
Unexpected Love
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I was changing for school when my phone quacked, signaling that I had just received new mail. I walked over to my bedside table where I placed my phone and clicked the mail icon. My eyes rounded in excited when I saw an email from the art program I had applied about two months ago, only receiving news now. I clicked open and scrolled down, heart pounding in anticipation.


Dear Shim ~~~~,


We are very sorry to inform you that you were not accepted into the art exchanged program taking place in Europe this summer. We were very impressed with your work and we think you can go very far with your talent but it's not what we're looking for at this time. We encourage you to reapply next summer for better chances. Once again we are very sorry, please do not get discourage and continue what you do.


“I didn't get accepted. “ I dejectedly muttered to myself. I plopped down and sank into my bed, mood dropping down an unbelievable amount.

“~~~-ah, you ready for school?” Changmin knocked on my door and asked, entering when he didn't hear a reply. “Hey, what are you still doing in bed? You're gonna be late.”

“What's wrong?” He asked, seeing me in my depressing state. He walked farther into my room and took a seat on the edge of my bed.

“I didn't get in.” I whispered.

He stared down at me questioningly. “What?” I grabbed my phone and handed it to him. Changmin glanced at me before grabbing the phone out of my hands. I watched as his expression changed, reading the email. His eyes flickered back to me an apologetic smile on his face, “I'm sorry.”


He set my phone down and gently pulled me up into a sitting position, “Do you wanna stay home from school?” I thought about it for a moment. The idea sounded really tempting but staying home would just make me think about the situation more. “No, I rather go to school. At least there are some distractions there.”

Changmin gave me a small smile and patted my head, “Alright, finish up getting ready. I'll be downstairs.”


Kris' POV

I wonder what sort of excuse I can come up with to make ~~~ hang out with me later today....Do I even need to make one? I mean she's been pretty willing lately so maybe if I just ask then she would come. But that was when we were still living together, I haven't seen her much since the day she helped me pack. I should come up with some sort of excuse just in case.


While I was walking to class and trying to think of ways to make ~~~ hang out with me, I received a call from Changmin.


“Hey hyung.” I pressed the accept button and answered.

“Watch out for ~~~ today.” He ordered straight away.

“What?” I wondered.

“Did she tell you about the art program she applied to?” He asked after a sighing.

“Yeah.” I answered.

“She didn't get accepted.” He revealed.

“What?!” I emitted in shock. “But her art work is fantastic! How could they reject her?”

“I know.” Changmin agreed. “She's really bummed out right now. Just watch out for her, arasso? And make sure she eats too, she didn't eat anything this morning.” Changmin requested.

“Sure.” I replied. He didn't even need to ask me to take care of her. If I detected she was in a sad mood, I would be by her side right away.

“Thanks, I owe you one.” Changmin thanked with appreciation in his voice. Well now I have a reason to hang out with her, not exactly what I was looking for but it'll do. Once I finished the phone call with Changmin, I immediately called ~~~~, wanting to be with her as soon as possible.

“Where are you?” I questioned as soon as she picked up.

“Drowning in sorrow.” She replied in a flat tone.

“Uh, wow.” I mumbled, unsure of how to reply to that. “Um, can you tell me where you're...drowning in sorrow?”

“Library.” She curtly answered before hanging up.


I ran to the library after the phone call, worried seeping through my body because of her tone of voice. After searching the first floor of the library and not seeing her, I made my way up the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. I was about to give up and cal

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Missmaya #1
stephanie1138 #2
FANTASTIC JOB DONE. This story have a great storyline. Love the characters and their relationship. You're really good on comedy. I've been laughing my off. Sometimes I'll just giggle like a retarded person and my family will ask me if I'm still on my right mind. :'( I really enjoy it. There's still one thing that's still lacking which is the way you address the main character by ~~~~ . Can't point out though the reason. BUTTTTTTT...... THAT doesn't mean that this story is bad. Only stupid person will say that. (That's mean I'm smart ;-) )Overall, your story is and amazing. LOVE IT!!!!! Don't mind much the "mistake" that I've stated because that is only a small matter.THUMBBBSS UPPPP YOOOOUUUUALLLLSSSS
Chapter 63: 10!? wow someone is dedicated
its_kimchixx #4
Chapter 23: @kpop_galaxy143
Freespirited_drummer #5
Chapter 63: Ah... what a wonderful sweet story! Kris being sweet as ever and the last chap when he knows he'll be appa though... he's cute!
Putrimy #6
Chapter 4: new reader
Chapter 63: Very beautifully written. Enjoyed it very much.
Na1Eun5Hye #8
Chapter 21: hahahha.. Their super power looks very useful in this fanfic >< I've just read chapter 21 the 'visit' one hahahhahha..
Chapter 1: He always be in group of kingkas yay
angelflyer22 #10
Chapter 63: ahh! I have just finished this story!! its probably the most cutest story I've ever read!! hehe :D