Chapter 5

Twins' Adventure


"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS! GET YOUR LAZY BUTTS OFF THOSE COMFY BEDS!" I screeched while banging a stick on a pan. I went inside Yongguk and Himchan's room. They were both sleeping soundly, but I was about to put a stop to it. I grinned as I held the stick and pan high.


"WAKE UP YONGGUK! WAKE UP HIMCHAN! WAKE UP!!" I screamed as I banged the pan continuously. Himchan rolled over and fell off the bed as Yongguk got up sleepily.


Himchan was clearly annoyed, he stood up and started to charge me and Yongguk got out of bed and held him back. Himchan was still too sleepy to fight back. He rubbed his eyes and removed Yongguk's arms from his waist.


"Why did you wake us up at the break of dawn?" Himchan asked, yawning after.


"I'll explain. But in the mean time, go to the living room and freshen up," Jaehwa ordered. Yongguk and Himchan shuffled out of the room followed by us. Jaehwa went inside Daehyun and Youngjae's room as I tackled Zelo and Jongup's.


I opened the door as quietly as I could, which was hard since the door squeaked. I peeked inside to see Zelo sleeping with Jongup. They had two beds but I guess Zelo transferred to Jongup's bed. I put the pan down and shook them awake gently. Jongup was the first one to open one eye.


"Yes?" he croaked out.


"Are you going to murder us?" He croaked again. Since it was still dark, I must be sure he doesn't know who I am.


"No, unless I want to. Now get your lazy up and wake up Zelo. There's an urgent meeting in the living room," I instructed. I helped Jongup on his feet, which was a feat because he weighs about a hundred pounds. Jongup started slapping Zelo awake as I went out of their room. I skipped to the living room to see four sleepy beings and a hyper one.


"So, where are Zelo and Jongup?" Jaehwa asked.


"They're coming. But now let's just tell them," I said as I sat down beside Daehyun. I was still pretty sleepy so I laid my head on Daehyun's shoulder.


"So, why did you interrupt our beauty sleep?" Himchan asked Jaehwa. I snorted, beauty sleep my .


"We woke you up early because you have a fansign meeting to go to. And after that, you'll need to perform, and then more fansign meetings. Your manager called me up and told me all of these things and also told me to wake you guys up," Jaehwa explained. Right then, Zelo and Jongup showed up and sat beside me.


"Yeah, but we could wake up on the next hour and still get there on time," Youngjae countered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.


"You could, but you can't," Jaehwa replied sadly.


"You see, your stylists are sick today. And, your manager told me that to get you there on time, you guys need to get up early because only two people will do your makeup, pick your outfits and other stuff like that," I said for Jaehwa. They looked at me suspiciously.


"Then who are the stylists?" Jongup asked. The others nodded in agreement.


"They are us," Jaehwa answered Jongup's question simply.


"Wait, wait, WAIT. You guys are doing our hair and makeup?!" Zelo asked incredulously.


"Yes, problem?" I grinned at each of them, taking in the satisfaction of their faces which were plastered in a horrific state.


"But do you guys know anything about makeup? I mean, I can see you don't use makeup because you are already pretty, but how about us?" Yongguk asked, looking Jaehwa. Jaehwa blushed at what he said, but tried to keep her cool.


"We can put makeup pretty decently," I said in a defensive voice.


"Well, okay then. Who's first?" Yongguk rubbed his hands together and looked around s. No one raised their hands. I rolled my eyes and looked at Jaehwa. We were thinking the same thing.


"Come here Himchan, I'm going to make you pretty." I grabbed Himchan's hand and led him towards the kitchen where there are chairs. Jaehwa did a different approach. She asked on who would want her to put makeup on them. Of course, about two or three people raised their hands. 


What am I then?! A scary killer? I sat Himchan down on the chair and took out the makeup supplies that me and Jaehwa set on the kitchen. Then I realized the boys haven't took a bath yet. I rounded them up and told them to go take a bath before we make them pretty, I scolded some for not reminding me. Once they were all washed and changing in their rooms, I went over to Jaehwa who was looking at an ornament.


"So, nice trick the manager did on them, huh?" I grinned evilly as Jaehwa chuckled.


"I must say it was pretty cool." Jaehwa smiled.


See, the stylists were not sick. They were taking a vacation. So, the manager told us to do their makeup so we can get closer to the boys. Each of them returned to the living room freshly washed. I folded my sleeves and pushed Himchan inside the kitchen. I pinned up his hair so it won't fall to his eyes yet. I applied light powder, and all the other chizz you need to make an ulzzang pretty.


Halfway through, I decided on taking pictures. I photographed Jaehwa putting makeup on Yongguk, Jongup and Zelo making a heart, Daehyun and Youngjae goofing around, I even photographed Himcan who was sitting on the counter with his arms and legs crossed.


"Minhwa! Let's take a picture together," Zelo said after I photographed Jaehwa and Youngjae together.


"Er, okay." I shrugged. I handed the camera to Jongup as Zelo positioned himself beside me. First, we struck a cool pose, with peace signs and things like that. Then we started getting funnier. Zelo carried me on his back, we were back to back, holding up our finger guns, we did funny faces, and one I even pinched his cheeks.


"Well that was fun," I commented, actually smiling. I ruffled up Zelo's straight hair. It was weird on him, I like Ramen Head better.


"I'll go upload this," Jongup said, dashing to his and Zelo's room.


"Do you think the fans would like it, or would they want to trample me and Jaehwa to death?" I asked worriedly as I stared at the path Jongup took to go to his room.


"I'm sure the Babies won't mind. Now, let's get you to curl my hair." Zelo smiled and grabbed my hand. He sat on of the chairs and gestured me to start.


I picked up every bundle of straight hair Zelo had and curled it. After it looked Ramen Head worthy, I put the curling iron down and stared at my work. I grinned and put my hands on my hips. I'm pretty good with this makeup and curling hair thing.


"Now, let's get you into your outfits!" I stated happily. We had each of them try an outfit. Of course, they had to be the same, so the six had to try on everything. After a number of outfits, screaming and laughing later, we settled for a long sleeved baggy black t-shirt, baggy army pants, and red suspenders. 


We took some more pictures and then we started eating breakfast.


"Jongup can cook, but who can help him?" Yongguk pointed at Jongup who was ready to start cooking. He even wore a pink apron.


"I can." I raised my hand. I went over to Jongup and started helping him make breakfast.


"So, what do they want to eat?" I asked enthusiastically.


"They really love Ddeokbokki. We can eat it at breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday." Jongup laughed like there was an inside joke.


"Then let's make it," I responded, getting all the tools out of the cupboard. Jongup started taking out the fresh rice cakes as I washed the utensils.


I forgot an utensil in the cupboard and went back to get it. I tried reaching it, even tipti-toeing, but I still couldn't get it. I sighed and frustration and settled for a jump when two hands reached the bowl inside the cupboard. I turned around to see Zelo holding the bowl I wanted to get.


"Er, thanks," I said awkwardly.


"No problem. Anything else?" Zelo flashed a winning smile. I couldn't help but laugh at his childishness.


"No, nothing more. Thanks again." I patted his shoulder and went back to Jongup who was already done with the Ddeokbokki.


We put them on each bowl, five rice cakes in each, and served them to the members and Jaehwa. They dug in as if they haven't eaten in forty days.


"That, was amazing," Himchan commented as he finished his.


"Yes, thanks Jongup, you too Min." Daehyun winked at me as I blushed scarlet. I only cleaned the bowls and utensils.


"Now, shall we get going?" Youngjae asked all of us. We all nodded and got our bags and headed out to the black van. I was surprised to see about fifty fans crowding the path towards the van. Security guards held them back as we tried to get there without hurting ourselves. 


Some gave me death glares; some did the "I'll kill you later" sign at me. I ignored them all. I could beat them any day, but these are Babies, fans of B.A.P. And besides, I don't get provoked that easily. We made it to the van safely and sped away. Some fans followed us with their taxis.


"Wow, they're persistent," I commented. There were about five taxis circling us.


"Yeah, well." Youngjae shrugged as he waved to a fan. After an hour, we arrived at the fansigning. The workers there helped us set up the big board and the table where the six members sat. 


Fans quickly lined up, holding magazines, cd's, etc.. I and Jaehwa decided to circle the mall, since the fansigning was held there. We went to the skating rink. We paid for the entrance fee and got our shoes.


Jaehwa grumbled, knowing that she can't skate; I helped her on the ice and left her with the railings. I started skating, turning, and doing flips in the air. I'm good at these things. I continued skating, and stopping sometimes to help Jaehwa who was still struggling. 


I taught her how to march first, and then how to glide. And soon enough, she was gliding and turning like me. We actually held a contest on who was faster, she won, surprisingly. I sat on the ice, making snow when someone snuck up on me from behind.




"AHH!" I screamed and tried to jump up. Then I noticed that I was trying to jump up on ice, which made me fall hard. I rubbed my bum as I stood up slowly. I was going to murder whoever scared me. Turns out, it was Himchan who scared me. I was surprised to see him here. 


"What the hell are you doing here, Chan?" I asked as I skated over to him.


"We finished our fansign meeting. I called Jaehwa to ask where you guys were, and she told us that you guys were skating. So, why not join?" Himchan smiled, skating backwards. I rolled my eyes.


"Show off," I muttered as I skated with him. He was good also in skating, but he didn't know any flips and tricks yet, which I gleefully did as he watched in envy.


"Where are the others?" I asked, skating slowly.


"Oh, they're over there, with Jaehwa." Himchan pointed behind me. 


Yongguk and Himchan were the only ones who knew how to skate. The rest were hopeless. Youngjae feel down, cursed really loud that earned skaters looking at him weirdly, and did not get back up. He just sat there like a kid having a tantrum. I laughed and skated towards him.


"Can't skate huh?" I teased, bending down so I could talk to him properly.


"Ha ha. Very funny. Now help me up," he instructed, frowning. I helped him up to the railings. I taught him how to march, and how to glide. Soon, he can skate already. I left him and went over to the others. Jongup was already taught by Jaehwa, and Himchan was assisting Daehyun. 


So, all there's left is the maknae who was clinging on the railings for dear life.


"Come on, I'll teach you," I said reassuringly. Zelo casted me a look, but I was serious. I held his left hand and taught him everything I knew about basic skating. He didn't get it fast like the others, but he was greatly progressing. Just, slowly.


"See? You can skate. Just slide one foot after another, and soon you'll be skating like your hyungs," I said, smiling at him.


"You really know how to teach others," Zelo complimented. I shrugged.


"I like teaching," I said absentmindedly. 


We skated for a few minutes, and soon Zelo was about to skate on his own. I tried to remove my hand from his, but he still clung to it.


"I'm still scared to fall," he admitted shyly, looking on the ice.


"Awwwww" I thought. He was too cute. Then my dreamy expression turned into a horrific one. WHAT?! I thought Zelo was cute?! Well he is, but I don't like him THAT way! Or do I? Why am I even thinking about this?!


"Zelo-" I was cut off by sudden impact.


Turns out, Zelo tripped over a bump in the ice and fell down, and since he was holding my hand tightly, I went down with him. We rolled once, groaning in pain. I was on top of him, trying to stand up. The ice was to cold so I settled for trying to sit up.


"Are you okay, Min?" Zelo asked, wincing from the pain of falling down.


"Yeah, sure, I get this all the time." I tried to shrug it off, pass it off as nothing. Zelo took one look from my weary face and burst out laughing. 


"Yah! Why are you laughing like that?!" I asked loudly, though I was not mad. I was laughing along with him. I must've looked like a zombie now.


"Your face was priceless. I wish I had a camera." Zelo wiped a tear from his eye. He stood up and helped me up. I brushed the ice off his Ramen Head as he brushed the ice from my shoulders.


I stopped brushing the ice off when I realized what I was doing. I stared into his concentrating eyes, because he was still brushing the ice off my shoulders. They were liquid black, and even though he wasn't looking at me, I felt compelled to look at him. I leaned forward to examine his eyelashes.


Zelo realized what I was doing and stopped whatever he was doing. He stared at me too, completely blank, without emotion. He was focusing on my eyes too.


He leaned forward, as I did too. Then out of freaking nowhere, Daehyun ad Jongup appeared, scaring the living daylights out of me and Zelo.


"Whoa! What are you two doing?" Jongup teased as Daehyun whistled. I chased them around the rink, determined to kill them. The two laughed as I tried to catch them. I shouldn't have asked Jaehwa if we chose the right decision. I looked over to Zelo, to Jongup and Daehyun, to Himchan and Yongguk and Youngjae and Jaehwa. I knew in my heart that I made the right decision. 

And Chapter 5 is up! I personally liked this chapter. Leave your opinions in the comments~! :)

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?