hyung's lover

The same sky... different place...


Chapter 39
Our pov
Siwon was still burrying his head in Kyuhyun's embrace, who was still sitting on his lap, when he realized someone was tugging his shirt's sleeve, "Appa... are you alright? Appa, what's wrong?" Siwon didn't answer, he kept silent.
"Sheila, baby... your appa has a slight headache, so umma is hugging appa to make the pain go away." Kyuhyun answered the worried but cute baby girl of his, because he knew that Siwon wouldn't answer Sheila before he himself is calmer.
"Ummaaaa, but Sheila's hand is hurt too." She started to whine in her cute voice and a slightly pouty lips, "There was a little spark of fire that burn my hand."
"Aigooo... I think there's someone who is jealous of appa here... where's your hand that hurt, sweety? Show umma so umma can make it feel better." Kyuhyun smiled happily while looking at his baby girl pout, Sheila showed her finger, that was supposedly to be hurt, "So, your finger got a little burnt?" Kyuhyun asked her, Sheila just nodded cutely, blinking her eyes. Siwon was still in his embrace, Kyuhyun took Sheila's fingger and guided it to his lips and kissed it *muach* "Dear finger, umma already kissed you, so please don't hurt Sheila again, ne?" Kyuhyun acting as if he was talking to Sheila's finger, then he whispered to Sheila, "Does it still hurt, baby?"
Sheila was smiling from ear to ear while shaking her head. "Aigooo, Sheila's finger is so nice, it heals so fast. Now, can you go to your uncles and your eonni, appa and umma will be there in a few minutes. Okay, baby?"
Sheila turned around facing towards where Eunhae couple and Bella were, ran and yelled at the top of her lungs, "NEEEEEEE, UMMAAAA."
Kyuhyun giggled watching Sheila's cute behaviour, then he carresed Siwon's back slowly, "Siwonnie... do you want to know something? I'm very... very happy that I have you and both your girls in my life. I don't regret leaving anything behind so that I can be with you forever." Kyuhyun kissed Siwon's hair and Siwon could only tighten his hold of Kyuhyun.
About 10minutes later, Siwon calmed down, his eyes were still red and puffy, luckily it wouldn't be that obvious to the girls, especially with the dim lighting and the sky getting darker. Kyuhyun, with full of love, dried the traces of tears that were visible with his delicate fingers, comb Siwon's hair with his fingers also and took him to see the girls and Eunhae couple.
Seeing her appa and umma walking towards them, Sheila put down the marshmallows she was roasting, and ran to Siwon, "Appa... better?"
Siwon smiled, showing his twin dimples on his cheeks, which added his handsomeness wearing that short sleeved maroon shirt, "Ne, baby... Appa is fine now." Then Siwon let go of Kyuhyun's hand, and carried Sheila, kissed her cheeks.
"Appa... did it hurt much?" Siwon shook his head, "But you cried earlier..." Sheila continued with a whisper, then she cupped her appa's face. Siwon was still a bit startled by her question, didn't know how to answer her.
Sheila slightly tilted her head, and continued, "Appa, it's okay to cry if it hurts... if Sheila falls down and hurt, Sheila cries, too. Crying is okay, appa... We can understand." That was a very simple answer from a nearly four year old girl, but to Siwon, her words were like a cold water needed in a desert... it calms, sooth, and comfort him, Siwon hugged Sheila tightly and again tears are breaming in his eyes.
Because who knows how many times Siwon held his tears with all his might and tried not to shed a single tear when the pain struck his heart, the time he lost Kyuhyun, the source of his happiness and his life.
Not only that, only God knows, how many times he held in his tears by biting his inner cheek till it bleeds when trying to hold the pain that pierced his body. He cannot cry because his parents were around and didn't want to worry them, or there were clients in front of him that he didn't want to make them disrespect him, what's more... when the girls were with him, he didn't want to make his girls sad. All those hard times, Siwon had to held his tears because he wanted to endure his loneliness and all the pain on his own.
"Sheila..." Siwon said with a sligtly shaken voice, "Appa will cry if appa can't hold the hurt anymore, appa promise, okay...?" Siwon looked at Khyuhyun lovingly from Sheila's shoulder. Kyuhyun smiled warmly. Siwon was so thankful... that this time he doesn't need to hold his tears anymore, because Kyuhyun is now beside him. Siwon knew that he will no longer feel his heart in pain and alone, his body also will heal because Kyuhyun's kidney will be in him. "I love you..." Siwon mouthing to Kyuhyun.
"Appa... mommy... come here, please..." Bella calling her parents who were still standing at the spot where Sheila met them. Apparently, she was done roasting the marshmallows, she walked really slowly to where her uncles were preparing the beverages on the table, not far from the pool.
Eunhyuk saw how Bella walked slowly and carefully, he smiled and went up to her, "Princess Bella, you're walking too slow, honey..."
Bella, show didn't want to move her eyes on the marshmallows she was bringing, replied, "Uncle Hyukie, Bella is just worried, if Bella walks faster, the marshmallows would fall..." *pout*.
Hyukjae giggled at her response, "Ne, arraso, let me carry you, and I will be extra careful, okay?" And he picked Bella up and carried her.
Siwon, Kyuhyun, Sheila, Bella, and the Eunhae couple are now enjoying the feast in front of them. Siwon couldn't help to silently pray to thank the Lord for giving him the people who are now with him, making him feel that he has now what he can call his own family, Kyuhyun, Bella and Sheila. The cheerful laughter brought him back to reality. The backyard of his mansion is actually already beautiful, but tonight it was more beautiful and complete with the cheerful laughter, happiness and the love that flows around. 
Without realizing, it was almost 9pm, and Sheila looked sleepy, eventhough she tried to keep her eyes wide open. Suddenly she stood up from her chair and hold her arms wide to Kyuhyun who was sitting beside her, "Umma~~"
Kyuhyun, who was talking to Siwon, move his gaze towards Sheila, who was holding out her hands to him, he smiled understanding what she wanted. He pushed his chair back, slightly bend his body and put Sheila in his lap. Sheila circled her arms to Kyuhyun's neck, and burried her face in her umma's chest, "Umma~~"
"Do you want umma to bring you to your room?" Kyuhyun asked her, but Sheila shook her head, "Okay, then..." Kyuhyun smiled at Siwon, and Siwon nodded okaying Kyuhyun to put Sheila to sleep. Then Kyuhyun stood up slowly, carrying Sheila, who's like a baby koala holding on to its mother, walked away from the table a few steps, so it wouldn't be so noisy for Sheila.
At the time, Donghae+Bella vs Eunhyuk were still arguing about who is more handsome between Donghae and Eunhyuk, it seems that Bella is on her uncle's side. Two adults and a small girl, one in common, childish...
Kyuhyun held Sheila and was rocking he to sleep, slowly carressing her back soothingly, "Sleep tight my baby girl..." And he sang a lullaby to Sheila with his angelic beautiful voice.
Siwon's pov
My princess Bella was having fun laughing with Donghae hyung and his lover, I can see Bella was really comfortable with them and so far adjusted to her new surroundings easily. She is a very good girl, always acting older than her age while I was away from them, she would always protect Sheila, who was easily teased by he friends in her playgroup, Bella would always take care of her little sister, would always let Sheila have what she wants. There was a time, when Sheila pulled her hair just beacuse she was amazed at how beautiful her big sister's hair was, eventhough slightly wincing in pain, she just said 'Sheila, if you pull eonni's hair so hard like this, eonni's head hurts...' She was so very patient and loves Sheila very much. I have never seen her cry over things, the only one time she cried was when she saw me... that perticular morning.
I was still enjoying the view in front of me, my daughter laughing cheerfully,  when Bella asked me to agree that Donghae hyung's lips are cuter... hahaha... I just shrugged my shoulder. Cute?? Donghae hyung's lips?? His lips are like dolphins'... and my daughter said it's cute?? *sigh* I have to put some senses to Bella... geez.
I moved my gaze to Kyuhyun, looking at him rocking Sheila to sleep, what a beautiful view. I couldn't keep myself from smiling widely, I bet Kyuhyun is now singing lullaby songs for Sheila, because he loves to sing. And what amazed me is Sheila... Sheila usually sleeps in silence. She can't sleep even just to the sound of people talking, but now, she's sound asleep hearing her umma's voice. Her hands are now slightly fallen in Kyuhyun's back, head burried in Kyuhyun's shoulder.. *chuckled*.  Now... Sheila's able to sleep with Kyuhyun's voice and even the background sound of Eunhae + Bella laughing and bickering. Maybe, they were really mother and daughter in their past lives. 
I was still smiling when I caught by the tail of my eyes that someone is walking towards us from the back door of the house. I squinted my eyes slightly to get a better look... Jung Hoon hyung? But, who's the person next to him? They're walking holding hands together, is he hyung's boyfriend? Finally, he's fulfilling his promise to me. I stood up from my seat, and was about to walk up to him when I stood a bit frozen beside my chair, the person walking next to JungHoon hyung... I know, I've seen him and known him from somewhere.
Hyung was greeting Kyuhyun, Eunhae and Bella. I was still focusing on Hyung's boyfriend's face. They were just 3 steps away from me, he's quite handsome..no, scratch that... pretty? His face looks quite pretty, and his uniqueness was excentuated more by his golden hair  and his milky white skin. JungHoon hyung looked a bit groggy, not at ease like he is, he usually has a very light-homey-controlled personality and always hangs around at the mansion as if this is his own house. Is he groggy because of the person next to him... or is he a bit upset because he knows that what he did would upset me?
I tilted my head a little bit, suddenly that pretty guy moved his lips and made a smirk-curve.
Kyuhyun was still in Sheila's bedroom, Bella was still with Eunhae couple, and at that moment I was in my study with JungHoon hyung and that 'brat'. I was trying really hard to not show my angry face, because from Hyung's face I can see that he is really fond of that brat. So, at least I have to hear his side of the story first. But truthfully, I don't want him to play my Hyung... or use him for the advantages of getting company information.
"I almost didn't recognize you with that hair color." I said coldly, eyes widdening towards the 'brat'.
"S-Siwon, I'm so sorry... I know you must be pist off at me right now, I just didn't know to find the way to tell you about Heechul, because I know you hated him." JungHoon hyun trying to open his explanation. He was sitting in front of me, squeezing his hands on the desk.
I was playing with my letter opener, still looking at Heechul suspiciously, "Lucky for me, I remembered that ugly smirk of yours." I burst out ignoring what my Hyung was saying, I have to find out and make sure that this person is really serious with JungHoon hyung.
"Ugly? Aah... ne, gomawo." He replied still smirking. He was sitting comfortably beside hyung, even put his left leg over his other leg, sitting prettily and elegantly like a diva. Geez... what does Hyung like about this brat?
"Siwon, please... I want to explain something." Asked JungHoon hyung, worried in his voice.
"Gomawo? Good thing that you accepted it, but can't you at least wipe that smirk off of your face?" I retorted, still ignoring JungHoon Hyung.
"Well... my face and my smirk is one package, inseperable." Aarrgghh... I really hate this person, if Hyung weren't here, I would very much like to cut that smirk off with a very dull knife from that face.
“Siwon... please?” Hyung whinned deperately now to me. 
I moved my gaze, and looked at Hyung, at first, I was actually a bit moved by how much worry showed in his eyes and face, *sigh* "Hyung, if you can make him stop smirking, I'll listen to you."
Hyung turned his head towards that brat, and spoke soft but strenly, "Kim Heechul." That brat looked at Hyung and all of a sudden that brat's face changed 180 degrees. The smirk gone, changed into a very sweet smile and an angel-face-look. HUHHH!? UNBELIEVABLE! How can hyung just say his full name and that brat, no.. I mean Heechul, changed like that? Wuaaaaahhh... my JungHoon Hyung is jjang! Daebak!
"Uh... ehm... *I cleared my throat* alright, since that smirk is totaly gone, go ahead hyung, what do yo want to say?" I said while resting my back on my chair, more relax now.
"Siwon, like I said earlier, it wasn't my intention to keep it as a secret that my bofriend is Heechul from you, but because of that fact, I was afraid... I don't know how to say it to you." Hyung took a deep breath, and waited a signal from me to continue, so I nodded at him, "You know, that at first I hated him too, for giving you a hard time. *he turned his head to look at Heechul* I'm sorry, Chullie." Heechul winked at Hyung while nodding. Wuaaaahhh, he totally is like a different person, but I trully see sincerity on his face and eyes, it was no acting. And Hyung already has a pet name for him, Chullie? It seems that they are really in love, then Hyung moved his gaze towards me again. "I really hated him because just to get Taehee-ssi's disc, he asked me to have with him and, and... gosh, you don't have any idea, Siwon, to what I almost did... I got the disc after I agreed to being...*he took a deep breath again* b-bottom." Hyung continued looking down, and I'm dying of holding my laughter. My hyung? Bottom? Heechul was a really brat hahaha...
I know, I know... I should've been angry to Heechul forcing my Hyung to have with him just to get that disc, it was out of line... but look where they end up... they're now lovers and Heechul is even tamed under my Hyung, I can't be angry now can I?
"Uh... ehm...*I cleared my throat again* soo, after you gave him your ehm... hole to him, then..?" I can't help it not to make an upward curve on my lips.
"Wait... wait... I have got to straighten some facts first here..." Suddenly Heechul voiced out, Hyung and I turned to face him.
"Straighten what out?" I asked him.
"I have to clear my name here. Baby, why did you say that you bottomed?" He asked JungHoon hyung, who's face was flushed red hearing his boyfriend calling him baby in front of me.
"Well... Siwon-ssi, the moment I saw Hoonie here, I knew he was different... and I saw the look on his face when he saw me... kkkkk, I wished I captured it on my phone. After a very tough conversation... it lead to a proposal... Hoonie's hot or no disc, one thing I can say to you, Siwon-ssi, you're lucky to have him, he's very loyal... and that alone made me more interested in him. So one thing lead to another, Hoonie agreed to give me his ... hmm... hot , you know..." Heechul looked at JungHoon hyung lovingly, eventhough hyung is still red as a tomato. Then he continued, "After he agreed to do it, I don't know why, I just fell for him, and completely surrender myself to him, sooo, I DID NOT make him bottom... And it was surely worth it... it was a hot hot hot adventure..." And he made his trademark smirk again.
I couldn't help anymore to make another upward curve on my face, and hyung looked at me again, his eyes that was initially full of worry, not anymore, because I guess he caught my 'almost smile'... aaaahhh... I shouldn't have made that smile.
"Siwon... don't laugh at me... I did that just to follow your orders, get the disc whatever it takes." He voiced out his protest, a little pout visible on his face, I think he really knows me well that I'm not angry anymore. I glanced at Heechul, it's now his face that is flushed red. Really different than the Heechul I knew before.
"Hyung... so are you telling me that you were only doing my orders... or that you actually liked him from the first moment you saw him?" I asked him while looking at hyung's blush-face.
"Uh... oh... I think, b-both..?" with that I heard Heechul giggled happily, well... it was obvious from his face that he is really in love. Then I heard a knock on the door, "Come in." I said.
I saw Kyuhyun poking his head from behind the door, "Can I join in?" He asked.
"Sure, sweetheart." I gestured him to come in, then I tap my lap when he was close enough to me, signaling him to sit on my lap.
He smiled and puffed his cheek, "Siwon, there's another chair here, I can sit there." protest Kyuhyun.
I held out my hand to him, and I know for certain, that he can't reject me, even I know he's feeling a bit embarrased because we rarely show PDA. Not even in front of my parents, the girls and Eunhae. Kyuhyun's face was blushing, and ackwardly sat on my lap, I immediately hugged his waist, "Now look at you three... you three are blushing... cute." I said giggling happily.
“I’m not.” JungHoon Hyung and Kyuhyun said at the same time , while Heechul is still enjoying his own world, gazing at my hyung's face. 
*chuckled* "Fine... Oh baby, meet... this is Hyung's boyfriend, Heechul-ssi." I introduced Kyuhyun to Heechul. Heechul turn his face from my hyung.
Kyuhyun bowed slightly and offer a hand shake, Heechul smiled friendly, accepting the hand shake, "Nice to meet you." Well that's nice.
"Sweetheart, this is the guy I was telling you about, TaeHee's ex." I said.
Kyuhyun suddenly pulled his hand away and turned his head to me, "That brat?" He mouthed out whispering.
"Hahaha... yes baby... that brat. But who knew, JungHoon hyung was able to change him to a very sweet, charming and tamed person... forgive my last choice of word." I gigled mocking Heechul.
Heechul just shrugged his shoulder, and looked at my Kyu, "Well... anything for love." Heechul replied and making a V sign.
Kyuhyun chuckled at that, "Yeah... anything for love." Then Kyuhyun just leaned his body to my chest, I guess he's feeling more comfortable now doing PDA in front of JungHoon hyung and Heechul. "Well, I guess everything goes well now..." Kyuhyun continued.
"I guess so, baby..." I replied him, then looked at hyung. "First of all, congratulations Hyung, Heechul-ssi for your relationship. I wish you'll be in love forever. Right, baby?" I glanced at Kyuhyun.
"Yes, congratulations for you both." Kyuhyun congratulated them too.
"Hyung, I'm sorry that you had to feel burdened to tell me about Heechul-ssi, but thank you for telling me now... you know I will support you all the way, always, right, hyung?" I continued. "Hyung, secondly, I want to ask and discuss somethings to you, but let's do it tomorrow. And now, I have to appologize to both of you, but I'm really feeling tired right now. If you guys haven't had your dinner, Hyung just ask Kim-jibsa to prepare dinner for you both with Bella and her uncles out back. I hope you can understand, it's not that I don't want to chit chat some more, or that I'm avoiding Heechul-ssi, but I do need to take a rest before the headaches come back like earlier." I explained. 
Hyung understood, and he nodded, "Go take some rest Siwonnie, you needed." Then he looked at Kyuhyun, "Kyuhyun-ssi, I heard from Siwon's mother, you're donating your kidney for Siwon, thank you... thank you very much, I mean it, really. Siwon is not only my boss, but he's my brother, the only dongsaeng I have. He means a lot to me, and now, you mean a lot too, Kyuhyun-ssi." Hyung said those words with tears threatening to fall out, then he stood up, followed by Heechul, and they both bowed their slightly.
"Nice to have met you, Siwon-ssi, Kyuhyun-ssi, thank you for taking care of my JungHoonie" I just smiled at him and nodded.
Then both of them walked toward the door, holding hands, leaving us behind.


@lovely subscribers & reader: be patient with the operation & the part ne? *i'm dying try to write , lol* bear with me... And thankyu for your nice comments *hug* i love you all.

@purpleungu: chongmal gomawo & saranghae ^_^


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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...