the operation

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 40



Siwon’s pov


I was still hugging Kyuhyun on the sofa when I heard the door to our room opened and my sweet little daughter's head poked from behind the door, "Sheila..." I called her asweetly.


Sheila grinned then open the door widely, revealing Bella, my dad and mom behind her. “UMMA...” she shouted, running towards Kyuhyun and hugged him. Kyuhyun let go of my embrace to hug her back and sat her on his lap. "Hi... baby girl."


"Sheila...~~!" I called her name and pouted, "It was appa who said hi to you first, and why are you ignoring me and hug your umma instead? Don't you love and miss appa?" Sheila just giggled and stick out her tongue. Kyuhyun smiled at me and caressed her head.


Bella was already standing in front of me smiling, I pulled her by the waist and sat her on my lap then hugged her, "My princess... See, Sheila, your eonni loves appa so much. Right, Bella?"


“Ne, appa... but I love uncle Kyuhyun too.” She smiled.


"Hi mom, dad." I greeted my parents who came in behind Bella, and now were just shaking their head looking at the four of us on the couch.


“Eonni, not uncle, but umma!” Sheila protest.


"It's fine, Sheila... you both can call me as you like, the important thing is that you both love me." Kyuhyun reasoned caressing Sheila's hair.


"But.." Sheila wanted to protest again, but didn't and replied, "Ne, umma." Then she burried her head again in Kyuhyun's chest, ‘Ugghh... that girl... how can she be so obedient to Kyuhyun.


“Bella.” I called her name again.


“Ne, appa.”


"During the times appa and uncle Kyuhyun are in the hospital, can you help appa, as appa's eldest daughter? You have to watch over and take care of Sheila and don't give halmeoni and halabeoji a hard time, arasso?


“Ne, appa, don’t worry.” She said with her teary eyes, looking at me, "But please get well soon and don't be sick again, ne appa?"


"Ne, my princess. Appa promise, appa will get better soon. Do you want me to call uncle Sungmin to stay with you?"


"No need appa... uncle Sungmin has to do his final homework, so he can graduate soon and come back to Seoul and live with us again forever."


"Arasso... you are so smart and understanding, Bella. That's appa's big girl." I smiled widely at her showing her how proud I am of her, "But Bella, what uncle Sungmin is doing is called thesis, because he is already in college, so it's not called homework." I caressed her cheeks. "So we have a deal then, princess, you will help appa watch over Sheila, alright? Appa and uncle Kyuhyun count on you." Bella nodded agreeing to our 'deal', and I hugged her tight, holding my tears in. I love her so very much, "I love you, Bella."


“I love you too, appa.”


"APPA, I LOVE YOU, TOO." Sheila shouted not wanting to loose to her sister, and bent her body towards me, I smiled and pulled her body from Kyuhyun's lap with one arm, Sheila circled her arms to my neck and Bella’s, "I love eonni, too."


"Sheila, do as your eonnie asked you to, arasso, baby boo?"


"Ne, appa." Sheila replied still hugging me and Bella.


"Wah... you girls are so sweet." My mom commented seeing us. She just finished putting away some stuff for me and Kyuhyun in the cabinet.


My mom came over and sat beside Kyuhyun, immediately holding kyuhyun's hands. My dad sat in front of us, "Mmm... Dad, how's things at the office?"


"Don't worry, Siwon... you know that all the BOD supports you, and you have a great assistants and staffs, everything will be fine. Just focus on getting better and Kyuhyun-ssi.” My dad smiled and looked at Kyuhyun, "Kyuhyun-ssi, please go through the operation well."


“Ne.” Kyuhyun replied with slightly bowing his head.


"Kyuhyun-ssi, can I say something?"


"Yes, aboeji, go ahead."


"I have to say, that at the beginning I wasn't really fond of the idea you dating my son. I even set up an arranged marriage for Siwonnie to get rid of you. But now, I have to admit, that my decision was wrong, and that you love my son so much and are willing to sacrifice your kidney to save his life, not to mention sacrificing your carreer also. At this point, I can say truthfully, that even if you were an alien, I would gladly give you my consent to be with Siwon. I couldn't ask for more, what you have given us and prove to us that your love for Siwon is already beyond what we could ask for. I love you, son... can I call you son?" He asked awkwardly and shyly to Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun was listening carefully to what my dad was saying, and smiled when he finally realize that my dad approve of us being together, "Yes, abeoji, you can call me son, if you like. And thank you for considering me as you son, too, abeonim." Kyu replied him, and bowed slightly. My mom patted his shoulder and then caressed his hair, I think my mom loves Kyuhyun more then she loves me, sighed.


"Dad... an alien? Really? Geez, come on dad... hahaha..." Siwon commented on his dad and all laughed.


“Wow... my umma is an alien... Daebaaak...” Sheila amazed.


Not long after our small heart-to-heart talk, Eunhae and JungHee couple arrived. They conveyed their wishes for us to have a successful surgery. All of us chit chat for about an hour, it was really fun to be able to be together like this, even Bella and Sheilla sang for Kyuhyun, like seriously... I'm their appa, but why does both of my daughters seem to love Kyuhyun that much? Hahaha... well... maybe I'm a bit jealous but I love how my girls love my babyKyu. And perhaps, in the future, we should arrange to have a family vacation. This atmosphere is really great, and I'm sure that I won't hate hospitals again after this.


Not long afterwards, doctor Leeteuk came with his assistant and two nurses, he asked everyone in the room to wait ouitside so they can prepare me and Kyuhyun for the operation. Sheila cried hugging me and Kyuhyun. Bella tried her best not to cry, but tears visible on her eyes waiting to spill. My mom smiled and kissed me whispering 'good luck' in my ear. She could hold her tears in front of me, but when she was in front of Kyuhyun, she couldn't hold it anylonger. My mom just repeatedly saying 'I love you' to Kyuhyun and hugged him tight, her tears continuosly spilling.


I hugged my dad and said 'I love you, dad' and I saw my dad was almost in tears, maybe I sould say it more often from now on.


Okay, babyKyu, let's do this surgery well and prepare yourself for my proposal after this. I said to myself, because I really don't want to ruin the surprise later, I'll propose him at the right and special moment. I just cupped his face and kissed his lips over and over, until doctor leeteuk let out a fake cough to stop me, "I love you, Cho Kyuhyun, don't you forget that, arasso?"


Kyuhyun nodded with his tears flowing on his cheeks. “See you my precious babyKyu... my sweetheart.”




Our pov


Kyuhyun's parents were still unreachable, most of his family live abroad, on to of that Kyuhyun doesn't want to make his family worried, so it's just his favorite uncle who came as his guardian to sign some consent forms in the hospital. Kyuhyun asked his uncle to keep all of this a secret.


It's been almost three hours since the operation started. Kyuhyun's uncle excused himself to go to his friend's apartment not far from the hospital to take a shower and change. He arrived from from Jejudo this morning and went directly to the hospital. Mean while, Siwon's family are still at the waiting room, anxiously waiting for the operation to end.


Bella was busy chit-chatting with Heechul, he seems to be fond of Bella eventhough once in awhile he snapped at Bella because somehow Bella's responses were much smarter than Heechul's. Well... don't worry... because every time Heechul snapped at Bella, JungHoon will smack his head playfully and that would make Bella grin.


Sheila was asleep on Donghae's lap, her head on Donghae's chest. Hyukjae went to the fending machine to get some drinks for Siwon's family. Anxiety still shows on Siwon's mom's face, she was sitting near Donghae but sometimes walking back and forth while looking at the door to the operating room. Siwon's dad was busy answering his mobile phone which hasn't stop ringing since hours ago, either a call came in or replying messages from his office or clients.


The blinking light outside of the operating room was turned off, meaning the operation was done. Siwon's mom immediately stood up, followed by the others. Donghae kept sitting down, he was afraid to wake up Sheila who's still sound asleep in his embrace. Not long afterwards, several nurses came out pushing a bed with Kyuhyun still sleeping and many cables attached to his body, followed by a doctor which directly went over to siwon's family.


"The operation removing the kidney went well, Kyuhyun-ssi is now being taken to the recovery room, about 1-2 hours he should regain his consciousness and we will move him to his room once he is stabil, and you all can see him in his room." The doctor explained and smiled. His mask still on his neck.


“Thank you, doctor." Siwon’s mother said shaking the doctor's hand, "And how is Siwon's operation?" She continued.


"Well, Siwon-ssi's operation just started about an hour ago. Don't worry, he's in good hands. Doctor Leeteuk is one of our best surgeons, let's just pray, alright, mam?" The doctor replied slightly bowing his head. "Please excuse me, I have to check on Kyuhyun-ssi's condition. Please be patient and wait about two hours then you all can see him. Or you can grab something to eat first, I bet all of you didn't have the chance to eat lunch yet, Siwon-ssi's operation will take longer that Kyuhyun-ssi's, about three to four or five more hours."


“Ne, gamsahamnida, doctor.” Siwon’s appa replied  and bowed slightly.


The doctor then left, Siwon's parents sat down again, and Siwon's dad hugged his wife tightly, caressing her arm.


"Jung Hoon-ssi.." Siwon's dad calling JungHoon.


“Yes, Sir?” Junghoon came closer.


"Could you go to the office, substitute Siwon for the 1.30 meeting with Mr. Takeshi. Tell him my apologies, that I can't make it to the meeting, director Ahn will attend too to substitute me. Call me if you need anything regarding the meeting."


“Yes, Sir.” Junghoon bowed.


“Let’s not worry  Siwon when he wake up later, please work hard Junghoon-ss, you can do it.”


“Thank you, Sir.” Junghoon bowed again then went to his boyfriend, Heechul, "Do you want to go with me to the office or you'd rather stay here?"


Heechul looked at Bella who's blinking her eyes cutely hoping Heechul would stay witth her, then he looked back at JungHoon again, a little bit confused, "Mmm... I think princess Heechul and princess Bella will stay here, we still have things to discuss, right princess Bella?" Heechul decided and winked at Bella.


“Yaaaay...” Bella kissed Heechul’s cheek. He was a bit surprised, and he touched his cheek where Bella had kissed him, then made a comment, "Geez, I guess I have a fan now huh...?"


“Yes uncle Heechul, I’m your fans, since you are soooo pretty.” Bella smiled widely.


“YAH! I’m handsome... charming... gorgeous... not pretty!” Heechul kind of replied Bella with a stern voice, but then got smacked by Junghoon, “Ouch... Hoony~~”


“Yah, I told you, don’t snap at Bella. Even Siwon never snap at her.”


But Bella just giggled, “Its okay, uncle Jonghoon... and uncle Heechul will be pabo if you smack him too much."


“See... Bella don’t mind.” Heechul said.


“Kim Heechul.” Junghoon glared.


“Arasso... arasso... I won’t snap at this pretty princess anymore, just go for the meeting.” Heechul pinch Bella’s nose playfully.


After kissing Heechul's forehead and hugging Bella, then saying goodbye to the others, JungHoon left to the office. Hyukjae came bringing some beverages and mineral water for Siwon's family, then took a seat beside Donghae, opening one of the juice and gave it to Donghae and opened a carton of strawberry milk for himself. When it was already two hours of Siwon's surgery, Siwon's dad insisted that everyone should get something to eat first, but unfortunately not one soul budged from their seat.


Few moments later, a nurse came and said, "Excuse me, are you the relatives of Mr. Cho Kyuhyun?"


Because his uncle hasn't return to the hospital yet, Siwon's dad spoke up, "Ne, is he awake yet?"


"I'm really sorry to tell you, that Mr. Cho Kyuhyun hasn't regain his conciousness yet. It seems his body is over sensiitive towards the ansthetics. The doctor is still with him and still monitoring." The nurse explained. 


Siwon’s mom stood up and got teary, "He's supposed to wake up an hour ago, right nurse? Is he going to be okay?"


“Well, yes, but don't worry too much, at the moment his condition is very stabil. It's just that he's sleeping a bit longer. Anyway, he's already been moved to his room, you can go see him. Please don't wake him intentionally, let him wake by himself. Please stay as quiet as possible so it would not cause anything that could startle mr. Kyuhyun." The nurse bowed and gestures for all of them to follow her.


Siwon’s mom, Donghae carring Sheila, and Heechul holding hands with Bella followed the nurse to Kyuhyun's room. But Siwon's mom asked her husband to stay in the waiting room, just in case they receive news about Siwon. Hyukjae stayed there, accompanying Siwon's dad.


When they entered Kyuhyun's room, they could see Kyuhyun still laying there, week and unconscious, some cables were still attached to his body, still waering the oxygen mask and IV on his arm.


"Umma...~~" Sheila tried hard to get off from Donghae's hold, wanting to run to Kyuhyun's bed. Her teary and worried eyes fixed on her umma.


"Ssst... Sheila, sweetheart, your umma is still sleeping, can you wait awhile until umma wakes up? Let's not make too much noise, okay, sweetheart?" Donghae tightened his hug.


“B-but... b-but... u-umma will b-be okay, r-right?” Sheila started sobbing.


“Of course... your umma is just sleeping.” Siwon’s mom took Sheila from Donghae and lift her up, approached Kyuhyun so she could caress Kyuhyun's cheek slowly, "Umma, I love you." Sheila whispered.


Bella was still standing beside Heechul, holding his hands tighter. Heechul just glanced at her worried face, "Princess, do you want to see your umma closer?" Heechul asked Bella caressing her hair. She just nodded and went to Kyuhyun's bed still holding Heechul's hand. She just kissed Kyuhyun's hand.


After they had the chance to see the sleeping Kyuhyun, they all went to the waiting room. Siwon's operation should be finished in an hour.


It's been almost two hours after the scheduled operation finished. Siwon's family and friends are getting more worried and anxious. Is there any problem during the surgery? Why aren't there any news from the doctors? Is Siwon alright? All kinds of thoughts started poping out in everyone's minds. Sheila, who's still 4 years old, could sense that something is wrong with the adults. Bella, who is slightly older, just went silent. Heechul noticed the changing attitude in Bella. He put her on his lap, and immediately, Bella hid her head on his chest and started sobbing in silent. Heechul just caressed her back and kept soothing her.


The atmosphere in the waiting room became tense. Siwon's mom began to panic, Siwon's dad kept his composure as to not make his wife more panic, Donghae and Eunhyuk just sat quietly and prayed, still Sheila on Donghae's lap. Heechul kept messaging JungHoon to hurry come to the hospital. He didn't want to call because he didn't want to add more tension in the air. Awhile ago, the nurse informed them, that there was no change to Kyuhyun's state, he's still sleeping. Everyone is getting desparate.


Three hours after the supposed scheduled time, the blinking lights above the operating room went off. You can here everyone releasing their breath after it seems hours holding it in... a sigh of relief from everyone in the room. And not long, Doctor Leeteuk came out and went to them.


"The operation went longer than expected. Siwon is stablized at the moment. They will bring him out in a few minutes and take him to the recovery room." He began to explain.


"Doctor, did anything go wrong?" Siwon's dad asked.


"Well... we had a slight problem. Siwon's heart beat went unstable for some moments, therefore, we had to stabilize him first before we can continue to operate. Luckily, your son is a fighter! He fought back, and his heart went normal again. As for now, we still have to wait 24 hours for the critical moment to pass. He's stabil for now, his body shows that it's accepting the new organ. So, let's just pray for his quick recovery. Oh, and I was informed that Kyuhyun-ssi is not conscious yet, don't worry about that. There are patients that is more sensitive to anaesthetics than others."


"Thank you doctor Leeteuk, for everything." Siwon's mom hugged him.


"Don't thank me, mam... thank Siwon and Kyuhyun for their courage and will. I have to go change, so why don't you all take some rest for awhile in Kyuhyun's room. But before that, please have something to eat, I'm sure you all didn't leave here and get something to eat." Doctor leeteuk said, knowing Siwon's parents and family that much care each other. "I'll call you immediatley if something changes." Then he left the waiting room.


The tension was less, but still they have to wait 24hours for Siwon to pass his critical moments. Not noticing her granddaughter, Siwon's mom felt someone pulled her dress beside her, it was Bella, "Halmeoni, don't worry, appa is strong like superman."


Siwon’s mom smiled and caressed Bella’s hair, “Ne... I know.”


“Ah, darling, I think doctor Leeteuk is right, we all have to be strong and healthy for Siwon and Kyuhyun, we eat first, ne? Just for a moment, and then we go back to Kyuhyun's ward.” Siwon’s dad asked.


Siwon’s mom looked at Sheila, who is now carried by Hyukjae like a koala, then looked at Bella beside her, “Yes... I think we all need to get something to eat.”


Then all of them headed to the elevator to the 1st floor to go to the hospital's cafeteria.




After almost an hour, doctor Leeteuk called Siwon's dad, informing that about 10 minutes later they can see Siwon in his shared-room. Before surgery, Siwon specifically asked doctor Leeteuk not to separate his room with Kyuhyun after surgery.


Siwon’s family came into the room, but Siwon and Kyuhyun are both still unconscious. According to doctor Leeteuk's explanation, it could take 24 hours to pass his critical moment to determine Siwon's body's reaction to his new organ, so he still gave him a sedative.


What worries them is Kyuhyun.  He should have been conscious a few hours ago, but until now, he's still asleep.


Siwon's family and Kyuhyun's uncle waitted until 7 pm, but there wass no change, so doctor Leeteuk asked them to go home and rest, and come back again tomorrow afternoon. Siwon's mother didn't want to go home, but after Siwon's father explained that she had to think about their grandchildren too, Siwon's mom finally agreed to go home.





~next day~


Doctor Leeteuk was writing in his notebook while giving guidance to the nurses who would was on duty and responsible for  Siwon and Kyuhyun, when he heard the sound of a fast 'beep'. Doctor Leeteuk immediately directed his eyes to his patients, apparently Siwon had woken up and was trying to sit up, "Hey stop .. . stop! Siwon-ssi, don't move!" With  lightning speed, doctor Leeteuk ran beside Siwon's bed and hold his shoulders.


“Kyu... Kyu...” Siwon seemed semi-conscious.


"Siwon-ssi, relax. Kyuhyun-ssi is just three steps away from your bed." Siwon turned his head slowly to Kyuhyun's bed. "See? He's fine." Said doctor Leeteuk again, he took Siwon's oxygen mask back to his nose, Siwon must have opened it when he regain consciousness.


"Doctor!" The nurse sounded surprised, pointing to Siwon's waist, doctor Leeteuk's eyes looked to where  the nurse was pointing, and was shocked when he saw blood seeping on Siwon's gown hospital, "Oh, nurse, please, help me." The nurse immediately walked to the shelf near the door to pick up some bandages and twizers.


"Siwon..." Siwon still looked at Kyuhyun, "Siwon... please, look at me." Doctor Leeteuk held Siwon's cheeks and turn Siwon's head to him, "Siwon, look, your stitches opened a little, it's bleeding. Can you please listen to me, lay down first okay, I'll take a look first at your stitches. Hopefully nothing is tore." Siwon did what doctor Leeteuk asked him to do. "Thank God, your stiches are okay. I will replace with a new bandage, and Siwon, please, after this don't try to sit up or get out of the bed, ne?"


There was a knock softly on the door, Siwon's parents came into the room, only both of them, the girls are still at home since Siwon's mom did not want the kids to come first. She was afraid that they would be too hyperactive when they saw the condition of Siwon and Kyuhyun.  The girls will come later after Siwon and Kyuhyun are fully awake.  "D-doctor... what happen?" Siwon's mom was a bit  shocked when she saw the bandage that had  a lot of blood in the tray is in the nurse's hand.


"Oh, mam, Siwon is conscious and he was trying to sit up straight, he was looking for Kyuhyun. But don't worry, mam, the stitches are okay." Doctor Leeteuk explained.


“Oh, I see.” Siwon’s mom approached Siwon from  the other side, “Siwon... hi son, this is mommy.”


Siwon looked at his mom, his eyes are teary, “Mom... K-kyu...”


“He is fine, Siwon, he is just sleeping.” Siwon’s mom caressed his cheek.


“Mom... K-kyu... Mom...”


Siwon’s mom frowned, and think hard, “Ooooh...” Then looked at doctor Leeteuk, “Leeteuk-ssi, would you please move Siwon’s bed so he can closer be to Kyuhyun?”


“But mam, its close already, their distance is only three steps, dan I need space for their equipment.” Doctor Leeteuk said.


“Then Siwon won’t stop to try sitting down and  get out of the bed if you don't move his bed, Leeteuk-ssi, believe me.”


“Do you think so? Well, I guess I can move his equipment to the other side. How close do you want me to move your son’s bed, mam?”


“As close as posibble, until my son can hold and touch Kyuhyun.” Siwon’s mom smiled.


After his bed was moved closer to Kyuhyun's, Siwon asked his mom and doctor Leeteuk,

"Tell me, has he been unconcious all the time since after the surgery?"


"Yes, Siwon. But don't worry, I already checked him and the neurologist also the anesthetist also checked him. He is just overly sensitive to the anestesia, he's not in a comma, don't worry. He's just in deep sleep." Doctor Leeteuk explained and assured him that Kyuhyun is fine.


"Not even opening his eyes for a second?" Siwon asked again, Siwon’s mom shooked her head. “Mom... is he alright? Mom...” Siwon started tears out, "What if he can’t get up again, it's my fault, right mom?"


“No...” Siwon's mom wiped his tears that running down both sides of his eyes, "You heard doctor Leeteuk, Kyuhyun is just sleeping. Just pretend that he had a very long flight and now he's just overly tired. Kyuhyun will be alright, honey, his body is just too sensitive."


“But its too long, its almost 24hours, mom... if Kyuhyun don't get up again and leave me like my first donor, I don't want to live anymore, mom." Siwon covering his eyes with his arm, sobbing. Siwon’s mom said nothing, just caressing Siwon’s chest and muttered, ‘Don’t say that.’


Doctor Leeteuk excused himself because he was called to check his other patients.




Kyuhyun’s pov


‘Baby... we have done the surgery well *sob*, I wake up already like you asked me. Sweetheart *sob*, you said that you will do everything for me, then I want you to wake up, now baby... *sob* please. I can’t be without you, so please don’t leave me *sob* don’t leave me... I love you Cho Kyuhyun *sob*, so much.’


‘I’ve heard his voice, Siwon... my love, why are you crying? You want me to wake up? But I can hear you, why do you want me to wake up? But wait, why I can’t see him? Why is everything just white here... there is no other colour than white, where am I?’


‘Baby... please *sob*, come back to me. Here, I'm holding your hand, just follow my voice *sob*, don’t make me worry too long. You said that you want to be Bella’s and Seila's guardian, you said that you want to be a pilot instructor, a co-pilot *sob*. Baby... you can do everything you want, but please wake up *sob*, p-please.’


‘Don’t cry Siwon... please no more cry, okay, I’ll follow your voice, keep talking, don't let my hand go, just hold on.’


‘Sweetheart, please... I know you can hear me *sob*, I won’t let your hand go no matter what, I’ll hold it tight *sob*, please... come back to me, because I love you, too much...’


‘Oh, Siwon still holds my hand... I can feel his warm hand, I tried to squeeze his hand, come on hand, please move.’


‘OMG! Baby, thats it! Ouch... Thank you, baby, please carry on, I’m sorry I can’t hug you now, baby *sob*. I’m so happy, I know you can feel my hand and hear my voice, so please... now open you eyes, baby, open. Oh, I can’t see your face closer, argh stupid stitches. Baby, I’ll call Leeteuk hyung, keep try to open your eyes.’



Siwon’s pov


I pushed the bell above the head of my bed, I pressed it repeatedly to make sure the nurse heard it. while waiting for the nurse, I kept talking to Kyuhyun, asking him to open his eyes.


I saw Leeteuk hyung and a nurse coming hurriedly into our room, it looks like hyung is on standby for me and Kyuhyun, "What is it Siwon?" He asked.


“Hyung, Kyuhyun squeezed my hand.”


“Oh really? Thanks God. Let me check him.” And then I saw him took a small flashlight from his pocket, and pointed to Kyuhyun's eyes, then smiled, "You're right Siwon, Kyuhyun's pupils have responded to light, it looks like any minute he will wake up." Then he walked around the bed and stood on the side of my bed, "Good job Siwon, I know that you kept talking to Kyuhyun, didn’t you? If he is awake, please relax and tell him to not move his body, you can talk but not too long, try to get back to sleep. Since you were conscious this morning, I know you haven't slept at all, try to take a rest, Siwon. Don’t worry, he will be fine. I'll be back in a couple hours to check on you two, arasso? ‘" Leeteuk hyung said and patted my head.


I nodded, “Thanks, hyung.”




Right like hyung said, about 15 minutes later Kyuhyun woke up, "Won-nie."


"Baby, omg, Kyu, thanks God. Baby, I'm here." I squeezed his hand, he turned to me and smiled weakly.


"Hi, lo-ve." He whispered.


"Hi, oh babyKyu... I missed you. Baby, don’t move, our stitches still not covered well." He nodded, I grabbed his hand and direct it to my lips and kissed it, "Baby, thank you, you came back for me. I love you so much."


“” He asked me with his soft voice behind the oxygen mask.


“I’m sorry... I doubted you, I thought you didn’t keep your promise to come back to me, I’m really sorry.” He just smiled, “I love you, babyKyu.” He nodded, then closed his eyes, I think he still weak, “Sleep tight, baby, but please wake up for me tommorow morning.”


My mom rush came into my room, I think Leeteuk hyung informed my mom about Kyuhyun when she was out for her lunch. "Hi... Kyuhyuna... sweetheart. It's mom." My mom spoke to him, Kyuhyun opened his eyes, "Thank you for waking up." Kyuhyun try to smiled then closed his eyes again, then my mom kissed Kyuhyun's forehead. She turned to me, "Honey, you should sleep awhile too." I just nodded and I closed my eyes too, and try to sleep.




Our pov


After a couple of hours, Siwon's mom called Jung Hoon to take the kids to the hospital, not long afterwards the kids come and say hello to Siwon. Bella and Sheila took turns kissing Siwon and Kyuhyun, Siwon seems to have been fully conscious and started making small talk with the children and his hyung. Siwon's mom smiled and looked at her son's hand that is holding Kyuhyun's, the IV which was in Siwon's right hand has been moved to the left by doctor Leeteuk, so that its more comfortable to Siwon while holding Kyuhyun's hands.


When it was nearly 5 pm, Leeteuk asked Siwon's family to leave Siwon and Kyuhyun, so that they all can rest and they can come back to see them the next day.


Hopefully, tomorrow... there is no other thing to worry about.





@all: I'm sorry... I can't stop/end it at chapter 40 >,< I hope you guys still give me a support and won't bored with my ff... please?
Thank you to keep comments. And thanks to all my subscriber. Luv ya.

@purpleungu: Gamsahamnida... and I can't wait for SS5INA, I hope we can get that precious tickets^^

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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...