HyoBae Sweet Moment ;)

Secret Marriage


   Hyoyeon happily hugged her father as she saw him on her front.He was happily smiling to her and hugs her back.Finally,she already hug her dad.It's already 10 years ago since her dad involved to a car accident together with her mom.
Suddenly,she frowned when her dad gone on her arms.Then,her surroundings become all white.She saw a hallway then on the side of it were so many doors.She curiously walks to a door on the end of the hallway because it was slowly opening.
As she went inside she saw a man on the bed with a dextrose on his veins,an oxygen mask on his face and she saw some of machines on the side of his bed.That she guess because of all those things that's why he stay surviving.
She can't see the face of the man clearly because she was scared to get near to him but something forcing her to see the face of the guy and so she decided to walks nearer on his bed.But she gasped and got goosebumps when she saw who it is.It was her dad suffering on something.He was pale all over,so does his lips,his strong features become weak and his healthy body become down.Her tears flowing rapidly as she saw her dad on that situation.
He open his eyes slowly and looked to her."H-Hyoyeon..".He said weakly.He was going to touch her face but his hand hang when the ventilator tone loudly.She was shocked when she saw he closed his eyes and his hand went down.She looked to the ventilator,the line on it was now straight line.
"Dad?..Dad!".She shouts while crying.
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                  Taeyang quickly get up when he heard something weird then he quickly go to Hyoyeon's room as he heaard her shouting.
He shaking her as he calling her name."Hyoyeon..Hyoyeon."
Hyoyeon quickly hugs him while crying.He rubs her back."Shhhh..".As he kissed her hair.
"I saw him..".She said.
"M-My..dad..he's dead..".She said while crying.
Taeyang attacked his guilt feelings of him."Shhh...Let's go back in sleep.".He said as he lying her back on the bed."I will not going to leave you."As he lied his back beside her.
Hyoyeon sobs as she looked to his face.
Taeyang...I am glad that you don't want to leave me.I am glad that you still do want to be on my side.I do want to tell to you that I like you but I am afraid that you won't feel the same.I like you...I love you Yong Dongbae.
Taeyang wiped Hyoyeon's tears using his fingertip.Hyoyeon..I promise that I will not going to hurt you anymore.I am always be on yourside no matter what happen.I will become your shoulder to cry on,your arms to hold you when you were scared like tonight.And starting tomorrow I will be the one who will make your memories a happy ones.I can be and give you all of that because...I love you.
"Let's sleep now.Just dream about your good memories..".Taeyang said and smiled to her as he place his arm around her waist to hug her.
Hyoyeon nods and followed him.Taeyang gave her a kissed on her forehead and smiled as he saw her face sleeping again.He closed his eyes with smiled on his face.
|Hyoyeon's POV|
       Hyoyeon heard some unusual things but she ignored it because she wanted to sleep more and plus they don't have school today.
She open her eyes,her day brightened up when she saw Taeyang's face sleeping peacefully.She smiled.She was flattered that Taeyang didn't left her despite that he come home late.She had her bad dream last night and she doesn't know why her dad was in there.She secretly sighed.But she smiled again because Taeyang didn't left her.All her hatred to this jerk who is on her front  right now were now fades away because to what he done last night.
"Can I open my eyes now?".
Hyoyeon suddenly confused.She thought she was dreaming again.
"I guess..you already full your eyes with my handsome face..".He said and open his eyes then a nostalgic grinned flashed on his face.
"Ahh..You're crazy!".As she patts him.
"Aish!This girl...That's physical harassment!".
Hyoyeon laughs fakely."Physical harassment your face!".When she said that she'll going to get up but Taeyang grabbed her hand and pulled her because of that she fall on his chest.He's now hugging her.It has some effects on hers because his just wearing a black tank top and boxer shorts only!
"Taeyang..let me go~!".She confusingly said.
Taeyang just smiled.
"You look stupid."She said.
"I looked stupid because of you..".Taeyang said and he open his eyes.Both his eyes and hers met.He'll going to kiss her when someone barge in.
They quickly looked on the door.Both Hyoyeon and Taeyang's shocks when they saw Yoseob,Onew,Kris,Seungri,Eunjung and Kahi.Because of the embarrassment she leaned her face to Taeyang's chest.Taeyang smiled to them.
"Hyoyeon..?".Eunjung called her.
"Taeyang..?".Yoseob called him.
Taeyang clears his throat."Ahh kids..This is rated parental guidance.Your disturbing us."He jokingly said.
Hyoyeon punch his side.
"Ouch~!".Taeyang said.
"Let's go kids.Our dad and mom will get mad on us because we disturbed them!".Kahi teased.
"Sunbae!".Hyoyeon shouts.
Kahi laughs and she went out as she shouts."Kids let's go!".
Seungri and Kris laughs as they followed Kahi.
"Hyoyeon why you are doing this to me?".Yoseob said.
"Aish~Dramatic side doesn't suit you!".Eunjung said went out of their room.
"This girl..".Yoseob whispered.
"Let's go..".Onew said as he pushing Yoseob."Hyoyeon can't get up herself..".As he closed the door and go downstairs.
"They're gone now.We can continue what they dist--".
"This guy!".As Hyoyeon patted his shoulder.
"Ouch~Yah!That's the third time huh?I am really going to file a case against you.".He jokingly said.
Hyoyeon get up."File a case?As if they will going to believe in you."As she go to comfort room to take a bath.Taeyang followed her.
Hyoyeon thought that Taeyang went to his room when he didn't answer to her.But when she turned she gasped when she saw his narrowed chest and she can inhaled his male perfume because her nose is an inch away.She looked up to him curiously."Where do you think your going?".She asked.
Taeyang looked inside of the bathroom then looked down to her."I'm going to take a bath with you.Why?".He asked innocently.
Hyoyeon surprised."What?Are you out of your mind?!".Her face panicked.
Taeyang shook his head.
"You are!".And then he pushed him.
"Why?Why?Why?".Taeyang asked.
"You have your own bathroom in your room!Shhuuu!".Hyoyeon said as she going to close her door but Taeyang quickly blocked it."What??".
Taeyang pucked his lips."Where's my kiss?".He teasingly asked.
Hyoyeon smiled."Kiss?".She laughs fakely.Taeyang nods."Kiss this damn door!".Then,she shut the door.
She smiled after that.
Taeyang smiled and shook his head."This girl..".He whispered and go to his room to take a bath.
"Yah~!You two come down!".Kris shouted.
Hyoyeon quickly go to the bathroom as she heard that.
|Hyoyeon's POV|
       Hyoyeon feel that she can't face them all.She even had 5 times of inhaled and exhaled thing.And lastly she took a deep breath harshly.
"Honey!".She heard Taeyang's voice."Our kids was now waiting to you!You're pretty now!".He teasingly shouts.
Aish~That jerk!I'm going to kill this man.She thought.
Then,she took a deep breath again and decided to come down.
"Oh!Our mom is here!".Kris teasing her."Hi mom!".
Hyoyeon smiled fakely."Mom your face..".
They laughed to her reaction.
"Wait.What is the reason you are all here?".Taeyang asked curiously.
"Ooohhh~!I'd smell something.."Seungri said with a teasing looked to them.
Taeyang and Hyoyeon frowned.
"That they want to be alone here today!".Eunjung exclaimed.
"Right!You're pretty smart!".Seungri said and they high five.
"You two look stupid..".Hyoyeon said.
"Aish~Stop it!".Yoseob irritated said.
"Wooooh~Jelly jelly jelly~!".Onew .
"Jelly jelly jelly~!".Yoseob repeted lamely."Why?You don't?".
"A little..".Onew said.
And they all laughs.
Hyoyeon shook his head.She just realized that her friends were crazy especially when they were altogether.They do have alot stupid things can think and can do.She'll about to go at the kitchen when Kahi asked her.
"Where are you going?".
Hyo turned."I'm just going to get some juices and snacks again.I think you already finish you'd served awhile ago."She said.And go to the kitchen.
"I'm going to help you..".Eunjung nexts to her.
Kahi laughs."Sorry,If I'd used your kitchen."
"It's okay."Taeyang said.
"These guys were all starving so they intended me to do it.".She said.
"Yah~Noona.You're the one who tol--".As Kahi give Yoseob's sandwich on his mouth just to stop his going to say.
They all laughs.
Hyoyeon and Eunjung came back with each trays on their hands.
And they start to eat while they were talking happily.
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            After almost 8 hours of their nonstop bonding.Yoseob,Onew,Seungri,Kris,Eunjung and Kahi decided to go home.They were now outside of their house.
"We will now heading off.We disturbed the two of you awhile ago.."Kahi said.
"Sunbae..".Hyoyeon said shyly.
"I already said that to her earlier..".Taeyang said teasing her.
They all laughs except Hyoyeon who gave him sharp looked.Taeyang looked away.
"Bye for now.See you on monday!".Eunjung said as she they hop on the van who Kris is their driver.
"Bye~!!".As she waves to them and they drove away.
Hyoyeon smiled.
"You can change your clothes now."Taeyang said.
Hyoyeon looked to him."Come again."
Taeyang smiled to her."Let's go."
Then,Hyoyeon quickly crossed her arms on her chest as she thought what happened earlier.
Taeyang frowned."I just want to go on the park.What you were thinking?".
Hyoyeon smiled shamely as she slowly down her arms."Nothing..Okay.I will!".And she hurriedly go upstairs to change her clothes.
Taeyang shook his head as he decided him to wait downstairs.


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       Hyoyeon go down on his car.They were now on the park.Taeyang smiled like a child as he saw so many people there.They were people whose biking,playing around,having picnic together with their love ones etc.
"Let's go!".As Taeyang grabbed her hand and pulled her.
They start to ride on the cable cart.
As Hyoyeon saw the cable cart on her front.She quickly hold on Taeyang's arm.
Taeyang surprised to her."Are you okay?".He asked worriedly because he felt the coldness of her hand.
Hyoyeon looked to him nervously as she nodded and forced herself to smile.
Taeyang hold her hand.She quickly looked to him.
"Don't worry.I am here.".Taeyang said sweetly.
And they go in the cable cart.
This is the first time that Hyoyeon ride on the cable cart so she can't look directly on the window because she's afraid of heights.Her both eyes were closed.
Taeyang smiled."Look how beautiful Seoul!Just don't look down..okay?."
Hyoyeon looked to him and he saw him smiling to her.She nodded as she followed him.She bravely looked on the window and not looking down.She saw how beautifufl Seoul it was.They can even saw the mountainery sides of Incheon and Joseon.On the other side,they saw the Japan sea and the gulf sea of South Korea and also the Han River.
"See.I know you can do it."Taeyang said to her.
Hyoyeon looked to him."Thank you..".As she smiled to him.
Then,after almost an hour they went down happily on the cable cart.
"Are you okay?".Taeyang asked again.
Hyoyeon happily nodded.
Taeyang smiled back."Let's take a bike~..".He said.
"Sure."Hyoyeon happily agreed.
They both rent a bikes.And happily ride on it.They both toured the park.And they even had a race.Ofcourse!Hyoyeon won because Taeyang gave his way.And they even had a bet.
"I'm tired."Taeyang said.
Hyoyeon laughs."But don't forget you lost so you will going to do what consequence I will be given to you..".And smiled sweetly to him.
"Why I have this feeling that I don't like what's on your mind?".Taeyang said as he laughs.
Hyoyeon laughs too."Just trust me."And winked to him.
Then,when Hyoyeon her right side she saw and empty basketball court.She go there and hold the ball.
Taeyang curiously followed her.
Hyoyeon smiled.She missed this game she do played it with Onew before but she knew that Onew loves baseball than basketball.
"You're playing basketball?".Taeyang asked amazingly.
Hyoyeon turned to him and smiled."I do before if I just thought of it."
Taeyang nods."Want it to play it with me?".
"1 on 1??".
"Why?You're afraid of me?".Taeyang asked.
"Ofcourse not!".Hyoyeon answered."But our bet earlier will never change.Promise?."
Taeyang smiled."Promise."
"Game!".Hyoyeon said as she passed the ball to him.
Taeyang catched it and he started to shoot it on the ring.Shoot!.He boastfully looked to Hyo.Hyoyeon just rolled her eyes.And the game went on,Hyoyeon trying to blocked him but still he was tall and more fast than her.Hyoyeon had the ball and she do had to rebound and she successfully shoot it!Taeyang clapped his hand.She sticked her tongue.And they happily played the game.
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     After they had their game.They were now resting on the bench in the side of the court.
"So tiring..".Hyoyeon said.
"My throat is now dry..".Taeyang said.
"Are you hungry too?".Hyoyeon asked.
Taeyang looked to her as he nodded.
"Don't you take against this huh?".She asked.
Taeyang frowned."Huh?".
Hyoyeon just pulled him and happily run.
I will going to done in here  ;'>
Again,Thanks to all new subscribers and to all who's keep reading this ^_______________^v.
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I updated 3 chaps for all of you xD.Don't forget to leave your comments ;)


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Chapter 44: yeah happy ending :D
Chapter 44: ...I LEGGIT cried when YoSeob said Taeyang was "dead"
Chapter 43: finally she found her dad..
happily for her.. ^^
Chapter 42: .......can I slap Someone aka Hyomin?
Chapter 41: hahaha~~ cute hyofany ^^
Chapter 41: ....Hyobae
Chapter 40: AIGOO ..SO MEAN !!!
Chapter 40: okay..now..curious to death the things in the present box..
im sure it will ruin hyobae relationship..
Chapter 39: poor onew..
authornim~~ can u pair up someone with onew.. :)
hehe~~ can i describe hyo's confess as emergency confess..
haha~~ ^^ thanks to brilliant kris.. thumbs up!!
Chapter 37: haha.. I love yoseobie.. he wants to run taeyang's bride and act like it was his wedding..
finally hyo admit that she likes him..
onew u are the best man!!! u want to see hyo lives happily with taeyang..
nice update.. ^^v