The Getaway






Yunho sat on his desk. He had some paperwork to do; they had left the palace as soon as Jungah was fast asleep.

“She says that she wants to visit the kids at the hospital tomorrow. We must prepare for that.” Junsu announced. Yunho nodded.

“Hyung….the princess…you…like her, right?” Junsu looked at him.

Yunho’s brows furrowed.

“Junsu, you know me, I don’t fall for the people I protect~”

“Just because you don’t fall for them, that doesn’t mean you can’t.” Yoochun joined.

Yunho looked away.

“Dude, I know you’re whole…don’t fall in love thing, but….Jungah’s different. And I’m sure…she likes you too.” Yoochun said.

“You….be careful with your words.” Yunho muttered before leaving.


“What do you mean the media’s there?” Jungah asked from the backseat.

“It seems that they heard about your coming to the hospital today, mama.” Junsu said.

She put on her sunglasses and glanced at the window.

“I’ve always wanted to visit quietly, the patients would be disturbed.” She said. Yunho glanced at her.

“Then, mama, we will be passing by the backdoor, will that be okay with you?” He asked.

Jungah nodded.

Soon they arrived at the hospital, Junsu stopped the car, then reporters swarmed around the vehicle.

Jungah tensed and tugged her coat around her.

“Are you ready?” Yoochun asked. Jungah nodded, Yunho opened the door for her. She took a deep breath before stepping down.


“Gongju mama!”

“Mama, please look this way!”

Jungah winced as she felt people pushing around just to get to her. Yunho was behind her, blocking the cameras as they made their way to the entrance.

Yoochun was on her other side and gestured for her to move forward.

“Right this way, mama.” He urged. Jungah nodded at him and moved forward.

The camera flash stunned her for a few seconds, and she almost tripped on the pavement.

She felt someone pull her up and took hold of her hands.

“Be careful.” Yunho muttered.

Jungah felt his warm chest on her back. A small smile formed on her lips. She nodded slightly as Yunho pushed her towards the direction to the hospital’s doors.

In his arms, she felt safe.


“That…was…not fun.” She shook her head as the elevator doors closed. Junsu nodded.

“Next time mama, we should take the helicopter instead.” Yunho said. Jungah pouted.

“But that’s noisier, it would disturb the patients here.” She replied. Yoochun smiled.

“Well, we must get you here safely.”

Jungah nodded, then they finally arrived on the floor.

“Let’s go guys~wait, why are you in suits again?” She whined.

Junsu chuckled.

“We’re going out, plus the media’s here, we must look~”



“Like models?”

“Gongju.” Yunho threw her a look.

“We must look visible and we must be prepared.” Junsu finished.

Jungah blinked then she tugged on Yunho’s coat. She saw a holster on his belt. She made a face and took a step back.

“James Bond esque.” She patted his shoulders before walking ahead.


Your POV


“Unnie! We saw you on TV! You look really pretty!”

I smiled.

“Thanks, Minhee-yah, are you doing well? Not giving Nurse Oh a hard time?”

“Of course not, unnie. Everyone’s been doing fine.” She answered sweetly. I smiled.

Some of the boys were crowding over the Woodlachis.

“Hyung, so you protect the princess from dangers? Like..kindappers and such?”

“Yes, we do.” Junsu replied.

“When I grow up, I must apply to palace!”

I looked at Joonki.

“Why would you like to apply at the palace, Joonki?” I asked and stood up. Joonki smiled and patted his bandaged arm.

“I must protect gongju noona too, like the hyungs.” He beamed at me.

“But, by that time, I will be really old by then.” I said.

“It doesn’t matter, noona. I must help you too.”

I chuckled and kissed his forehead.

“Okay, you must grow well and healthy, arasso? It’s an order from the princess.”




Yunho smiled as he watched her interact with children.

Yoochun was right.

Jungah is special.

She isnt your typical princess, she was different. She had her own views and principles and she was never afraid to voice out her thoughts.

He observed as she bent over to chat with a small little girl who was playing with dolls.

He liked the way her eyes would warm up when she was doing something that interests her, and the way she would bite her lip when she was making up an excuse.

Then Yunho stopped.

It was wrong.

This wasn’t him.

This was breaking a law he had made for himself.

He shook his head and stood up.

“I’ll be back. Guard her well.” He muttered to Yoochun before leaving.



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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
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Chapter 47: Amazing and cute
Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
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Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")