The Getaway





“Did you hear? The king’s daughter is coming home.” Junsu said.

“King’s daughter? Ah, the one they call “Royal Pain”?” Yoochun queried.

The two of them were walking behind Yunho while he was scanning the place.

“How many guards are the front?” He asked.

“The usual, we have fifteen.” Yoochun replied. Yunho nodded.

“Is it true? Did his majesty mention anything?” Junsu asked.

Yunho stopped walking.

“He did. And she’s coming tomorrow that’s why security is going to be tight at the entrance. Yoochun you will be sent to her from the airport.” Yunho said.


“How do you guys think she will look? Pretty?” Junsu asked. Yoochun sighed.

“Seriously.” Yoochun said as he walked ahead with Yunho.


Jungah sighed heavily as she watched her bags being loaded to the car.

“Court lady Choi~” She whined. The middle aged woman only chuckled.

“Mama, aren’t you excited to meet your parents? The crown prince and princess want to meet you.”

“They just got married months ago, why are they back from their honeymoon?”

“Mama, it is dangerous for you to stay here longer, there had been threats against the royal family that past few weeks, we cannot risk you being noticed here.”

Jungah sighed as she sat back.

“But, I don’t want to go back.” She whispered.


“She actually listened?” Changmin mused. His father nodded.

“She has no choice son, his majesty was firm about it.”

Changmin smirked.

“Well then, trouble will arise again, abeoji, knowing how behaved Jungah is.”


Yoochun went inside the airport. There were hundreds of reporters waiting for the princess to arrive. The palace guards as well as the national police were there to help.

“Her highness has descended from the plane.” His earpiece came to life.

 Yoochun gave a quick nod to one of the guards, then the doors opened. The reporters went crazy.

“Mama, this way please.” Yoochun said as he tried to push some of the cameras away.

Jungah bit her lip as she was led to a black car. All the pushing made her dizzy.

Then she was finally seated inside.

“Are you okay~”

She looked up.

“Yeah, I am.” She replied. Yoochun blinked at her. She was wearing a pair of jeans, loose white top and a pair of black jeans.

“Is something wrong?” She asked.

“No, I~”

“Don’t worry, Yoochun-ah, you didn’t get the wrong person, our princess doesn’t just follow instructions.” Court Lady Choi spoke.

Yoochun could only nod and look away.

“As soon as we arrive at the palace, his royal highness has asked for your~”

“You mean the king?” Jungah asked. Court Lady Choi gave her a dry look. Yoochun was confused.

“Yes, your father.”

Jungah nodded for her to continue.

“He asks for your presence along with the queen and the crown prince.”

“Eomma and oppa.” She smiled to herself. Yoochun got amused.

“Mama, I should remind you about when meeting them, you must use the proper titles~”








hey there!


i dont think i would be able to update this one as fast i do wth my other stories, but dont worry my other fic is about to be done. :>

i cant promise daily updates though. :D

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Chapter 47: Really, Yunho gives of these Princely vibes ( even he’s not a prince here)
Chapter 47: Yinho would be a great dad. I'm getting way ahead to much
Chapter 47: Amazing and cute
Chapter 47: Sweet story. Yunho here is really cute!
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 47: Beautiful story <3
Chapter 47: Wow! beautiful
Chapter 47: I never thought I'd get the Yunho character in fanfic... But then after I read this fanfic...it's SUPERBB
cmacchiato #8
Chapter 47: This is so fluffy I love it
babychannie #9
Chapter 47: Authornim, can you write a story about DBSK again? I miss them tbh, and I keep read your old story about them :)
Chapter 18: Yes..special to Yunnie Bear. :")