The Getaway






Jungah stood up, wide-eyed. As a princess, she never really grew conscious when she was around people she didn’t know. She never really bothered to please anyone. But now, for the first time in her life she felt really conscious and~

“Are you okay, son?” It was Yunho’s father who spoke first.

“Yes, I’m fine abeoji.” Yunho nodded, then his gaze landed on her.

“I…I’ll be outside, please talk~” Jungah was about to walke for the door.

“Gongju mama, I am so pleased to meet you!” Yunho’s mom beamed at her. Jungah blinked.

“Yes, same here. I didn’t expect…you to recognize me, ma’am.” She nodded, her cheeks flushing.

Yunho grinned, Jungah was being shy.

Jungah was never the shy type.

“Ma’am? Please don’t call me that, well, auntie, would sound well~”

“Yeobo, she’s the princess~”

“It’s okay, auntie, I don’t mind, in return, don’t call me gongju, just Jungah.” She nodded. Then the lady took both off her hands and gave it a squeeze.

“Its such an honor that you visited our son here!”

“She probably just escaped.” Yunho grunted.

“Ya, don’t speak to her like that.” His mother hissed at him. Jungah smiled.

“Oppa, I didn’t. Well, I told Junsu oppa, I texted him.”

“You went out without the king’s permission?” Yunho balked.

Jungah nodded.

Then she turned to Yunho’s father.

“I’m pleased to meet you, Mister Jung.” She offered her hand. Yunho’s father smiled warmly and gave her hand a firm shake.

“Just call me uncle, since my wife wants to be called auntie.”

Jungah nodded.

“That must explain the media trucks outside then.” Yunho’s mother said.

Jungah looked at Yunho then she walked to the window. She peeked.

“What is it?” Yunho looked at her.

“This time….that helicopter might come in handy.” She bit her lip.


“She…..what?” Jaejoong almost choked.

“Yes, she’s at the hospital, hwang se ja.” Yoochun nodded.

“That…sister of mine….really.” He winced as he set the paper down.

There were pictures of Yunho and her on the paper. It was taken during the day of the incident.

There was a picture of them holding hands and the other was Yunho lying on the floor, his leg bleeding.

“The…public already knows, hwang se ja.” Junsu said. Jaejoong nodded.

“I know. It wont be long till the king will look for her. Can I trust you to talk to her and bring her here?”

The Woodalchis nodded.

“And, please….make sure that daejang is well taken care of at the hospital. That person…is special to my sister.”

Yoochun and Junsu’s eyes widened.

Jaejoong chuckled.

“I know her well. Jungah wouldn’t run away just like that if she didn’t love him that way.”


Four black sedans stopped in front of the hospital. Junsu and Yoochun were the first ones to alight from the car followed by a team of Woodalchis, they made their way across the sea of reporters and cameras.

“Secure the place, check for any threats. We will bring the gongju mama in a few minutes.” Yoochun said to them before going in the establishment.


Jungah sighed and plopped on the leather couch. Mrs. Jung took the seat next to hers.

“If..I may be so bold, gongju, what…why..would you…especially…visit our son?”

Jungah looked up, Yunho was looking at his mother in shock.


“It’s okay.” Jungah smiled at him.

“I’m…currently…uhm, auntie, I~”

“Theyre dating, it’s been going on for a while.” Yunho’s father said, his back was facing them, he was looking at the window.

“Yes…he’s right.” Jungah finished. Yunho looked at his father.


“You think you could trick me by saying it was time that you work for the company? I know you well son, well enough that I was shocked when you said you quit your job from the palace.”

“I knew you were troubled, but I’m glad you worked things out.” He nodded then he smile at Jungah warmly.

“You’re seeing gongju mama? How sweet! Like a knight in shining armor, Yunho! You saved her~”

“Eomma.” Yunho winced. His mother was practically beaming at him, then she looked at Jungah.

“I was really nervous if I should ask you that, it seems inappropriate, Jungah.”

“It’s fine, but….uncle, how did you know? I mean, Yunho didn’t ~”

“Today, you two are in the front page of the paper.”

“What!?” Yunho looked up, just then the doors opened, Yoochun and Junsu stepped in.

“Glad to see you, hyung.” Junsu nodded.

“Mama, we are here to bring you back to the palace.” Yoochun turned to her. Jungah stood up.

“How bad?” She asked, Junsu took out the day’s article.

”This bad.” He said, Jungah’s eyes zeroed on the pictures.

“Lee Sanghoon, that bastard.”



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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
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Chapter 47: Amazing and cute
Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
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Chapter 47: This is so fluffy I love it
babychannie #9
Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")