The Getaway




Jungah rubbed her eyes as she sat up from her bed. It was another sunny day; she smiled as she gazed at the view from her window.

Then she stood up to shower.

She put on a pair of jean shorts and a white shirt, then she padded out of her room.

“Oh,” She blinked as she found her court lady alone waiting for her.

“The Woodalchi will be a little late today, mama. They have a meeting in their office.”

Jungah pursed her lips and took her seat.

Her court lady placed her breakfast on the table.


Jungah paced back and fourth outside her quarters’ doors. She had her arms crossed as she looked at the garden.

“This is boring.” She made a face, then she smiled as she put on her hoodie.

“I might as well pay them a little visit.”


Yoochun and Junsu were the first ones to exit the conference room.

“I wonder if gongju is awake already.” Junsu said as he checked his wristwatch.

“I think she is, by now~”

“We should head to her quarters by now. She did mention she wanted to do something today.” Yunho said as he went out of the room.

The three men went out of the building together, Junsu was in the process of getting the keys from his pocket when they stopped.


Jungah was sitting on the car’s hood. Her legs were dangling over the ground and she had a green hoodie on.

“Gongju mama.” Yoochun blinked.

Yunho sighed and walked to her.

“Mama, please go down. What if people see you?”

“That’s the problem. I cant. I didn’t realize it was high.” She nodded. Yunho nodded and he lifted her waist and set her down.

“I thought I was heavy.” Jungah blinked as she dusted her shorts.

Yoochun and Junsu smiled.


“Mama, did you go here alone?” Junsu asked. Jungah nodded.

“I was…really bored at home. And you guys weren’t around.”

Yoochun chuckled as he opened the door for her.

“Get in, gongju.”

Junsu started the car and turned to her.

“I’m afraid we cant head out today, gongju. I mean if that’s why you went here~”

“It wasn’t that. I was wondering if you guys know where~”

Yunho’s phone suddenly rang. They all looked at him.

“Yes?...Ah, pyeha.” He looked at Jungah pointedly.

“Yes, yes, she’s with us…She came alone. Yes?”

There was a short silence, then Yunho placed his phone down.

“The king says he wants to talk to you.”


Jungah and the guys were walking to receiving room. She was laughing with one arm wrapped lightly on Yunho’s.

They were chatting as they climbed up the steps.

Sanghoon’s eyes widened. The king’s brows furrowed as he followed the man’s gaze.

Soon, she was announced to enter.

“Abeo~Pyeha, you wanted to see me?”

“Yes, have a seat first gongju.”

She nodded and addressed Sanghoon with a quick smile.

“Sanghoon was really worried when you had an allergy attack from the peah champagne yesterday.”

The king stressed on the last part. Jungah bit her lip.

“I am okay now, thank you for worrying.” Jungah looked at Sanghoon.

“Mama, I visited you yesterday, but your court lady said you weren’t receiving anyone, I thought you got really sick because of that. I’m sorry, I shold have asked~”

“It’s okay, nothing bad happened.” She nodded. Pyeha smiled.

“Then, should I leave you two to talk?”

“Yes, pyeah that would be nice~”

“Aniya! I promised to visit Hwang sae ja and bigung mama today.” Jungah said.

Her three guards who were standing beside her blinked.

“She did?” Junsu whispered. Yoochun took out his phone to check her schedule. He shook his head. Junsu bit his smile.

“Ah, really?” Sanghoon frowned.

“Yes, they should be expecting my presence by now. Maybe we can chat some other time.” Jungah nodded.

“Then, Pyeha and Sanghoon-ssi, I’ll be taking my leave.” She stood up and bowed politely.


As soon as they were out of earshot, Junsu and Yoochun chuckled.

“Mama, since when did you call on the hwang saeja?” Yunho asked.

“Just now. Will you tell me where he lives?” She blinked as she tugged on his sleeve. Yunho could only nod and gestured for her to move forward. Jungah smiled.

Yunho looked at her hand which was on his sleeve. He smiled briefly and looked at her face. Jungah was smiling as they walked.

“But mama, you’re not wearing~”

“It’s just my brother and my sister-in-law, daejang.”

Yunho shook his head and ruffled her hair.

“Arasso, arasso.”

Jungah’s eyes widened a bit at his touch, but she nodded.



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