The Getaway




Jungah walked back to the party. Jaejoong pulled her hand before she could call Changmin.

“Oppa, congratulations.” She smiled and hugged her brother. Then she gave his wife a kiss on her cheek.

“Thank you, unnie. I’ll have a playmate in the palace, finally.” She beamed at her.

She herself was amazed on how she could smile freely despite the thoughts that were troubling her.

“Playmate? Jungah, how old are you?” Her brother chuckled and patted her cheek.

“Four.” She nodded with a straight face.

“I saw what happened earlier with Lee Sanghoon.”

Jungah rolled her eyes, the crown princess chuckled her hand.

“I don’t really care about him oppa.”

“I know, Jungie.”


Jungah sighed as she tugged on Changmin’s sleeve.


“I want to sleep.”

“You mean you want to go out from this party and~”

“Yeah. I want to escape.”

Changmin rolled his eyes.

“Tell me what it is, Jungah.” He said as she steered her through the crowd.


Your POV


What is wrong with me?

Why did I snap at him like that?

I….was just bothered.

The past few days he hasn’t been acting himself. He’s being cold again, like before and I don’t like it.

I sighed. Changmin looked at me as he placed his glass down.

We were outside the party, standing on a small bridge.

“Let me guess…love problems?”

“Love problems? Shim Changmin what have you been eating~”

“Everything, anyway, I know what it is, love problems. You my friend, have it.”

“I don’t. I havent been seeing anyone in case you havent noticed, Changdol.”

“Yunho.” He stated. I almost choked on my champagne.

He smirked.

“The evil me has been observing you and him and how you interact him.”

The evil me? Really? Why did I even befriend this guy?

I really should talk to my four-year-old self.




Changmin put his glass down and crossed his arms.

“I don’t know if you noticed….but Yunho…that guy, you act differently around him.”

Jungah turned to him.

“What do you mean?” She asked, a bit defensively.

“You like him.”

Jungah blinked at her friend.

“Ya, are you crazy~”

“No, I’m being honest here. You…when he’s around…you smile more and…talk more. After all these years, I saw you walk across that…bridge and you were with him Jungie.”


“Where you met Minho.”

Jungah looked away.

“It’s just~”

“I know you well, just tell me, Jungah. I’m sure you’ll just call me later late at night and whine about it.”

Jungah sighed and plopped down on the floor.

“I….got mad at him.”


“He’s been…acting differently..and it..frustrates me. Then when I ask him whats wrong he said…he cant tell me, basically he doesn’t want to tell me and yet I tell him everything. I~”

Changmin smiled.

“You two just need to talk.”

“Talk? He doesn’t even speak when I’m around, why should we talk?”

“Because I know our general Jung has his reasons.”



yeah right,

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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
Chapter 47: Yinho would be a great dad. I'm getting way ahead to much
Chapter 47: Amazing and cute
Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful story <3
Chapter 47: Wow! beautiful
Chapter 47: I never thought I'd get the Yunho character in fanfic... But then after I read this fanfic...it's SUPERBB
cmacchiato #8
Chapter 47: This is so fluffy I love it
babychannie #9
Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")