Admit and Accept

You are my everything


Author's note:

Because I love you guys so much and I don't like to keep you waiting. Let me go ahead and give you the highlight of this story. Enjoy.

Please listen to this song for this chapter

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


After meeting up with Kris, Minyoung went straight home. As she closed the door of her room, she walked to her bed and sat on the side of. She was still looking at the envelope that Kris gave her earlier. She carefully took out all the papers and photos and studied each. She read the first couple of pages which contained Lu Han’s background information.


“So he really hired a detective to gather all of these?” she said as she slowly scanned the pages. The series of photo caught her attentions – photos of Lu Han singing in the resto-bar and his regular days in university. Upon seeing it, Minyoung hasn’t felt anything strange, not until she saw the still photos of their first meeting.


“He even got a copy of this?” She uttered in surprise. She continued to flip through the pages, the last photo made her eyes dilated in confusion. It was the photo of Lu Han kissing Fei.


“W-What is this?” she asked herself, shaking. She went back to other photos where Lu Han singing in the resto-bar and in their first meeting. Suddenly, a memory came back to her mind.


He prefers wearing dresses and wigs, so it’s expected that you’ve mistaken him as a girl.


It was what Suho told her and that filled her with bewilderment.


“I thought he prefers wearing dresses and wigs…” she slowly analyzed the date from the photos. She noticed that the photos taken from the resto-bar and university were more recent from the still photos of their first meeting. Things were getting clearer as she looked at the last photo again. Reading the caption, she already got the confirmation of her thoughts.


“L-Luhan with his g-girlfriend…” as she read the caption written below the last photo. Tears began to form in her eyes and with her shaky lips, she shook her head in disbelief.


“He’s a real guy?” she uttered in confusion. “No, no…that can’t be.” As much as she tried to deny the reality, it kept on hitting her when she remembered their past interactions – the way he looked at her, the way he talked to her and the way he kissed her.


“He’s been lying to me all this time…” tears finally fell from her eyes again as everything sank in to her system. She had been crying earlier this morning when she met up with Kris, but her eyes seemed to be not getting tired of crying.


With her trembling hands, she quickly dialed Juri’s number and called. But she just received her voicemail recording. She tried it again, but failed.


“Juri…where are you? I need you right now.” She said, biting her lips. She came up with a decision to face the reality. She hesitantly dialed Lu Han’s number and stopped herself from sobbing.


“Yoboseyo?” when she heard Lu Han’s voice, she tried her best not to break down.


“Lu Han, where are you?” she asked, rather serious.


“At home. Why?” he asked.


“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll go to your place.” She said. Without waiting a respond from him, she hung up and went out of their mansion. She quickly drove her way off to Lu Han’s apartment.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



As she drove her way, she was still weeping. With all the mixed emotions she has – sadness, anger and confusion – she doesn’t even know why her eyes are crying anymore. She looked out the window and noticed the cloudy sky. Perhaps, the sky understands what I feel. It was already getting dark outside, not only because the day was over, but also because the clouds were preparing for the rain.


When she finally reached the apartment, she brought together all of her guts before knocking on the door. She wiped her tears and heaved a sigh before she finally did. She nervously knocked on the door and after three knocks, it opened. Lu Han saw her blank face and gave her a perplexed look. She went inside the apartment without his invitation and Lu Han followed her.


“Minyoung, what brings you here?” He asked calmly. She spun around to face him and her eyes couldn’t even look at him. She looked down and let out a sigh before speaking.


“How could you do this?” she asked, her lips still trembling.


Uncertain, Lu Han walked towards to her. “What do you mean?”


“You’re not really a gay, are you? Tell me the truth Lu Han.” She demanded. She looked up and her eyes met his. With her piercing gaze, Lu Han got filled with fear.


How did she find out about it? He thought.  He was completely at sea with her sudden question, but he fearlessly walked closer to her but every step he made, Minyoung would also step back.


“M-Minyoung, please listen to me. I have my reasons…” he tried to explain. He could see the tears were quickly running down her cheeks but he could also see the fury on her eyes.


“All this time Lu Han…all this time, I thought we’re on the same plan.” She said, already broke down. “All this time, I thought I was in control of everything. But you…you fooled me.” She said clenching her fists.


“M-Minyoung, I’m sorry but please listen to me first.” He pleaded.


Minyoung shook her head. She had it and wouldn’t want to listen to him anymore. The pain and anger were completely eating her up. “No need to explain Lu Han. I understand. You did this because of money right? It must be really hard for you to pretend as a gay and as my boyfriend at the same time. But you know what? You’re such a good actor. You really got me to believe you.” She said in broken voice, between her sobs.




Lu Han couldn’t look in to her eyes anymore. Seeing her cry like this – he also felt mad at himself. He knew that she would be this mad, but he didn’t expect that she would also be in pain.


“Who would have thought that I would get fooled with my own act? That I would be lost in my own game?” she said as she let out a sarcastic laugh.  “I’ve been denying something to myself – this feeling I have inside – because I thought it was crazy. But when I found out about your secret – I realized that I’m not just crazy, but I’m also stupid. Stupid because for the second time around, I fell in love with someone who couldn’t love me back…because he’s owned by someone else.” She admitted. She wept hard as she finally let out what she had been keeping inside her heart.


Meanwhile, Lu Han just looked at her, utterly surprised with her confession. She’s in love with me? But what is she talking about? Before he could even ask, Minyoung swiftly walked back to the door and prepared to go out.


“This is it. It’s done. It’s over. I had fun making business with you Lu Han. Yes, it’s just pure business. For you, it’s all business. Just like how other people think of us – that we only think about money and business. But they don’t know that we also have feelings.” She looked down and before she finally walked out the door, she said her last words. “Thank you. But I don’t want to see you anymore.”


After storming out the apartment, Lu Han was just stoned with all the things he heard. Is this really the end? He thought as felt a tear fell down from his eyes. But as he bit his bottom lips, he remembered the main reason why he wanted to keep her – because it’s his love for her.









The end? 

Hahaha! Just kidding...scroll down please. :D

















He ran outside the apartment and chased after Minyoung, who was still crying her heart out. The heavy downpour had finally started from falling. As he called out her name, she slowly turned around. Even though the rain washed away her tears, he could still see the pain and sorrow in her eyes.


“Minyoung, it’s true that it was because of the money so I accepted this job. But everything has changed – my main reason for accepting this job has changed since I met you.” He finally confessed, walking towards to her. They didn’t care if they were soaking wet because of the heavy rain but Minyoung stood still and waited for what he got to say.


“There’s nothing more I need but just to be with you Minyoung… because… I love you.” Lu Han blurted out, loud enough so Minyoung could hear despite their distance.


Minyoung was utterly shocked and baffled. “B-But Lu Han –” she was cut off when Lu Han suddenly ran towards her and drew himself closer. The next thing she knew, her lips was already devoured by his. As much as she wanted to pull away, the bliss she felt with his passionate kiss had taken over her. She quickly responded and together, they kissed with all their hearts under the heavy downpour.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


With their lips still locked, they went back inside the apartment. They laid their bodies down on the bed and without letting go of each other; they fervently showed the love they kept inside their hearts. Lu Han smiled in between of their kiss and as he pulled away, he looked through her eyes lovingly and whispered.


“I love you Minyoung. I love you so much.”


“I love you too.” She replied.


They shared the passionate night together, forgetting all the troubles of the world. As the rain endlessly fell outside and the cool breeze whistled inside the window’s crack, their warm, bare bodies were close enough to ignore the coldness of the weather. For tonight, they didn’t want to think of what might happens next or what might people think.




Author’s note:

*runs on the corner and hides*

What a lame ending for that chapter. I’m really sorry. I was really torn between completely writing a “” (which I haven't tried writing one before) or not writing anything at all. Haha! I ended up writing a very cheesy, mushy and fluffy “love scene”.

I know, I know… that was very unexpected. I hope you still liked it though.

Hooray for LuMin shippers. And that’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for. OMG! Please tell me what you think, I really want to know. >.<

That was really good


me too, I think it was very well put...


Yeah… I want more!


D_O Omo! What are you guys doing here? You’re not supposed to read that!?


But noona, wae?




We also want to be here…so we can say Hi to the readers…


But I have plans for you guys…


But noona…


Fine! I give up… Aish these three! Haha!



You’ll know the reason why they keep on showing up, but not to break your hearts, they’re not part of this story. If you noticed, they are the only ones who haven’t appeared in the story. So I decided to have them here for the last few chapters.

OMO! I just noticed that I reached my 80 subbies. I'm so happy. Yes! Because for the record, this is my most subsrcribed story so I hope that you all stay with me until the end. :)

Thanks again everyone! I'm off to work now.

Wo ai ni~

*credits to the owners of these gifs. <3

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Gaaah! 100 subbies?! O_O Thank you guys so much~ - Mrs. Sarang


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Chapter 10: I like your convo at the end of the chapters. hahaha
Chapter 7: LuHannie as gay ohh myyy. <3
xiaoLu_ieyla #3
Chapter 39: so sweet! i love this story.
Chapter 39: so sweet ending ;,(
Chapter 35: can you be kris with minyoung
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 39: Awww I really love this <3
Aikarara #7
Chapter 39: annyeong! new reader here.. :D just finished reading it.. kkk and i really love this.. cool story authornim.. and.. aish~ they're so sweet.. really.. kkkk.. >o<
14 streak #8
Chapter 40: Awwwwww lulu~ their daughter ......... Lol
Anyways........... I loved it!!! If you have time please make a sequel out of this!!!!! >.< ^^ ♥♥
Chapter 15: OMG :)) This chapter is sweet <3
SweetPurple117 #10