Dating Cho Kyuhyun

My Secret "Normal Friend"


“I love you. I’m sorry,” he whispered.

It must be Kyuhyun. You could recognize his voice.

You were shocked. He considered you are mad at him because you didn’t hug him back.

He broke the hug and look into your eyes deeply.

“Listen. I know you’re mad at me, which I don’t mind at all. I was totally jerk. I already know the truth now. I’m really really sorry because I didn’t believe you. But, you have to know. I do love you _____. I really do. You can mad at…” he blurted out, a tear rolled down from his eyes. “Kyuhyun,” you cut him off. Your right hand caressed his face, “I was mad at you. I was really disappointed, sad, and everything but now I’m not mad anymore. I know you did the right thing. You’ve been with SJ for years, and you just met me for a month or two. It’s fine if you choose them, and I love you too Kyu. But, I don’t think we can do this. Being ELF is pretty enough for me. I don’t want to ruin…” you still want to talk but he cut you off. He crushed his lips on yours.

He KISSED you.

Your right hand still on his face.

You were shocked at first, but then you can’t refuse. You kiss him back.

Then you broke the kiss, “Kyu! What if there’s paparazzi in here?!” you said, and covered your mouth with both of your hand. “So what? They will know about us soon or later,” he chuckled and brush your fringe. “About us? About us what?” you tilted your head. “Aigoo. Of course about ME dating YOU. Don’t you proud being Mrs. Cho?” He chuckled. “Oh so, you’re dating me now?” you lifted an eyebrow, teasing him. “Oh so you don’t want to date me? But why’d you kiss me back?” he smirked. Your face slightly turned red. “You’re blushing! Haha I was just kidding missy. Come on let me drive you home,” he circled his hand around your waist. “I love you,” he said. “I love you too,” you said and turn your head down to hide your super red cheek from him.

“Waiit. Slow down please. My foot is still a bit pain,” you said when he walked a little too fast. “Oh gosh! I forgot! Sorry. Did your foot feeling better after go to the doctor?” Kyu asked. He looks worried. He kneeled down to check on your foot. “It’s ok Kyu. The doctor gave me an ointment,” you said as you took him to stand up again. “Ok. But if you can’t take it anymore, tell me. I’ll carry you,” he said. “I’m not a kid Kyu. Of course I can handle this pain. Beside, this will gone soon,” you chuckled. But he still looks worried. “Oh come on Kyu. I’m fine,” you said. “Ok,” he said.  “Hey, we should split up,” you said as you removed his hand from your waist. “Waeyo?” he pouted, try to pull you over him. “Because the paparazzi might see us Kyu!” you said. “So let them see us. What’s wrong with that?” he shrugged. “Don’t it will affected to you and super junior? Beside, if they see us there will be more gossip about super junior. Your management would not like it,” you said. “Where’d you know they would not like it? Come on missy, I can’t be far from you. It’ll make me miss you,” he pouted. “Aigoo Kyu, you’re over reacting. Just tell me where you park your car, I’ll catch up,” you giggled. “Ugh ok then. Over there, don’t get too long ok?” he said when you both reach the lobby hotel. You just nodded and make a distance from him. Don’t want people to see that you guys are know each other.

After five minutes you decide it’s save for you to go to his car. “Where have you been?!” he asked unpatiently when you already inside of his car. “I was in the same place when you leave me,” you shrugged. “So you stand there for an hour? Aish,” he mumbled. “It’s just five minutes Kyu,” you giggled. “Yeah but it feels like an hour you know,” he pouted and turn on the car. You just shook your head, looking at your childish boyfriend…

Yes, boyfriend. Weird huh?

Months ago he’s just your bias, you just could talk to him through his poster.

But now you’re sitting next to him in a car as his “girlfriend”

Even, he was just kissed you minutes ago! Life is unpredictable.

You are dazed out when suddenly, “Why you don’t want people know about us?” Kyuhyun asked. His eyes focused on the street in front of him. “Because you are super junior. It will makes a lot of gossips and rumor and I’m afraid something bad will happen,” you shrugged. “But you’re an ELF. Don’t you want to show off to your friends that you are dating your handsome bias?” he asked proudly. “Yeah what’s wrong with that Kyu? Should I show off about that?” you chuckled. “Aish I want a serious answer,” he pouted. “Hmm… Because I don’t want to get bash or kill,” you giggled. “Mwo? Bash? Kill? Why?” he asked. “Aish Kyu, being fangirl is not as easy as you think. Sometimes, there will be fangirls that can’t accept when they saw their idols dating another girl. When I was still in my junior high school, I’m that kind of fangirl too. I got mad easily when I saw you with Seohyun eonnie,” you chuckled. “Really? I thought what fangirls do is just praise their idols and that’s it” he chuckled. “Wait… me and Seohyun?” he asked, his left eyebrow lifted. “Yeah there was fangirls shipping you guys,” you chuckled. “Shipping? What’s that?” he asked. “Aish why are you so much asking? Do you interested being fangirl?” you laughed. “Of course not! I was just curious! So, explain it to me now,” he pinched your face. “Aigo you don’t have to pinch me,” you caressed your cheek. “Soo, there was fangirls that saw you both staring at each other, stuffs like that. Then, you both were duet on SMTown concert, and they think you both are suit together. So, they shipping you guys, it means they want you guys having a real relationship. Clear enough?” you said. “It’s so funny. I don’t feel like I’ve once staring to Seohyun,” he laughed. “You know, fangirl eyes is really sharp Kyu. Beside, sometimes some of us getting something too serious or too over reacting so things like that is oftenly happen,” you shrugged. “So, do you jealous to me?” he teased you. “Jealous of what?” you titled your head. “Aish jealous of that shipping things,” he said. “Depended on you. Do you really close to her?” you asked. “No. We just talk about work, and if there’s no work that connecting us, I rarely talk to her,” he said. “So, I don’t jealous,” you shrugged. Then your phone rang. It’s from Giselle.

“Hey,” you answered her call.

“Who’s that?” Kyuhyun asked, his voice is too loud.

“Ssshhh,” you covered his mouth with your hand.

“_____, you are with a guy? Who’s he?” Giselle asked.

“N-no I’m alone. It’s just an oldman from the apartment next to me,” you lied. Kyuhyun glared at you. You just stuck your tongue out.

“So what’s up Giselle?” you asked.

“Don’t you remember? Tonight is my birthday party _____! And we promised we’ll go to saloon together,” her sound heard upset.

“Oh My God!!! Sorry girl, I was forgot! I’ll be there soon! So sorry! Happy birthday Giselle! I love you! You can go first with Anna, I’ll catch you up,” you said. Totally feel guilty.

“Thank’s _____. Love you too girl. I know there’s so much happen to you this few weeks, even though you didn’t tell us. We knew it, and I hope soon you’ll tell it to us. Gotta go now, see you on the saloon. Byee,” she hung up.

“Bye…” you replied, your voice trailed off.

“Who’s that? Who birthday is today? Where do you want to go? And what’s with your face?” Kyu asked so much.

“I’m a very bad friend…” you said slowly. “Hey what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked. He hold your hand to comfort you. “I forgot today is Giselle’s birthday. Also, I felt so guilty because not tell her and Anna about all of this things,” you said, a tear rolled down from your eyes. “Hey don’t cry missy. It’s not your false that you forgot her birthday. And, if you felt guilty, go tell them. I don’t mind it at all. If they’re your bestfriend, then I know I can trust them,” Kyuhyun said. He wiped your tear, and quickly focused to the street again. “Are you serious?” you asked him. He just nodded, “Don’t let down your bestfriend. You have to keep their trust,” Kyuhyun said, his hand still hold your hand.  “Ok… Kyu, do you want to help me?” you asked. “Anything honey,” he winked at you. “Ok. First, we go to my apartment,” you giggled when heard him call you honey.

When you arrived at your apartment, you quickly took a gift you already buy for Giselle, you asked Kyuhyun to do something, then he drive you to the saloon.

“Thank you Kyu,” you said when you arrived at the saloon. “Don’t I get any gift after helping you?” Kyuhyun pouted when you about to come outside. “Huh? What gift?” you confused. He pointed at his cheek. Then you laughed when you realized he want a kiss. “Ok,” you giggled and gave a peck at his cheek, but then he grabbed your arm into his embrace. “I have to go Kyu,” you chuckled. “Ok,” he let out a sighed when he let you off. He’s face is so adorable. You gave a peck on his lips then quickly out from the car before he saw your blushed face. Kyuhyun grinned. He touched his lips. He can’t stop smiling. He follows you with his eyes until you got inside the saloon. Then he drive back to his apartment, still can’t stop smiling.

You quickly approach Giselle and Anna when you got inside the saloon. Then you chit chat with them like usual. Then, that night Giselle’s birthday party is held on her house. You were having fun with them. Before you realize it, the party is over. Everyone start to leave. Until it’s just you, Giselle, and Anna left. There were Giselle’s parents to but they are went out. “It’s the time,” you thought.

“Giselle, this is your birthday present,” you smiled and gave her a box. “Whoa! What’s this?” she asked and took the box excitedly. “Open it,” you said. Then she opened the box. There’s Super Junior first album. Giselle was looking for this but she still didn’t get it because it’s have been released years ago. “Oh my God! _____! Thank you so much!” she hug you tightly. “Your welcome Giselle. I’m glad that you are happy with my present,” you said. “Wait, what’s this? OMG! This is Kyuhyun’s autograph!” Anna shouted when she saw the album. “What? Are you kidding me? OMG! _____, how could you get this?!” Giselle asked. “That’s what I’m trying to say guys. You know… This past few weeks there’s so much happen to me. Well… It’s all because of Cho Kyuhyun,” you said, a little bit uncomfortable to say it.


Hey, I just want to say on Seohyun's part, it's just my imagination and if there's any words that make you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. No offense ok? ;)

Oh, I just realized after reading your comments. I was being a cliffhanger? am I? well, actually being a cliffhanger felt pretty good haha :p

SUJU_ELF143: Yes haha the manager is causing all of the problem :p your wish is came true. Here is the "confession chapter" haha Aww... Thank you for the support! I'm very glad that you're happy with my fanfic :D Cheonmaneyo^^ *giveshugs&kissesback* Nado saranghae!! :p<3

SuperJunior22: Thank youu :D sorry for the cliffhanger but it felt good haha :p

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luthfiahayu #1
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #2
Chapter 40: *sob* waaaaaa!!! T.T it ended.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T I want this to continue... please *shows teary puppy eyes* please.. make a sequel... T.T this story is so cute, wonderful, adorkable!! and I love the love/romance from her and Kyu.. I really want to read moreeee... *whine* author-nim... sequel?.. :(

but.. You already said your not doing the sequel... Which It's fine.. I understand.. ;) I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU AUTHOR NIM FOR MAKING SUCH A CUTE AND WONDERFUL STORY..!! ^^ fighting~!!^^
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Chapter 39: YES!! CHANGMIN YOU DID A GOOD JOB!!.. Thank you!! ^^ now, Kyu realized.. :) IM HAPPY NOW!!. :D :D now.. I hope she will forgive Kyu... I hope!!. Your right Kyu.. Don't waste the people around you.. Kay?
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #4
Chapter 38: Awww.. I like this chapter!! ^^ All of them are helping Henry and they love him.. <3 <3
Haha! Changmin is stupid in love too?! x) yeah, I hope Kyu realized.. *sigh* KYUHYUN PLEASE REALIZED SOON!! ASAP!! ><
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Chapter 37: She is really stubborn!!.. >< I want Kyu and Her back together!!! TT please, author-nim, bring Kyu and her back together.. please...

Maybe... Changmin is giving a Lecture to Kyuhyun... I'm sure!!.. GO CHANGMIN!! LET KYUHYUN REALIZE HOW PABO HE IS(only in this story)... and HE WILL GO BACK TO HER!!! :) ;)

can they just tell the truth... *sigh* anyway, WHAT??!!!! ENDED IN CHAPTER 40??!!! SERIOULSY!!!! NOOOOO!!!! T_T ;'((((( *sob* *sob* I dont want to end this... :((( are you any chance, making a sequel??
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #6
Chapter 36: Aissh!!! PABO KYUHYUN!! PABO!!! you should know the truth, before you broke up with her... >.< and she didn't even want Henry to tell the truth.. TT >.< whats wrong with her?!! TT

Update soon;)
minyu_ #7
Chapter 35: Thanks for the great update! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #8
Chapter 35: Urgh! Not again!!! >.< Hate media.. spreading this kind of rumor!! T.T Now LOOK WHAT YOU DONE MEDIA!! T.T >.<

Oh-uh! Kyuhyun is here...!! *worried* Hope he won't be mad.... :(
Chapter 35: ooh! Here it is! Wahhhh hope kyu wont get super mad!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #10
Chapter 34: HENRY!!! DONT DRINK!!! YOUR INNOCENT!!'>.< Henry... Please dont drink..

OH NO!! Kyuhyun is really pissed off.. ;) I hope Kyu will not get mad...

Update soon;)