Chapter 11

Twins' Adventure


“So, who’s going to compete first?” Jongup asked us. Yongguk and Himchan were in front of the coach, sitting together. Youngjae and Daehyun were talking avidly about something beside BangHim. I sat at far left of the coach as Jaehwa seated beside me, seated beside Zelo, and seated beside Jongup. “Rock paper scissors?” I suggested. We all agreed and did rock paper scissors.


After a few minutes of confusing rock paper and scissors, a bunch of cursing and yelling, we settled with two teams since we were eight in all. Me, Himchan, Daehyun and Jongup versus Jaehwa, Zelo, Youngjae and Yongguk.


It was Me versus Jaehwa. Since we didn’t have a Wii back home, they had to teach us how to steer and use the mystery box weapons. We did pretty well in our first cup, which was Banana Cup. Jaehwa beat me. She was first as I was….twelfth place. Sad. Anyway, one point for Jaehwa’s team.


Next was Himchan versus Zelo. Zelo won by one point. Daehyun versus Youngjae. Daehyun and Youngjae had tied scores, so there was a game later after Jongup and Yongguk. Jongup won. So, to settle a score between Daehyun and Youngjae, Himchan suggested a game.


“Okay. First, you two will do the elephant nose while turning around twenty times. After that, you have to answer a question about Korea. Arrasseo?” Himchan said. Daehyun and Youngjae both nodded together. “Challengers, please shake hands. “Daehyunnie…you know that I still..” Youngjae broke off, as we laughed at his dramatic line. “Hana, tul, set!” Himchan raised his hand, signaling the game began.


Daehyun and Youngjae spun twenty times and then stopped. The rules was that the opposing team will asked the other team a question. “When was the country Goryeo founded?” Jaehwa asked Daehyun. I prayed to everything that he got it right. “The year 918?” Daehyun answered uncertainly.


Jaehwa sighed in defeat and nodded. I cheered along with my team. “Our turn. What’s the capital of South Korea?” I asked Youngjae. He thought for a moment and answered, “Pyongyang, Seoul” He answered confidently.


I nodded and Jaehwa’s team cheered.  We all agreed that the tie could not be broken and we decided to just eat the food Youngjae brought. Himchan muttered something like, “Pasta betrayer” but dug in the chips and softdrinks like the others.


We joked and laughed and generally had a good time. I smiled at everyone, even Jongup. I don’t know why people consider them to be gods or something like that. These six dorks were the weirdest, most fun people I have ever met. I looked at Jaehwa to see her smiling along with the others. As long as we were both happy, everything will be fine.




I groaned. I should’ve brought my own lunch. Cafeteria food was NOT appetizing. I just got fruits and went over to my table. Oh wait, I didn’t have a table. Because if you sat in a random place, you might not know that, that was the place for the elite singers, or the nerdy actors.


You have to be careful on where you sit. Why? Because of High School. I wished High School was like middle school. You can sit anywhere you like, talk to anyone, sing and dance with anyone.


But in High School, it was all freaking different. I scanned the room for Jaehwa. I sighed when I didn’t find her. She must be practicing in the practice room. Since you’re not allowed to bring food in the practice room, I looked around quickly. I sat an empty table right in the middle, and made a run for it.


I sat down happily an started biting into an apple when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around slowly, still chewing my apple. It was the girl who kept on answering Mr. Kang’s question. She has black, wavy hair, a heart shaped face with matching lips and a curvy body. It took me two seconds to realize that I was in trouble.


“Yes?” I asked in a bored voice. Perfect Princess smiled at me with cold eyes. “Sweetie, you’re seating on the table of Seoul Singers.” Perfect Princess, Choi Minhee, said coldly. I raised an eyebrow. “And?” I asked again. “Do you know how much trouble we can bring you?” Minhee asked sweetly. I grinded my teeth together.


“Your point?” I growled. She just smirked and stood up on my table. “People! This girl thinks she can beat me in an octave contest!” She shouted. The students turned their heads around to look at our table. I tried not to sink on the floor. “Well, tough girl. Why don’t you get up and challenge me?” Minhee taunted.


Her taunt was enough. “Fine. I’ll prove it to you that I’ll win.” I snarled, slamming my hands on the table, standing up. Minhee smirked and started with a low “Do.” I countered with “Re.” And on it went. Until I can feel my vocal cords straining from the effort. “Ti.” Minhee sang in a high, clear voice. I swallowed and sang, “Do!” My voice cracked when I sang it.


Minhee smiled at me as the whole cafeteria laughed at my humiliation. No matter how I wanted to kill Minhee, I tried to stay cool, which was a huge feat since I tried hard not to cry. I can hear the cafeteria laughing at me defeat.


All I wanted to do was to sink on the ground and never be seen again. Then, my savior came. “HEY! What the hell did you do to my sister?!” A voice that belonged to Jaehwa demanded. I whipped around to see her storm inside the cafeteria, eyes full of anger. If Jaehwa was angry, it was not a pretty sight.


Minhee chuckled. “Tell your sister over here to not act as though she’s good in everything, when she can’t even beat me in a high note contest.” Minhee replied loudly. The cafeteria didn’t laugh. They hear Jaehwa sing one time inside class. Minhee was absent that day, so she was not feeling intimidated.


“Fine. Octave contest. Now.” Jaehwa said through gritted teeth. Minhee started confidently. Then she faltered after a couple of notes as she heard Jaehwa sing. Jaehwa’s voice was ten times more powerful than Minhee. She didn’t flaunt her vocal ability like Minhee did. Soon, Minhee couldn’t anymore compete and backed down.


The cafeteria cheered for Jaehwa, but she didn’t look satisfied. Minhee tried to regain some pride and told her group, “Seoul Singers”, to follow her. As she passed me, she whispered in my ear. “So, how does it feel like to be second best to your sister?” Minhee grinned evilly and continued walking.


My whole body shook with anger. And it was because she struck a nerve. Jaehwa was clearly better in singing than me. And I was better in dancing. No one bragged about their talents. Suddenly, I felt bitter, not happy because Jaehwa saved me.


“Look Minhwa-“ “Just shut up, Jaehwa. I don’t need you fighting my battles for me.” I snarled at her as I turned my back to the whole student body and ran out of the cafeteria.


Let’s just say that the whole day was not as enjoyable. I avoided looking and talking to Jaehwa, no matter how hard she tried to talk to me. Me and Jaehwa walked home together as always, though I kept a fair distance. She tried hugging me, but I shrugged her off.


“What’s your problem?!” She finally cracked, pulling me to face her as we stood outside of the dorm. I smiled coldly. “Finally cracked, eh Princess? Finally stopped being perfect?” I asked in a taunting voice. “What do you mean by that?” She demanded.


“I mean you always get the spotlight! You were the one who fought Minhee! Not me! And-!”


“Whoa! Okay! Hold up! I fought Minhee for you because you were going to be humiliated!”


“So you decided to humiliate me more, did you?!”

“I saved you!”


“You made I worse!”




“Why the hell are you shouting?!” I heard Youngjae asked irritated, looking at each of us. I crossed my arms and huffed and Jaehwa did the same. “Ask Ms. Perfect over there.” I rolled my eyes at Jaehwa. ‘Whoa, perfect? You know, I shouldn’t have saved you!” “Yeah?! You should’ve thought about that awhile ago when you decided to humiliate me!” “I did NOT humiliate you!” “You did! You dimwit!” “You’re the idiot here!” “Why the hell do you have to brag your talent around?!” “Whoa! Coming from the idiot that brags about herself all the time!”


“I-!” “Both of you, shut up!” Youngjae cut us off. I turned my back to Jaehwa. “Why are you fighting?” Youngjae asked more calmly. “I told you ask Ms. Perfect over there.” I jabbed my finger at my sister. “How about, you ask Ms. Pride instead?” Jaehwa countered. “Oh why I ought to-!” “Yongguk!” Youngjae yelled from the doorway.


Yongguk and Himchan hurried over to see us bickering. Yongguk carried me away from Jaehwa as Himchan held Jaehwa back. Yongguk threw me on the coach and held me from killing Jaehwa. “Why are you fighting?” He demanded. He used his scary voice, so I stopped making a fuss. “It’s none of your business.” I muttered, pushing him away. I ran to mine and Jaehwa’s room and banged the door shut.


I went over to the picture that was placed near my bedside table. It was a picture of me and Jaehwa when we were eight. We were on the park, sitting on the grass and laughing with each other. I looked at it for a full minute, and threw the picture on the trash. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, yearning to forget everything that happened today. 


A/N: So, back after two days hiatus! Sorry, I got writer's block :P Anyway, two chapters for today! I hope you guys are wondering how will the sisters make their truce. I'll think of a way. Haha, but for now, Chapter 11 :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?