
The Key Solution
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       The next morning, you were awoken from your peaceful sleep by the heavy pounding of the door in your room. It was, of course, your mom.

       "What do you want?" You called out lazily, voice slightly muffled from the pillow in front of your face.

        "Print out the coupons for McDonalds!" She shot back frantically. She continued to go at the door even though she knew she could just walk in if she wanted to. 

          "Fine, I got it." You answered in annoyance. You rolled off your bed and (somehow) landed perfectly on your feet.

          Your mom coming to you for coupons was something as weird as it sounded, you were used to. There were some days where she didn't feel like cooking and set off at he most convenient fast food restaurant near your house. Though you had no idea what she found so appealing about McDonalds, you had no real complaints. Food was food right?

           It had been a while since you used the computer, mainly because you were busy sleeping throughout most of the break. Believe it or not, you will eventually learn to appreciate napping and all those other stuff you'd hate doing as a kid. 

           As you listened to the steady humming of your printer as it printed out the coupon, a sudden thought popped into mind.

          What about Key?

          Although he did say that you'd meet with him soon, you didn't know how soon was soon and that was beginning to grow bothersome.

         Once the coupons were finally printed, you quickly picked it off the tray and handed it to your mom who was waiting impatiently at the door.  With that being done, you plopped back down into your seat and stared at the screen idly, not sure what to do next. 

        You found yourself type 'me2day' into your address bar, and bit your lip nervously as you waited for the site to load. But then it hit you, you didn't have a real purpose to go on. There wasn't any homework over the break so there was no point in asking someone, and most of your friends weren't on so what could you really do?  

        Your eyes fell over one username in particular, which was enough to send chills run down your back.  'kekekebum' (A.N. remember from chapter 8?)

         You weren't sure how long he had been on since the site didn't tell, but something in you screamed for you to message him. After a moment of thinking it over, you thought why not? After all, it wasn't like you two were in that awkward phase in the beginning right?...

        With your mind set, you clicked on his username and waited for the blank im bubble to pop up.

           You stared at the username pensively, waiting for your mind to finally make up on something to do. It was like all the confidence you had moments ago just vanished within a matter of seconds. 

         Even though Key had confessed his feelings for you or at least tried to verify them, you couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling off your chest. Taking a deep breath, you allowed your hands to take control over you and type:

Jisun07: hey key?

        A few moments passed by and you held in your breath as you saw the text, 'kekekebum is writing...'on the bottom of the chat.

kekekebum: i need to ask you something, can i call your house?

       You stared at his response in question, the realization that he didn't really have any other way of contacting you other than visiting your house or through me2day had finally hit you. 

Jisun07: yeah, it's 010-4566-3542 :) 

     From the other side of the screen, series of cheers and high fives erupted among the boys.

    "Call her, call her!" Taemin chanted giddily as soon as the message popped up. 

     The members were crowding around Key, cheering him on like they were his personal cheerleaders. To be honest, Key didn't like all the attention he was getting but as of now, they were the only real "support" he had.


       Key motioned towards the door with a jab of his thumb, hinting that now was was a good time to leave. After all, this was some serious stuff - to him at least.

       "Good luck," Jonghyun whispered slyly in Key's ear before being brushed off.     

        Once Key made sure all the members were out of the room and occupied downstairs, he made his way with uncertainty back to his room. It took over ten minutes since Minho had insisted on listening and wouldn't budge until Key threatened to take away his game system. That of course, led to Taemin siding with Key since no game system for Minho also meant none for him.

        With a phone in his hand, Key stared contemplatively at the pads, as if he was half expecting them to dial on their own. 

        What am I being so nervous for? 

       Key looked out th

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Hariniisawesome #1
Chapter 18: Wow I love this fanfic keep it up!!! ;)
Chapter 45: Great job with this, I highly enjoyed it, particularly your portrayal of Key, it's refreshing. I plan to check out some of your other work, well done!!
Chapter 45: Author-nim~ this is an amazing story! I like it, even though in some chapters I think I really want to read the interaction between key and jisun or key onjjong2min hehe~~~
And I thought you're gonna make a story or a sequel about suyun and minho, no? hehee
Good job, author nim^^
Chapter 45: I love it! I cannot believe how I subscribed for so long and did not get to read it. O.O But I am really, really glad I did!
Awesome story!!!! I hope for a sequel!!!!
Misaki123 #6
Chapter 46: Ok :D
It'll be fun to read the story again!
Chapter 46: I see :) Well, it will be fun rereading the story again, keke~~ <3