Chapter 19

Twins' Adventure


“WE’RE HERE!” Zelo whooped and cheered with everyone as they stared at the Namsan Seoul Tower. At day, it would probably look interesting. But at night, it looked AMAZING. “Shall we go in?” Minhyun suggested, somewhat obviously. We nodded in excitement as we skipped to the ticket counter.


Everyone contributed to pay for the ticket, and then we took the elevators to eat at the Sky Café. Once we reached our destination, the boys practically ran inside the café to examine their drinks and food. Guess they were hungry.


I was not that thrilled about the Sky Café, because we were eating outside so we can have a clear view of Seoul. And Jaehwa knew why. She nudged me on the shoulder as I stood rooted on the spot. “Are you still afraid of heights?” She asked quietly, as to not attract attention.


I gulped in fear and nodded. Don’t get me wrong, Seoul was gorgeous at night, it just scared the living daylights out of me. Jaehwa offered her hand, and I took it gratefully. We maneuvered inside the café, looking for the boys.


They weren’t hard to find, since they were seating around a table meant for thirteen. I took my seat between Jongup and Jaehwa as Zelo was across from me, in between Yongguk and Himchan. I shook my head as I realized that the maknae was beside the dad and mom.


Yongguk stood up and raised his glass, and so did JR. “We would like to say thank you for coming with us. It has been a wonderful time to get to know you guys, and we hope to see you again in the future. I hope B.A.P and NU’EST will be great friends.” Yongguk announced, smiling at NU’EST.


“We had a great time, and it was because of you guys inviting us. Ever since our debut, we were lonely because we had no one to talk to. Yes there were our fans and our sunbaes, but then we were still a bit lonely. Then Minhwa and Jaehwa introduced us to you, and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you, sunbaes, for making friends with us.” JR announced.


Youngjae and Ren got teary and they hugged each other for comfort. It was Daehyun’s turn to shoot a glare at Youngjae as we laughed happily. Today was an amazing day. I wish though that I spent more time with Zelo.


Zelo stood up, holding his orange juice. “And cheers to Minhwa and Jaehwa. Without them, we probably wouldn’t have met. Cheers to Jaehwa for being smart, funny and there for us in times of need. And thanks for Minhwa because she’s one of the special girls that came into my life.” Zelo said, looking at us.


I smiled widely and clapped with the others. Then Ren stood up, without a drink though. “I just wanted to say.. When we start promoting our song, we won’t see you guys much. I hope that we’ll stay in contact because I have made great friends. I-I’ll miss you guys. I love you.” Ren spilled some more tears as we all got up in unison and hugged Ren.


So it was kind of the largest group hug everyone has ever seen. The waiter told us to seat back down, and we giggled and chuckled as we pulled out of the hug. We dug in our foods as we joked all around.


Once or twice I can see Zelo glance at me in the corner of his eye. Sometimes, I might even see him staring at me, which made me blush uncontrollably. Get a grip Minhwa. He’s just a boy. A cute, funny boy. I shook my head, dazed on why I got so worked up about Ramen Head. Sure I fell from him, doesn’t mean he’s my whole world.


After we finished our food and drinks, we decided to hit the gift shop. Not literally hit the gift shop. Ah, you get my point. Anyway, we looked around, finding something to buy. There was some cute teddy bears that were selling there. “Oh look! That one looks like Zelo!” Jaehwa exclaimed, though not too loudly so Zelo couldn’t hear.


She was pointing to a milky white stuffed bear with blonde curly hair. I cocked at eyebrow in amusement and took it off the rack. It definitely looked like Zelo, with matching Ramen Head. “Hey, try not to let Zelo see this section.” I told Jaehwa.


She nodded knowingly and steered towards Zelo who was looking at some caps. “Let’s buy padlocks!” Jongup shouted loudly, which made the store clerk give him the evil eye. We nodded and bought padlocks of our liking. We paid for our belongings (I tried to push Zelo away from me so he couldn’t see the bear. Unfortunately, it was like pushing a rock. I succeeded though, with Youngjae’s help) and went up to the viewing terrace.


It was amazing as always. My fear of heights were still intact, but I tried to swallow my fear down, with Jaehwa’s help. We bought three padlocks per person, since everyone wanted to padlock with more than one person.


I padlocked mine with Jaehwa, promising that we would stay friends for as long as we both live. We threw away the key. “Minhwa, can you padlock yours with mine?” JR asked sheepishly. I nodded and he got my padlock and placed it beside his.


We decided to make a promise first. “I promise that whatever happens, you will always be my friend. I hope you forgive me about my dad leaving your mom. And, I hope this makes up for it.” JR leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn’t say that I didn’t enjoy it. I tried not to blush as I hugged him. “I forgive you. And I promise that no matter what happens, you will always be my great friend.” I whispered in his ear. He pulled out of the hug, and he locked my padlock with his.


He threw the key away, sealing the promise. He was then dragged away from me by Minhyun who wanted to make a promise with him. I chuckled and walked aimlessly around. Someone tapped me on the shoulder as I was admiring the view of Seoul.


I turned around to see Zelo smiling shyly at me. My heart literally skipped a beat as I studied his face. It was bathed in moonlight, and it looked dreamy. I smiled slightly as I imagined this guy going far with his future. He was truly talented. “I was wondering if you would like to padlock with me.” Zelo stated, looking anywhere but me.


I coughed noticeably. “Sure.” I answered, a little too quickly. Meh, it’s nerves. He went over to the side of the fence. “Should we make a promise?” He asked nervously. I nodded. He took a deep breathe and said in a calm voice, “I promise that no one could replace you. You are one of the weirdest, most down to earth and most sarcastic person I have ever met.


I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, Minhwa. But… I love you. I really do. I just don’t know what kind of love yet, but I am sure that I love you.” Zelo stared deep inside my eyes.


He said he loved me. And I just started to fall for this idiot. I blinked a couple of times, trying to rid the tears. It betrayed me though. It flowed freely before I could stop them. “Damn, I hate getting emotional.” I muttered, wiping my tears. Zelo laughed aloud, pulling me into a warm embrace.


I closed my eyes and smiled in content. It was my turn to make a promise. “I promise to keep you and the other members grounded as possible. You need it desperately though.” Zelo poked my arm. “Okay, you’re pretty much grounded when I met you guys.


I have been searching for friends except for Jaehwa, and there was no luck in that. Then I met you and NU’EST. I wanted to say that you guys make me happy, though sometimes I want to strangle each of you. You guys are very important in my life. And I promise, as long as I have my wits, I will continue supporting and loving you guys as a fan and as a friend.


I love you guys so much. And I love you too Zelo.” I said against his chest. I smiled wider as I pulled out of the hug, looking at Zelo. He was already spilling tears, smiling happily. I laughed nervously as I wiped some of his tears away.


“AWWWW” I heard a group of people say. We all glanced to our right to see that the whole group was watching us. I flushed in embarrassment, though Zelo didn’t look that sorry. “I feel like this is a drama where two young lovers confessed.” Ren dabbed his cheek with a napkin.


“They’re too young, you dimwit. They are not sure of their feelings yet, but they’re sure that they love each other.” Baekho said to Ren. Ren glared at him, but only for a second. I saw Jaehwa’s arm linked to Baekho and gave her a thumbs up sign. She smiled in return.


“Come on guys, there’s one more thing we need to do with these two padlocks.” Yongguk ordered. Me and Zelo locked our padlocks together and threw the key away before following Yongguk. Zelo intertwined his fingers in mine surprisingly. His fingers were longer than mine, which I smiled at.


“So, felt like you were in a drama?” Zelo teased. I punched him in the shoulder. “Oh shut up.” I said, smiling. “So what? I wanted it to become something like Playful Kiss. I’m Kim Hyun Joong, and you’ll be Jung So Min, the fair maiden that falls for me.” Zelo looked at the sky dreamily as he clutched his chest.


I rolled my eyes at his childishness. “You are starting to watch too many Korean dramas. I should warn Himchan that you were watching behind the couch when he’s watching dramas on KBS.” I said, wagging a finger at him.


He pushed it away and rolled his eyes. We finally reached the group, who were looking at us impatiently as we smiled at them like nothing was wrong. “Seriously, a snail is faster than you.” Himchan teased. “Anyway, now that we were all here, let’s sign our names in each of the padlock.” Yongguk said.


We took turns writing our names on the padlocks. Once we were done, Yongguk held them together and looked at us. JR accompanied him. “We promise that we’ll be friends. No matter what trouble the throw at us.” Yongguk said. “Agree!” We said in unison.


Yongguk smiled and locked our padlocks together. We cheered and grouped hug once more. We went back to the elevator, going down so we can exit the tower. Once we were down, we walked towards our respective vans, chatting happily. NU’EST went inside theirs as we went inside ours.


I made a move to seat beside Jongup and Daehyun when Zelo pulled me to seat beside the window. So I was basically beside Zelo and the handsome window. I yawned loudly, getting Jaehwa’s amused look. “Sleepy?” Zelo asked quietly. I nodded my head and decided to lean on the window sill. Zelo didn’t wait for me to sleep yet though.


He gently pushed my head on his shoulder, setting his own head on top of mine.


After an hour of driving, we quietly went out the van, yawning and stretching. We changed into our pajamas and went to our own rooms. I changed into pajamas fast so that I can put the teddy bear and the note in Zelo’s bed.




Ahh. I finally confessed to her. I smiled as I followed Jongup to our room after freshening up in the bathroom. “Night” Jongup mumbled. “Night” I said back. A smile was plastered in my face as I lay down my head, hands behind my head. I’ll give her the book tomorrow, since it was already late. I turned to one side to see that there was a white teddy bear with curly blonde hair. I chuckled as I noticed a note from Minhwa.


It said, “I hope you liked it Ramen Head! Thanks for being the silliest idiot I have ever met. I hope you go far in your career! But don’t forget to stay grounded. Love, Minhwa


PS: Stop growing! :P


I tried to stifle a laugh as I tucked the letter under my pillow. I stared at the smiling bear, imagining Minhwa laughing and smiling. I smiled dreamily as I closed my eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep. 


A/N: Sooo, what do you guys think? Is it a bit cheesy or boring? I tried to make it as lively as possible but... Meh, maybe it's just me. Haha, anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter! :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?