Rooftop & Jongin

Kim Jongin & Chocolate Bars.


“You know, Jongin was really worried about you, Ji Geun-ah” Hae Gi said. “You should go to him and....i don’t know, apologize? No that’s not right, say that you’re fine now?” she said and shrugged. Right, Jongin must be really worried. Afterall he was the one who saw how broken i was before.

And just to my luck, i saw him in the middle of the large crowds of girls. What the...

“Since you avoided me, and him. His fans thought that you and him broke up and then there he’s now, surrounded by his fans, again” Hae Gi said as she laughed at Jongin’s irritated face.

“B-Bwoh?! But we weren’t dating or what! We were only friends!” i exclaimed to her and unknownly blushed. “Calm down~ That was only what his fans thought!” she chuckled and pulled me with her. “Come on, let’s save your boyfriend from his crazy fans” I shivered at the word boyfriend.

He was smiling to his fans and i could clearly see the irritated look on his face. I didn’t know you were this popular before, Jongin-ah.

Hae Gi nudged me and pointed to Jongin while mouthed ‘Save Jongin now!’ i sighed and went into the crowd.

Here goes nothing..

“Jongin-ah, where were you? I thought you said that you’d meet me in front of my class” i said as i smiled to him, and giving the ‘play along with me’ look.

He, who was really surprised, stared at me in disbelief. But then he took my left hand and held it, “I’m sorry Jagiyah.. Gaja!” he said as he beamed to me and smirked to his fans after we left the crowd.



“Jagiyah is too much” i said, slapping his arm lightly and laughed. “Those girls will faint if i call them by that, but you?” he stared at me in disbelief and laughed along.

“Ji Geun-ah..” i looked at him and smiled. “Deh?”

“Are you okay now?” he asked, and i could clearly see how worried he was.

I smiled and took his hands, “Why wouldn’t i be?”

“You always do that you know, smile and say ‘why would/wouldn’t i be?’” he chuckled and squeeshed my hands with his.

“Yah, Jongin-ah, how dare you left me alone there?!” Hae Gi came out of nowhere and slapped Jongin’s arm, hardly.

“OUCH! Woman! No need to be so violent duh!” he said as he rubbed his arms.

“I know right, same thing happened to me, almost all time” i said, making Hae Gi pouted at me.

“Some strength you have there, Hae Gi-ah, you could use that on your precious Sehun, not me!” Jongin glared at Hae Gi, making both of us burst into laughter.

“You do know that i’m actually beside you right?” Sehun said and stared at Jongin flatly.

“OMO!” Jongin jumped in shock, making the three of us burst into another laughter.

Sehun shook his head and took Hae Gi’s arm, “I want to have a private lunch with my Gi, so long loner~~” he sang as he put his arm on Hae Gi’s shoulder.

I stared at him in disbelief. “That brat, he took Hae Gi away from me” and shook my head.

“Rooftop?” Jongin asked. “To the rooftop!” i beamed to him.




“You fow whaf? I really mif fyor feafenly Fimfap, Fi Veun-ah... Fut fhy foes if faste fifferent?” Jongin asked while munching his food. I laughed and shook my head in disagreement. “Finish your food first” he finished his food and drank furiously.

“You know what? I really miss your heavenly Kimbap, Ji Geun-ah.. But why does it taste different?” he said and drank on his water again.

“That’s because i didn’t make those Kimbaps, my mom made those” i said and ate my fried rice.

“Jinjja? No offense but, you cook better than your mom”

“I know, that’s because i was the one who taught her how to cook” i grinned at him.

“Jinjja?! How come?!” he asked, clearly was surprised.

If i tell Jongin about this, he will be the one who knows about this, after Sungjong Oppa.. Should i tell this to him?

I glanced at him and smiled. I wonder why my heart keeps telling me to tell you about this, Jongin-ah. You really are special.. Jongin, my special chingu..

“I was actually adopted by Sungjong Oppa’s aunt when i was 10. I used to live in Busan Orphanage, because both my parents died in a car crash accident.” I paused and glanced at him, his eyes were rounded and i chuckled. “It’s okay, i’m all over it now, i’m really grateful to have my umma now with me.”

“To live in an orphanage wasn’t a good experience though, i was always get bullied by the others, and i didn’t have any friend back then.. Until my mom adopted me, i’ve always been so rude and cold toward the others” i chuckled when the memory of the past crossed my mind.

“I was quite confused when my mom adopted me, i mean she could’ve chosen anyone else that was really better than me. I didn’t even greet her properly back then, when she approached me, i only stared at her flatly and then nodded my head” i paused and drank my water.

“My mom then introduced me with his nephews and nieces. I was really surprised that most of them were on the same age with me, and they were really nice and kind. At that time, that was the first time i felt that i had my family with me..”

Jongin smiled at me and squeeshed my hands with his.

“But then again i was really awkward to any people, even with my mom. She put so much effort to get along with me, but i didn’t know how to response her, so being the awkward me, i only nodded my head and said anything if it’s really needed” Jongin and i laughed along.

“Sungjong Oppa was the last nephew that my mom introduced me to. He was in US at the last family gathering, that’s why i didn’t get to know him at that time. He was really different with the others, he was like a.. sunshine.. I don’t know, he was so bright and he was the closest nephew that my mom had. That’s why he also put much effort to get along with me, to help my mom” i smiled as the picture of Sungjong Oppa’s smiling.

“He always bought me my favorite food of all time, chocolate bars, whenever he visited our house. And he got me on my softspot, favorite food, how could i ever refuse that?”

Jongin laughed at me and said “Noted, i’ll just buy you some chocolate bars if you’re someday mad at me or what”

I laughed and slapped his arm lightly “Pabo, that won’t work, i can get my own choco bars now, just so you know”

“Alright where were we? Ah the choco bars!” “He then being a patient ‘cousin’ of mine, succesfully helped me to change. It took years for me to change into this kind of person.. although i only made a few friends, but i’m really proud of it, especially when of my friends is the Seoul High’s Prince” i , making him laughed at me.

And that was also why i fell in love with Sungjong Oppa..

“He was your first love, wasn’t he?” Jongin asked out of sudden.


“H-how did you know?” i stared at him in disbelief.

He smiled at me and said, “Your eyes tell everything”

I blushed and covered my eyes with my hands in embarassment. “D-don’t look at me”

Jongin laughed and took my hands, “Ji Geun-ah, i already know everything”

“Not literally everything” i corrected him and chuckled.

“But yes, he was my first love until..” “Until he had a girlfriend just before?” his question shocked me again and i stared at him in disbelief.

“Are you a stalker or what?!”

“Just say that i was happened to be on the right time and at the right place, at that time” he winked at me.

“I can’t show my face to you anymore, i’m really, really, really really really really ashamed of my self now” i said as i facepalmed my self.

“Tell me more about it!” he demanded.

I crossed my hands, and mouthed ‘no’ to him.

“You leave me no choice, Han Ji Geun” he said in low voice and then....smirked.

Wait what was that? What is he go-

He tackled me with tickles and i instantly rolled on the floor while laughing.

“S-s-sto-stop i-t HAHAHAHAHHA” i shoved his arms off of me but he was really strong that his arms kept tickling me.

“S-STOP I---“







He was on top of me.

Wait.. This happened before... At the bus stop... Before i got to know him..

I stared at him and thought to my self

He’s really...beautiful...


The school bell rang and i was back in reality; i lightly shoved him and said “I uhm, the lunch time’s over, see you!” i waved at him and ran away to my class..



Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.   

What was that?

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Lol u said ur not sure if u want to make it a one shot but in the en u made it 50+ chapters :D
shinee3112 #2
crimerry #3
Chapter 56: Awwwwwe awesome!
Chapter 58: hey new subby here!
i know its late to comment but i just found out this fanfic and read.
i love the whole story and im looking forward of the sequel
keep writing ne;) fighting'-')9
xShinMinSeulx #5
Chapter 57: yey!! yey !! yey !! XD
Chapter 56: awwww the ending was sooo sweet and cute!!
OMG for a minute there, i felt sorry for myungsoo but then he said about the fake dating bit! LOL
xShinMinSeulx #7
Chapter 56: yey .. sequel please .. i want to see them getting married then have their first child ..
xShinMinSeulx #8
Chapter 56: yey .. sequel please .. i want to see them getting married then have their first child ..
parkjimro #9
Chapter 56: Happily ever after~
And ou must make the sequel unnie!
Thank you:)
This is the best fic! Amazing, great, sweet, etc.
KimJongMin #10
Chapter 56: It's sooo sweet!! Great Job :D