Being There for Her

Cobwebs in my Heart


I ran, not even bothering to catch a cab. It’s raining but I don’t care that I’m wet; I just hope that she is ok and brought an umbrella with her. My feet seemed to know where to carry me so I just went with my senses. When I finally looked up, I saw the cemetery ahead of me. Without much thinking I just walked into the gate and looked around. It was silent and not many people were here. Gravestones everywhere… I looked up the hill and saw someone familiar and immediately made my way up the hill. When I arrived, I was a bit puffed but I made my way up to her and found her sleeping against the big tree with flowers beside her and a photo of her parents in the middle. My expression softened and I bent down to caress her face. There’s a mix of rain and tears on her face and there was a pang in my heart, knowing she was crying and I wasn’t here to comfort her. What kind of guy are you Sehun? Can’t even protect the girl that you love…

I need to get her home, although she is sleeping peacefully; she is soaked from the rain, wet and shivering in the wind. I took off my jumper and wrapped it around her shoulders before picking her up bridal style and began to walk back to the entrance. She must be real tired, didn’t even stir when I picked her up. Instead, she hugged me closer and snuggled up, her face in the cradle of my neck, her breath giving me shivers down the back. I hailed a cab and we sped towards her house. We arrived and I paid the driver before getting off with Sunkyung still in my arms. I saw the others beckoning me into the house and I was surprised. When did they get here? When I looked at Sunkyung, there was already a faint flush on the face and I touched her forehead and frowned. That’s not good, she is getting a fever.

“Come on, we have to get her in and let Minyoo change her and tuck her in. She is not looking very good…” Kris hyung beckoned and I nodded before following him in and trailed after Minyoo upstairs with Sunkyung murmuring in my arms. Just a while longer Sunkyung, hold on… I thought as I gritted my teeth. Settling her down on her bed, I heard Minyoo sigh. “She’s always been like this, not taking care of herself. Her body has been really weak since when she was little and she would always get sick from little incidents… Guess some things don’t change, she does need someone to take care of her you know…” Minyoo looked at me seriously and I stuttered. “I… know, I’m… eh… going to take care of her.” She smiled and nodded. “I know, I was waiting for you to say that…” I was frozen to the spot as Minyoo handed me my clothes that the members got for me, “You better change because if you get a cold, who’s going to take care of Sunnie?” I nodded and walked out with the others before closing the door and letting Minyoo do the job.

“We all know you like her Sehun, so take care of her well, if you don’t, then one of us might take her away from you one day…” Kai smirked and came up to me while I rolled my eyes. It’s alright, I can take care of her… and I won’t let anyone else take care of her for me… I thought to myself and gripped the collar of my shirt tighter. Suho hyung came up to me and patted me on the shoulder. “She is going to be fine, you will see. She’s strong; her will is strong so she will get better…” I nodded and looked at the closed door… Sunkyung…

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Chapter 58: whhatttt? so the story just ends like that?? she leaves... aw sehunnie.
AsianFanficReader #2
Chapter 58: Please make a sequel!!!
Hanabelle #3
Chapter 42: More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D
Hanabelle #4
Chapter 31: This is such an interesting story!!
Lol:D More karma points 4 u :P
Hanabelle #5
Chapter 1: Woo! Amazing story! Coming from the friend who helped initiate this story :D Love ya TTlove :D