The Getaway





“Gomawo oppas.” Jungah smiled as Junsu and Yoochun walked in the room. She was having her breakfast.

“We did that because mama and Yunho were both stubborn.” Yoochun said. Junsu chuckled.

“I’m being sincere here and you chastise me again?” She made a face. Yoochun smiled.

“Our gongju is jjang!”

She chuckled.

Then the court lady came walking in the room.

“Mama, mister Lee has come.”

She looked at Yoochun and Junsu.

The two were frowning.


“What is it?” Jungah asked. Sanghoon smiled and placed a brown envelope on the table.

“Have a look, gongju.”

Jungah raised her brows and opened the envelope. Her eyes widened.

“This is…not a proper way for a priness to act.”

Jungah glared at him.

“A secret rendevous with a palace guard. How…..uncouth.”

She dropped the photos.

“What exactly are you doing?” She asked. Sanghoon smiled.

“I want to release this to the public, but~”

“You wouldn’t.” She hissed. Sanghoon chuckled.

“I would. But….if you don’t want me to, I have a condition.”

She scoffed.

“Marry me first. And I’ll make sure your little Woodalchi will be safe.”


Jaejoong paced back and forth from his room.

“Why is he visiting my sister again!?” He boomed. Changmin winced.

“Hyung, we’re not in a court meeting.”

Jaejoong glared at him.

“Call Yunho, make him come here and tell him to get rid of that…pest.”

“Hyung, Yunho is working at the~”

“I know, but he should be protecting my sister right now!”

“So the hwang sae ja approves.” Max chuckled.

“Do you want me to lend you my phone or will you be using yours?” He hissed.


Yunho was in a meeting when his phone suddenly rang.

It was Junsu calling him.

He excused himself and stepped out from the room.

“Su, I’m in a meet~”

“I don’t care hyung, but…Lee is here.”

Yunho’s brows furrowed.

“Inside gongju’s quarters. Theyre at the library talking privately, we cant even hear them.”

Yunho’s grip on his phone tightened.

“Cant you at least be here just for today? We don’t know what’s going on inside.”


“Marry you?” Jungah grunted.

“Who in the right mind would do that?”

Sanghoon smiled.

“You choose, I expose this nicely taken photos of you or…..I’ll make you suffer with a scandal.”

“Do you even know what they call me?”

Sanghon looked at her.

“Reckless Princess, Royal Brat, Runaway Daughter and my favorite, The Getaway.” She mused.

“How much damage could that be to me?” She asked.

Sanghoon chuckled and crossed her legs.

“How about I expose your other guard? The one who died.”

Jungah froze.

“How instantly left when he died. How you were such a coward~”

The doors burst open.

Sanghoon jumped a little, then he smirked as he saw Yunho.

“Oh, it’s him, our gongju’s new toy~”

Yunho picked him up and punched him in the face. Jungah stood up in shock.

The books on the shelf fell.

“You…Jungah said that she never wanted to see your face here again.” He said firmly.

“Jungah? How sweet~”

Yunho pressed his foot on his chest.

“One more word from you and say goodby to your left lung~”

“Yunho, stop.” Jungah stood in front of him. Yunho shifted his gaze to her. Jungah gently placed her palms on his chest and pushed him.

“It’s not worth it. Not even a proper fight.” She said as she pushed him away from Sanghoon. Yunho placed one arm around her waist securely.

Sanghoon wiped the blood from his mouth with his sleeve.

“You will regret this, palace guard.” He hissed before leaving.

Jungah sighed as she picked up the books.

“I always knew about your temper.” She muttered then she stood up.

“What did he say to you? Did he hurt you?”

“No, but that.” Jungah pointed at the photos on the table.

“He…” Yunho trailed off .

“I’m sure he has a copy too. That bastard.”

“What else?” Yunho looked at her.

“He says he wont expose these photos to the public if I marry him.”



Junsu and Yoochun blinked at the helicopter that was outside the palace’s garden.

“What…How did this get here?” Junsu asked one of the guards.

“It was Woodalchi Daejang, he arrived.”


The guard nodded.

“What an upgrade.” Yoochun shook his head.



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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
Chapter 47: Yinho would be a great dad. I'm getting way ahead to much
Chapter 47: Amazing and cute
Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful story <3
Chapter 47: Wow! beautiful
Chapter 47: I never thought I'd get the Yunho character in fanfic... But then after I read this fanfic...it's SUPERBB
cmacchiato #8
Chapter 47: This is so fluffy I love it
babychannie #9
Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")