
My Secret "Normal Friend"


*your POV*

Finally I arrived at my apartment. But, why does I feel like I forget something? Hmm… Let’s see… Oh God! I forgot to give my laptop to Kyu! Aish I’ve borrow it all of this time and I forgot. Such a babo ugh

Maybe I should go back to his apartment? Beside, I want to take my food containers. Ya, I better shower first.

Two hours later~

I arrived at their apartment. I knocked the door. “Hey… Wait, I think I know you,” Zhou Mi opened the door! Kyaaa omg my heart skip a beat! Aish curse this fangirl feeling! OMG OMG what should I do?! “H-Hello oppa, my name is _____” I stuttered and bow to him. “Ah! I know! Kyuhyun’s girl huh?” he winked at me. My face turned to red tomato. No! Red pepper! I don’t know what to say! “Who is it gege?” someone asked behind him.  “Oh! _____ noona! Hey, how was your leg? Is it getting better?” Henry asked. “It’s better now oppa. Thank’s for asking,” I smiled. “Hmm good to know. Anyway, don’t call me oppa please. I’m younger than you noona,” he smiled and puffed his cheeks. Oh God, it’s so adorable! I want to pinch him kyaa

“Why we talked on the hallway? Come in _____-ssi,” Zhou Mi said, letting me inside. “Thank you,” I came in, my face down to the floor. If you confused why I’m so nervous to meet Mimi, well it’s because I adore him so much! I mean, yes Kyu is my bias. But, everytime I saw Mimi, it feels different. He looks so mature, gentle, kindhearted, wise… Directly opposite from Kyuhyun. He’s my second bias kyaaa

“Mmm where’s everyone?” I asked and sit at the couch. “They went to practicing,” Zhou Mi answered. “Gege, where did you know _____ noona? You just arrived this afternoon,” Henry asked. “Oh umm… Kyuhyun told me,” he let out a chuckled. “Waa he’s really fell for you noona,” Henry said jokingly. I just laughed. “Why are you came here _____-ssi?” Zhou Mi asked. “Oh I almost forgot! I just came to drop my laptop since Kyuhyun wanna borrow it and grab my food containers,” I said. “Oh right! Your food is sooo delicious noona! You should cook for us more often!” Henry said. “Yeah I could tell my food is delicious judging by your cheek,” I laughed. “Aigoo don’t making fun of this cheeks,” he pouted. “Sorry,” I laughed and pinched it. Omo! It’s so soft! Like a pillow!

“_____-ssi, is this yours?” Zhou Mi came from the kitchen and brought my food containers. “Yes, it’s mine. Thank you oppa. Oh, and can you give this to Kyuhyun? I think I should leave now,” I stood up, placed my laptop on the table and took my food containers. “Noona, why don’t you join us?!” Henry said cheerfully. “Join what?” I confused. “Great idea Mochi! Yeah _____-ssi, you should join us! We’ll go practicing,” Zhou Mi said. “B-but why don’t you guys join the others?” I titled my head. “They’re already practice for the dance move so they’re practicing for the song now. Since we were not here from the first practice, we’ll have to learn the dance move first,” Zhou Mi explained. You just nodded. “So? Come on noona, come with us please,” Henry puffed his chubby cheeks. “B-but why I have to join you guys? I’m afraid I’ll just be a burden,” I said. “Aniyaa! We just want to know you better,” Zhou Mi smiled. “But…” “No excuse! Noona will come with us. Grab your car key gege, let’s go now,” Henry said and drag me to the door.


Here I am now. In the same studio I went this morning with Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk. I never know that Henry actually is reaallllyyy talkative! He was talking all the way from their apartment to here, which is really cute!

*Zhou Mi*

Smart Henry! He drag _____ here haha I’m gonna make her dance now!

“I think we’re too early Henry. Our coach will came here fifteen minutes again,” I said. “Ah let’s practice alone first. I already learn a little bit from Hankyung hyung,” Henry said. “Ok, let’s start,” I said. I saw _____ just sit there at the corner of the room. “Do you wanna join us ____-ssi? It’ll be fun!” I started my trick. I saw Henry, his face lit up immediately. Aish this kid, really easy to get influenced.  “Yaaa! Noona, come on join us!” he said and pulled _____ to stand up. Haha this kid is really helpful.  “I-I can’t dance Henry,” she said. Aish liar. “It’s ok. Just follow us,” I said. “Ya! The dance move is not so hard! You should try noona! No excuse!” Henry said. I looked at _____’s face, she has no excuse. Henry is really good on forcing people haha

Henry the stereo and the music began to start. It’s our new song, not the one that got leaked few days ago. This song is more cheerful than that one. Henry started to teach me. Actually I already understand the move but I just pretend that I can’t. I repeated it few times, and always made it wrong. “Aish gege why are you like this?! Usually, you’re easy to learn!” Henry said. “Sorry, I don’t know. How about you ____-ssi? Can you do the dance?” I asked. “E-eh? N-no. No, I can’t,” she shook her head. “But you’re not try yet noona! You should try it first!” Henry said. “O-ok…” her voice trailed off. Henry is really helpful! His forcing skill is really helped me haha.

“Come on. I’ll be with you. Dance together with me ok?” Henry said and started the song. I stepped away to give them space. Then Henry start to dance, _____ is following him. She looks like she wanted to make her move look bad, but then she enjoyed it. Wow, she’s good! No doubt. Then they stop at the middle of the song since Henry only remember until that. “Whoa! Noona! You’re great! Why did you say you can’t dance?! You’re great noona!!!” Henry said and shake _____ shoulders repeatedly. He really looks so excited. “R-really? I-I…” she stuttered. “_____-ssi. I know you can dance and sing well. You don’t need to lie again,” I said. Getting Henry’s hand off of her shoulder. I sat on the floor. Henry followed me. “W-what? No, I-I can’t,” she sat in front of me.

“_____-ssi, remember when your father visited you? Then you fell asleep? Your father told everything about you to Kyu, and Kyuhyun told me. _____, you know what? Your father will be very happy if you continue to dance and sing. You can’t just leave it there. Your parents must be very happy if you continue what you really like to do,” I said and gave her a warm look. She just remained silent. Her face looked down to the floor. Henry looks confused but he didn’t say anything. Suddenly, the door knocked and opened. “Mr. Lee?!” me and Henry quickly stood up.


Hey guys^^ Sorry, I’m not updating for so long AGAIN -____-“

My mood is went down the hill again because of Park Jungsoo. Yap, the fact that angel leader wanna leave us makes my heart feels so hurt. It’s just so hard to let him go, and it’s completely ruining my mood. Every time I zonked out, what I can only think is him. Ok, I guess I’m too much talking. What I’m gonna miss the most from him is his angel-ness 3

COMMENT PLEASE. And tell me, what are you gonna miss the most from him.


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luthfiahayu #1
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #2
Chapter 40: *sob* waaaaaa!!! T.T it ended.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T I want this to continue... please *shows teary puppy eyes* please.. make a sequel... T.T this story is so cute, wonderful, adorkable!! and I love the love/romance from her and Kyu.. I really want to read moreeee... *whine* author-nim... sequel?.. :(

but.. You already said your not doing the sequel... Which It's fine.. I understand.. ;) I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU AUTHOR NIM FOR MAKING SUCH A CUTE AND WONDERFUL STORY..!! ^^ fighting~!!^^
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Chapter 39: YES!! CHANGMIN YOU DID A GOOD JOB!!.. Thank you!! ^^ now, Kyu realized.. :) IM HAPPY NOW!!. :D :D now.. I hope she will forgive Kyu... I hope!!. Your right Kyu.. Don't waste the people around you.. Kay?
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #4
Chapter 38: Awww.. I like this chapter!! ^^ All of them are helping Henry and they love him.. <3 <3
Haha! Changmin is stupid in love too?! x) yeah, I hope Kyu realized.. *sigh* KYUHYUN PLEASE REALIZED SOON!! ASAP!! ><
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Chapter 37: She is really stubborn!!.. >< I want Kyu and Her back together!!! TT please, author-nim, bring Kyu and her back together.. please...

Maybe... Changmin is giving a Lecture to Kyuhyun... I'm sure!!.. GO CHANGMIN!! LET KYUHYUN REALIZE HOW PABO HE IS(only in this story)... and HE WILL GO BACK TO HER!!! :) ;)

can they just tell the truth... *sigh* anyway, WHAT??!!!! ENDED IN CHAPTER 40??!!! SERIOULSY!!!! NOOOOO!!!! T_T ;'((((( *sob* *sob* I dont want to end this... :((( are you any chance, making a sequel??
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #6
Chapter 36: Aissh!!! PABO KYUHYUN!! PABO!!! you should know the truth, before you broke up with her... >.< and she didn't even want Henry to tell the truth.. TT >.< whats wrong with her?!! TT

Update soon;)
minyu_ #7
Chapter 35: Thanks for the great update! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #8
Chapter 35: Urgh! Not again!!! >.< Hate media.. spreading this kind of rumor!! T.T Now LOOK WHAT YOU DONE MEDIA!! T.T >.<

Oh-uh! Kyuhyun is here...!! *worried* Hope he won't be mad.... :(
Chapter 35: ooh! Here it is! Wahhhh hope kyu wont get super mad!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #10
Chapter 34: HENRY!!! DONT DRINK!!! YOUR INNOCENT!!'>.< Henry... Please dont drink..

OH NO!! Kyuhyun is really pissed off.. ;) I hope Kyu will not get mad...

Update soon;)