
Unexpected Love
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Kris' POV

“What?!” ~~~ exclaimed in utter disbelief.

“What do you mean what, babe?” I cooed, telling her to play along with my eyes. She sent me a glare of refusal. I awkwardly laughed and glanced at Yuna, “Excuse us for a moment, my girlfriend and I have something to discuss.”


I turned ~~~~ around and led her from where Yuna was standing.

“Why the hell did you tell her I'm your girlfriend?!” ~~~~ hissed and punched me in the stomach the third time that day.

“Ah.” I groaned in pain and held onto my stomach. “Why must you be so violent?”

“Why must you be so stupid?” She shot back.

“Look, just help me out and pretend to be my girlfriend for awhile.” I straightened up and pleaded, attempting to give her a puppy dog look. The corner of her lip twitched in disgust, “Give me one good reason.”

“If you don't, I'll tell Changmin hyung about the date.” I threatened. Her eyes turned into slits, “You wouldn't?” I gave her an evil smirk, “I would.”

“Then I'll tell oppa that you're blackmailing me and that you used me to get out of your girl problems.” She countered. “If I'm going down, then I'm taking you with me.” She told as she jabbed me in the chest. I sent her a small glare and grabbed her finger. Okay, so if threatening doesn't work, then I'm gonna have to beg and do that disgusting aegyo she hates so much.


“Please, please, please help me out.” I begged, rubbing her finger against my cheek. “I promise I'll make it up to you.”

“Please.” I ended it with a kiss on the tip of her finger. She harshly yanked her hand out of my grasp and wiped her finger on her dress with a disgusted frown, “Tell me why I have to pretend to be your girlfriend first.”

“So you'll help me?” I asked with hope. ~~~ rolled her eyes, “Explain first.”

“I'll explain in full details later but for a brief explanation, she's an obsess ex.” I quickly explained. She raised an eyebrow, “Obsess?”

“Yeah, so help me out?” I pleaded once more.

“When we go home, today never happened alright?” She compromised. “I didn't go out on the date and you didn't ask me to pretend to be your girlfriend. We clear?” I held out an okay sign, “Clear." She nodded her head, “Fine.”

“One more thing.” I said, “Call me oppa.” She released a tired sigh, “Not this again.”

“Come on.” I urged, “You're my girlfriend now so you should call me that.”
“I'll call you Kris and that's final.” ~~~ firmly replied and walked back towards Yuna. Well, I guess I should be relieved she's even going along with the whole thing.


“Sorry that took so long Yuna.” I apologized with an arm set around ~~~'s shoulder.

“It's alright.” She waved off. She examined ~~~ from head to toe, seemingly unimpressed, “So, this is your girlfriend, huh? I thought you had better taste then that Kris.”

“He does. That's why he's with me.” ~~~ coolly countered. I stared down at her, mouth slightly agape. Her feistiness has never been so hot before.

Yuna gave her an offended gasp before composing herself, “So Kris, you doing anything right now?”

“Yeah, I'm hanging out with my girlfriend.” I stated, pulling ~~~ closer to me, much to her displeasure. Yuna boldly came up to my other side and clung onto my arm, “Oh, so you don't mind if I tag along do you? I have an hour to kill before I'm off to work for a lingerie shoot. You know, since I'm a model.”

“That doesn't give you a reason to dress like a .” ~~~~ muttered under her breath, making my lip twitch from holding in my laughter. “Come on, let's go out to the fountain and catch up. I wanna know how you met this girlfriend of yours, Kris.” She gushed with her high pitched voice and led us away.


“Tell me how you two met?” She questioned once we made ourselves comfortable on the fountain ledge. I was unfortunately seated in the middle, with a

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Missmaya #1
stephanie1138 #2
FANTASTIC JOB DONE. This story have a great storyline. Love the characters and their relationship. You're really good on comedy. I've been laughing my off. Sometimes I'll just giggle like a retarded person and my family will ask me if I'm still on my right mind. :'( I really enjoy it. There's still one thing that's still lacking which is the way you address the main character by ~~~~ . Can't point out though the reason. BUTTTTTTT...... THAT doesn't mean that this story is bad. Only stupid person will say that. (That's mean I'm smart ;-) )Overall, your story is and amazing. LOVE IT!!!!! Don't mind much the "mistake" that I've stated because that is only a small matter.THUMBBBSS UPPPP YOOOOUUUUALLLLSSSS
Chapter 63: 10!? wow someone is dedicated
its_kimchixx #4
Chapter 23: @kpop_galaxy143
Freespirited_drummer #5
Chapter 63: Ah... what a wonderful sweet story! Kris being sweet as ever and the last chap when he knows he'll be appa though... he's cute!
Putrimy #6
Chapter 4: new reader
Chapter 63: Very beautifully written. Enjoyed it very much.
Na1Eun5Hye #8
Chapter 21: hahahha.. Their super power looks very useful in this fanfic >< I've just read chapter 21 the 'visit' one hahahhahha..
Chapter 1: He always be in group of kingkas yay
angelflyer22 #10
Chapter 63: ahh! I have just finished this story!! its probably the most cutest story I've ever read!! hehe :D