pleased my parents

The same sky... different place...

chapter 3



~ while they both are walking slowly and sit on the bench beside the beautiful pond ~


"So, therefore your parents try to 'fix' you up?" Tae Hee feels sorry.


"Am I a kind of machine?"


"Hahaha... sorry... You know what I meant." Tae Hee laughs cutely, "And it looks like you're really in love with him, he’s certainly an extraordinary person."


"Yes, he is so wonderful, I love him so much, I even become a gay because of him. He has a beautiful heart, when I was about to rebel to my parents about this meeting, he begged me to obey them."  Siwon throwing a pebble into a pond,   "And he also convinced me to try to be friends with you to respect you and please my parents, well..."


"I think that's a very good idea." Tae Hee cuts Siwon's words, "So I can have time to be relax and fix my broken heart, without any effort thinking about my mother who always worry and tries to comfort me."


"You think so...?"


"Of course, mmm... I think I‘m starting to like your boyfriend." Tae Hee winked.


"NO... don't you dare, he is mine...!!!" Siwon is pretending to be angry.


"Hahaha... arasso..." Tae Hee and Siwon laugh together.


'Wow... she is definitely cute and cool' Siwon thought 'And looks like she will be a nice friend, I hope Kyuhyun is right... I hope this is a good idea for all of us.'


"What if we go inside, Siwon-ssi, I‘m begining to feel cold." Tae Hee crossed her arms to keep warm.


"Oh sorry, ok, let's go."  Siwon said, taking off his suit and slung it to Tae Hee's shoulder,  "Use my suit for awhile, but sorry if it doesn’t smell good, I've been using it since morning." Siwon said with his funny face.


"Oh... no no... your jacket smells nice actually, and feels warm too, really, thank you Siwon-ssi."  Tae Hee feels comfortable with Siwon, 'He truly is a gentleman, I hope one day I‘ll have a boyfriend like him, not like that paboo who dumped me, humpffff... But why... aah well I think I started to like him' .



~in the restaurant~


"So Mr. and Mrs. Lee... what do you think about our kids, they look well-suited don’t they?" Mrs. Choi asked.


"Yes, they do, I'm happy to see our kids, and I hope they feel comfortable with each other and continue their relationship after tonight." Mrs. Lee answered with shining eyes.


Then... the room‘s door was open, everyone inside look towards the beautiful couple as they entered the room, and was relieved after seeing the couple came in with smiling face. 


"What do you think kids? The backyard of the restaurant is very beautiful, isn't? "  Mr. Choi senior asked, winking his eyes toward Siwon.


"Yes dad, it is."  Siwon said as he pulled a chair and politely asked Tae Hee to sit.


Everyone in the room seemed pleased and happy that night, except Siwon and Tae Hee, of course, who knew each other’s problems, but still... they both managed a smile, for their parents.




After the dinner is finished and said goodbye to everyone, Siwon immediately got in his car, and he could not bear to call Kyuhyun.


: "Hello..."


"Baby... I'm dying to miss you..."


: A voice chuckled "Yaaa...we‘re used to not see each other for one to three days if we were busy overseas, and, last night we had just met, Wonnie..."


"But it definitely feels different tonight baby..." Siwon sighed.


: "Ar-ayo...I am also very worried,  don't you dare fall in love with that woman Mr. Choi Siwon!"


"Baby~~~" Siwon said with a lovable voice, "I've told you that I just love you, only you. You already know that I have met with a lot of women who are very beautiful and y in the past, but I liked and was attracted to you... only to you, and will not change."


: "Thank you, I love you too Wonnie... So, have you take her home?"


"Mmm...nope, she went home with her parents."


: "What? You didn't offer to drive her home, did you?"


"They have a driver baby..." 


: "You are the most gentleman I've ever met, I think you were impolite on purpose weren’t you Siwon-ssi?"




: "Oh dear... Ok then, now get your to my apartment and you must tell me everything later." 


"But please cook for me..."


: "Whaaat? You have just finished your dinner and now my Wonnie ask me to cook?


"Well... it was  hard for me to swallow a piece of meat just now, I miss my baby... so much. That‘s why I feel relieved after I heard my baby's voice, but than feel hungry too..."


: "Aaaaaw... my poor Wonnie... Okay, I'll cook for you, even though you know I cannot cook tasty.” Kyuhyun chuckled, “Drive safely my love..."


"You know I'll eat whatever you cook. And yes baby, I’ll be carefull, see you..." Siwon smiled and was impatient to see Kyuhyun, 'Gosh, what did Kyuhyun do that my heart always beats faster when I’m going to meet him? Oh... this feeling...'




purpleungu : "tae hee won't do any harm to siwon & kyuhyun?" i don't think she would...she is too nice, but...who knows? hahaha.. Thankyu for your comment and help my lovely eonnie...

SiwonnieFan : thank you for your comment, aaawww...I am your fans. Mmm...I like Kim Tae Hee as well, but in this story we met Lee Tae Hee :) despite that, I'm going to write my best so we will not hate her too much, but impossible there be a woman who won't fall for Siwonnie, right?  *LoL*  Thank you... keep comment and give me an idea/advice, please... ^^


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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...