You are my everything

You are my everything



“Why are you crying?” she heard a familiar voice. Minyoung looked up and saw Lu Han standing in front of her. She didn’t think twice anymore and ran to him. She hugged him tightly as tears streamed down her cheeks.


“I’m sorry Minyoung. I’m really sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that.” Lu Han said, hugging her back.


Minyoung pulled away and slightly hit his chest, “Pabo! Noneun paboya! You really shouldn’t do that again…ever. Because if you do, you’re dead! Do you understand?” she said while sobbing.


Lu Han chuckled and cupped her face. “I will never ever going to leave you. That decision was really stupid. But when I arrived here, I thought of you and our love. I may have nothing in this world, but I don’t care. Because for me Minyoung… you are my everything – and that what matters.” He said as he stared at her lovingly.


Minyoung continued to cry, but this time, it was all tears of joy. Lu Han kissed her from her forehead, down to her nose, to her cheeks and lastly to her lips. They kissed passionately, not minding the people watching them.


“I love you Lu Han. You’re everything to me so please don’t ever leave me”


“I love you too.” He said, kissing her once more.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


A couple of weeks have passed; Minyoung and Lu Han decided to get married. On their wedding day, they made sure that everyone was invited. Lu Han invited her parents and siblings to their wedding and for the first time, Minyoung met them.


But it’s not only their lives that have changed; even the people close to them faced different changes in their lives.


In the university…


“Yang yang, why are you crying?” Suho asked, sitting next to him.


“Look!” he threw the newspaper to Suho. He took and looked at the headline. He saw Lu Han and Minyoung wedding picture and it was spread to the entire elite society.


“What’s wrong with it? It is our friend Lu Han and his wife Minyoung. Aren’t you happy for them?” Suho asked.


“I’m happy for them.  I did come to their wedding, remember? But… but it should be me!” Yang yang yelled. Suho just laughed at him. Suho looked back at the newspaper again and smiled.


“Well, I’m really glad that they ended up with each other.” He commented.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


In Octagon resto-bar…


“Lay, what are you doing?” Mrs. Choi noticed Lay on the counter.


“A-Ah..drying the wine glasses?” He was unsure of his manager’s question.


“I can see that. What I mean is – why are you still doing that?” she asked. Lay felt nervous and quickly left the counter.


“Omo! Manager, I’m so sorry. Did you ask me to do this something? Maybe, I forgot it. I’m really sorry.” He panicked.


Mrs. Choi just giggled. “Lay, from now on, I want you to stop doing whatever you used to do. And take off that apron too.”


“W-Why? Am I fired Mrs. Choi?” he asked, his eyes widened.


“No, because starting this day, you’re not just a waiter anymore. You are a singer. So take off that apron, changed to your casual outfit and rehearse on that stage because you will have your first gig tonight, araji?” she said with a smile.


Lay’s face lit up after hearing his sudden promotion. “Thank you Mrs, Choi. Thank you so much.” He said gratefully.


“Well, you also have to thank Lu Han. Before they went to their honeymoon, he told me your desire to be a singer in this bar. I’ve heard you sang once and I thought you’re really good. You deserve it.” She patted his shoulder and left.


Lay still couldn’t put out the huge smile on his face as he uttered. “Thank you Lu Han.”


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


“Are you sure about this?” Xiumin asked Kris as he sent his friend to the airport.


“Yes Xiumin. My dad told me that he found a very good place for me to live in Paris. I think he’s right; I need some other place to unwind. And I also thought that, this will help our business to be internationally known.” Kris explained.


“So, it sounds like you’re staying there for good, huh?” he asked.


“Why? Are you sad?” Kris joked.


“You stop it. But I’m glad that you have finally made up a decision. After you attended their wedding, I got convinced that you’re completely fine.” Xiumin said, giving him his luggage.


“Well, I am. And I’ll be better once I start my new life in Paris.”


“I wish you all the best dude.” He said, tapping his back. After they parted, Kris bid his goodbye and went ahead to his flight.


Getting inside the plane, Kris immediately looked for his seat. When he found his seat number, he hastily sat on it after placing his luggage. As he looked at the window, a lady’s voice caught his attention.


“Ah, is it okay if I sit here?” she asked.


Without looking at her, Kris nodded his head and the lady took it as a’yes’.


“Excuse me Ma’am and Sir, do you need anything?” A flight stewardess approached them.


“Oh yes, I’m really hungry. Can you get me a ham-and-cheese sandwich? Please make sure that you don’t add anything like tomato or lettuce, make sure it’s just plain ham and cheese. And oh, you can also add mustard. I so love mustard. Araji?” she demanded.  The stewardess nodded and prepared to leave. But even before she could leave, the lady added another request. “Ah, Miss, can you please also get me an orange juice?  Make sure it’s concentrated, araji?”


Hearing the lady, Kris couldn’t help but chuckle with the lady’s endless demand. But what really made him chuckle was the way she used the term “araji”.


After the stewardess left, Kris curiously turned to his left to face the girl. When she finally faced him, she greeted him with her sweet smile.


Kris was stunned when he was suddenly reminded of someone. She looks like my mom.


(Seohyun of SNSD)


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


In their Hotel room, the newly wed was preparing to go out and explore Beijing for their honeymoon. But before they decided to go out, the couple decided to enjoy the beautiful sunrise at their veranda.


"Are you sure about your decision?" Lu Han asked as he hugged her from behind. He rested his chin to her shoulder and blew a sigh as he frowned.


Minyoung felt her warm breath so she took his arms and turned around to face him. "I'm sure about this. I know it's your dream and I don't want this opportunity to slip away." she said as she cupped his face and looked at him lovingly.


"B-But, I told you it's okay." he said, pouting his lips. Minyoung just kissed his small lips before she smiled.


"Lu, I know you’re worrying about me. But I told you, I'll be fine. Besides, we're not going to be away from each other that long -- especially once the Gold Typhoon starts promoting your career." she said.


Before they got married, Lu Han also told Minyoung that he was offered to sign a contract with the biggest recording company in China. Minyoung was ecstatic to know about it but Lu Han chose to stay beside her. Little did he know, Minyoung, together with her appa, talked to the CEO of the said recording company and proposed a plan. Fortunately, the recording company agreed on their plan -- that is to help the recording company in promoting Lu Han's career through their advertising skills.


When Lu Han knew about this, he felt happy and sad at the same time. He'd still want to achieve his dream but he doesn't want to work far away from his wife.


"Lu, this would only take a couple of months. Once you're ready for the promotion, I'll come back here immediately. And once you get a break from your training, you'd still visit me, araji?" she said.


"Of course. But, what if you just move here so we can stay here together?" he suggested.


"But you know that our company needs me right now." she said. Just recently, Minyoung was appointed to be the acting CEO of their company as her parents had their long vacation leave.


"Alright..." Lu Han said, as he bowed his head. Suddenly an idea hit his head, "...let's not go out anymore." he blurted out.


"Mwo? Wae? You promised me we’re going to tour around Beijing." she said, a little disappointed.


Lu Han didn't say anything just quickly carried her in bridal style. He took her back inside their room and laid her down the bed. He started giving her small kisses from her face to her neck and that made her giggled.


"Lu, stop it...please..." as she continued to laugh. “Lu, please...wait, wait... you promised me that you’re going to tour me around Beijing, remember?" she said as she tried to stop him.


When he finally stopped, he just looked at her with a huge grin on his face. "We can do that later this afternoon, but for now, let me spend more time with you." he said before leaving another peck on her lips.


"But you said Beijing is a huge city, right? So I think we should start now..." she protested.


"Well, we can still do that some time. You know what we should start? We should start making babies..." he said and it made her blushed and chuckled at the same time.


"Yah! We've already talked about it. Maybe after a year or two..." she said after slightly hitting his chest.


"How about after a week or two?" he teased. And he continued to tickle her and that just made her burst into gleeful laughter.


After tickling his wife, he finally stopped as he could see she’s already getting exhausted. A she breathed in and out heavily, Lu Han just looked at her with his loving eyes and whispered.


"I love you... so much."


Minyoung held his face and replied, "I love you too Lu Han." and they shared another sweet, long kiss.


The couple decided to stay in their bed and just cuddle the entire day.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

After 2 years... What happened to them?


In Octagon resto-bar, Lay has become more famous as well as the resto-bar. With his talent in songwriting, he never fails to surprise the audience and make them fall in love with his songs. He does have a big fanbase now, but he's actually a loyal boyfriend to his girlfriend for one year -- Kim Juri.



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


After graduation, Suho became the manager of one of the restaurants owned by their family. He was so successful and eventually, earned a lot of awards as one of the youngest businessmen in this history.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


After meeting the strange lady on the plane, Kris became very close to Seohyun. Kris treated her differently from the other girls he had met. Perhaps, it was because Seohyun really reminded him of his mom -- from her looks to their personality. After a couple of months of friendship, Kris finally confessed his true feelings for her. Now, they are finally reaching their first year anniversary.



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



Lu Han's career finally started and his first year was a success. He was loved and supported by many fans in Beijing and was awarded as the "Most Promising Artist of the Year". The first year was hard for them since they had to meet each other for only a couple of days in a month, but after his debut, Minyoung decided to move to Beijing and live with him.


And after a year, the couple's wish has come true. That is to have their first child -- a baby girl named, Lulu.

Baby Lulu~ (this baby is so cute!)

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Author's note:

And there you go.

First of all, let me thank you guys from the very bottom of my heart. *wipes tears*. I really appreciate all your supports and love for this story. To be honest, I didn't expect the number of subscribers I'd get for this one. I know that I'm not as brilliant as any other writers here, but to have all of you -- I'm really grateful.
I'm sorry for a very lame ending... to be honest, I was writing this part while I was on our dance practice. Hehe. ^^

But I really hope that you guys still like it.


I also hope that you guys won't unsubscribe because this is my most subscribed story so far and I would take this as a treasure. ^^


Thank you guys for supporting this story.

For cheering me up and giving me encouragement to fight my love for Minyoung.


Thanks to everyone who still loved me, despite all the bad thing I've done.

You guys are the best and you can steal me anytime you want (I'm always yours anyway)

I hope you guys will continue to anticipate EXO's comeback, I know the wait is long...

but for sure it's gonna be worth it.

And don't forget Mrs. Sarang's comeback as well...

Wait? She also has a comeback?

You didn't know? I thought you're closer to her?

Of course I am! Mrs. Sarang, care to explain?


Hahaha! You guys stop it. And yes Lu Han, you heard it right! I'm also going to have a comeback! Sorry, I haven't told you, I was too busy...and Kris was too nosy. Haha! ^^~


So there was a story I've started and posted few months ago. But due to lack of inspiration and ideas... I had to delete it. Good thing, I only had a couple of readers and they understood.

And while I was writing this story, I got a lot of inspiration, so now I decided to post the story again.

It's another love story and I hope that you guys will support this one like how you supported YAME. And just like how you love Lu Han and Kris... please do the same for our DERP SQUAD.


Hello everyone! I'm so excited to talk to you!

Me too! Haha! I'll spread the happy virus to everyone!

And I'll spread the L.O.V.E! <3

Okay boys, that's enough. So just CLICK HERE and don't forget to subscribe (if ever you're interested) ^^~

Hope to see all of you there~

Again, this has been Mrs. Sarang! Wo ai ni~

*credits to all the owners of these gifs and photos. I owe you guys a lot. Thank you so much. <3


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Gaaah! 100 subbies?! O_O Thank you guys so much~ - Mrs. Sarang


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Chapter 10: I like your convo at the end of the chapters. hahaha
Chapter 7: LuHannie as gay ohh myyy. <3
xiaoLu_ieyla #3
Chapter 39: so sweet! i love this story.
Chapter 39: so sweet ending ;,(
Chapter 35: can you be kris with minyoung
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 39: Awww I really love this <3
Aikarara #7
Chapter 39: annyeong! new reader here.. :D just finished reading it.. kkk and i really love this.. cool story authornim.. and.. aish~ they're so sweet.. really.. kkkk.. >o<
14 streak #8
Chapter 40: Awwwwww lulu~ their daughter ......... Lol
Anyways........... I loved it!!! If you have time please make a sequel out of this!!!!! >.< ^^ ♥♥
Chapter 15: OMG :)) This chapter is sweet <3
SweetPurple117 #10