She's back!

You are my everything



Minyoung was still calmly sleeping when the sunrays peeked at the window’s crack. It touched her pale skin and that made her eyes fluttered. As she completely opened her eyes and moved her body, she felt a heavy presence lying next to her. When she finally recognized the person’s face, she gasped in surprise.


“L-Lu Han?” she uttered softly. Lu Han was peacefully sleeping and instead of being bothered, Minyoung relished the pleasant view next to her.



“Woah~ He even looks like an angel when he sleeps.” She said. She carefully traced her fingers to his cheeks and his nose – and for some odd reason, it brought smile to her face. Suddenly, Lu Han budged and that made her stop from what she was doing. He slowly opened his eyes and caught her staring at him. When he was fully awake, Lu Han quickly got up the bed, realizing that they were on the same bed and she might misunderstand it.


“Y-You’re already awake? Were you able to sleep comfortably?” He asked nervously


“Y-Yeah.” She answered. After a long pause, Minyoung spoke up again. “L-Lulu, where am I? And why are we sleeping on the same bed?” she curiously asked.


“You can’t remember?” He asked.


Minyoung shook her head and swallowed hard. “The last thing I could remember, I was in the club with my friends.” She said. She tried to remember anything but looking at Lu Han’s face she suddenly felt bothered. “Why Lu Han? Did I do something strange or bad last night?” she continued to ask.


So she couldn’t really remember anything – even our kiss. He thought – a little disappointed. “Aniya. You didn’t do anything.” He gave her an assuring smile.


Minyoung nodded and let out a relieved sigh. “I drank too much, did I? That what usually happens – I don’t feel any severe headaches but I can’t remember anything.” She explained.


Her eyes wandered as she carefully observed the unfamiliar place where she was. Lu Han watched her and got the idea that she must be wondering about his apartment.


“This is your first time inside my apartment right? As you can see, it’s pretty small. I’m sure your room is bigger than this.” He shyly said.


“Well, yes it’s bigger. But your room looks cozier. It’s very simple and neat. When I lived in Busan, I also lived in very simple apartment. I suddenly miss living there.” She said, reminiscing her old place.


Minyoung shortly noticed the time and she swiftly got off the bed when she remembered her parents.


“Omo! Lu Han, I have to go now. My parents must be looking for me.”


“Are you sure you can drive on your way home now?”Lu Han asked with concern.


Minyoung smiled at him as an assurance and when she was about to walk out the apartment, she turned around again to say something.


“Lulu, thank you so much again.” With another smile, she completely left.


Lu Han stayed on his bed and heaved a sigh, “I think it’s much better that she couldn’t remember it.” He uttered before pursing his lips.


 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


When Minyoung arrived in their mansion, Cho Hee hastily bowed at her.


“Agassi, I’m glad you’re back!” she exclaimed.


“Waeyo? Did eomma or appa look for me?” she feared.


“Aniyo. But someone has been waiting for you in the living room?” she said.


Someone? Is it Kris again? To find it out, Minyoung walked her way in the living room and when she finally caught a glimpse of the person waiting for her, a huge smile crept on her face.






And just like before, the two of them hugged for a long time.


“Juri-ah! What are you doing here? Since when did you come back?” she asked excitedly.


“Yah! Can’t you say that you missed me first before flooding me with your questions?” Juri hissed. Minyoung chuckled with best friend’s childlike personality and hugged her again.


“Of course, I missed you! I’m so glad you’re back!” she said in return.


“I miss you too Minyoung. You got me so worried so I decided to come back.” She seriously said.


“Aww! You’re really a good and sweet friend. Come on, let’s have a cup of tea.” She invited. Then, they went to Minyoung’s room where they continued to their conversation.


 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


“So where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you for almost an hour and I was really surprised when they told me you’re not home.” Juri asked, taking a sip on her tea.


“I did what you said. I went out and had fun.” She simply responded


“But why didn’t you sleep here? Don’t tell me you partied ‘til dawn?”


“Well, I got drank so I had to sleep in someone’s place.”


“Mwo!? Whose place?”


“My fake boyfriend’s place.” Minyoung said, lying on her bed. Juri got utterly surprised with what she said and strange thought suddenly filled her head.


“What?! You slept with him?” she asked, shocked.


Minyoung quickly got up her bed when her best friend took it differently. “Yah! I didn’t say I slept with him. I just slept…beside him.” Admittedly, the thought made her blush.


“But it’s still the same; you were on the same bed.” Juri justified.


“Of course not. Nothing happened between us and that what makes it different.” She retorted, going back on her bed.


“How sure are you, huh?”


“I’m sure because he wouldn’t attempt to do anything. Remember, he’s gay.”


Juri walked her way to Minyoung’s bed and lay next to her. “You know what? I think it’s about time for me to meet that person.” She suggested.


“Sure! Just let me know when you want to meet him.” Minyoung answered with her eyes closed.


“What’s his name again?” They had been talking about him but Juri never got the chance to ask her about his name.




“Lulu? I meant, his real name.”


“Lu Han…” upon hearing this, something hit Juri’s mind. Lu Han? He’s not the same Lu Han I know, is he? She thought. Minyoung noticed that her best friend stopped from talking so she slightly opened her eyes and asked her.


“What’s wrong Juri?”


“A-Ah…it’s nothing. I think it’s because of the jet lag. I have to go now Minyoung.”


“Araseo! Well, thanks for dropping by and just give me a call once you’re ready to meet him okay?” Minyoung said, getting up on her bed to guide Juri on her way out.


 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


In Octagon resto-bar, even it was not his shift yet, Lu Han dropped by to thank his friend Lay.


“I really owed you a lot now. What did you tell Mrs. Choi this time?” he asked Lay who he left last night.


“Same old reason but I also did something this time… I hope you won’t get mad at me.” He said, hesitantly.


“What is it?”


“Because you still had one set last night, Manager Choi got troubled of who’s going to sing the last song. I volunteered myself… but, don’t worry Lu Han. I only did it for last night…” he said nervously. Lay didn’t want Lu Han to think that he’s stealing his job.


But on Lu Han’s mind, it was a total opposite. Lu Han knows about Lay’s hidden talent and has been encouraging him to try singing for the resto-bar, so when heard Lay’s confession, he quickly put his arms on Lay’s shoulders and smiled at him.


“Lay, stop worrying. I know what you’re thinking… but seriously, I’m glad that you did it. I know you've been wanting to do it and I’m happy that you finally had the guts to show your talent. So how did it go and what song did you perform?” he asked in particular.


“It went well. I was really nervous but it seemed they were very pleased. I sang that song I composed, remember “Airport tears”? I think they liked it and I was so happy after that performance.” He said timidly.


“Well, I knew you’d love it. I’m pretty sure that from what you’ve shown last night, she’d ask you to sing as well.” Lu Han continued to encourage him.


“Thanks Lu Han. By the way, how was Minyoung? What happened last night?” It was his turn to catch up on Lu Han.


“She’s fine. I brought her to my apartment and –”


“MWO!? You brought her to your place?” Lay asked with a confused look.


“W-wait. I’m not finished yet. Yes, I brought her to my apartment and let her sleep. That’s it.” Lu Han clarified.


Lay nodded with his mouth forming an “o” shape. “So, have you thought of any plan of how to tell her the truth?”


Lu Han bit his lip as his friend suddenly reminded him of his main goal right now. Honestly, he hasn’t thought of anything yet. And with what happened last night, he just got more confused.


 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Juri felt so anxious when she heard the person’s name who’s acting as Minyoung’s boyfriend. I just really hope he’s not the same person. She thought as she walked inside their house. The moment she got in, she found her brother reading a book in their living room and she quickly called out his name.


“Suho!” she yelled.


Suho turned his head and his eyes dilated in surprised and fear when he saw his noona.


“N-Noona?” he stammered.


Juri ran his way to him and gave him a big hug. Suho, on the other hand, was really shocked to see his sister.


“Noona, what are you doing here?”


“Yah! Why are you asking me like that? Aren’t you happy to see your sister?” she pouted as she slightly hit his chest.


“Of course, I’m happy to see you. I really am. It’s just that, you should have told me so I could have picked you up at the airport.” He said, hugging her again.


“Aww. My sweet dongsaeng. You don’t have to.” And she just smiled at her. “I’m hungry, let take our lunch outside. Kaja!” and with that, the two of them left.


 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


In the restaurant, Juri was eating peacefully while Suho couldn’t stop from fidgeting his hands under the table. He took his phone out and sent a message to Lu Han.


We have a big problem. My sister is back.


After sending the message, he quickly glanced at his sister who was still enjoying her food. But he didn’t know that Juri had a lot of thoughts in mind. I’m pretty sure Suho knows all the answers. But I couldn’t believe that he could really do such thing. I should really ask him. She thought, placing the utensils on the side of her plate. After wiping her lips with the table napkin, Juri started to wear her serious face.


“Suho, my dear brother, I want to ask you something.” She said, tried not to be intimidating.


“Y-Yes noona?” he stuttered as if he already had an idea what she was going to ask.


“You have this friend who works as a singer in Octagon resto-bar, right? If I remember correctly, his name is Lu Han. Is that right?” she questioned him. Suho swallowed hard as he already knew where these questions would lead to.


“I talked to Minyoung this morning and she told me that the name of the person acting as her boyfriend is Lu Han too? He’s the same person I know, is he?” she asked again, trying her best to be calm as much as possible.


Suho yielded when he heard her last question. He bit his lips and nodded as an affirmation. He knows that sooner or later, she would also find out about it – his sister who’s been a fan of Lu Han and definitely knows that he’s really a guy.


Author's note:

Just like what I promised, here's another chapter. 

Ah...things are getting more complicated don't you think? Well, things will definitely find a way to sort itself out. 

I know you guys have a lot of questions. Like,  how will Minyoung react? What will happen to Kris? How about Lu Han's dream? 

But those will be answered in our last few chappies so please bear with me. I know you always do though. ^^~

Anyway, do you guys miss our Duizhang?

Surprisingly, me to...

But I'm just right here...

Oh! Hi there... well, we haven't felt your presence in a while.

What can I do? It seems like you're contented with Lu Han already.

Aww... is our Duizhang jealous? Please don't be...

Of course, I'm not...

Come on, you're so obvious! XD

Are you sure?

Oops, okay. Sorry. Haha! But seriously, we miss you so looesen up. :D

Remember, don't make the dragon mad! Hahaha!

So tbat's all for today guys. Gaah! I'm getting overwhelmed with a lot of thoughts right now and it's not a good thing. It might lead me to add more twists and turns to this story -- and eventually, it will lead to confusion. Hahaha!

Please don't forget to post your comments. 

Wo ai ni~

*credits to all the owners of these gifs.

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Chapter 10: I like your convo at the end of the chapters. hahaha
Chapter 7: LuHannie as gay ohh myyy. <3
xiaoLu_ieyla #3
Chapter 39: so sweet! i love this story.
Chapter 39: so sweet ending ;,(
Chapter 35: can you be kris with minyoung
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 39: Awww I really love this <3
Aikarara #7
Chapter 39: annyeong! new reader here.. :D just finished reading it.. kkk and i really love this.. cool story authornim.. and.. aish~ they're so sweet.. really.. kkkk.. >o<
14 streak #8
Chapter 40: Awwwwww lulu~ their daughter ......... Lol
Anyways........... I loved it!!! If you have time please make a sequel out of this!!!!! >.< ^^ ♥♥
Chapter 15: OMG :)) This chapter is sweet <3
SweetPurple117 #10