
The same sky... different place...

Chapter 37


part 1


Siwon’s pov


I saw his body going under the water, and I saw his eyes, sorrow.  And slowly his body was like being swallowed by the water and out of sight, but before he went under, I don't know how, it's as if I heard his voice,

'You want me to leave. I understand. And I will leave you my way...'

'You choose not to do the transplant, and choose to leave me all alone in this world? I'm sorry, I won't let you... coz I choose to leave you first...'

'Goodbye my love, Siwonnie. Live the way you wanted. I hope you will be happy with your decision...'



I woke up abruptly, I must've dozed off... ‘Oh... I hate that dream! But that dream almost became true. I almost lost Kyuhyun!


I looked at Kyuhyun with my terribly blurred vision, he was lying on my bed, I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I'm sure that Kyuhyun still breathing when I saw his chest moving up and down, I was grateful.


He's a pilot, it's impossible he didn't know how to swim, r-right? So, it's not possible he couldn't safe himself if he fell into the swimming pool. 


So, that means he deliberately fell into the pool and drowned himself?


I pushed myself up from the chair, leaned towards and took his left hand in mine, holding it with both hands. Kyuhyun is still sleeping peacefully, the doctor told me that he is fine, only experience shock. That's why he gave Kyuhyun a sedative.


I was so thankful, Kim-jibsa said one of our gardener saw Kyuhyun fell in the pool. He wanted to ignore it at first, even he saw Kyuhyun went into the pool he did find it odd, because he saw Kyuhyun was still fully clothed. But then he didn't see Kyuhyun come up after a couple of minutes, so he immediately knew something was wrong, and quickly ran towards the pool, he shouted out Kim-jibsa and jumped in the pool, too get Kyuhyun out. 


Kim-jibsa came shortly after he heard a splash in the pool, and helped the gardener pulled Kyuhyun out of the pool, I didn’t asked who gave CPR to Kyuhyun but I’ll thanks him later. Not long afterwards, Kim-jibsa and some of the servants carried Kyuhyun towards the second floor. I was on the stairs on my way down, when I saw them. I stopped them and asked to carry Kyuhyun myself to my room, while ordering one of the maids to call the doctor. Kim-jibsa helped me put some towels on my bed while telling me what had happened. After he finished telling me about the incident, he asked if I needed anything else, but I said no, luckily Kim-jibsa understood me, and left my room quickly, because I wanted to get those wet clothes off of Kyuhyun, and I don't want anyone to see his body.


I took off Kyuhyun's clothes as carefully as I could while sobbing, my eyes were blurred because of the falling tears. My Kyuhyun suffered because of me. Did he want to end his life because I was to hard-headed and stubborn?


"Kyu... my sweetheart... I'm sorry..." I whispered in his ears. "From now on, I promise, promise... I'll do anything you want... but please... please don’t ever do this again... and please forgive me."




It's been 3 hours now, Kyuhyun's still sleeping. I continuously wiped his sweat from face, neck and arms with a small hand towel. I kissed his forehead, down to his cheek, his lips... hoping he'll be alright.


When I stood up from wanting to get a fresh new towel in the bathroom, I heard the door burst opened, "APPAAAA..."


I smiled widely hearing that sweet yet loud voice, "Ssstt... uncle Kyuhyun is still sleeping." I whispered. Bella followed behind Sheila, "Hi baby boo... hi princess... give appa a hug?" I said to my girls and they hugged me tightly and kissed me.


"Appa, your eyes are so red. Were you crying?" Bella asked.


"Oh no, princess, appa is just tired." Bella tilted her head and carressed my cheek.


"Appa, it's still early, why is mommy, ah no, umma sleeping already?" Sheila asked, releasing her arms from hugging me and got on the bed.


"Sheila, keep it quiet, ne? Your umma slipped and fell into the pool awhile ago. But he's okay, nothing was injured, and now your umma is just tired." I said while I headed to the bathroom to get a new fresh towel, and went back to sit on the edge of the bed, next to Kyuhyun, moving aside his bangs and wipped his sweat again.


“Oh... slipped?” said Bella, worriedly.


Eonni, *giggle* umma is so clumsy, he's just like me... *giggle*, right eonni?" I smiled hearing Sheila's comment, Bella approached closer and sat on the chair I sat before, near the bed, and replied,


"Ne, you and uncle Kyuhyun have a lot in common, you're both clumsy, but cute, pale skin, neat teeth, have double eyelid, and even your hair color is the sama, brunette."


*giggle* "Geez... I'm really umma's daughter." Sheila said and lay down beside Kyuhyun circling her small arms around Kyuhyun's chest, "Appa, umma smells really good. *inhale*"


"Ne, appa knows that." I said caressing Kyuhyun's hair, sit on the edge of the bed, next to him.


I heard footsteps, my mom. She smiled at me, and from her eyes I know she wanted to ask me something, but of course not in front of the girls.


Bella stood up and gave her chair to her grandma, and ask me to sit in my lap. I put her on my lap and hugged her waist, then Bella bent a little bit to reach Kyuhyun's forehead and kissed it, "Sheila, eonni loves uncle Kyuhyun too, but don't you think it's weird, you call him umma, uncle Kyuhyun is a man." I just chuckled listening to Bella and I'm kind of curiuos to what Sheila will answer.


"Yes, Sheila, halmeonie wants to know, too." My mom said.


Sheila pushed herself to sit, facing me and Bella and took a glance at my mom, "Alright, Sheila will explain, but eonni will have to call him ‘umma or mommy’ too if eonni think I am right, okay?"


Bella just shrugged.


"Okay? Eonnie~~" Sheila poted.


"Fine... okay, okay."


Then Sheila grined widely and continued, "Eonni, parents are two people who love each other, right? Parents are appa and umma, right?"


“Right.” Bella nodded in agreement.


"So, do you think that Mr. Siwon here loves Mr. Kyuhyun?" Sheila asked while pointing her little finger to my chest and Kyuhyun's sleeping figure.


Bella lifted her head and looked at me and asked, "Appa, do you love uncle Kyuhyun?" I was about to answer when suddenly Sheila interrupted me,


"No... no... no need, Sheila saw appa kissed Mr. Kyuhyun’s lips earlier. Geez, bad appa... steeling a kiss when someone is sleeping." Sheila shook her head while crossing her hands in front of her chest. I coughed, I was speechless... Oh boy... didn't realize that Sheila saw that. My mom just giggled and rubbed my back softly.


Okay, and if appa loves uncle Kyuhyun, then what?” Bella asked.


"We agreed right, eonni, that parents are two people who love each other... parents are appa and umma. And now we both know that Mr. Siwon loves Mr. Kyuhyun. Right, eonni?"




“Mr. Siwon here is appa *while pointing her little finger at me*, so, that means Mr. Kyuhyun here we call him as... ...?”


“... ...” Bella scratched her head.


“Eonni~~ Answer me eonni...” Sheila pouted, my mom keep giggles.


“Fineeeee... ‘umma’. Geez, I can’t believe it. I'm calling a man as mommy.” Then Bella looked at me,  “Appa... Sheila's way of thinking is so simple, she's still a baby. But what I mean is, do I have to call uncle Kyuhyun as mommy, too?”


I shrugged and replied, "Well, that's what you promised to your sister at the beginning, right, sweety?"


"Yaaaayyy..." Sheila stood up and dances a victory dance... uh no, a weird victory dance, but that is so cute.




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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...