Happy Every After

Unexpected Love
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After the doctor's appointment, I went to the market to pick up some fresh ingredients to make a special meal for Kris. Once getting everything, I headed back home and began making an assortment of dishes. I prepared chicken ginseng soup, soybean cured with rice, and pork donkatsu. When I finished, I went upstairs to clean up a bit since I didn't wear an apron while cooking which resulted in me getting food on my clothes. I glanced at the clock as I pulled out a clean shirt to wear, it's 6 o'clock already, Kris should be home soon.


As on cue, I heard the front door clicking, signaling that someone had just entered. Not a second after the click, Kris' deep voice rang throughout the house.

“Sweetie! I'm home!” He called into the house. My eyes sparkled at the sound of his voice. I bounded out of our bedroom and down the stairs to meet him. Before reaching the end of the stairs, I jumped over the last few steps and into his unsuspecting arms. “Oppa!” I happily greeted, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

“Whoa.” Kris dropped his briefcase to the ground in shock and quickly wrapped his arms around my waist to support me, “Hey there sweetie.” Kris spoke, surprised yet pleased at the way I had greeted him. I placed my lips over his for a long and deep kiss. “I missed you oppa.” I pulled away and told, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

Kris hummed, a little dazed at my previous actions. “Can you greet me like this everyday?” I chuckled and squirmed a bit in his arms, silently telling him to put me down. I grabbed his briefcase that was lying on the ground and put it aside, grabbing one of Kris' hands and leading him into the kitchen, “Oppa, are you hungry?”

“Hm, I could use something to eat.” He replied, wrapping his free hand around my waist. I removed his hand from me when we got to the table and pushed him down into a chair, sauntering off the bring the food out.


Kris watched my every move, taking note of my delightful mood, “You seem incredibly happy, you're practically glowing.” He voiced. He leaned forward in his seat, resting his chin in his hand, “What happened?” I smiled and placed a good amount of food into a plate. “You'll know soon.” I vaguely answered.

“You ate everything I made you this morning right?” He asked as he watched my every movement.

“Mhm.” I answered, walking back towards him while carefully carrying the food over. “But you made so much that I had to eat it in two sittings.” I added. “Eat oppa!” I cheerfully requested as I placed the plates in front of him and took a seat on his left.

Kris practically drooled at the sight of all the delicious food in front of him. He gulped and turned to look at me, slightly frowning when he saw that I only brought over a pair of utensils. “Aren't you eating?” I shook my head, “I'm still full from earlier.”

“At least eat a little.” He urged, holding a spoon up to my lips with so much contents that it was starting to fall off the spoon. “Please.” He cutely added. Not wanting to reject him him, I happily obliged and ate the spoonful of food, wrapping my arms around his lean torso and snuggling into his warmth after. Kris didn't hesitate to wrap his other arm around me, running his hand up and down my arm as he ate.



“Is anything wrong?” Kris worriedly asked at my silence and at how I had no intentions of letting him go.

“Nope.” I answered, snuggling closer to him. “I'm just glad you're home.”

“Seriously, can you be like this everyday when I come home?” Kris beamed down at me, pressing a kiss on the top of my head. I shook my head and laughed, only hugging him tighter if possible.



Kris, not used to me attaching myself onto him like this, began to worry. Though he enjoyed how affectionate I was being, it was out of character and unsettling. He set his spoon down and held me at arms length. “Are you sure nothing's wrong? Not that I'm complaining or anything but you usually aren't like this.” He questioned, eyes full of concern.

“I just want to hug you.” I soothed and kiss his cheek.

“You aren't going to leave me or anything are you?” He asked, panic written over his face. “Is that why you're acting this way?” He continued in a frenzy. “Did something unexplainable happen where you have to leave me without a choice? It's either leave me or death? Is that what happened?” I punched his stomach for thinking such ridiculous thoughts. “No silly! Like I said, I just want to hug my husband.” I repeated.

Kris sighed in relief and lifted me onto his lap, “I'm completely okay with that then.”




“Sweetie.” Kris called, coming over to the sink and wrapping me up in his

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Missmaya #1
stephanie1138 #2
FANTASTIC JOB DONE. This story have a great storyline. Love the characters and their relationship. You're really good on comedy. I've been laughing my off. Sometimes I'll just giggle like a retarded person and my family will ask me if I'm still on my right mind. :'( I really enjoy it. There's still one thing that's still lacking which is the way you address the main character by ~~~~ . Can't point out though the reason. BUTTTTTTT...... THAT doesn't mean that this story is bad. Only stupid person will say that. (That's mean I'm smart ;-) )Overall, your story is and amazing. LOVE IT!!!!! Don't mind much the "mistake" that I've stated because that is only a small matter.THUMBBBSS UPPPP YOOOOUUUUALLLLSSSS
Chapter 63: 10!? wow someone is dedicated
its_kimchixx #4
Chapter 23: @kpop_galaxy143
Freespirited_drummer #5
Chapter 63: Ah... what a wonderful sweet story! Kris being sweet as ever and the last chap when he knows he'll be appa though... he's cute!
Putrimy #6
Chapter 4: new reader
Chapter 63: Very beautifully written. Enjoyed it very much.
Na1Eun5Hye #8
Chapter 21: hahahha.. Their super power looks very useful in this fanfic >< I've just read chapter 21 the 'visit' one hahahhahha..
Chapter 1: He always be in group of kingkas yay
angelflyer22 #10
Chapter 63: ahh! I have just finished this story!! its probably the most cutest story I've ever read!! hehe :D