Hyoyeon Anger Blows Up >:D

Secret Marriage


    “Yah!Yong Dongbae!”,Onew shouts as he walks in to the room and quickly grabs Taeyang on his collar to stand up.

Seungri,Kris and Yoseob surprised to what Onew doing,they even noticed the anger on his eyes.

“What!?”,Taeyang asks surprisingly.

“I told to you to stop playing with her on your nonsense game!!”,Onew angrily shouts.He will punch him but he heard Hyo’s voice.

“Lee Jinki!”,Hyoyeon shouts.

They all turned to the door and they saw Hyoyeon standing there.

What the hell is this now?,Yoseob curiously thought while Seungri and Kris gave an eyed-contact to each other.

She knew Onew?,Taeyang amazingly thought.

Hyoyeon bravely walks towards to them,she looked at Onew,”Don’t  force yourself too much on him..he’s not worth it at all..”,she said.

Yoseob smiled even Seungri and Kris..

Onew let go of him,Taeyang smirked to what he’ve heard,”What did you say?”,he asks.

Hyo noticed the juice on the table,she quickly get it and pours it to Taeyang’s face.

Seungri and Kris quickly stand up when they saw it,Yoseob smile widely while Taeyang shocked to what she’d done.

“Are you crazy!?”,Taeyang shouts.

Hyo sharply looked at him,”Yah..By any chance..Did you know what your doing ?”,she asks and she started to tears up.

“It’s just right..because you were the mistress of my dad..”,Taeyang said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about..”,Hyo wonderly said,”..I am not a mistress of anyone..and this ridiculous scandal that you’ve made..!”

Scandal?,Yoseob thought.

“..Have you seen me sleeping with a man?In my whole life..I never had a boyfriend..because I have my little brother.He’s my responsibility..and even you don’t like it that I’m here studying at your school?I’m sorry..that’s what I want to say to you because I’m here to study and not to be play like a toy by you..I will accept all your torture but you don’t have the rights to involved my parents here because you don’t know who and what they are..”,she bravely said.

Taeyang became speechless,he don’t know what to say.

Hyoyeon turned around but she stops when she thought of something.She walks towards again..

“What now..?”,Taeyang wonderly asks as he step back.

“Maybe this thing could help you to be a good smell guy..and to erase how pathetic and bad person you are..”,she seriously said,she tip-toed and she pours the perfume at his head.

Taeyang shocks again,his both eyes widened.

”..And don’t you ever play games with me anymore..because in the end you are lost!”,she said and walks outside as fast as she could.

Onew followed Hyo.

Taeyang smirked to what she’ve done,”Damn it!”,as he kicked the table on his front.

Seungri shook his head..Kris smiled.

Yoseob clapped his hand while smiling happily.

Taeyang glared him.

Yoseob raised his hands while smiling happily,”Aigoo..”,as he walks towards on him and he scratched his collar,”..I told you so,she’s not the type of the girl who will you catch so quicked..and now..look at  you!”,he said teasingly.

“’She even bravely said to all of us that she’s NoBoyfriendSinceBirth..”,Kris happily thought.

“I don’t care!”,he annoyinnly said and go to the restroom.

“Kim Hyoyeon is ..really..”,Yoseob whispered happily.



[SSU Advertising TV]


   Hello SSUer’s,


             Good day to all of you!

Our 58th Foundation Day is tomorrow..Are all of you excited?

And this is the good news..Mr.Yong Yoonshik,himself is will be one of our guests for tomorrow night because he will announce on something!Hope all of you are all looking forward to it.. :D

Have a nice day everyone..


                                                                                                  Student Assembly..




|SSU Garden|



Hyo saw Eunjung happily running towards to her.She smiled as Eunjung get nearer to her.

“Why?”,she asks curiously.

“Have you seen the advertising tv?”,Eunjung happily asks.

Hyo shook her head.

“Oh God!You will come tomorrow right?”,she asks.

“What’s the event for tomorrow?”,Hyo frowned.

“It’s 58th Foundation Day of SSU!So,come tomorrow okay?”,she asks.Hoping that Hyo will come.

“I don’t think I can..and I’m not interested to all of that at all..”,she said.

Eunjung pouted,”But I really want to be with you tomorrow night..”,she said sadly.

“Yah!Ham Eunjung..don’t be obvious that you really like me to be your date for tomorrow!”,Hyo jokingly said.

“Yah!This girl!”,Eunjung surprisingly said,”..I’m not inlove to you huh?I just want you to be there..”,she explained.

Hyo laughs..”,I guess I can’t..but for you I’ll try okay?”,she said just to give a little bit assurance for Eunjung but she’ve decided not to come because she’s not really interested on those events—not at all!.

“And this is the first time that Mr.Yong Yoonshik will come..”,Eunjung wonderly said.

When Hyo heard the name,she quickly got curious,”You mean,he’s not coming on those events like this one??”,she asks.

Eunjung looked to her and shook her head,”On the advertising tv..they written that he will announce on something?..”,she said,”..I am really curious on that thing..”.

Then,Hyo got nervous..What if Mr.Yong will announce about the secret Arranged Marriage?So,it means that her future husband is one of those five boys..?

Darn!Who is it!?,she curiously thought.



[Next Day..]


   Hyoyeon noticed that 5 men are actually following her around and she got curious.She secretly looked back and she saw them walking.Hyo take a deep breath and the next she do is ran as fast as she could.

“Get her!”,one man shouts and they all followed her.

Hyo hide on the trees,then on the backstage,then on the back of the school new building..

Who are those men?,she curiously asked herself as she’s hiding on the bushes.And she feel relieved when she noticed that they were not following her anymore.

Hyo stand up,she looks on her right and on the left sides..she fixed her uniform and walks out on the bushes.She smirked,”Haha..They’ve not catch—Yah!”,she shouts because of the two men quickly lifted her.She surprised,”Who the hell are you!?”,she said as she keep kicking.

All the students passing by are curiously looking to them.

They hop Hyoyeon on the black car.

“Yah!I said let me go!”,Hyo shouts as she punched the man on her right side.

“We’re sorry,Ms.Kim..”,the man on her left side said.

Hyo quickly turn looked to him because she was surprised why the man knows her name but it’s a wrong move,the man quickly inhaled to her something sharp smell through the handkerchief and the next thing she saw was full of darkness.




[Next Day..]


   Hyoyeon noticed that 5 men are actually following her around and she got curious.She secretly looked back and she saw them walking.Hyo take a deep breath and the next she do is ran as fast as she could.

“Get her!”,one man shouts and they all followed her.

Hyo hide on the trees,then on the backstage,then on the back of the school new building..

Who are those men?,she curiously asked herself as she’s hiding on the bushes.And she feel relieved when she noticed that they were not following her anymore.

Hyo stand up,she looks on her right and on the left sides..she fixed her uniform and walks out on the bushes.She smirked,”Haha..They’ve not catch—Yah!”,she shouts because of the two men quickly lifted her.She surprised,”Who the hell are you!?”,she said as she keep kicking.

All the students passing by are curiously looking to them.

They hop Hyoyeon on the black car.

“Yah!I said let me go!”,Hyo shouts as she punched the man on her right side.

“We’re sorry,Ms.Kim..”,the man on her left side said.

Hyo quickly turn looked to him because she was surprised why the man knows her name but it’s a wrong move,the man quickly inhaled to her something sharp smell through the handkerchief and the next thing she saw was full of darkness.



|Hyoyeon’s POV|


   Its smell so nice,Hyo thought on her mind because she’ve smelling some kind of floral scents.It was really smell nice because of the lavender she’s smelling there,but she got curious where she was.Where the hell am I?,she asks on herself.

“Ahh!”,Hyo shouts and that’s the time she wakes up from sleeping,because she felt something so hurt and that makes her woke up.

Then,Hyo surprised what is the new surroundings she’s seeing.

And she even saw the two ladies on her front.Hyo noticed she was lying on the soft bed,and she noticed that she was !But it was covered by a white blanket.

“Wh-Where the hell am I?”,Hyo curiously asks,”..And wh-what the hell..you’re doing to me?”,she asked fearly.

The one lady on her right side smiled,”You we’re on the Yong’s Mansion,Miss…”,she said.

“Yong’s Mansion..?”,she repeated because the things happening to her are not all completely sinking on her mind.

The lady nods,”And we’re giving you a relaxation..Mr.Yong commanded that on us..”,she added.

Oh!I am on Mr.Yong Yoonshik’s mansion..but why?,she asks on herself.

“Ahhh!”,she shouts again because the lady on her left abruptly pulled off the wax paper on her left foot and it was goddamn painful!.


*                        *                              *                             *                                   *          


     “Younglady,we will now take your bath..”,the maid said on her.

Hyo surprised,”I-I’ll take my bath..with you??”,she asked.

The maid nods.

“Ahhh..No!No!”..she said as she shook her head.

“But..Younglady..I will give you a mass—“

“No!..I-I mean..I-I can take bath by myself..”,Hyo said.Then,Hyo quickly get in the comfort room on her side.

“If that’s what you want younglady..I will wait you here..”,the maid said.

Hyo feels relieved,”Yeah..”,she answered,then,she took a deep breath and turn around but she was surprised when she saw the comfortroom.

“Wow!”,Hyo amazingly said because the comfort room is so big..,”..This is more big than to my house..”,she commented.She walks towards on the sink..it was all white with a dimlight that give it a shading color.The bathtub on the back is really big and it has a bubbles and even lavender petals.She smelled the shampoo or the soap that they’ve put on the bathtub.She happily hop in the bathtub,it was full of warm water,so it gives her a much relaxation because she was stress to that jerk Taeyang in almost two weeks.

Forget that bastard Kim Hyoyeon..Just enjoy yourself here..,when she thought that she smiled.And she happily take the bath.


*                               *                                    *                                      *                           *


     After Hyoyeon took a bath,she was half surprised when she saw so many different kinds of dresses on her front—it has a black tube dress,a red spaghetti dress,a v-neck mint green dress,a peach cocktail halfted strap dress and many more.Different high heels on the corner,and she was surprised when a beautiful lady approached her and she’d said that she was Young Shinah,she was the professional Korean stylist that Mr.Yong called for her.

And now she’s doing a make-up when she done stylist whats the best dress and shoes for her.

Shinah enlightened her eyebrows to released her natural beauty,she even put a light make-up to emphasized  to her beauty,a light pink lipstick.

“A little bit blush on,Younglady..”,Shinah happily said.”..Perfect!”,she said then she walks towards on her back.

Hyoyeon slowly opened her eyes and she was surprised to her transformation.She will now said she can be one of the elites students of SSU,but she’s not hoping for that much.She smiled.

“You are more pretty now,younglady..”,Shinah commented happily.

Hyo shyly nods to her,”Thanks..”,she said.

“My pleasure..I guess you are ready to go on the SSU..”,Shinah said,”..Mr.Yong is already there and his waiting for you..”.

Hyo frowned,”So,you mean..I-I will go to the SSU’s Foundation Day..?”,she surprisingly asks and she suddenly got nervous.

Shinah nods,”You are now ready..a black car is now waiting on the downstairs..”,she said.

“Yeah..”,she said and she starts to walks but she felt that any minute she will fall because this is the first time she’s wearing a stiletto high heeled shoes.

“Younglady..”,she saw Mr.Lee,Mr.Yong personal assistant,and he bows to her,”..the car is waiting on you..’,he said.

Hyo bows too and walks first,when she got nearer on the car,she took a deep breath to calm herself,Kim Hyoyeon..fighting!,she thought and hop in the car.



|SSU Private Room|


   “Yong Dongbae~!”,Kris called Taeyang who is busy fixing his necktie infront of the mirror.

“What?”,he asks.

“This is the first time that your dad is in here..what’s up to him?”,Kris asks.

Taeyang stops to what his doing.

“Yeah..”,Seungri agreed,”..Tsk!..I am really curious too..”,as he shook his head.

“Maybe about on the marriage thing..”,Yoseob said who is playing the globe on the corner.

They all looked to him and Taeyang turn around.

Yoseob looked to them,”Aishh!Do you really think that Mr.Yong will gonna watch this whole event tonight?”,he asked.

The four shook they’re head.

Yoseob smiled,”That’s it!I am hundred and one sure that Mr.Yong will announce tonight whose your pity-future wife..and we only have one clue..that she is a SSU student too..”,he happily said.

Taeyang throws him a throw pillow,Yoseob catched it and he sticked his tongue to him.

“Pity-future wife??”,Onew repeated,”..I agree!”,he said.

And they all laughs.

Taeyang will opened his mouth when suddenly someone knocks on the door.

Kris opened it.

“Youngmasters,Mr.Yong said that all of you are go down on the quadrangle now..”,a butler said to them.

They looked to each other,and Yoseob give the sign go and they happily go downstairs.

But Taeyang don’t know why he suddenly got nervous when he heard about the marriage thing and who is his future-wife.



|SSU Quadrangle|


   When Hyoyeon got off on the car,she was shivering while walking on the red carpet alone.She even noticed that all students she’d passing by are gossiping to her.But she walks fast because she can’t take that every students looking to her.She looked down walking and she accidentally bumped on someone.Hyo shocks to what she’ve done again.Stupid!,she thought to herself.

I-I am really sorry..”,Hyo stammering said while her head is looking on the ground.

Yoseob noticed that it was Hyoyeon because of her voice,he really knew it’s Kim Hyoyeon—but hell she’s goddamn pretty tonight!So,he really get nearer to her when he noticed that she’s on hurry.

He smiled,”It’s okay..my majesty!”,he playfully said.

Hyo heard it and she quickly look up,”Yo-Yoseob..?”.

“Ofcourse I am!”,he playfully said again.

Hyo laughs.

“You’re so pretty tonight..”,Yoseob admirably said.

Hyo felt an awkward feeling because of the way Yoseob looking to her.She will open when they’ve both heard Mr.Yong’s voice,he’s now on the stage.

They both turned their looks onto stage.

“Goodevening..my dear students..”,Mr.Yong started,”..South Seoul University reaches this 58th years of Foundation Day.. one of the South Korea’s exclusive school today and we’re celebrating this day together.I know all of you wondering why I am here..because everyone knows I am not going to any SSU’s events..but tonight I guess we have to celebrate this too..”,Mr.Yong happily said.

Hyo got nervous,she felt that she can’t speak out of her saliva,Yoseob noticed Hyo got pale,”Are you okay?”,he asks.

Hyo nodded and smiled halfted to him.

Even Taeyang got nervous,What the hell he’s doing?,he asks.He even drink all of his red wine.

“..The marriage of my one and only son..Yong Dongbae..”,he happily said.

And the spotlight turned to Taeyang.

“..And my future daughter-in-law.....Kim Hyoyeon!”,he happily announced

And the other spotlight turned to her.

Both Hyoyeon and Taeyang shocks to what they’ve heard.

Even the whole SSU got shocked to that announcement.



The suprise announcement of Mr.Yoon ! :DD



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I updated 3 chaps for all of you xD.Don't forget to leave your comments ;)


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Chapter 44: yeah happy ending :D
Chapter 44: ...I LEGGIT cried when YoSeob said Taeyang was "dead"
Chapter 43: finally she found her dad..
happily for her.. ^^
Chapter 42: .......can I slap Someone aka Hyomin?
Chapter 41: hahaha~~ cute hyofany ^^
Chapter 41: ....Hyobae
Chapter 40: AIGOO ..SO MEAN !!!
Chapter 40: okay..now..curious to death the things in the present box..
im sure it will ruin hyobae relationship..
Chapter 39: poor onew..
authornim~~ can u pair up someone with onew.. :)
hehe~~ can i describe hyo's confess as emergency confess..
haha~~ ^^ thanks to brilliant kris.. thumbs up!!
Chapter 37: haha.. I love yoseobie.. he wants to run taeyang's bride and act like it was his wedding..
finally hyo admit that she likes him..
onew u are the best man!!! u want to see hyo lives happily with taeyang..
nice update.. ^^v