Meet by accident

My Secret "Normal Friend"


*kriiing* your snoozed alarm wake you up. "Oh, damn! I'm late again! Hate you starcraft!" you said. So, you rush to the bathroom, and then change your clothe. After that, you leave your apartment and waiting for a taxi. But, after five minutes of waiting, there is no taxi so you decided to walk. Well, you have to walk for six block to reach your campus. You are a student of University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). "Oh God, I must be late! Save me God, save me!" you keep talking with yourself while passing a bend in the road. You didn't see there is a man wearing a mask and black hat walking on your way, so you hit that man. "Ouch, I... I'm so sorry. I didn't see you," you said. Then you pick your books, the man help you. "No problem," he said. When your eyes and his eyes meet, you suddenly stare at him. "Wait, I feel familiar with this eyes. Mmm, Super Junior is making their international album in america now, right? WAIT, I think I know this man!" you keep thinking while you stare at him. "I...I..I'm sorry. But, can you open your mask?" you said with your heart beat so fast. "I...I'm sorry, I can't" he answered. "OMG!! Cho Kyuhyun! Is that you?! God, I can't believe this! Whoa, I have to calm down! Uhh, so sorry oppa. But, I love you so much Kyuhyun oppa. Can I take a picture with you? Oh my God, I can't believe this!" you said with high tone and make people look at you. "Hey, calm down. No, I'm not Kyuhyun. Who's that by the way? I didn't know him," he said. "Yeah right! You think you can trick me? I know your voice Kyu oppa, you can't trick me! And that hat, you always wear it whenever you go to the airport! OMG I can't believe this..." you said with lower tone. "Ok, I am Kyuhyun. But, can you keep it secret? I mean, lets take a picture. But after that, please don't tell anyone that you've meet me. Please? It's so important to me that you'll keep your promise" Kyuhyun said while you see your watch. "OMG! I'm sooo late right now! Oppa, don't worry. I wont tell anyone, I gotta go now. Aaaa Mr.Johnson is gonna kill me," you said and you start to run to your campus, leaving Kyuhyun alone. "Haha, funny girl. I hope she keep her promise. Hey, her notebook is still in my hand!" think Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun try to find you, but you already far away from him.

So Kyuhun continue his walk to the park. In the park, he sit in a bench and open your notebook. Suddenly, there's a paper fall from it. Kyuhyun pick it up, and it's a super show ticket! Kyuhyun put it back to the notebook, and start read the first page. He's smile while read your notebook. Your notebook is full with his name and super junior. "I think this is really important for her. I'd better give this back to her. Her address is wrote in her. But, she's school right now. I think I'll give it back tonight,"said Kyuhyun with himself.

You're late twenty minutes for school! With fear, you knock your class door. "Good morning, young lady! How was your sleep? Did you have a sweet dream and then make you late for twenty minutes?! What did you dreamed? Let me guess, Super Junior?" said Mr.Johnson. Suddenly, the entire class laughing. You feel so embarrassing now. "I'm so sorry Mr.Johnson. I didn't mean to be late. There is no taxi, so I have to walk to came here, and then..." you're explaining why you're late but Mr. Johnson interrupt you. "Shut your mouth young lady! I don't wanna here your excuses. Get outta my class, now!" he said. "But, Mr. Jhonson..." I still try to explain, but then he interrupt me again. "GET OUT, NOW!" shouted Mr. Johnson. "Ok..." I said, then I walk away from my class desperately.

Then you took a taxi to go home. When you're on your way home, you remember this morning accident. Suddenly, you smile and forget about that monster teacher. But than you sad again. "How stupid I am! I'm not take picture with Kyuhyun because I have to go to that monster class! Aaaa I'm so stupid! Heyy, I have to tweet that I meet Kyuhyun this morning!" you talk to yourself as you take out your handphone and start typing. But then you remember, he ask you to keep this as a secret. "Ughh, I already promise him I wont tell anyone... I don't want to break my promise and dissapoint him... Well, I guess I have to keep my mouth shut." you talk to yourself again.

After you got home, you want to check your super show ticket, but then you realize your notebook is missing. You start panick, and drop all your stuff from your bag. But your notebook still not found. You cry desperately. "This is the worst day ever! I start to feel that you hate me God! Huaaa" you keep crying, and you start playing starcraft to make you feel better. "I even can't reach level six! Oh God, why you hate me so much?" you said, and start crying again. It's 7pm right now, and you still crying with lots of tissues, and other things near you. Suddenly, your door bell ring. You stop crying, and walk slowly to the door. You open the door, and when you see who's visit you, you feel so weak. Then you're fall.

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luthfiahayu #1
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #2
Chapter 40: *sob* waaaaaa!!! T.T it ended.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T I want this to continue... please *shows teary puppy eyes* please.. make a sequel... T.T this story is so cute, wonderful, adorkable!! and I love the love/romance from her and Kyu.. I really want to read moreeee... *whine* author-nim... sequel?.. :(

but.. You already said your not doing the sequel... Which It's fine.. I understand.. ;) I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU AUTHOR NIM FOR MAKING SUCH A CUTE AND WONDERFUL STORY..!! ^^ fighting~!!^^
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Chapter 39: YES!! CHANGMIN YOU DID A GOOD JOB!!.. Thank you!! ^^ now, Kyu realized.. :) IM HAPPY NOW!!. :D :D now.. I hope she will forgive Kyu... I hope!!. Your right Kyu.. Don't waste the people around you.. Kay?
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #4
Chapter 38: Awww.. I like this chapter!! ^^ All of them are helping Henry and they love him.. <3 <3
Haha! Changmin is stupid in love too?! x) yeah, I hope Kyu realized.. *sigh* KYUHYUN PLEASE REALIZED SOON!! ASAP!! ><
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Chapter 37: She is really stubborn!!.. >< I want Kyu and Her back together!!! TT please, author-nim, bring Kyu and her back together.. please...

Maybe... Changmin is giving a Lecture to Kyuhyun... I'm sure!!.. GO CHANGMIN!! LET KYUHYUN REALIZE HOW PABO HE IS(only in this story)... and HE WILL GO BACK TO HER!!! :) ;)

can they just tell the truth... *sigh* anyway, WHAT??!!!! ENDED IN CHAPTER 40??!!! SERIOULSY!!!! NOOOOO!!!! T_T ;'((((( *sob* *sob* I dont want to end this... :((( are you any chance, making a sequel??
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #6
Chapter 36: Aissh!!! PABO KYUHYUN!! PABO!!! you should know the truth, before you broke up with her... >.< and she didn't even want Henry to tell the truth.. TT >.< whats wrong with her?!! TT

Update soon;)
minyu_ #7
Chapter 35: Thanks for the great update! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #8
Chapter 35: Urgh! Not again!!! >.< Hate media.. spreading this kind of rumor!! T.T Now LOOK WHAT YOU DONE MEDIA!! T.T >.<

Oh-uh! Kyuhyun is here...!! *worried* Hope he won't be mad.... :(
Chapter 35: ooh! Here it is! Wahhhh hope kyu wont get super mad!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #10
Chapter 34: HENRY!!! DONT DRINK!!! YOUR INNOCENT!!'>.< Henry... Please dont drink..

OH NO!! Kyuhyun is really pissed off.. ;) I hope Kyu will not get mad...

Update soon;)