The Getaway




Jungah was tapping her foot on the floor when her father entered the receiving room, with Yunho behind him.

She raised one brow at him as he set his crutch aside and sat.


“Abeoji, you should have told me earlier!” She flushed as she spoke. Yunho smiled.

“It was the only way, Jungah. We had to give them an explanation as soon as possible.” The king said, trying to placate her.

“Then…what about Yunho’s family? Did you ask them~”

“Don’t worry, it’s fine.” Yunho said. Jungah’s eyes narrowed for a second.

“But what if Lee Sanghoon~”

“He’s in jail already.” Yunho said. Jungah blinked at him.

“You knew?”

“I’m a Woodlachi, remember?” He grinned at her. Jungah closed .

The king smiled amusedly in his seat.

Finally, a person who can silence his daughter.

Then Jungah’s eyes perked up, she looked at her father.

“Appa…you approve of us?” She blinked. The king smiled.

“Gongju, if I didn’t, do you think I’d be at press conference earlier beside Yunho, where I openly announced your relationship?”

Yunho bit back a chuckled. Jungah narrowed her eyes at him.

“Now, run along now, your mother wants to speak to me. Yunho, I expect you two stay at palace grounds as of now. The people will mob you if you two head out.”



“Uhm,…Surprise?” Yunho looked at Jungah, she was walking behind him. They were at the gardens, walking around.

“Wee.” She said dryly. Yunho smiled and reached for her hand.

“Come here.” He smiled and opened his arms for her. Jungah smiled and complied. She rested her cheek on his chest.

“Why are you always so warm, daejang?” She mused. Yunho kissed her forehead.

“If…..I marry…you, will..you choose to stay here or…will you give up palace life?”

Jungah looked up, Yunho’s eyes were serious.

“You know where I stand on that.”

Yunho looked confused.

“I told you, I’m not made for palace life. I’d rather walk around the streets than enjoy horse back riding in here.”

Yunho smiled and kissed her forehead again.

“But…what is with all this talk?” Jungah pulled away just to lean on the railing beside him. Yunho smiled.

“Before talking to the king, I thought about that.”

“Marriage?” Jungah’s throat tightened. Yunho nodded.

“Because, you’re a princess. If….we announce our relatonship..people will expect that as well as…your family.”

Jungah smiled and stepped in front of him.

“Always so considerate, our daejang.” She smiled and cupped his cheek.

Then she pecked him on the lips.

“I love you, Jungah.”



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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
Chapter 47: Yinho would be a great dad. I'm getting way ahead to much
Chapter 47: Amazing and cute
Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful story <3
Chapter 47: Wow! beautiful
Chapter 47: I never thought I'd get the Yunho character in fanfic... But then after I read this fanfic...it's SUPERBB
cmacchiato #8
Chapter 47: This is so fluffy I love it
babychannie #9
Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")