Second Encounter

The Key Solution
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Later that week...


     "Make sure you get these before I get back, alright?" Your mother waved a white sheet of paper in front of your face. You squinted only to make out a list of food for dinner along with other miscellaneous stuff.

      "Are you serious?" You grumbled, not moving from your bed. The bed covers suddenly felt much more comfy.

      "As serious as serious gets," Your mother laughed dryly. She placed the note on your desk before leaving your room.

      You rolled your eyes before turning over on your back. Sometimes you wished you weren't an only child. So maybe then you didn't always have to be the one going on errands.  

      You knew you couldn't ignore her request since the last time you did only ended up in no dinner. She had ordered take out for herself once she found out you didn't go out and wouldn't give you any food until you apologized.

      Taking a quick look at your clock, you saw that it was only 1:36. Your mom would probably be back home around 6, so that meant you didn't have to leave that soon right?

       Smiling contently, you snuggled deeper into the covers and soon fell asleep.

         “Kibum,” Key felt a tug on his hoodie and turned around. It was Onew who was now sheepishly smiling.


           “So….” Onew’s voiced trailed off awkwardly as he tried to remember what it was that he wanted. “What’s up?”

            Key narrowed his eyes at the comment. Onew normally was very precise with what he wanted and it was odd for him to come to him so … strangely. What could it possibly be that he wanted?

           “W..what’s for dinner?” Onew asked quietly. Of course that wasn’t what he wanted to ask, it more of something that he had to put out if he didn’t want Key to completely ignore him. It was something else, something more important.

           “It’s only 2… why are you asking me so early?” Key laughed, brushing random strands of hair off his face.

            “Oh, right right!” Onew tried to play off coolly, nodding as if he had remembered what time it was. “Well I’m leaving now, bye –“

             Key quickly pulled on Onew’s arm before he could get away. No way was he going to hide anything from him.

           “I’m an aging man!” He protested, shaking his arms out.

           “Tell me,” Key said through clenched teeth.

            Onew sighed before motioning Key to get closer. “I’ll tell you outside, not where the others

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Hariniisawesome #1
Chapter 18: Wow I love this fanfic keep it up!!! ;)
Chapter 45: Great job with this, I highly enjoyed it, particularly your portrayal of Key, it's refreshing. I plan to check out some of your other work, well done!!
Chapter 45: Author-nim~ this is an amazing story! I like it, even though in some chapters I think I really want to read the interaction between key and jisun or key onjjong2min hehe~~~
And I thought you're gonna make a story or a sequel about suyun and minho, no? hehee
Good job, author nim^^
Chapter 45: I love it! I cannot believe how I subscribed for so long and did not get to read it. O.O But I am really, really glad I did!
Awesome story!!!! I hope for a sequel!!!!
Misaki123 #6
Chapter 46: Ok :D
It'll be fun to read the story again!
Chapter 46: I see :) Well, it will be fun rereading the story again, keke~~ <3