
Kim Jongin & Chocolate Bars.


“Oh my God” Sungjong’s jaw dropped as he entered my room and saw me sitting on my bed with my laptop on my lap. As soon as i woke up after the incident and found my self laying on the hospital’s bed with Kris by my side, i woke him up and told him to get my laptop. Just because i really really needed to have my thesis finished by the end of this week.

I looked up at him and smiled, “How do you do?”

He looked at me in disbelief and snorted, “How do you do?! How do you do with broken limbs and those bruises on your face?!”

“I’m going to be fine in no time, these are nothing for me, Oppa.. Trust me” i said as i gave him an assuring smile while deep inside, i felt the pain growing more and more as i forced my self to finish my thesis.

Just a little more, Ji Geun.. You can do this, finish this freaking thesis and boom! Korea and Jongin surely worth this.

Sungjong sat on the edge of the bed and sighed, “If Jongin ever know abou-“

“Don’t you dare tell him about this” i said sternly to him. “He has all the right to know about this! You’re pushing yourself too hard just because of him! You should take care of yourself, Ji Geun. For goodness sake if Jongin ever know about this he’ll be furious to himself!” he shouted.

I sighed and stopped typing on my laptop. My gaze landed to him as i stared at him flatly. “What if this happen to you and Shin Ae unnie? What will you do?”

He stared at me for a moment before he sighed and took my hands with his and put my laptop aside. “Surely i won’t risk my life just before i get the chance to meet her, Ji Geun. Look at you now, full of bruises, heavy bags under your eyes, and this! What are you? A walking skeleton?!”

“I know how much you want, and need to be with Jongin. And i know you have all the ability to finish your study as soon as you can. But not with this condition, Ji” he sighed.

“Besides, what kind of doctor are you?! You know exactly how important it is to keep yourself healthy!” Kris suddenly came into the room, joining our conversation.

Sungjong nodded his head and turned his gaze back at me, “Rest, you have 3 more days to have your thesis finished. And don’t forget you still have me and ShinAe to help you, kiddo”

“You’re helping me too much, oppa.. Besides, there are only 3 points left for this to be finished, i’ll finish this in no time” i said to him.

He then took my laptop and sat on the couch, “Kris, get her to sleep. I’m doing the rest of your thesis, Ji. Be grateful by taking some rest, now” he said to me.

I pouted at him as Kris grabbe me by my shoulder and laid me on the bed. He grinned at me and put the blanket over my body.

“Sleep, Ji Geun. You heard him” he smiled as he patted my head, “Oh? Or do you want me to sing you a lullaby?”

I made a face at him and shook my head, “No, not interested. I’m sleeping now, bye”

I heard he grumbled and mumbled something and i secretly smiled and had to stifle back my laughter because of that before i drifted to sleep. Kris’s voice was worse than mine, even i—who didn’t know how to sing knew that.




By the time i woke up, i was greeted by a hard copy of my thesis; in a state of perfect condition. I laughed and immidiately hugged Sungjong who stood next to my bed.

“You really are the best brother i’ve ever had, i owe you my life, oppa” i said to him between the hug. He laughed and ruffled my hair, “Yeah, and you owe me a celebration dinner of your graduation”

I nodded my head and grinned, “Any place will do, just tell me when and where. Don’t forget to bring ShinAe unnie as well with you”

He raised an eyebrow at me, “ShinAe and i are one thing, Ji. If you’re asking me to come, then ShinAe will too!” he beamed.

After 3 days, i was finally discharged of the hospital. Although i wasn’t fully healed, but i could now manage to walk; with the help of Kris.

My lecturers were amazed by my thesis and i was honored as the bachelor of medical science right after that.

Kris beated me to come back to Korea, just because i still needed a few things to be done here. Unlike Kris who decided to sell all of his things in US, i decided to keep them all here.

Sungjong oppa and ShinAe unnie drove me to the airport right after we finished my celebration dinner. After the momentary farewell, i finally had my flight back to Korea; back to Jongin.

And what he didn’t know that—i’d come to see his first debut showcase this Saturday.





Hello everyone!

I'm now telling you that this fict's coming to an end, soon. Hiks.

I really appreciate all of your kind comments on this fict, and i'm so so flattered because of that :') 

Anyway, i'm going to Hongkong this thursday to have my holiday there for the rest of weekend. Yeay!

And by holiday, it means that i won't be able to have my ficts updated.. So yeah.. Another apology that i need to say to you guys.. 

Happy Happy Holiday everyone!










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Lol u said ur not sure if u want to make it a one shot but in the en u made it 50+ chapters :D
shinee3112 #2
crimerry #3
Chapter 56: Awwwwwe awesome!
Chapter 58: hey new subby here!
i know its late to comment but i just found out this fanfic and read.
i love the whole story and im looking forward of the sequel
keep writing ne;) fighting'-')9
xShinMinSeulx #5
Chapter 57: yey!! yey !! yey !! XD
Chapter 56: awwww the ending was sooo sweet and cute!!
OMG for a minute there, i felt sorry for myungsoo but then he said about the fake dating bit! LOL
xShinMinSeulx #7
Chapter 56: yey .. sequel please .. i want to see them getting married then have their first child ..
xShinMinSeulx #8
Chapter 56: yey .. sequel please .. i want to see them getting married then have their first child ..
parkjimro #9
Chapter 56: Happily ever after~
And ou must make the sequel unnie!
Thank you:)
This is the best fic! Amazing, great, sweet, etc.
KimJongMin #10
Chapter 56: It's sooo sweet!! Great Job :D