Chapter 3

Twins' Adventure


"Check that out." Jaehwa nudged my shoulder and nodded behind me. I turned around to see boys checking out one of the girls in her swimsuits. The girl, however, was not embarrassed. Heck, she was practically showing her off to some of the guys.


"And? Do you WANT me to be like that?" I asked my sister sarcastically.


"No, not really. Just something to boost you up for the day," Jaehwa responded, smiling. I stared at her. She left her cellphone in B.A.P's car and she was worried for like a second.


And here I am, trying to think of a plan to get it back. There's something wrong in both of us.


"Yeah well, thanks for trying," I said back as I put on my goggles. I went to the edge of the swimming pool with one of the other girls and boys. We dived together and started swimming. And of course, as always, Jongmin was first. She's one of my friends in the swim team. I was second to Jongmin. She started swimming back and I followed her lead. 


I and she reached the other side of the swimming pool first. So we got out and dried ourselves.


"Nice swimming," Jongmin commented.


"You too," I replied. One of the things I like about her, she's almost like me. But minus the proud and cocky part. The other swimmers got out of the water and started drying themselves also. I went over to Jaehwa who was eating French fries. I got one from her and laid my towel beside her chair. I sat on it and drank water.


All was peaceful, coach told us to take a break. Just then, a bunch of people came piling in, which irritated me. I do NOT like loud places. Except for performances and concerts, I can bear that. But this group was loud and clumsy. They kept making jokes, shouting and lame stuff like that. I wanted to leave, but I had another hour to finish. 


A scream filled the whole room, and next was a big splash. I searched for the incident. Then I saw the huge group laughing and someone inside the pool. The person was flailing their arms like they suddenly thought of a brilliant way to fly that's why they jumped in the water and started flapping their arms. I ran over to the huge group.


"Who's in there?!" I shouted at them. They were STILL laughing.


"Oh, we pushed our friend in the water. It was just a joke! He can't swim though," A dude answered.


Clearly, he was the leader of the group because no one talked after him. And clearly, he was the stupidest person in the group. Again, low tolerances for people like him. I punched him in the gut hard. Then I took of my slippers and dived. I didn't need goggles, though it was required when we swim, so I opened my eyes underwater and searched for the drowning boy.


He was positively unconscious, so I grabbed his arm and hauled him on my back. I swam upwards. I thanked myself for the hours and hours of training, which made me stronger. I was able to put him on shore as Jaehwa helped us. We laid the boy on the ground. As far as I can tell, he's not breathing.


"Minhwa, do something!" Jaehwa suddenly said in panic. I racked my brain for something that could save him. I'm not a freaking lifeguard, how the hell am I going to do this?! Then I thought of a crazy idea.


I pinched the boy's nose tilted his head upward, opened his mouth, and started breathing hair into his lungs. I did that about three times, then I placed my hands on his chest and started pumping. I didn't remember how many pumps per minute, so I pumped hard. After a few seconds, he coughed out water and moaned. The group started clapping, but stopped when I gave them a dirty look.


This boy was not my problem, but he clearly is now because I saved his life.


"Are you okay?" Jaehwa asked softly. The boy opened his eyes a little bit and stared at me and Jaehwa.


"Am I seeing double?" He croaked. I laughed and stood up.


"No, we're twins. Minhwa saved your life." Jaehwa gestured to me.


"No need to thank me. But next time, don't hang out with guys like these." I jerked my thumb at the big group. They didn't even look abashed. 


"Dude, it was a joke! I didn't mean to kill you or anything." The leader said, laughing. His followers laughed uneasily. Jaehwa helped the boy stand. He limped over to the leader and stared at him straight in the eye.


"Next time you decide to play a joke on me, please think twice." He punched him in the gut, the same way I did, then pushed the leader in the water. The leader didn't know how to swim. Great, I wasn't saving him. I continued walking towards the place I sat awhile ago. 


Jaehwa was with the boy, talking avidly with him. She led him towards me.


"He says thanks." Jaehwa smiled.


"Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would be dead right now." The boy smiled sadly. I shrugged, not really caring.


"Yeah, sure. Whatever," I replied.


"Sorry for my sister's behavior, she's just-"


"Different? Unique? Expressive? Then please say thanks to her mother for me. I thought I'd never meet a girl like her. All those annoying ones? Boring to death. I could have wringed myself to death, and they would still be talking about where they got their nails done." The boy rolled his eyes and sat beside me.


"Huh. So you're one of the realistic and normal ones?" I asked. Some people like him were still alive, some turned into lifeless zombies.


"Yep. I think I'm the last of my kind." The boy snorted.


"Your name?" I asked, standing up again.


"Choi Jung Hee. You can call me by Junghee." The boy nodded. He didn't offer to shake my hand. Now, where are people like him? Seriously, this world could use a lot of Junghees.


"Well, I have swim practice. Nice meeting you Junghee. Till we meet again," I said. I went towards the edge of the pool, where Jongmin was at.


"So, do you plan on saving lives now?" She joked.


"Maybe." I smiled at her. 




"It's dance party time!" I screamed as I danced like a mad man as we traveled to the Dance Dome, or DD for short.


"Of all the practices, you look forward to this one?" Jaehwa asked.


"Yep, why?" I asked curiously.


"Nothing. I'll be able to practice too," Jaehwa added happily.


"Did you bring a book?" I asked.


"Yeah, as usual, why?" Jaehwa asked.


"Don't tell me you're going to read?" Jaehwa gave a look of surprise, with a hint of mock. I shouldered her.


"No. Just didn't want you to be bored," I replied.


"Carry me on your back." Jaehwa insisted. I shrugged as she jumped on my back. 


After thirty minutes of laughing, joking and arguing on whose looks better, Taemin or Jonghyun, we arrived at the DD. It was not really a dome, just a regular dance house with mirrors and a wooden floor. We stepped inside and the light. It was the same as always. Empty chips and sodas were on the corner, music sheets and a guitar sat on the other corner, fluffy pillows and blankets lay on the floor, and a small TV was set up. This was basically our second home.


I changed into my dance clothes, just a regular oversized t-shirt, baggy pants and high cut shoes. Jaehwa then took out her music sheets and guitar from the corner and started playing music. I got out the boom box and turned the volume down, since my sister was practicing. I started dancing, just basic moves, no hard ones yet. Need to get in the mood first. 


I was trying to do a continuous back flip when there was a knock on the door. Jaehwa casted me a suspicious look. No one knew about this place. No one except me, Jaehwa and my mom. I peeked through the key hole and saw five humans standing outside. There was a black van parked in front of the DD. I groaned, knowing them.


"It's them," I said, going back to dancing. Jaehwa was puzzled but then it dawned on her. She peeked on the keyhole and then opened the door.


I silently cursed, then turned around to greet the guests. The boys looked around, impressed with the place. It was Yongguk who noticed my displeasure.


"Sorry to disturb you," he apologized.


"Disturbed? I think we made her life interesting. If you ask me-"


"But no one's asking you, right?" I cut him off. Himchan went red and tried to charge me when Zelo held him back.


"Lay off hyung please?" Zelo pleaded.


"Hah! Until he stops feeling like the spotlight's on him all the time," I replied, balling up my fists. Zelo let go of Himchan. And glared at me.


"Spotlight? You think you're so good in everything, but you're not," Zelo said menacingly.


"I only boast because I AM good in some things. Please get that through your thick skull," I responded. Jaehwa furrowed her eyebrows and went over to me, ready to hold me back.


"Oh, so you think you're good in everything? Dance battle. Now," Zelo challenged.


"Fine," I agreed. 


I and Zelo positioned ourselves opposite of each other. Daehyun played the music on the boom box. I started dancing. I was in hyper mode. Every move came automatically, there were no second thoughts, it just came. It was Zelo's turn. I admit, he can beat me if he's as hyper as me. He did pretty good dance moves, some I would even like to learn. It continued for an hour.


I and he danced at the same time. The others were judges. The boom box switched to tango mode. And as the saying goes, "It takes two to tango."


So Zelo grabbed my waist and my other hand as I grabbed his shoulder. You might think we made peace there. But, we were really trying to hurt each other. He spun hard, so I lost the world for a moment, but regained my sight on time to not fall. I pushed him on the chest, went over to him, pressed myself and slid down fast into split. No way could he beat that.


The boom box battery died, so we had nothing. The dance battle was over. I looked over to the stunned faces.


"So, who won?" I asked harshly.


"No one. You both were good that we can't decide," Youngjae said calmly. I blew the hair out of my eyes.


"That's it? Then all this was worthless," I said back. I started to get my bag when Zelo stopped me.


"Stop boasting about your talent. That's why people are afraid to go near you. You don't accept them if they're not worthy of you. If you stop this attitude, you might actually get some friends. You don't let anyone inside. It's always about you," Zelo said, piercing his eyes in mine.


This was impossible. How could he know all of that when he doesn't know my past?


"So, you think you know me now? So you know the reason behind on why I'm like this? Why I'm closed? Why it has to be always about me and not anyone else? Do you know the reason?" I asked, well, more like demanded. Zelo shook his head.


"No. So stop acting like you know me when you actually don't," My voice cracked at the end. I hated talking about this.


"If you're done, then goodbye," I said. Without another word, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the dance house. 


I didn't wait for anyone. I broke out into a run, not caring where I went.


Jaehwa’s Point of View


"I didn't mean it," Zelo said uncertainly as the others comforted him.


"Well, you set her right." Himchan grumbled. Unlike my sister, I didn't start saying mean words. I'm more of a peacemaker.


"Do you know where she'll end up?" Yongguk asked worriedly. I sighed.


"She'll be fine," I replied.


"I'm so sorry, I was just caught up by her, I'm really sorry," Zelo apologized.


"It's okay. But you did say all the things she possessed. She's boastful, proud and annoying sometimes. But I should gave advised you to not say things like that in front of her," I said.


"Then how do you stand her?" Himchan asked.


"I love my sister. That's how I stand her attitude. I know her past, and it isn’t pretty. She's like that because she couldn't accept her past yet. Please don't give her a hard time. She's one of the people who actually like me. She doesn't tease me, she cooks me food, and she’s loving and caring. I don't want to lose her yet. Please, don't. Just, lay off her." Tears started to stream down my face. I wiped it away hastily. 


Most of the boys looked awkward. But Jongup came over and hugged me. On other circumstances, I would have been screaming like a typical fangirl. But now, I'm just happy that someone hugged, knowing I needed one. I pulled out of the hug, wiping my tears.


"How'd you find us anyway?" I asked normally. The others were relieved that I stopped crying. They smiled at me.


"Your phone has this address. So we searched for it." Daehyun gave me back my phone.


I checked it if it was alright.


"Did you guys check my phone?" I asked. They all looked guilty. I smiled and patted their heads. Even Himchan and Yongguk's.


"We didn't mean to," Himchan apologized.


"Nah, it's okay," I said, smiling.


"We were thinking.....we would like to be your friends. You girls are REALLY different from the girls we met along the way. We would like to be normal for most of the time. But sometimes, we lose the idea of how to be normal kids. So, we were wondering. Do you want to live with us in the dorm?" Yongguk asked.


All the things he said was surprising, though he said it all calmly. It would be cool living with them. I'm sure mom would like it, because she has two grown kids, and that could be a nightmare. The only one I need to convince is Minhwa. That was the challenge.


"We have to convince Minhwa," I said uncertainly. Yongguk said.


"We thought about that. Thoroughly. We were wondering if you knew anything Minhwa wanted, we can provide it," Yongguk stated.


I tapped my chin, thinking. The only thing that could get Minhwa on their side was the only thing I haven't done yet. I smiled mischievously. The members backed away quickly.


"Whoa, why?" I asked.


"It's look exactly like Minhwa when you smiled like that," Jongup said. I smiled, I hope normally.


"I get that a lot. Operation to get Minhwa on the good side is activated!" I announced, my eyes glittering with excitement.

I hoped you guys liked this chapter :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?