The Getaway




“What?!” Jungah looked up from her meal.

“But I already scheduled it last week, even daejang approved of it.” She retorted.

Junsu and Yoochun winced at the mention of Yunho.

“Well, you know gongju, Yunho daejang….he…isnt assigned to you anymore.”

“What?” Jungah blinked up at them.

“The new person who will be assigned to you will be~”

“I don’t care about the new person. But why the sudden~” She trailed off.

“Yunho…quit gongju, two days ago.” Yoochun said in a quiet voice.

Jungah’s brows furrowed.

“How..come you didn’t tell me?” She asked.

“He didn’t want you to know, mama.”

Jungah stood up from her seat and walked to her room.

It has been two days since she last saw him. They said he was needed at their office.

But she didn’t know, Yunho had already quit his job.

Jungah’s stomach churned at that thought.

“Liar.” She muttered.


Yunho flexed his neck as he signed the last piece of document on his desk.

 He nodded and dismissed his secretary.

He loosened his tie and took out his phone.

Jungah’s schedule was still save in his gadget.

He smiled as he scrolled down.

Then he stopped there was one photo of her on his phone.

It was a photo she took with the three of them at the hospital.

Yunho focused on her smiling face.

“I….miss you, are you doing well?”



Jungah’s forehead was damp with sweat as she pushed her legs forward.

She was at Han River taking a jog. Her two Woodalchis were watching her from afar.

“I don’t have plans to leave, gongju.”


“Lies.” She hissed.


“If you throw me around your shoulder again, I’ll scream.” Jungah stepped back. Yunho sighed as he racked his brains.

“The tour. I’ll come with you.”

“Tour? What tour?” Jungah said.

Yunho stood behind her.

“I’ll show you around the Woodalchi office, just don’t escape.”

Jungah crossed her arms, she was contemplating.



Jungah halted, memories kept on playing her mind. She felt her tears threatening to fall.

“I was…wrong, I shouldn’t have…relied on them. I grew too attached. Kim Jungah, you fool.”




Yunho stared at the window.

He couldn’t focus on the meeting.

“This is…against the law.” Yoochun said skeptically as she watched the princess flip the meat and drink her soju.

They were inside a small restaurant by the streets.

Junsu sighed and watched the princess have fun.

“This is fun, I havent been into this kind of place since ages.” She chuckled as she handed meat wrapped with lettuce to Yunho.

“Woodalchi Jung, eat this.” She smiled. Yunho nodded and took it from her.

“NO!” She shook her head and swatted his hand away. Yunho blinked.

“Say ah!” She opened .

Yoochun and Junsu blinked. Yunho sighed and let her feed him.

Yunho smiled a little as he remembered one particular thing that made him fall for Jungah more.


“Palace guard? And you? A mere spoiled brat of a son, who cant even throw a proper punch.”

Yunho looked at her in shock, he never heard her speak in that way.

“Mama.” Yoochun looked at her urgently.

“Looking down on people I care about, I don’t tolerate that.”

“It seems that you have forgotten court etiquette, princes. Talking like that could cause you~”

Jungah raised her brows at him.

“~trouble. And we wouldn’t want that to happen to our princess right? The princess who cowardly ran away after her guard’s death.”

With that, Jungah lifted her fist and striked at him.

Sanghoon fell on the ground with a bleeding nose.

Yoochun and Junsu immediately stood in front of her.

“You…don’t ever appear before me again.”

Then he looked up and looked at his coat’s sleeve.

Countless of times, Jungah had held his arm there. He closed his eyes briefly and tried to concentrate on the meeting.


Jungah sat on the bench with a water bottle. She didn’t hear a car pull over near her.

Changmin alighted from his vehicle and gave the Woodalchis a quick nod then he sat beside his friend.

“I know where he is.”

“I don’t care.” Jungah snapped.

Changmin sighed.


“He lied to me. I don’t want to~”

“He loves you that’s why left.”

Jungah glanced at him.

“Well if he did, he never would have left.” She said before standing up and turning her back to him.

“Because you are a princess, Jungah. That’s why he left. He didn’t want to bother you.”

“So what? The Yunho I know woudlnt~”

“Mama, the Yunho you knew vowed not to fall for someone he is protecting.” Yoochun stepped in.

Jungah looked away.

“Jungah, please~”

“I’m….tired. I want to go home.”



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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
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Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
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Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")