I’ll protect your dream

The same sky... different place...

Chapter 17



~flash back~


Kyuhyun’s pov


I sit calmly in the restaurant, Jung Hoon-ssi picked me up and he said that there's nothing to worry. Siwon’s mom just wanted to talk to me, but...how can I not worry? I know she will ask me to stay away from her precious son. But, I am Kyuhyun, I’ve watched many dramas on television, that won’t happen madam...I won’t leave Siwon. Even if she’ll offer me a lot of money, I won’t separate with my Siwon. My friends wouldn’t call me ‘evil Kyuhyun’ for nothing...so,this is a battle *smirk*.


I turned my mobile phone off after Jung Hoon hyung called me earlier, I don’t want to be bothered by anyone, I’m still not in a good mood... And now, I don’t want my incoming calls bother my meeting with Siwon’s mom too, so kept my phone off.


About 5 minutes, I saw Siwon’s mom walking toward our table elegantly, I stood up...bowed and extended my hand. Siwon’s mom shook my hand, “Nice to meet you, mam...” I said politely, preparing my self to be slapped on my cheek, ‘Aigoo...I hope she is not that rude to me.


“Yes, nice to meet you, too, Kyuhyun-ssi.” She smiled to me and sat down, she’s so beautiful, for her age.


Smile...?’ Wow, she is not ‘my senior evil’... yaaay...


“Please, sit down, son...”


Son..?’ NOW I feel nervous, “Y-yes, mam... Thank you...” If she is nice to me, how could I refuse her wish later?


“Your voice keeps singing in my heart, Kyuhyun-ssi...it was so beautiful... And I like the song that you sang.”


“T-thank you, mam...” I smiled, ‘Ommo... She likes my voice...?


“I am sorry, to bother you, I understand that you’ve just arrived in Seoul, you must be so tired, right?” She asked me, raising her hand to call the waiter, “You should eat something, son. You look so pale. Please, order your food...”


“I-I just want a cup of hot choco...”


“No...no... You should eat. How about filet mignon...” She asked, “Siwon likes it too you know...” she smiled widely when said ‘Siwon’, she must love my Siwon so much.


Hmm, she start bring out her son’s name, “S-sure...” I smiled back, “Thank you, mam...” I think she’ll direct our conversation about my Siwon.


“Waiter, we'll order one filet mignon and a cup of hot choco for this young man, and a cup of chamomile tea for me.” She ordered.




“Do you like it, son?”


“Yes mam, it’s so delicious...thank you...” I wiped my mouth with a napkin, my plate is empty now, ‘Geez, I won’t spend $92 for this food with my own money, even this filet mignon is so good...


“This restaurant’s filet mignon is the best in Seoul you know... Did my son ever take you here before?”


“N-no mam... We were... I mean, he likes a home made food...” aissh...my big mouth.


“How could you mmn...” She cleared , “So, you cooked for him?”


“I-I...no, I mean... y-yes mam...”


“I see...so, Siwon comes to your home then?”


“... ...”  ‘...


“Well, since Siwon’s servants never told me that my son and his friend ever cooked at his place... So, that means Siwon comes to your place...and you cooked for him?”


“Y-yes mam...” I looked down staring my palm on my lap, ‘O..O..’.


“Hmm, son...tell me, what is Siwon for you?”


Oooh...what should I say...? We never discussed about this ... Should I say the truth, o-or just say that Siwon is a friend? Oooh ...’ I remember Tae Hee’s words again, ‘Be wise...be wise...’ I frowned, ‘But hoooooow...? I can’t even think. Now what...wise...? Wise...? What wise?




“Y-yes mam... Uh, Siwon-ssi is my... kind of like... my soulmate... ... I think?”


“Soulmate, explain to me, son...?”


“Actually, I-I don’t know how I should say to you, mam...I’m sorry... I-I think you should ask Siwon-ssi.” I gave up, I can’t think something wise like Tae Hee told me, ‘Arrrggghh...’


*Sigh* “Son, I’ve seen  my son’s and your body language at the gala dinner when you were standing close to each other. I saw your reaction at the auction... Eventhough I wanted to deny, but please answer me and no need to lie, son... Are you my son’s lover?” I saw her face turning red, “Do you love him?” I don’t know her face turning red because she’s too worried about my answer or she’s holding in her anger.


I’m sorry Wonnie, she is your mom...I have to tell her the truth, right?’ I closed my eyes and said, “I am sorry if my answer would make you disapointed, mam... B-but yes, Siwon is my lover. I love him and he loves me too. I am so sorry...”


Now she holds her cup tightly with both of her hands, ~3 minutes~ “Please forgive me, mam. I didn't plan to be in a love and start a relationship with your son, it just happened...”


After a minute, she still kept quite, “Mam, p-please...please say something...?”


“Son...” she finally talk, and I could feel that she doesn’t like me anymore but she keeps calling me ‘son’, “I prepared my heart since the day I saw both of you at the dinner... so that I can stay strong if I know your real relationship with my son. But...” I saw her eyes wet now, “But, to hear that it is true just now, still hurts me...”


I’m sorry Wonnie...I made your mom sad and maybe even her heart broken...’ I kept silent, didn't know what to say... I'm afraid that I would say something wrong and made things worse than already are, and my Siwon won’t like that, right?


“Son... I believe that you know how precious Siwon is to us as a son and to our company as the president, our heir. But I want to tell you something...” she start crying, “Beyond of that fact, Siwon is so precious to me, because I almost lost him...”


“L-lost him? Mam, what are you trying to say?” I’m worried to death, ‘What does she mean by 'almost lost him'...why didn't I know that something bad happened to him’.


*Sob* “Son, the point is...I want my Siwon to be happy for his second life.” She wiped her tears.


Second life...?’ The idea about losing my Siwon, makes my eyes teary.


“Did you know, that I made the foundation for helping sick children, just because my son had been in that situation, son? I also really care about helping the parents for the sick children, just because I know their feeling, how frustrated it is... how tiring it is of thinking that we cannot lose hope...” She wiped her tears again, “And do you know... Siwon loves children so much? He told me that his dream is to have a lot of sweet and healthy children. He wants to love his children and to live happily with them. He even already adopted two children now... may be he is impatient to get his own *smile* you would be amazed how Siwon is when he is with the children, he turns into a wise appa, so cute... Here, look at this... I brought you their photo.” she smiled and give me the photograph.


Oooh...my Siwon is definitely cute as an appa.’ Again, why don't I know anything about Siwon having adopted kids, and his dream about have a lot of children, why didn't he tell me? He's waiting to tell, me... he didn't tell me yet, because he is waiting for the right time to tell me? O-or...or he's worried it will hurt my feeling? Because, I-I won't give him a biological children?


She keeps smiling when she showed me another photograph, but suddenly frowned, “Son...now, do you really want our Siwon to give up his dream? To be an appa?” she started crying again, “Son, please... let him become an appa, it was a simple dream of my son. P-please, son...? He..he has to marry a w-woman so h-he could have his own child *sob* h-he can’t marry y-you, son... I-I am sorry, b-but please let my son go... I may be broke your heart by saying this to you. I-I also know you love h-him, but I believe that y-you want our S-siwon be h-happy...” she cryed hard, "So, please, let him go, my dear Kyuhyun..."


Mrs. Choi’s pov


Now, I took a deep breath and tried my best to hold my emotion down, I can see Kyuhyun really loves my son judging from his reactions, his sincere smile when looking at the photographs, “Son, can you help me, protect my son’s dream of having his own children?”


I continued, “I know it’s selfish of me asking this to you, but will you help me to keep his dream alive?” Please Kyuhyun... don’t start it... don’t start crying... I can’t see him like that, I can’t hold my tears, and... start crying again.



Kyuhyun’s pov


I can't even breathe now. I clenched my fist trying to hold down my tears, but it seems my heart and eyes won't listen to my brain...Now I’m crying, I feel my head is spinning, my heart breaks...my world starts to crumble. Like life kills me... my soul is deprived, I feel lifeless...I don't know what to do. ‘Siwon, my love, what should I do? Please, tell me what to do... I love you...too much...’ I feel a crazy pain...in my heart.


All my times shared with my beloved Siwon, suddenly flashed in front of my eyes. The day we met, the day he confessed, all the nights shared together. His laughs, his smiles, his deep dimples which I adore... his warmth circling my body everytime he holds me, his cheesiness, his... everything about him flashed, and my heart aches more and more... It's getting harder to breathe for me. My eyes feels hot now...what should I do? I love him so much, but looking at those pictures... I've never seen his eyes sparkle so bright like that. It breaks my heart, if it is even possible for my broken heart to be broken again, it hurts me to accept reality, that I wouldn't be able to give him children if he's with me.


I don’t know how long I've been sitting there, looking at Siwon’s mom, blankly. She too looks at me, plaintively...


“S-son...?” She’s still crying, looks as sad as me.


“M-mam... *sob* I love Siwon too much, m-maybe I will not feel alive without Siwon... maybe I-I can't go through life easy... But... “ geez, my tears... can’t stop, “But, I’ll protect his dream, mam...”


Siwon’s mom wiped her tears, stood up, walked around the table over to me, leaned then she hugged me tight... “I’m sorry, son... But thank you, my poor Kyuhyun-ah...”


‘Siwon, my love, I love you... I love you so much. *sob* My dear soul, stay calm... you’ll be fine...’





@purpleungu do you like it? ;) and thanKyu

@all: i hope u like it ^^

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Kyured #1
Chapter 23: omg siwon oppa's farewell letter broke my heart! *crying my heart out now* thank you authornim! ^^
gisellovekyu #2
Chapter 48: I miss this story so much. I keep reading it all over again and never get bored of it.. I'm still waiting authornim. Take ur time. Fighting! ^^
danian #3
miss this story so much..going read again now...^^
valerie-hew #4
Chapter 32: hello,i remember reading this story during my exam .. And i got an A,yey.. You see,it makes me happy to read ur story.. Pleaseee,take ur time and im sure u will figure it out... Pardon me if it sounds rude,u know.. I just love ur story
gisellasparkyu #5
Chapter 48: Noooo! This is one of my favorite wonkyu fanfics.. Really sad if u can't continue it.. ㅠ.ㅠ Just take ur time as long as u want... Please don't stop update and continue this story.. Jebaaallll chinguu!!
HAEfollower #6
Chapter 48: Please take all of time of the world to rest and come back. Don't pass it to other authors. It'll definitely be a different story. Please, authornim!!!
Mydeluluworld #7
Chapter 48: OMG this is bad news for me dear, Big NOOOOOO.... Please don't end this story like this. Take your time as long as you need and come back when you feel you have passion again to continue this stories dear. I'm not sure what I will feel if this stories will continue from others author. I don't underestimate the other authors but it will be different dear. Fighting!!!!
Mika101 #8
Chapter 48: I agree with eunjiera. plz take your time. The story would not be the same if it ended with another author. I really love the story and had it goes. I am willing to wait for eternality for you to update. XD
wonderfullbuble #9
Chapter 48: Ahh... Plz don't stop update...
If you has a problem.. Just take your time... I always wait for you update... But im not forcing you :)
Chapter 48: oh no! please everyone... help siwonie...