-ssi, who is very  generous to the children, and for my lover wherever he is... I’ll sing Etude of Memories” I heard the guests clapped... the music started...

You say you can’t last any longer
With an empty smile, you lean on my shoulders
Though the eyes are shut
That you can say it now
That your sad eyes
hurt my heart

Tell me
If I can just enter your heart
How much meaning can the childish me become of?

As many days go by
When my heart becomes worn out
Inside my heart
The vanishing memories of you
come find me again
I will remember them, won’t I?
Inside those dreams of the future that have grown too big
The fading memories of you
Will I remember them again?

If I can just enter your heart
How much meaning can the childish me become of?

As many days go by
When my heart becomes worn out
Inside my heart
The vanishing memories of you
come find me again
I will remember them, won’t I?
Inside those dreams of the future that have grown too big
Inside those dreams
Towards you



if you want to see and listen Kyuhyun singing 'Etude of memories' :

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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...