
My Secret "Normal Friend"


“What are they talking about right now?” you thought. “You’re sat at a different corridor since Leeteuk only want to talk with the SJ’s member. “What does he mean about “private” things? Oh God, I really want to know why Kyu did this on purpose. But, what could I do? I only knew them this morning. I don’t have right to force them to tell me,” you thought again. “Ms. _____? Why did you sit here? Kyuhyun room is at the next corridor. Anyway, would you come with me? I want to talk about Kyuhyun’s condition,” suddenly Dr. Jack is already in front of you. “Sure doctor. But, actually I think the SJ members should have to know first. I don’t have right to have a hand in this,” you said as you walked with Dr. Jack to Kyuhyun’s room. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell the SJ members and their manager too. But, I want you to know too since you’re the one who always accompany him in here,” the doctor said. “Ok. So tell me doc, what makes him like this?” you asked. “I already told you that Kyuhyun have to drink his medicine on time right?” Dr. Jack asked. You nodded as the replied. “Well, the truth is, he’s not drink his medicine yesterday,” Dr. Jack said. “W-what? B-but, yesterday he told me that he already drank it. A-and, I saw the wrap is opened and… oh, he must be throw the medicine! Gosh, why did he do stupid things like this?!” you said. “Calm down Ms. _____. Actually, I’m upset for this, but it’s already happened. So, from now on, we must keep our eyes to Kyuhyun. Don’t let him drink the medicine by himself. Ok?” Dr. Jack said. “Ok,” you muttered.

“Hey, Dr. Jack. So, what’s wrong with Kyuhyun?” Leeteuk asked when we already in front of Kyuhyun’s room. “Well, guys. Apparently, Kyuhyun didn’t drink his medicine yesterday,” Dr. Jack said. “I’m sorry doc, what did you just say? He didn’t drink his medicine? Oh, that boy will have so much trouble with me! Soon when he’s recover, he’ll regret this stupid thing!” Leeteuk said in anger. “Mr. Park, please don’t be harsh with him. If you want to scold him or punish him, do it BUT when he is clearly healthy,” Dr. Jack calmed him. “Ugh yes, doctor. I was just shocked and angry,” Leeteuk said. “But, I wondered. Why he did this on purpose? Did you know why doctor?” you asked. “Well, it’s clearly because he’s jeal-“ Kangin was about to say something but Ryeowook covered Kangin's mouth with his hand right away. “M-maybe he forgot, or  umm or he’s just want to take our attention! R-right? He always want to be care by people,” Ryeowook said. “Y-yeah, maybe just that. Isn’t it Kangin hyung?!” Heenim said as his eyes glared at him. “Aigoo Kangin, let’s go find something to eat. Something that can make your mouth SHUT! Excuse me doctor,” Leeteuk said as he left with Kangin. “Ok, I have to go check on Kyuhyun again. I’ll be right back,” Dr. Jack said as he went inside Kyuhyun’s room. After that, all the members and you sat again. You sat beside Sungmin. “Umm, oppa, can I ask you something?” you asked unsure. “What is it _____? Feel free to ask,” Sungmin replied with smile on his face. Gosh, he’s so unlike his age! “Umm… Do you know why Kyu did this? I thought Kangin oppa was about to answer it but Wookie oppa cut it off. I know there’s something you guys hiding from me, which I didn’t mind it because we just met this morning. But, please give me a hint. Is it something I should worry or it’s just some ridiculous action from him?” you asked. “Hmm, how do I have to answer this? It’s pretty complicated but you don’t have to worry. His reason to do this is actually ridiculous yet adorable,” Sungmin answered. “Ridiculous yet adorable? What is that mean? I don’t understand,” you asked again. “You just asked for a hint _____ not a whole answer,” he smirked. “Aigoo I’m so curious. But I’m still a good elf, so…. yeah I’ll not force you to tell me the whole answer,” you said. “Haha thank you for being a good ELF _____. Don’t worry, you’ll know the answer at the right time,” Sungmin said as he messed up your hair. “Is it? Ok, I guess I’ll just have to wait WHICH you know it’s so irritating WHICH you know it would KILL you by the time,” you said. “Aish you looks so much like Kyuhyun right now haha,” Sungmin said. “Really? Should I take it as a compliment or what?” you asked glumly. “Compliment… I guess haha,” he answered.

Then Dr. Jack came outside Kyuhyun’s room. Everyone stood up immediately and waiting him to say something. “He’s fine now. We just have to wait him for wake up then he’ll move to his usual room. And he’s probably will recovering longer than before since his condition is so weak because he didn’t drink the medicine. But, he will be just fine. What we have to do now is give him more attention,” Dr. Jack explained. “Ok. We will doctor. Thank you,” Leeteuk said. “Good. So if you guys excuse me, I’ll go to see other patients. The nurse will take handle for him,” he said. “Yeah sure doctor. Thank you,” Leeteuk said again. Then the doctor left us.

“It’s lunch time. Let’s go to eat. I’m really hungry,” Shindong said when the doctor left. “You’ll still hungry when we finish our lunch hyung,” Eunhyuk said. “Oh shut up! Come on let’s go find something to eat,” Shindong said again. When we about to go, a nurse ran to us. “Sorry for interrupting but Mr. Cho is woke up and wants to see you all,” she said. “Aigoo that evil” Shindong said. “Cut it out hyung! We can it after this. You just talked like if we didn’t eat now, the universe will be out of food!” Eunhyuk said. “Shut up guys. Let’s go,” Leeteuk said as he led us to go back to Kyuhyun’s room.

“So you guys were about to eat WITHOUT me?” Kyuhyun said when we already inside of his room. “Aigoo you just woke up and the evil came out again. You know we have to eat Kyu! Oh and by the way, be prepared for punishments from me when you back healthy. Your reason is so ridiculous!” Leeteuk said. “But I think it’s adorable hyung,” Sungmin said, defended Kyuhyun. “It is, but it’s sounds ridiculous too Sungmin-ah,” Siwon said. “I think it’s not ridiculous,” Yesung said. “But there’s other things Kyu can do instead of “NOT DRINK THE MEDICINE” Donghae said. “But STILL, it’s adorable Pinnochio!” Heechul said.  “Cinderella! His name is Donghae! And I agree with him, Kyu can do other things instead of not drink the medicine!” Eunhyuk defended Donghae. “Mmm, excuse me guys. I’m the only one who not understand what are you all talking about so I’ll just wait outside,” you said. “No! Stay here!” Kyuhyun said as he grab your arm and take you near him. “O-ok,” you obeyed. “CAN’T WE JUST FINE SOMETHING TO EAT INSTEAD OF DEBATING?!” Shindong shouted. His voice filled all over the room. “God… why do I have to know these crazy people?” Kibum said as he walked out from the room silently. “Can I skip today and jump to tomorrow?” Hangeng said as he followed Kibum. “I’ll wait outside ok? You guys can finish your debate,” Ryeowook said as he followed Hangeng. “I’LL FINE SOMETHIG TO EAT BY MYSELF!” Shindong said as he followed Ryeowook. “WAIT FOR ME SHINDONG-SSI!” Kangin said as he followed Shindong. “Gosh today is so miserable!” Leeteuk said. “Ok, we just need to calm down guys. Why don’t we have lunch first, then we talk about this?” Donghae said. “That’s the best way. Ok, come on _____” Siwon said. You was about to walk out but Kyu still grabbing your arm. “No. You guys go have lunch but _____ will stay here,” Kyuhyun said. “Kyuhyun-ah, _____ have to eat too! Don’t be childish,” Yesung said. “I’m not childish! I just don’t want the paparazzi see you guys with _____. It will be all over the magazine and _____ can’t have a normal life anymore!” Kyuhyun said in anger. “Geez I forgot that. I’m sorry,” Yesung said. “Yeah you should feel sorry,” Kyuhyun said. “Ok. I guess I’ll just buy food for you _____ so you can eat here later,” Leeteuk said. “Ok. Thank you oppa,” you said. Then the rest of the member went out from Kyuhyun’s room.

You both keep silent for some minutes. Than you realize Kyuhyun still grab your arm. “Would you let off my arm? It start to feel hurt Kyu,” you said. “Oh sorry,” Kyuhyun said as he pulled his hand off your arm. You sat on his bet side.  Look deeply into his eyes as he looked back at you. Then you feel your teardrop rolled down from your eyes. You start to cry. “H-hey, why are crying? Stop it _____. Is there something wrong?” he said as he grabbed your hand. He brushed your tears. “_____, please tell me. Why are you crying?” he said. “W-why you didn’t drink your medicine? Please tell me why. Your hyungs doesn’t want to tell me and it’s driving me nuts! I’m really worried about you Kyu.” you said between sobs.  Suddenly, Kyuhyun hug you so tight. “Nothing _____. I just want some attention. That’s all. Thank you for worrying me, don’t cry again please. I’m fine _____,” he said, still hugging you. “Ok if you said so. But please don’t ever do that again,” you said as you hug him back. “I promise. Now stop crying. You look much more beautiful when you smile instead of cry,” he said. “W-what?” you said as you broke the hug and look at him. “I said, you look much more beautiful when you smile instead of cry,” he said. You can feel your face blushed when he said that. “Aigoo you’re so cute,” he said as he caressed your cheek, then hug you again. “Kyu… why you so care to me?” you asked. He kept silent for a moment then replied, ”Because… you are my bestfriend.” You felt a little disappointed when he said “bestfriend”. You were wanted to hear something more then just a “bestfriend”. “Damn! _____ what were you thinking! No! No! You can’t fall in love with him _____! Not a chance!” you thought.

You quickly broke his hug. “O-ok, so do you want to do something? I’m bored and hungry. And I think your hyungs will take a long time to eat so let’s do something,” you said. “Hmm, ok. Let’s search silly videos again!” he said. “Not a bad idea,” you said as you took his iPad and gave it to him. “Oh how is David? I thought you suppose to buy Miley Cyrus’s ticket with him today?” he asked. “Well, when Leeteuk oppa called me and told me to go here as soon as possible, I completely forgot him. And then he called me, AND he’s angry! He doesn’t believe me when I said my friend is sick, and blablabla…. So, you’re right Kyu! He’s a jerk!” you said. “Oh so you agreed with me now? I’m glad haha,” he grinned.

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luthfiahayu #1
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #2
Chapter 40: *sob* waaaaaa!!! T.T it ended.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T I want this to continue... please *shows teary puppy eyes* please.. make a sequel... T.T this story is so cute, wonderful, adorkable!! and I love the love/romance from her and Kyu.. I really want to read moreeee... *whine* author-nim... sequel?.. :(

but.. You already said your not doing the sequel... Which It's fine.. I understand.. ;) I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU AUTHOR NIM FOR MAKING SUCH A CUTE AND WONDERFUL STORY..!! ^^ fighting~!!^^
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Chapter 39: YES!! CHANGMIN YOU DID A GOOD JOB!!.. Thank you!! ^^ now, Kyu realized.. :) IM HAPPY NOW!!. :D :D now.. I hope she will forgive Kyu... I hope!!. Your right Kyu.. Don't waste the people around you.. Kay?
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #4
Chapter 38: Awww.. I like this chapter!! ^^ All of them are helping Henry and they love him.. <3 <3
Haha! Changmin is stupid in love too?! x) yeah, I hope Kyu realized.. *sigh* KYUHYUN PLEASE REALIZED SOON!! ASAP!! ><
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Chapter 37: She is really stubborn!!.. >< I want Kyu and Her back together!!! TT please, author-nim, bring Kyu and her back together.. please...

Maybe... Changmin is giving a Lecture to Kyuhyun... I'm sure!!.. GO CHANGMIN!! LET KYUHYUN REALIZE HOW PABO HE IS(only in this story)... and HE WILL GO BACK TO HER!!! :) ;)

can they just tell the truth... *sigh* anyway, WHAT??!!!! ENDED IN CHAPTER 40??!!! SERIOULSY!!!! NOOOOO!!!! T_T ;'((((( *sob* *sob* I dont want to end this... :((( are you any chance, making a sequel??
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #6
Chapter 36: Aissh!!! PABO KYUHYUN!! PABO!!! you should know the truth, before you broke up with her... >.< and she didn't even want Henry to tell the truth.. TT >.< whats wrong with her?!! TT

Update soon;)
minyu_ #7
Chapter 35: Thanks for the great update! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #8
Chapter 35: Urgh! Not again!!! >.< Hate media.. spreading this kind of rumor!! T.T Now LOOK WHAT YOU DONE MEDIA!! T.T >.<

Oh-uh! Kyuhyun is here...!! *worried* Hope he won't be mad.... :(
Chapter 35: ooh! Here it is! Wahhhh hope kyu wont get super mad!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #10
Chapter 34: HENRY!!! DONT DRINK!!! YOUR INNOCENT!!'>.< Henry... Please dont drink..

OH NO!! Kyuhyun is really pissed off.. ;) I hope Kyu will not get mad...

Update soon;)