Jab, Poke, Punch

That Girl, Which Boy?









You turned around sleepily and found yourself face to face with someone you did not want to see. 


'Where's that Lay?'


'Can you please stop poking me?' you said


'No. It's fun.'

'Well it hurts'

'That's because you're stick thin. Does that big-eyed dude not feed you?'

'Oppa takes care of me very well, thank you very much.'

You turned back around. 


Groaning, you turned back around and hit the guy with your ruler. 'Yah! How many times do I need to tell you to stop?! It hurts and you're pissing me off!'

The guy turned red with anger and stood up, lifting his arm to slap you. You flinched and he laughed. Siezing your chance, you grabbed your bag and ran with all your might. 

A violent person never changes.

He'd hit Lay with a belt and left him hospitalized. Lay was stronger than you though. Who knows what he'd do to you?

As you ran down the hallway and out to the cafe area outside, you could see the guy gaining on you as he chased you in pursuit. Upon seeing Jinri, you threw your bag at her whilst she watched, puzzled and in amazement at how fast you could run. When she realised the guy was after you, she quickly dropped the bags with her friends and ran off to get help. 

Meanwhile, you had found yourself running in the Physics corridor. 

If only Baekhyun was still doing Physics, he'd be here right now.

Turns out, running in the Physics corridor was not the greatest move. As you thundered back down the stairs, you heard Lay's bully shout out 'yah! I'm chasing Byun Baekhyun's girl!'

You opened your eyes even wider in horror, adrenaline rushing through your veins.

Crap. Now I'm running from about 6 or 7 different guys- all of which are incredibly fast and aren't getting tired. Well done Haneul, really. Well done.

You saw a passageway that led to the courtyard outside and quickly squeezed through. Once out in the open, you looked around to find them. They were running on the balcony and just like the movies, you all stopped and stared at each other. Then they pointed.

'She's there! Get her!'

'I'm going to give Zhang Yixing a lesson he'll never forget! The last lesson ever!'

'Byun Baekhyun won't do anything to help her, stupid wimp'

Puffing and panting, you began to run again. With every step you took, you could feel your heart hurting and your throat clenching up. Asthma. Rats, my inhaler is in my bag. Your legs were starting to burn as you ran past the football pitch. Your mind wandered back to the night you had all played football together and you felt yourself smile at the memory of Luhan. But now wasn't the time to reminisce. It was the time to get out and stay alive. 

The group of boys were hot on your heels and eventually had you cornered in the alley by the music block. 

'You run fast, Haneul'

'I'm impressed'

You tried to catch your breath but couldn't. You resorted to leaning one hand on the wall and crouching over.

'You're a bit out of breath though'

'And you're friends with Byun Baekhyun'

'And Lay'

You looked at them with your most bored expression. 'Do you really have nothing better to do than chase a girl around campus? Sheesh, how unmanly'

One of Baekhyun's bullies' eyes darkened and he stepped forwards, spitting at the ground.


'Do you want to say that again, sweetcheeks? Did you call me unmanly?'

'I'm not your sweetcheeks, saekki!' you spat back forcefully

The guys all laughed. 

'Where are they now? Your heroes? Where are they when their precious Haneul is in trouble?'

You stared long and hard at the boys. 'You do know that by behaving badly, Park-ssaem can throw you out.'

'Well Kai behaved badly, didn't he?' said one of the boys with a smirk

'Kai's Kai.'

'And Baekhyun's Baekhyun.'

'What do you mean by that?'

'He's a weirdo and he's fake as hell'

'And Lay's Lay'

'And what do you mean by that?'

'He's a coward that can't do anything but get beaten up'

'And then there's you.'

'And what exactly am I?' you said, rolling your eyes.

'Yah! Did this just give attitude? What did you just do?'

'You mean this?' you said, rolling your eyes again. 

'You dumb ! Aish!'

Lay's bully raised his arm again to hit you and as he brought it down, someone grabbed it. You shut your eyes, waiting for the impact but when it never came, you opened them. 


'Who the are you?'

'I'm Haneul's b-... friend.'

'Just how many guys are you ing, you ?!'

'What did you just call her?' said a low and deep voice. It was menacing and you could see the boys begin to shiver. 

Aaron let go of the guy's arm and took your hand, pulling you into him. You saw a furious looking Chanyeol with his fists clenched and you ran to him. 

'Stop, Yeollie. Don't do anything stupid. Let's just forget about this'

Chanyeol shook his head. 'How can I forgive these jerks?! They've insulted 3 very important people to me!'

The boys all laughed again and jeered. 'What's up with the chivalry act? You're just a tall skinny pretty boy. Bet you can't even touch me'

'Oh yeah? You wanna bet?' said Chanyeol

'Yeol, don't!'

Chanyeol swung his fist and it connected with one of Baekhyun's bullies' jaw giving a satisfying crack. Then the madness started. 

Aaron pushed you out of the way and you stood at the entrance of the alley, watching the fight commence. At one point, Chanyeol and Aaron looked like they were winning but when they were both thrown to the ground and started getting kicked, you screamed 'stop! Stop it!' 2 against 6 wasn't fair play. 

'Stop! Stop it! You're hurting them!' you cried out and you pushed one of the boys, causing him to fall back. 

'Just what do you think you're doing?'

You looked at Chanyeol who was lying on the floor and mouthing at you to run. You stood fixed to the spot. Your breathing still hadn't gone back to normal. Running now would be putting your body into overdrive. Putting your body into overdrive meant an asthma attack. 

Taejoon stood up once the guys had almost all cornered you and he helped Chanyeol up too. He knew you could defend yourself after being the subject to your self defence practice but 6 guys was too hefty for a girl to take on. Nevertheless, you tried your hardest but after being kicked down to the floor and winded, you held up your hand in defeat. Chanyeol watched as he saw your hands bloodied and bruised, shaking, clenching and unclenching. 

'Haneul! Don't!'

Kris came running into the alleyway with Jinri right behind you. He was met with 6 boys, all looking tired and worn out, you on the floor crying and Chanyeol and Aaron standing at the back of the alley with cuts and blood running down their faces. Jinri turned and ran off. 

'Someone get Park-ssaem!'

The 6 boys all looked at each other.

'Yah! Someone go get her! We'll be thrown out if we're caught!'

Kris smirked. 'You think ssaem is scary? Wow.'


'Hey, Chanyeol. You alright there?'

Chanyeol nodded. 

'You too, Taejoon?'

Taejoon nodded too, wiping his mouth.

Kris bent down to help you up but blocked the path when the boys tried to make a run for it. 

'And just where do you think you're going?'

Chanyeol placed a hand on the boy who was Lay's bully's shoulder. When he turned around, Chanyeol punched him right in the nose. 'That's for insulting Haneul and Lay, you son of a-'

'Yeol... Stop...' you said quietly

Kris watched the boys' every move until he heard the friendly voice of Jinri call out that Mr Park was on his way. Aaron made his way over to you and held your shaking hands in his. Kris gave Chanyeol a sympathetic look knowing how much he hated seeing you with him.

'Are you okay, Han?'

You nodded. 'You?'

'I'm fine'

Jinri came round the corner and Mr Park looked extremely angry. He didn't bother looking at you or Chanyeol or even Aaron. He simply said 'follow me' and left. Once they were all gone, Kris and Jinri checked the three of you over. You stood up on your own and limped over to Chanyeol, falling onto him and hugging him in the process. He blushed violently, his cheeks reddening and Aaron walked away with Jinri, unable to stay any longer. 

'Yeollie, you're so stupid.' you said in tears, 'Look at you. They hurt you...'

Chanyeol brushed away your hair and found a bruise on your forehead that was forming into a large bump. He held onto you tighter than ever and this time, you didn't hold back on squeezing him just as much. 






What's a haneul-gateun comeback without some drama, eh? *shrugs* ;)  

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TGWB update: Confused doesn't even cut it lol what are these chapters even doing


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Ooohh i love these type of story! ❤