Chapter 2

Twins' Adventure

"Good morning Minhwa!" The loud voice of my sister reached my still sleepy ears. I groaned in my sleep. I did NOT want to wake up today. I planned to sleep through the day, like I always do on Saturday's, but then I forgot Jaehwa was my sister.

"Wake up, sleepyhead! You have basketball, soccer and dance practice today!" Jaehwa reminded as she plopped on my bed. I groaned. I also planned to skip all of my practices. Except dance practice of course. 


"You are NOT going to skip all of those, MInhwa. Mom enrolled you because she knows you're talented. Don't let her effort go to waste." Jaehwa warned. Well that woke me up.

"I'm joking Jae. Of course I'm going." I gave her a hurt look. Jaehwa in turn gave me a disbelieving look and chuckled. I pushed her off my bed and got off myself. I fixed my bed and grabbed the nearest thing to me, which is my schedule. I checked the time on it, and almost wanted to go back to sleep.


My day's full of activities. 7-9am SOCCER PRACTICE, 9-11am SWIMMING PRACTICE, 12pm LUNCH W/ JAEHWA, 1-4pm BASKETBALL PRACTICE, 5-7pm DANCE PRACTICE. So I'll be up and moving for about 11 hours with a one hour lunch break. Great.

"Don't worry Min. I'll go with you, I'm going to die of boredom if I stay here." Jaehwa comforted me. I shrugged. 


She helped me pack my things into my duffel bag. Water, Ipod, change of clothes, a pillow, a stuffed bunny and a blanket. I like to sleep sometimes. I showered and dressed into my soccer uniform. I put on my shoes and tied my blow-dried hair into a ponytail.

"Ready to go?" Jaehwa asked, who was already dressed up. I nodded as she called a taxi to pick us up. On our way to soccer practice, I didn't notice the heavy. It was only when the driver complained about it.


"What's wrong, ahjussi?" Jaehwa asked politely.

"It's the other taxis. Another celebrity is in that van-" The driver pointed towards the black van that was a car away from us, "And all these surrounding taxis are following them." The driver finished.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked curiously. The driver connected to the car next to him and asked the neighbouring taxi on who's on the van. "Apparently, it's a boy group named B.A.P." The driver announced. I rolled my eyes. They hired taxis to follow them? Pathetic.


"Well, it's good luck that we left around 6am, or we'd be late." Jaehwa said, trying to lift my mood. Another thing I hate is being late in one of my practices, even though I hate it. Punctuality is a must in my principle. Another 5 minutes ticked away, and I couldn't stand it. Mom said that I'm too hyperactive that's why I can't stay in one place too long. I opened the taxi door and stepped outside. Jaehwa protested loudly but I ignored her. I went up to the door of the van and rapped the metal with force. The van slid open and I can almost hear every fangirl's scream from their taxi. 


"Excuse me? Who do you think- Oh. It's you again." Himchan realized. I stood their with my arms crossed and anger in my eyes.

"Yes, it's me again. And you know what else? I'm going to be late for my soccer practice because of you." I said angrily.

"What do you want us to do? Teleport to where we want to go?" Himchan asked, his tone as if addressing a toddler. Another thing Ia hated, being addressed as a kid.

"Okay, look. If you don't do something about this, I will punch you back to the first century, you got that? I don't care how many bodyguards you have, because I can send them with you." I threatened.


I was not joking.

"Your manners for a young girl is not acceptable, and-" Himchan started to say, but I cut him off with my cruel laugh.

"Oh really? I don't care what you think of my manners. Do you know where you can stick up your words? Right up your-" I was about to suggest where he can stick up his words when Yongguk stopped my sentence.

"Enough! And Himchan, she's part right. It's our fault we brought all this. And to be fair, we will offer you a ride." Yongguk said.


The others were not clearly happy about it, but no one argued.

"Can you get me to where I need to go?" I asked harshly.

"Yes." Yongguk replied calmly. I rolled my eyes and went to fetch my sister. I got my duffel bag, paid the taxi man, held on Jaehwa's hand and pulled her towards the black van. We climbed in, saying nothing. Well, I said nothing. Jaehwa was saying sorry like there was no tomorrow.


"It's okay. It's partly our fault, though." Yongguk said to Jaehwa.

"Yeah, and partly to that caniving-"

"Himchan." Yongguk warned. I didn't care what 'Himchan' said to me. I know I'm a fan, I still am. And I know the reason Himchan is mad, it's because of me. So I didn't blame him for anything. I knew I held responsible. I just didn't want to admit it out loud.

"Minhwa is very sorry and she also says thanks. In her heart though." Jaehwa added. Jongup laughed along with Zelo.


"Why won't she admit it herself?" Daehyun asked. I snorted.

"She's a bit proud." Jaehwa said in a small voice.

"A bit? Maybe a little bit more?" Youngjae suggested. My muscles went rigid. They can insult me any way they want, but when they harm my sister in a physical or verbal way, things are going to ugly.

"What did you just say to my sister?! DO YOU WANT YOUR EYEBALLS RIPPED OFF YOU SOCKETS?!" I asked loudly. Youngjae jerked back and shook his head.


"I thought so." I growled.

"Sorry." Jaehwa whispered to Youngjae, who still looked as if I stole his pacifier.

"So where's the location?" Yongguk asked, slightly smiling. Jaehwa told him the location, and Yongguk told the driver.

"We'll get there in about 45 minutes." The driver said. I tried to calm myself down. 15 minutes late is okay. I tried not to look agitated. My mind wont stop worrying so I closed my eyes and did an IQ on myself.

"Is she sleeping?" Jongup whispered loudly. 


I snarled under my breathe.

"She's doing an IQ test." Jaehwa explained. I opened my eyes and saw the members jerk back in surprise.

"Her-your-eyes...silver..." Daehyun stammered.

"Maybe she was mutated into something. Or-"

"Say. One. More. Word." I whispered. Himchan said nothing and looked the other way. They looked at Jaehwa for explanation.

"Er, her eyes sometimes change to silver when she's concentrating or lost in something."

"Like dance." Zelo suddenly spoke up. Jaehwa nodded.

"Yes, like dance." She replied.


"Freaked out yet? Or do you want my hair to change into white?" I asked the group. They shook their heads and returned to their original expressions.

"Jaehwa, can you sing us a song?" Yongguk said after a long silence.

"Me? Oh, I'm not that good. I'm still learning and-"

"Please?" Himchan pleaded. I tried to snort softly. So he's good to my sister, but mad at me? Swell.

"Please, I'm no good at singing in front of people." Jaehwa pleaded, her eyes look scared. I grabbed her hand and patted it. She can burst to tears if she's under too much pressure. 


"If the girl doesn't want to sing, then don't force her." I said to the boys.

"Then let's see you sing." Himchan challenged. I was about to retort and then I realized I was about to say nothing. I'm not that experienced in singing. Like Jaehwa is not that experienced in dancing. Himchan smirked, knowing that I couldn't sing very well.

"I don't want to." I replied.

"Oh really? Would it damage your pride? Because I know where you could stick your pride up. Right up your-"

"OKAY! We have arrived!" Jongup said loudly. The others laughed uneasily.


Me and Jaehwa stepped out of the van. I wanted to go straight to practice, because we're already late, but Jaehwa held my arm firmly.

"Thank you for the ride, Minhwa says thanks also." Jaehwa's grip tightened. I sighed.

"Thank you Jongup, Zelo, Daehyun, Youngjae and Yongguk. It's been a pleasure to meet you all in person and to breathe same kind of air you breathe with." I said, forcing out a painful smile. I intentionally left out Himchan.

"No problem, goodbye." Himchan closed the door with a loud thud. We watched them speed away. 


"Minhwa." Jaehwa sounding scared.

"What is it?" I asked, worried.

"I left my cellphone in the van." Jaehwa said in a shaky voice. I stomped on the ground in frustration. I wasn't mad at Jaehwa, I was mad at the members because I know they'll look at the messages and pictures on her phone.

"Does it have a lock?" I asked, hoping. She shook her head. I groaned. There's got to be some way we can get it. I took deep breathes.

"Okay, it's okay. We'll figure this out later. Right now, I'm late for practice. Come on." I held her hand firmly and ran towards the open field. 

I was in a greater mood than expected! So here's Chapter 2 :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?