Who is The One For Her?

Cobwebs in my Heart


We were practising very hard for the past few hours and it’s finally time for a break. “Here Sehun oppa, have a drink.” I smiled at Minyoo and thanked her before grabbing the water bottle and gulped half down. I looked around at the others and saw that most of them were trying to catch their breaths. There is one person missing though… “Hey Minyoo, where is Sunkyung? I thought she was going to come here and watch us today? I called her many times but no one picked up so I’m getting a little worried.” I was surprised to see Minyoo’s sad face. Everyone realised there is something wrong and we were all quiet. Minyoo sighed and looked out the window. “It’s raining today… it must be hard for her but she has to go…” I started to panic, “Where is she going? Is Sunnie alright?” Minyoo turned around and smiled a sad smile. “Don’t take it the wrong way, she is fine… well, at least I think she is not physically hurt… she’s not going far, just somewhere she can pour out her heart and gather her thoughts.”

Minyoo told everyone everything, but most of them I already knew from Sunkyung. It’s her parents… I thought as a pain hit my chest… I can’t see Sunkyung hurt, I know I can’t and I so want to be the man that protects her and stops her from crying, always raising a smile to her face… “We never even knew that she’s been through this much… She could have told us, and we could have helped instead she just bottled it all up and we didn’t even notice or help her out of her miseries.” Suho hyung looked devastated and everyone else was keeping silent. “Even though it’s not my place to tell you all about her life but I feel like you guys should know. The reason she didn’t tell you was probably because she wants to forget about it all and…” I suddenly stood up, surprising everyone. I ran out the door and everyone tried calling me back but I wouldn’t stop. I have to find her…


When Sehun ran out the door with a worried expression, I understood everything. I understood that he is the man in Sunkyung’s life, not me, and not D.O or anyone else. It’s been Sehun all along. He’s the one that worries about Sunkyung the most and he even changed to be more responsible when he is with her… How come I didn’t see this before? At the back of my mind, a voice is telling me that I didn’t see because I cared too much about what Sunkyung think of me and lost all sense. I held up my hand to stop Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who are already running towards the door to find Sehun, they turned to me with a confusing look. I exchanged a glance with Minyoo and said quietly. “Let him go, let him do what he has to do because no one can stop him now. He only has one thing on his mind now and that is to find Sunkyung and comfort her so let him go…” Everyone was silent again. “So Sehun likes Sunkyung doesn’t he?” Minyoo asked and I nodded while everyone else was staring disbelievingly at me.  

“And he’s not the only one…” I stared out the window while everyone else tried to digest all this information. Minyoo came up to me and patted me on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, you will find someone just as good as Sunkyung… and so can you D.O oppa.” D.O and I were surprised that Minyoo know but she just winked. “It’s really obvious you know, the way you two act around Sunnie and Sehun…” 

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Chapter 58: whhatttt? so the story just ends like that?? she leaves... aw sehunnie.
AsianFanficReader #2
Chapter 58: Please make a sequel!!!
Hanabelle #3
Chapter 42: More more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D
Hanabelle #4
Chapter 31: This is such an interesting story!!
Lol:D More karma points 4 u :P
Hanabelle #5
Chapter 1: Woo! Amazing story! Coming from the friend who helped initiate this story :D Love ya TTlove :D