The End

My Secret "Normal Friend"

*Mason POV*

Kyuhyun hyung will come this morning and honestly, I'm still afraid that he may hurt noona again but I can't stand seeing noona suffering like this. I know she love Kyuhyun hyung and so do him and I can't separate these two lovebirds. I just hope that Kyuhyun hyung will be more mature and think wisely next time. I already made an excuse to noona, pretending that I want to meet up with my old friends just so she can spend some alone time with Kyuhyun hyung.

“Noona, I will go now. Don't forget to get breakfast and drink your medicine ok. I'll be back in a few hours,” I said as I approach her who's still laying on my bed. “Ok Mason. Don't worry about me. Just have fun with your friends,” noona smiled weakly. “I will, and don't do silly things ok. Bye noona,” I waved at her then left my apartment.


*Kyuhyun POV*


I woke up early this morning to prepare myself. I'm going to meet ____ this morning and I really hope she want to get back with me again. Thankfully Mason wants to help me.

“Good luck hyung!” Henry patted my back. “Same goes to you. Good luck for your interview. Don't worry, I got your back,” I smiled at him. “Thanks hyung,” he grinned.

I drove my car and has finally arrived at Mason's apartment. I quickly step out of my car and looking for him. I saw someone familiar sitting at a bench in front of the building. “Mason?” I approached him. “Kyuhyun hyung,” he smiled and stood up. “It's nice to meet you... again?” I said nervously. “It's nice to meet you again in a much better situation, hyung,” he chuckled. “Well, here is the card to my apartment. You can go upstairs now. Noona is sleeping,” Mason said as he landed me his apartment card. “Thank you so much for your help Mason. I know I was such an idiot,” I said to him. “It's ok hyung. Just please, don't hurt noona anymore. She love you so much,” Mason said sincerely. “I won't hurt her anymore,” I promised him. “Ok hyung. Anyway, I think you gotta go upstairs now,” he said. “Ah yes. Well then, see you later,” I said. “Good luck,” he smiled at me.

I opened the door to Mason's apartment and there's no one in here. Maybe she's still sleeping. There's only one bedroom so I took a peak inside. There she is. I saw her sleeping peacefully. Gosh I really want to run to her and bring her to my embrace but she needs rest. I just have to wait now.

I've been playing this game on my phone for three times yet she's still sleeping.I was about to play the games for the fourth times when I heard a gasped. I turned my head and saw her standing by the door in surprise. “K-Kyuhyun. W-what are you doing here?” she asked and looks worried. “I-I just... I heard that you are sick so I stopped by and want to see you,” I said. Aish what kind of excuse is that. “O-Oh. Thank you... But I'm fine Kyuhyun,” she said. Well, she is clearly lying because her face looks so pale. “But you look so pale,” I stated. “It's ok. Umm do you want something to drink?” she asked and walked to the kitchen awkwardly. I sighed and approach her. “____, can we talk?” I grabbed her wrist. “O-ok,” she turned around to face me and just looking into her feet. “I'm... really sorry. For everything. I'm sorry for everything I said to you yesterday. I know I was such a jerk and idiot to believe in that news so easily. I just want you to know that I'm really truly sorry and I... love you. I love you and I'm sorry,” I spoke at her. She didn't say anyting but slowly I realized that she's crying. “____, please don't cry. I'm really sorry,” I lifted up her chin. I could feel tears start b in my eyes. “It's... It's ok Kyu. I already forgave you... And I'm really glad that you believe me. Thank you,” she smiled weakly. “Hush. No need to say thank you. I'm the one who have to say thank you. Thank you so much to forgave me,” I hugged her. “You are very welcome Kyuhyun,” she hugged me back. We just stayed like there for some minutes, feeling her in my embace again after all the things that happened. “____,” I finally said. “Yes?” she replied. “Would you take me back as your boyfriend?” I asked nervously. “Yes, Cho Kyuhyun. I would love to take you back,” she hugged me tighter. Oh God I feel like tons of bricks had been lifted up from my shoulder.

“Kyu, why are you taking me here?” she asked when we entered a book store. “Hush... Wait a minute ok,” I said and start searching some newspapers. I found one and read it. Satisfied, I gave it to _____. “What is this?” she confused. “Newspaper. What else? Just read it,” I chuckled. She read it and when she finished, her eyes looks like it will explode soon. “Oh God, he told the truth! How come?! How if the company mad? How if the fans mad? How come! How come you look so calm?” she spoke rapidly. “Chill missy,” I chuckled. “Ya! How come you said that?” she hissed and threw her hands in annoyance. “Ok sorry. But, don't worry. Everything is under control,” I calmed her. “How in the world everything is under control? He is telling the truth and he might make everyone mad at him,” she growled. “Let me explain it to you. First of all, yes, he told the truth. Secondly, the company already agreed to this. Well, of course they disagree with this at first but Minhwan hyung succeded to make them change their mind. Thirdly, we have a lot of fans who'll support us no matter what. Beside, Henry clearly stated that you are like a noona for him so there's no point for the fans to be mad,” I spoke calmly and shrugged. “But... But it's... umm,” she still looks uneasy. “Look. There's nothing to worry about right now. Everything is under control. People already knows the truth and we won't loose our fans, also, you got your good name back. And the most important thing is, we are together again now. We should be happy for all of this,” I lifted up her chin and staring onto her beautiful eyes.



Two months later~~~


“We heard that this time, Kyuhyun-ssi and _____-ssi will do a duet stage. Is it true? Can one of you please give us an explanation?” one of the reporter asked in this SM Town live in New York press-conference. “Yes, it is true. We will do a duet stage together and we will sing a ballad song composed by Kangta sunbae-nim. We've practiced really hard so please looking forward to it and we will try to give our best,” I answered smoothly and glanced at _____ who's sitting beside me. She just smiled and nodded in agreement. “Do you guys have any special relationship like Changmin-ssi and Victoria-ssi?” the reporter blured out. Yes, for all of you who's wondering, Changmin had express his feelings to Qian and they're dating now but unfortunately for them, they got caught by the reporters but the great thing is, the fans really happy to heard that and really support their relationship. For me and ______, we still want to keep private our relationship and enjoy being just-a-normal-friends in public.

Things happened smoothly in these past few months. Henry's parents finally stop forcing him to quit from SJ and the fans didn't mad at all to him neither to _____, and then Changmin and Qian's relationship, then Siwon, Donghae, and Kibum got an offer to play on a hollywood movie and they are in the process of making it right now, but the most important and the best thing is now, me and ______ will do a duet stage in this new SM Town tour. We are really excited to do this and we have gotten a lot more closer now because we had to practice together for almost two months and of course we are happy to do it.

“No, we are just a normal friend” I chuckled and hold _____'s hand. She look at me nervously and tried to let go of my hand. “But I think she is really beautiful and talented, I might fall in love with her somehow,” I chuckled and I saw her blushing and smiled nervously. Actually, I am falling in love with her. My 'secret' normal friend that I met accidently in a random street somewhere in L.A. that have making my life so much better.




HELLO //sobbing//

I started this story back in 16th May, 2012 and finally I'm able to finish this story NOW :”) First of all, I wanna thank ALL OF YOU GUYS who's willing to spent your times to read my story. I am really truly thankful to those who already read this story from the first time and also those who joined through out this long journey. I also wanna say sorry for my bad grammar, and for the lack of updates. Thank you so much for the support and this is my first fic so I'm sorry *again* for the bad ending. I love you guys so much and I hope we could still supporting SJ together :-)

T H A N K Y O U too for those who always leaves comments, IT REALLY MEANS A LOT. Hopefully all of you want to write your last thoughts about this story, it'll means so much to me. Once again, THANK YOU ALL.

One more thing... I know this is a shameless advertisement -____- but I have made a new story called "Just Like You" (click the title). It's between an OC, Kyuhyun, and Kibum. And I could tell, this story have a lot more better story-line and will be a lot more better than my first story. The idea kept running through my mind since last year but I keep putting it aside because I wanted to finish this story first, and now FINALLY I'm able to spill out the idea XD please support me again ok? Haha ok ok I have to stop now. WO AI NI MEN!


Cutie little SJ for you~

And a super cute Sungmin GIF~

And a hillarious sj pict haha~

And the last one, our angel leader Leeteuk's angelic smile♥

The last one, thank you so much to my 15 superman Super Junior who always lighten up my day. I am a proud ELF♥

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luthfiahayu #1
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #2
Chapter 40: *sob* waaaaaa!!! T.T it ended.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T I want this to continue... please *shows teary puppy eyes* please.. make a sequel... T.T this story is so cute, wonderful, adorkable!! and I love the love/romance from her and Kyu.. I really want to read moreeee... *whine* author-nim... sequel?.. :(

but.. You already said your not doing the sequel... Which It's fine.. I understand.. ;) I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU AUTHOR NIM FOR MAKING SUCH A CUTE AND WONDERFUL STORY..!! ^^ fighting~!!^^
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Chapter 39: YES!! CHANGMIN YOU DID A GOOD JOB!!.. Thank you!! ^^ now, Kyu realized.. :) IM HAPPY NOW!!. :D :D now.. I hope she will forgive Kyu... I hope!!. Your right Kyu.. Don't waste the people around you.. Kay?
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #4
Chapter 38: Awww.. I like this chapter!! ^^ All of them are helping Henry and they love him.. <3 <3
Haha! Changmin is stupid in love too?! x) yeah, I hope Kyu realized.. *sigh* KYUHYUN PLEASE REALIZED SOON!! ASAP!! ><
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Chapter 37: She is really stubborn!!.. >< I want Kyu and Her back together!!! TT please, author-nim, bring Kyu and her back together.. please...

Maybe... Changmin is giving a Lecture to Kyuhyun... I'm sure!!.. GO CHANGMIN!! LET KYUHYUN REALIZE HOW PABO HE IS(only in this story)... and HE WILL GO BACK TO HER!!! :) ;)

can they just tell the truth... *sigh* anyway, WHAT??!!!! ENDED IN CHAPTER 40??!!! SERIOULSY!!!! NOOOOO!!!! T_T ;'((((( *sob* *sob* I dont want to end this... :((( are you any chance, making a sequel??
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #6
Chapter 36: Aissh!!! PABO KYUHYUN!! PABO!!! you should know the truth, before you broke up with her... >.< and she didn't even want Henry to tell the truth.. TT >.< whats wrong with her?!! TT

Update soon;)
minyu_ #7
Chapter 35: Thanks for the great update! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #8
Chapter 35: Urgh! Not again!!! >.< Hate media.. spreading this kind of rumor!! T.T Now LOOK WHAT YOU DONE MEDIA!! T.T >.<

Oh-uh! Kyuhyun is here...!! *worried* Hope he won't be mad.... :(
Chapter 35: ooh! Here it is! Wahhhh hope kyu wont get super mad!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #10
Chapter 34: HENRY!!! DONT DRINK!!! YOUR INNOCENT!!'>.< Henry... Please dont drink..

OH NO!! Kyuhyun is really pissed off.. ;) I hope Kyu will not get mad...

Update soon;)