The Getaway





Yunho guessed right. Yoochun and Junsu left about an hour ago. He was supposed to leave too, but something bugged him inside.

So he stationed himself just outside the princess’s quarters. He was sitting on the marble bench when the GPS system on his phone started to beep.

He pulled it out and saw the red dot moving.

He sighed and stood up.


“Where are you going, gongju mama?”

Jungah froze on her spot. She was about to head for the palace’s exit.

Yunho looked at her get up. Jungah was wearing a velvet dress that hugged her curves nicely on her feet was a pair of black pumps.

“Oh, Yunho Woodalchi.” She smiled at him.

“Are you escaping again?” He asked her raised his GPS phone briefly. Jungah sighed heavily.

“As, a princess, don’t I get freedom?” She asked. Yunho shook his head. Jungah made a face.

“Please, go back to your quarters, mama.”

Jungah made a face.

“But I will die there.”

Yunho looked at her.

“Of boredom.”


“I’m not going back till I get to~”

Yunho sighed and moved towards her.

“If you throw me around your shoulder again, I’ll scream.” Jungah stepped back. Yunho sighed as he racked his brains.

“The tour. I’ll come with you.”

“Tour? What tour?” Jungah said.

“But, if we look at her, gongju mama just wants to go out and see the world.”

Yunho stood behind her.

“I’ll show you around the Woodalchi office, just don’t escape.”

Jungah crossed her arms, she was contemplating.



Yunho took out his keys and opened the door to the office. Jungah smiled a little as they stepped inside the office. There were rows of desks and a flat screen television was mounted on the wall.

“This is the internal affairs office, I remember…you have a weaponry room and…a public showroom.”

“How…do you know all of this?” Yunho asked.

“I just know.” She nodded as she looked around.

“Nowadays, you three are rarely here, huh?”

Yunho nodded, then she stopped upon seeing the list of the other Woodlachi guard. She shook her head and headed towards a door.


Jungah went in the room, Yunho shook his head and followed her.

He found Jungah looking at the different weapons that were mounted on the wall. There was an assortment of ammunition, arrows, bows, knives and swords.

“Your high~”

“Yes?” She gave him a look.

“Jungah, you shouldn’t be~”

Jungah picked up on of the swords.


Jungah smiled at him as she positioned herself. Her grip was firm on the hilt as her posture was erect.

Yunho blinked.

“I never knew you could handle a sword.”

Jungah didn’t say anything.


Yunho’s POV


She knows how to hold a sword the Woodalchi way. Did someone teach her?

But…she didn’t know about us before we met. She smiled as she swung it to the left.

There will be an outrage if people see her like this.

“Someone showed me how to.” She shrugged as she returned the weapon.

“Can we go to the training ground now?”

“But, there will be people training there.” I said.


“Jungah, you’re not supposed to be here.”

“In the palace?” She blinked and chuckled. Then she went out.

This woman, really.





Everyone stopped what they were doing when they saw Jungah come out.

“Good evening.” She bowed politely.

She was on an open ground where the other Woodalchis were training.

“Oh? It’s Jungah.” Junsu appeared clad in a black wife beater.

“I thought you went home.” Jungah smiled.

The other continued to gape at her. Yunho took off her coat and placed it on her shoulders.

“Let me guess, you made an attempt to escape again, gongju mama?” Yoochun asked.

Jungah just smiled.

“I made a deal with the Commanding General, instead of going out to party, he brought me here.” Jungah smiled.

“Wait, she’s the gongju mama?”

The other men were looking at her.

“She’s the one sunbae was guarding three years ago, then.”

Jungah’s eyes widened and she took a step back.


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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
Chapter 47: Yinho would be a great dad. I'm getting way ahead to much
Chapter 47: Amazing and cute
Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful story <3
Chapter 47: Wow! beautiful
Chapter 47: I never thought I'd get the Yunho character in fanfic... But then after I read this fanfic...it's SUPERBB
cmacchiato #8
Chapter 47: This is so fluffy I love it
babychannie #9
Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")