Chapter 32

Twins' Adventure


September came and go, and in came October. Everyone knows that October is the start of Halloween. Personally, I have a love and hate relationship with this month. I hate it because I get scared easily about supernatural things, and I love it because I get to scare other people.


“Minhwa! Can you help Zelo clean out their room? Jongup’s helping me with the dishes!” Himchan ordered from the kitchen. I sighed and stood up from the couch. I pouted as I realized that my favorite program was on, Spongebob.


I turned off the TV and trudged towards Zelo and Jongups’ room. I knocked once. A moment later, I heard a “Come in!” I twisted the doorknob and flung the door open. I saw Zelo playing on his PSP, without a care in the world. The room was a complete mess. Clothes were strewn everywhere, the once neat books on the bookshelf were scattered on the floor.


The wardrobe door was open, and by the clothes that were on the floor, Zelo tried to find the entrance to Narnia. “Your room is a mess” I commented, sniffing. He shrugged and continued playing his PSP.


I sighed and went over to his bed and snatched it away from him. His face contorted in surprise, then in anger. “Give me back my PSP” He snapped. “Ha! In your dreams. Now clean your room” I ordered, giving him the evil eye.


He sighed and started picking up clothes and throwing them on Jongups’ bed. As soon as the floor was free of clothes, I glanced at Zelo who had his palm out. I shook my head. “Now hang them inside your wardrobe.” I told him. He rolled his eyes and started hanging his clothes as I played with a fluffy pillow on his bed.


After hanging the clothes, Zelo picked up the fallen books and returned them to their designated place. He even swept the floor and brought out a device that cleans dust. He dusted the windows, the floor, even under both beds. He scrubbed the windows clean, cleaned his desk that was in the corner and he even folded Jongups’ blankets.


“Zelo” I called out. “Hm?” He asked without looking at me. “Why do you keep 30 girl group albums under your bed?” I asked. He turned around to see me holding his collection of girl group albums. I smiled mischievously as I examined one.


It was APinks’ “Snow Pink” album. Zelo blushed as he got the albums from me and stuffed it back under his bed. “Stop going through my stuff” He said roughly, going back to cleaning. I rolled my eyes and examined his DVD collection.


The DVD on the farthest corner of the shelf caught my eye. I took it off the shelf to examine it. The title says “MINHWAS’ DANCING” I furrowed my eyebrows as I glanced at Zelo to see if he was watching. I grinned a I put the DVD on and the TV. The DVD started rolling, and I saw myself dancing on the stage against Zelo. Zelo turned around to see me watching. “Yah! Didn’t I tell you NOT to go through my stuff?” He asked harshly.


I shrugged, not really caring. “Why do you have a DVD about my dancing?” I asked. He shrugged, cleaning the window. I huffed, “Fine. You’re no fun” I stuck my tongue out at him and exited the room. I flopped down on the couch and turned the TV on. Spongebob was still on as I happily watched/




“It’s tradition” Jongup replied as we all settled down inside the living room. B.A.P invited NU’EST and Jaehwa too, so we were all crammed in the living room because there was some kind of meeting. “What are we going to do anyway?” I asked Jongup as I sat beside JR who just arrived. Jongup settled beside me and shrugged.


They say, every year, Yongguk gathers them around for an urgent meeting. It’s not business-related though, which got me curious. We all quieted down as Yongguk entered the living room with a candle. I looked at it curiously and I understood why a while later. Himchan turned off the light.


“Jongup, what-“ “Ssh, Yongguk hyung will explain” He whispered. I nodded and turned to Yongguk who had his eyes closed. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes wide. It was scary because the candle lights reflection was flickering in Yongguks’ eyes.


“Now’s the time of year to warn you all about…. Lee Gong Jun.” Yongguk whispered the last part. I could feel the temperature drop around me as I shivered. Something about his tone made me feel scared and also…. Watched. Like as if someone was sitting or standing behind you and you get that warm feeling or cold feeling on your back.


I glanced behind me and swallowed. Someone was definitely watching me. “Who knows Lee Gong Jun?” Yongguk asked. No one moved which made Yongguk smile weirdly. As if he was expecting the response. “Exactly. If you don’t know him, then none of you are safe.” Yongguk said in a hard tone.


I gulped. I didn’t like where this story was going. “Lee Gong Jun was a solo singer. But, unlike other solo singers, he was unsuccessful. He produced an album, but no one bought it which resulted to the company’s’ bankruptcy.


He tried doing performances, but no one wanted to watch him. They say, that every year on his debut, October 1, he haunts every singer in the industry. It doesn’t matter if it’s a group or a solo singer. He hates all of them. He blames them for his unsuccessful life.


What does he do to his victims you ask? Well, that’s another matter. You have to find out by yourself.” Yongguk looked at everyone one of us, but he rested his eyes on mine a bit too long. He finally glanced away and I let out an air of relief.


“There are no signs to warn you about Lee Gong Jun. He’ll come and go whenever he pleases. One thing’s for sure. He loves standing next to people. So I ask you, if you want to glance left and right today, I advise you to not do it.” Yongguk said.


He got something out of his pocket and showed it to everyone. It was a picture of a smiling man. “This is Lee Gong Jun. When he visited me when I was 5, he dropped this picture on my bed. He said to hold on to it. And to pass it to a twin. The twin has to have a strong heart and mind, and has to have a boastful personality. He says that he likes people like that.”


Yongguk turned to me and held out the photograph. I shook my had, not wanting to take it. “Take it, Minhwa. Do you know what happened to Hwang Jin Soo?” He asked. “H-He died of a heart attack” I answered. Yongguk smiled widely and shook his head.


“He died because he didn’t take the photo that was given to him by his twin.” Yongguk told me. “Take it Minhwa” Yongguk ordered. I was about to reach my hand out to take it when JR stopped me. “You can’t be serious Minhwa” He gave me a skeptical look. I shook my head and got the picture from Yongguk.


As soon as my finger touched the photo, the candle light went out just as Himchan the light. I looked at the picture. “What do I do with it?” I asked Yongguk who was already getting up. “Try not to lose it. Or else” He warned.


Everyone shuffled to go to bed, since it was already night, leaving me in the living room alone. I stood up shakily, feeling the beads of sweat pouring down my face. I glanced to my left and then to my right. No one was there.


I gulped as I knocked on Zelos’ room. No answer. I furrowed my eyebrows. I swore Zelo and Jongup went inside their room. I knocked on Youngjae and Daehyuns’ room. Still no answer. “Guys?” I asked the whole living room.


“Okay, great job on scaring me. Now come out” I said loudly. No answer. I sighed and opened my bedroom door to see a man in a white suit with his back to me. I covered my mouth and widened my eyes. This can’t be Lee Gong Jun. The man turned to me and I tried to stifle a scream.


His face was unrealistic. There was a slash mark just across hi face, his skin was pale, his eyes were white and he held an axe. “You did this to me” He said in a raspy voice. I backed up, forcing my legs to run. I couldn’t though, it rooted me on the spot as my back was pressed against the wall.


He raised the axe and let out a creepy smile. He swung it down as I screamed.




So! What you guys think? I think it's a bit silly :\ I was a bit scared when I was writing it, and I hope I got the right reaction from you guys :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?