A what?!

Unexpected Love
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“I need to tell you something.” Taemin announced while I was sipping on my chocolate milkshake.

“Did you finally get a girlfriend?!” I perked up and asked.

“What? No.” Taemin disproved.

“Oh.” I slumped back into my chair disappointed. 

“Is Kris hyung gonna keep lurking in the back like that?” Taemin asked, looking at something behind me. I turned my head to see what Kris was doing and saw him walking around, sipping on a smoothie, blatantly giving Taemin the evil eye.

“I don't know but just ignore him.” I told and turned back around. “Now what did you have to tell me?”

“You have to promise me you won't be mad.” He requested, fidgeting in his seat. I eyed him, noting how nervous he was acting, “Do I even wanna know?” 


He slowly broke the news, “I...set you up..on a date.”

“A what?!” I blurted, glad that I didn't have any of my drink in my mouth at that time.

“Shh!” Taemin hushed and nervously glanced around, “I don't want Kris hyung to hear us.” I narrowed my eyes at him, “How could you set me up on a date?! I thought we were over the whole setting each other up thing!”

“I know, I know but a hyung of mine really wanted meet you.” Taemin frantically explained.

“Then you should have just introduced us to each other, not set us up for a date!” I argued. I sighed and took another sip of my drink, “You're a dork, Taemin.”

“I know and I'm sorry.” He sadly mumbled. 


I released another sigh, “It's fine. So when is this date anyway?”

“Tomorrow.” He meekly answered. I nearly spat out my drink, “What?! Why so soon?!”

“Well, I actually set this up a few days ago but I was too scared to tell you.” He sheepishly admitted. I glared at him and fought the urge to lean over and smack him on the head. “Please don't be mad at me! I'll make it up to you.” He pleaded, grabbing my hands and holding it to his face. “I'll even do all your math homework for the next quarter!” 


I thought about it for a moment, Taemin's a genius at math. “What's his name?” 

“You'll go then?!” He asked with hope. I nodded my head and pulled my hands away from his grasp. “Great! And his name is Choi Minho!”

“The captain of track and field?” I asked. Taemin proudly beamed, “Mhm.” I shook my head and smacked my lips together, “You are so lucky I at math, Lee Taemin.”




“No way am I wearing that.” I immediately declined once I saw the outfit that Taemin wanted me to wear for the date that was going to happen in a few hours.

“Why not? Don't you want to impress him?” Taemin wondered.

“I've never cared for impressing any man.” I told, plopping down on my bed.

“Such an independent and hard headed women.” Key voiced, trying to put an outfit together that would match more to my taste.


About an hour ago, Taemin had brought o

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Missmaya #1
stephanie1138 #2
FANTASTIC JOB DONE. This story have a great storyline. Love the characters and their relationship. You're really good on comedy. I've been laughing my off. Sometimes I'll just giggle like a retarded person and my family will ask me if I'm still on my right mind. :'( I really enjoy it. There's still one thing that's still lacking which is the way you address the main character by ~~~~ . Can't point out though the reason. BUTTTTTTT...... THAT doesn't mean that this story is bad. Only stupid person will say that. (That's mean I'm smart ;-) )Overall, your story is and amazing. LOVE IT!!!!! Don't mind much the "mistake" that I've stated because that is only a small matter.THUMBBBSS UPPPP YOOOOUUUUALLLLSSSS
Chapter 63: 10!? wow someone is dedicated
its_kimchixx #4
Chapter 23: @kpop_galaxy143
Freespirited_drummer #5
Chapter 63: Ah... what a wonderful sweet story! Kris being sweet as ever and the last chap when he knows he'll be appa though... he's cute!
Putrimy #6
Chapter 4: new reader
Chapter 63: Very beautifully written. Enjoyed it very much.
Na1Eun5Hye #8
Chapter 21: hahahha.. Their super power looks very useful in this fanfic >< I've just read chapter 21 the 'visit' one hahahhahha..
Chapter 1: He always be in group of kingkas yay
angelflyer22 #10
Chapter 63: ahh! I have just finished this story!! its probably the most cutest story I've ever read!! hehe :D