
Twins' Adventure

"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG" A girl beside me kept on chanting. I sighed and shook my head. Even though I am a huge fan of the groups that are coming today, you don't see me chanting like psychotic human being.

"Oh lighten up, Min. Are you not excited too?" Jaehwa, my twin sister, said nudging my shoulder.

"Yeah, but I don't waste my breathe saying OMG." I retorted. The girl who was chanting gave me the stink eye. I hope her eyes stay that way. The auditorium was full of talks. No one stayed quiet for a long time, no matter how many times the rprincipal tried to shush us. Me and Jaehwa attend Seoul Arts School, or S.A.S for short. I dance, while she sings. 


Even though we're separated by our classes and interest, we're always there for each other, helping the other one when she's in trouble. Comforting her when she's sad or hurt. Jaehwa is usually bubbly and friendly, I'm more reserved. People say that I boast too much. Well, that's their problem, not at all mine.

"How many hours will this last? I'd like to go back to practicing." I said loudly, though it's intended for only my sister.

"Oh shut up Minhwa! Why'd you even come in the first place? Shouldn't you just stay in your dance house? I thought you already made a home there." Jinwon, a girl I despised, shouted at me from the front row. She wore a miniskirt, as always, enough makeup to paint the whole school, and a heart shaped face. Perfect body as always.


"May I please diss her just this one time." I hissed under my breathe, sending my glares towards Jinwon.

"Violence is not always the answer, Minhwa. You can control your feelings. Just at least try." Jaehwa advised.

"You don't get teased." I complained. To my surprise, she laughed.

"I don't get teased? Then you didn't see me getting teased in my music class." Jaehwa patted my shoulder. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at the stage where the principal helped the workers there to set up the speakers. 


After another hour, the stage were ready and the students were dead quiet.

"Students, today special guests are going to perform on this stage. No shouting, no cussing, and just behave yourselves please." The principal tried to act stern, though he knows that with the right encouragment, the students will shout, cuss and misbehave like the crazy persons they were.

"First performer today.......SHINee!" As the principal said the S-word, the crowd cheered so loud the principal stumbled backward which I had to laugh at.

"You're mean." Jaehwa accused, though she was also laughing.

"It's called a different sense of humor." I replied, as my eyes twinkled with delight while the workers helped the principal of the stage.


SHINee came out from the backstage and greeted their fans. Every single girl in the area screamed their lungs off. The few boys that boo'ed were drowned out by the fangirls screams. SHINee performed Lucifer, Replay and Sherlock. They said goodbye and went backstage once more. Most of us stood on our chairs, cheering and chanting. Next was, B1A4. The crowd went wilder, chanting the members' names. B1A4 did Beautiful Target, OK and Baby I'm Sorry. I admit, I cheered for each on of them, but when Baro and Gongchan started singing, I cheered the loudest. 


"So, you ARE happy." Jaehwa teased.

"Oh shut up Jaehwa!" I said in the same voice Jinwon did. Jaehwa laughed at my display. I smiled at her. No group or group member could replace Jaehwa in my heart. After B1A4 went off stage, B.A.P was next. I thought only a few will recognize the new rookie group. I thought wrong. I though my eardrums would pop from the high-pitched screech of the Babies, B.A.P fans. Me and Jaehwa are Babies too, but we don't scream like maniacs. B.A.P performed Warrior and Secret Love.  At the end of their song, I thought they were going offstage like the others. And again, I thought wrong. 


"For the fans, we would like to hold a small contest. Who can sing?" Yongguk asked the screaming crowd. Most of the girls raised their hands, even the ones I know who definitely can't sing raised their hands up high. I snorted, good luck getting humiliated. Jaehwa didn't raise her hand. I gave her puzzled look as she just shrugged. Yongguk scanned the crowd, and looked straight into Jaehwa's eyes. Yongguk suddenly smiled and whispered to the members.


"Oh no, did you just see that?!" Jaehwa whispered loudly. The others started noticing too, on how Yongguk smiled and whispered.

"Guess you're up, Jae." I said, nudging her shoulder like she did with mine.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening. I-I'm not good in singing. I-"

"You there! What's your name?!" Himchan shouted and asked at the same time at Jaehwa who sat frozen on her seat. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Her name's Jaehwa." I nodded and sat back down.

"Thank you. Jaehwa, would you come up this stage please?" Himchan asked politely.


Though I knew all the fans that didn't get picked would be furious, they chanted Jaehwa's name. I knew they were waiting for her to mess up on stage, to embarrass herself. A dream that will never come true. Jaehwa stood up and walked up the stage like a zombie.

"Good. Now, me and Yongguk here issued a small contest. The contest is called 'Who can hit high notes better than Daehyun and Youngjae?'" Himchan announced. The crowd screamed in delight.


Jongup passed a mic to Jaehwa.

"So, you think you could beat Daehyunie here?" Jongup asked playfully. Jaehwa shook her head vigorously. I rolled my eyes yet again. My sister is dreadfully blind to her amazing talent, so I stood up again.

"She can sing. She can beat Daehyun and Youngjae." I said loud and clear. Jinwon and the other girls gave me death glares. I cared less. I sat back down, cocking an eyebrow at B.A.P's stunned faces.

"If your friend there who looks exactly like you says that you can beat Daehyun and Youngjae, let's test it shall we?" Himchan smiled and gestured Daehyun to stand next to Jaehwa.


"To determine who can hit a higher note, we'll do an octave contest. Let's start from Do, and it ends when one of you can't make a high note. Start!" Himchan said as the crowd cheered.

"Do" Daehyun started low. The crowd cheered in encouragement. For Daehyun of course, not for Jaehwa. They think Jaehwa couldn't do a low note? Just watch. Jaehwa cleared and put the mic against her lips. "Re" She sang, remarkably low. Some cheered, and I cheered the loudest as usual.

"Looks like we have some competition here." Youngjae joked.

"Mi" Daehyun responded.

"Fa" Jaehwa sang again. It got to the point where Daehyun had to strain his voice.

"Ti!" Daehyun sang, with difficulty.

"Do" Jaehwa sang in her clear, high voice. Daehyun clearly couldn't go on.


"Looks like we have a winner!" Himchan said, sounding amazed.

"For a prize, here's a signed CD." Jongup gave Jaehwa the CD. Jaehwa went offstage and back to her seat. B.A.P called a boy from the crowd to batlle Youngjae.

"So, how was it to beat Daehyun?" I asked. Jaehwa was smiling nervously.

"It was awesome! Though I felt sorry for the guy, getting beaten by a girl." Jaehwa made a sad face. I hugged her.

"Don't worry, he won't take it personally." I joked. Jaehwa smiled again and relaxed on her sit. 


The boy can't beat Youngjae, so he went offstage empty handed.

"Next! We have another small contest! It's a dance contest. Who can dance here?" Jongup asked. And again, almost every female hand went up. I raised my hand lazily, knowing the chances of me getting picked is negative one million.

"You there! The look-a-like of Jaehwa!" Jongup pointed at me. I raised an eyebrow. The look-a-like of Jaehwa? I love my sister to death, but I like to be known by my name. They didn't ask it. So I stood.

"Are you referring to me?" I asked loudly again. Jaehwa tugged at the sleeve of my jacket.

"Minhwa, don't be rude, please." Jaehwa pleaded. I huffed. Fine, I won't.


"Yes." Jongup answered.

"I can fill in for her if she doesn't want to, Oppa!" Jinwon squeaked.

"No, we want her." Jongup declined. Jinwon pouted and sat back down, being comforted by her so called friends. I shrugged and trudged on this stage.

"So, can you dance." Jongup asked. I smirked.

"Maybe." I answered.

"Oooo" The youngest member, Zelo said.

"Are you comfortable with having a dance battle against Zelo?" Jongup asked, searching my eyes for fear. I smiled without warmth.

"Sure." I answered. Jongup beckoned Zelo forward. Zelo faced towards me, smiling. 


He was pretty tall, but I'm not that short. He was half a head taller than me. I cocked an eyebrow, unimpressed.

"Music please." Zelo said. The DJ gave a thumbs up sign and cranked up "Warrior". I rolled my eyes, figures. Zelo started with popping and locking, somethind basic, there was no threat the lay behind the steps. So, he thinks I can't dance?! Then why the heck did they call me up here in the first place?

"That was a good one. Your turn." Jongup praised and gestured me to start. 


I took off my jacket, revealing an oversized t-shirt. I tossed the jacket aside. I then closed my eyes for a moment, that's what I do before I dance. I focused my energy on my body, feeling the tips of my fingers tingling, feel the power in my feet. My body was itching to dance. I opened my eyes. Zelo looked taken aback from the sudden opening of my eyes. I smiled without humor. And then I started dancing. Not normally dance. Jaehwa and my mom would sometimes say that when I dance, it's like I'm flying. And that was when I wasn't doing flips. I let my body take control, my mind closed. My heart pumped to the beat, my hands and feet responded energetically. I finished the short dance with a back flip.


"Omo! Did you guys see that?! That was amazing!" Jongup commented.

"Zelo? Do you want to go on?" Jongup asked him. I stared hard at Zelo, waiting for his attack.

"I back down." Zelo announced. I blinked, confused. It was unlike the person I see on videos. The crowd was clearly sad, but Zelo confirmed his answer.

"Well, our maknae backed out. Here's a signed CD." Yongguk gave me the CD. I bowed at them and walked off stage.

"That was awesome! Your eyes changed again." Jaehwa said as I sat beside her. Sometimes, when I'm lost in dancing, my eyes are sometimes closed, or they change color. From darkish brown, they change to striking silver eyes. I don't know why, but it does.


"Maybe that's why they got scared." I said.

"Hmmm. Let's go home, shall we?" Jaehwa asked. I didn't notice the dispersing crowd.

"Sure." I said. I held Jaehwa's hand as we made our way towards the exit. Of course, it was way crowded because the groups were also going home. Luckily, Jaehwa found a different route that leads towards home. Jaehwa talked avidly on how the performances were amazing. I barely heard her. I was still thinking on why Zelo backed out. I know I'll never find out. But something bugged me since I wondered why he backed out. I have a feeling that I will find out why Choi Junhong backed out. 

First story guys! Hope you liked the first chapter :) 

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Chapter 30: Wait, 'friendly dates" and JR liking Minhwa?
Am I missing something?
Cause I'm pretty sure JR and Minhwa have the same Dad so that means they're half-siblings
Did they forget that or...?
Chapter 19: Hi !! Your story is good but i'm in the middle of it , its kinda confusing as suddenly jump from one person's pov to another , can you please say whose pov so that its not messed up thanks hehe :-)
This story is cute ^^
Chapter 21: OH NOOOO!!!! Zelo's first kiss was not for minhwa T.T
I love this story, I read it after I read Aish! That Jung Daehyun! ^^ please make a sequel/epilogue
delacrizzle #6
Chapter 15: well that escalated quickly lol
Chapter 38: Waaahhhhh such a good story!!! ^_^
jongty #8
Chapter 38: wahhh this story made me really emotional i can relate to minwha because i really have the same attitude as her but if only i had an amazing boyfriend or amazing idol dorky friends like her
Arizona118 #9
Chapter 38: I loved this story! I wonder if you can write a sequel?