Two Things

The Key Solution
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                      "Two things," Key raised his index and middle finger. "Which do you want to hear first?"

                      "Both?" You answered lazily from your bed. The noise coming downstairs had stopped and after checking with Key once again before you two went back upstairs, you concluded that they found nothing to be of interest (in terms of what was available in the fridge you assumed) and left.

                     Key's eyes seemed to soften in amusement but kept his fingers raised. "First, I've been having issues lately." It seemed as if it was hard to make out the last few words and as curious as you suddenly were, you let him continue to speak.

                      "I found out my grandma has dementia." Key continued bleakly, his eyes already began to look glossy from the mention of his beloved family member. "Do you know what dementia is, Jisun?" he asked softly.  

                     You found yourself nodding quietly in response. A few months ago you stumbled upon this video on youtube which explained and talked about the effects of dementia, what it was and how it affected the individual. It's a mental illness, you knew that.  Often targeted towards the elderly, caused problems when it came to memory and all that. 

                   "I just, can't believe she has it." Key took a seat next to you (you were plopped underneath the covers) "-even now, I don't know what's going to happen to her. She's at the hospital right now and my mom's looking after her, but it just really hurts. She couldn't even remember it was me she was talking to, her grandson."

                    "So that's why you well," You nodded towards his phone. "you know..."

                     "I guess I was pretty stupid for that huh?" Key sighed weakly. He raised another finger to poke your cheek before breaking out into a small smile. "Your cheek is squishy."

                   "Stop that," You swatted his finger away and proceeded to poke his. "Yours is too!"

                 And that was all it took for the poking, well tickle war to erupt.

                "I'm not ticklish!" You defended yourself by holding a pillow close to your body. 

                     "Pfft," Key scoffed before reaching for your feet. "Well at least everyone's feet is ticklish ~"

                        You squirmed uncomfortably from where you were, the fact that you were wearing socks didn't really help. It was ticklish you had to admit, but you couldn't let him just win. The fact that Key was ten times more ticklish than you made things easier but he was bigger than you were so you couldn't defeat him...yet. 

                        "YAH," Key burst out in a fit laughter once you sucessfully managed to tickle his sides, his most sensitive part. "JISUN, YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO  -" he tried to say. 

                          At that moment, Key's phone rang, the ringtone being something which sounded like Sherlock. Letting go of his body, Key picked up his phone curiously, his face hardening as he read the screen. 

                        "What is it?" You asked anxiously. The situation wasn't turning well at all.

                        "It's my mom calling," Key whispered, almost afraid to pick up. "I don't think I can answer it..."

                          "You can," You urged. Whatever his mom was calling for, it was surely important wasn't it? 

                          With a brief

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Hariniisawesome #1
Chapter 18: Wow I love this fanfic keep it up!!! ;)
Chapter 45: Great job with this, I highly enjoyed it, particularly your portrayal of Key, it's refreshing. I plan to check out some of your other work, well done!!
Chapter 45: Author-nim~ this is an amazing story! I like it, even though in some chapters I think I really want to read the interaction between key and jisun or key onjjong2min hehe~~~
And I thought you're gonna make a story or a sequel about suyun and minho, no? hehee
Good job, author nim^^
Chapter 45: I love it! I cannot believe how I subscribed for so long and did not get to read it. O.O But I am really, really glad I did!
Awesome story!!!! I hope for a sequel!!!!
Misaki123 #6
Chapter 46: Ok :D
It'll be fun to read the story again!
Chapter 46: I see :) Well, it will be fun rereading the story again, keke~~ <3