The Getaway




Jungah rushed back in the house. She entered her room and grabbed her blue anorak. Then she went out of her room with her purse, then she saw Yoochun’s discarded coat on the table.

She sighed as she got the car keys from his coat and went out.


“What’s taking her so long? We should have accompanied her.” Yoochun asked. Yunho took a sip of his juice and looked around. It was very quiet inside the palace.

“If something happens to her, I’m sure we can hear it.” Junsu nodded.

“I think we should check the quarters.” Yunho said as he stood up.



The black Mercedes Benz sedan pulled over in front of the private cemetery. The particular cemetery was a place where the royal family buried their loved ones or the people who were special to them.

Jungah switched of the ignition and went down from the car. She had a bouquet of flowers on her arms as she trudged in the place. Even though it was already nighttime the whole place was well lit but not guarded.

Jungah walked continuously then she stopped in front of a grave that had a Woodalchi seal on it.

“Oppa, I came back.” She whispered as she stood in front and placed the flowers beside the grave.

“Have…..you been doing well? I….really miss you oppa.”

“Abeoji….wants to announce that…I’m back already. Just like before…a party.” Tears started to stain her cheeks.

“Oppa, the Woodalchis..who are guarding me now…are really nice, like you.”

“It…would be nice if you could meet them.” She stopped speaking as she sat on the grass.

“But, oppa….being in the palace…it suffocates me…it was different when..you were there oppa. It’s so hard…..to put up a smiling face everyday.”

She bent down as she covered her face.

“But, oppa….the place reminds me of you. That’s why it’s difficult, but I know you don’t want me to be like this….”

“I met new friends, Yoochun, Junsu and Yunho oppa. They’re all great hoobaes of yours, General.” She looked up with a smile on her face.

“I’ll…be good to then, since they’re your hoobaes.” She said as she traced the Chinese characters on the grave.

“I just wanted to tell you all of this oppa. But….I really…miss you.”



“She’s not here!” Junsu said worriedly. They already ransacked the whole quarters of the princess. And still no sign of her.

“Do you think she went out? Escaped again?” Yoochun asked as he picked up his coat.

Yunho turned to the window.

“The keys…are gone!” Yoochun said as he checked his pockets. Yunho ran out of the house.


“The car’s gone. She went out.” Yunho stated. Junsu shook his head as they walked to the black sedan that was used for Woodalchi duty.

Yunhoo took out his phone.

“We cant locate her, she left her phone in her room.” Junsu said.

Yunho hissed and slammed his phone on the seat.

“Why is she so hard headed?”

“I’m sure she’s just somewhere near.” Yoochun tried to placate him.

“I’ll call…court lady Choi.” Junsu said as he got his phone.


“Yes?! She left?!”

Junsu winced as he pulled the phone away from his ear.

“Yes, we just found out she escaped, do….you have any…idead where gongju mama might have gone?”

Yoochun looked at Junsu.

“Try the cemetery at Incheon, she might be there.”

“Cemetery?” Junsu blinked.

Even Yunho turned to him, slightly shocked by his statement. Yoochun started the car and sped up.

“She….she is there, I’m certain about it. Go after her.”


Jungah was making her way back to the parking lot when she heard footsteps walking up to her.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?!” A voice boomed. Junsu and Yoochun turned to Yunho.

“Is that why you acted all nice the whole day? So that you could escape again?”

Jungah looked up.

“I’m sorry, I had…someone I wanted to visit.” She muttered.

They saw her tear streaked face. Yunho stopped.


“I…just want to go home. I’m sorry Yunho. Yoochun and Junsu too.” She nodded as she walked ahead.



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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
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Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
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Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")