Chapter 7

Twins' Adventure


Well, fudge. I managed to lose two girls in this building. Great. I went over to Jongup who was getting his hair done. "Hyung, have you seen Minhwa?" I asked, trying not to sound worried. Jongup looked at me curiously and scanned the room quickly. "I don't know. They were sitting down there a moment ago." Jongup sat puzzled, then it dawned on him. "They went." He said, dazed. I rolled my eyes. "Of course they went, dimwit. They're not here." I spread my arms out, pointing out the obvious. 


Jongup rolled his eyes like mine and punched me on the arm. "I didn't mean they left physically, even though they did. I referred to the fact that they left completely." Jongup said back, emphasizing the last word. "You mean they left? LIke as in they left us?" I said, not caring if I didn't mask the hurt in my voice. I started to grow attach to the fun twins. Well, I was attached to one more than the other..


But now they're gone. For some godly reason. "Who's the dimwit now?" Jongup teased. "It's not funny hyung! Minhwa and Jaehwa left and you're still calm about it?!" I demanded, retreating. "Of course I cared! I just think that the sooner they leave, the better." Jongup defended himself. It didn't do him much good. "So you didn't care for them? I thought we were a family. I thought we accepted them already!" I shouted. Others were already lookin, but I couldn't care less. 


"Why are you so mad about this? They're just like every fan out there! Heck, a good fan would not talk back to their idols. Look at Minhwa. She's rude and she thinks she's the best. You want to spend every minute with a girl like that?" Jongup said furiously. What I did was not something I was proud of. But I didn't regret it one bit. 


I punched Jongup in the jaw. It felt good to let my anger out, though I knew punching someone else was not the answer. Yongguk hurried over to help up the bleeding Jongup. "Zelo-" Yongguk started. "No! I'm not going to hear another lecture again! I'm going to find them." I covered my ears as I walked to where my bags were. The performance ended, so it was okay to go out. But needless to say, if you're an idol and adored by a thousand fans, it was not safe to walk out on the streets alone.


I covered my face and put my hood up so no one would recognize me. I exited the building and no one stopped me.


Then I reached another effing problem. Where the hell are Minhwa and Jaehwa. I decided to search for them in their house. The house was two miles from the building, so it was a long walk. Add to the fact that I practicallyran there like my life depended on it. I knocked on the door of Minhwa and Jaehwa's house, panting hard. Their mom opened the door. "Yes? Who are you?" Her eyebrows knitted together. 


"I'm Zelo. From B.A.P" I said, removingmy disguise. Ms. Kim understood and opened the door wider to let me in. I stepped in gratefully. Ms. Kim closed the door and turned to me. "Ice tea? Water?" She asked kindly. I wished Minhwa inherited her kindness. "It's fine, Ms. Kim. I'm here to ask you if Jaehwa and Minhwa are here?" I asked hopefully. "Oh, they're not here. Why, are they lost?" She asked fearfully. 


I cursed silently. Now thier mom was worried. But I have to tell the truth. "Yes Ms. Kim. I don't know where they went. One moment they were sitting on one of the benches inside the building, next, they're gone." I said, not looking directly into her eyes. Ms. Kim sighed. "They'll probably turn up. Minhwa did it once. When she was 6, she was so mad that she ran out of the house and didn't come back for two days. Of course, we were worried sick, but then found out she was in her room. We asked her how did she get there and she answered that she used the roof." Ms. Kim smiled at the memory.


"You see, these girls would make you worried like hell, but they'll turn up to the place they always call home." Ms. Kim advised. Home. Then it hit me. The dorm. "Thank you Ms. Kim, I think I know now where to look." I smiled at her and she grinned back. For a moment, she looked like Jaehwa and Minhwa.


I was about to exit out the open door when Ms. Kim called me back. 


"Yes?" I asked curiously. 

"If you're going to date one of my daughters, don't be afraid to make them cry." Ms. Kim said, her eyes twinkling. It was pretty weird advice, but this is their mother. She knows those two inside and out. "Yes ma'am." I saluted her and started jogging to the dorm. 


Once I got there, I knew I was in big trouble. The black van was parked outside of the building. I took off my shoes and stepped inside. It was all dark inside at first so I thought that they went to sleep since it's already late at night. I started to sneak to my room when the light flickered on. Yongguk, Youngjae, Daehyun, Jongup, Himchan, Jaehwa and Minhwa were staring at me with stern faces. I swallowed.


"Oops." I muttered.

A/N: Aaaaaaand it turns out they really haven't left XD Sorry for the late update! Wifi connections trolled on me -.-

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?